About The Contributors 1997 Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering

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About the contributors

Michael G.H. Bell

Michael G. H. Bell has a BA in Economics from the University of Cambridge, and MSc
and PhD degrees from the University of Leeds. He joined the University of Newcastle
upon Tyne in 1984 where he is currently Professor of Transport Operations and Director
of Transport Operations Research Group. He is author of over one hundred papers in fields
related to transportation engineering, and is an Associate Editor of Transportation
Research B.

Peter W. Bonsall
Peter W. Bonsall has a Geography BA with Honours from Oxford University and a
Diploma in Town and Regional Planning. His first employment was as a Systems
Analyst with Software Sciences Ltd. He joined the staff of Leeds University as a
Research Assistant in 1974 and was seconded to work with West Yorkshire Metropolitan
County Council from 1979 to 1984. He has headed the Institute for Transport Studies'
MSc (Eng.) Programme in Transport Planning and Engineering since 1992 and became
Professor of Transport Planning in 1996. He has been author of four books, over one
hundred other publications and several items of commercially available software as well
as being a contributor to two television documentaries.

Gerald R. Leake
Gerald R. Leake graduated from the University of Birmingham with degrees in civil
engineering and traffic engineering. He worked with Freeman Fox and Partners (con-
suiting civil engineers) and Liverpool Planning Department before joining the
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Leeds, where he is Senior Lecturer. He
is a chartered Civil Engineer, a Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers and of the
Institution of Highways and Transportation.

Anthony D. May
Anthony D. May graduated with first class honours in Mechanical Sciences from
Pembroke College, Cambridge, and subsequently studied at the Bureau of Highway
Traffic at Yale University. He spent ten years with the Greater London Council, with
responsibilities for policy on roads, traffic and land use, before joining the University of
Leeds in 1977 as Professor of Transport Engineering. While at Leeds he has been
xiv About the contributors

awarded over fifty research grants and contracts, and has served as Director of the
Institute for Transport Studies, Head of the Department of Civil Engineering and Dean
of the Faculty of Engineering. He is currently Pro Vice Chancellor for Research.

Christopher A. Nash
Christopher A. Nash has a BA in Economics with First Class Honours from the
University of Reading and a PhD in Transport Economics from the University of Leeds.
He joined the staff of Leeds University in 1974 and is currently Professor of Transport
Economics in the Institute for Transport Studies. He is author or co-author of four books
and more than eighty published papers in the fields of project appraisal and transport

Coleman A. O'Flaherty
Coleman A. O'Flaherty worked in Ireland, Canada and the USA before joining the
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Leeds in 1962. He was Foundation
Professor of Transport Engineering and Foundation Director of the Institute for
Transport Studies at Leeds University before being invited to Canberra, Australia as
Chief Engineer of the National Capital Development Commission. Since retiring as
Deputy Vice-Chancellor, University of Tasmania in 1993 he has been made a Professor
Emeritus of the University and granted the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws.

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