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Standards for Electrical Design and Electrical Works

AEA 95.402: Reglamentación para Estaciones Transformadoras de la Asociación Electrotécnica

Argentina AEA 95.402 Edición 2011.
IRAM 3501: Certificación de instalaciones contra incendios. This is a certification for fire prevention
NFPA and national law No. 19.587 decree 351/79: applicable Health and Safety legislation.

IRAM Standard
 IRAM 2001 - Tensiones Eléctricas Normalizadas Argentinas e Internacionales.
 IRAM 1603 – Postes de hormigón armado para sostén de instalaciones aéreas.
 IRAM 1605 – Postes de hormigón pretensado para soporte de instalaciones aéreas.
 IRAM 2178 - Cables de energía aislados con dieléctrico sólidos extruidos para tensiones de
1,1 a 33 kV.
 IRAM 2183 – Cables con conductores aislados con PVC. Para instalaciones fijas interiores con
tensiones nominales de 450/750 V.
 IRAM 2268 - Cables con conductores de cobre aislados con material termoplástico a base de
 IRAM 2444 - Grados de protección mecánica proporcionada por las envolturas de equipos
IEC Standard
 IEC 60038 - Standard Voltages.
 IEC 60044-1.- Instrument transformers – Part 1: Current Transformers.
 IEC 60044-2 - Instrument transformers – Part 2: Voltage Transformers.
 IEC 60071-1 - Insulation coordination – Part1: Definitions, principles and rules.
 IEC 60071-2 - Insulation coordination – Part 2: Application guide.
 IEC 60076-1 - Power transformers – Part 1: General.
 IEC 60076-2 – Power transformers – Part 2: Temperature raise for liquid-inmersed
 IEC 60076-3 – Power transformers – Part 3: Insulation levels, dielectric tests and external
clearances in air.
 IEC 60076-4 – Power transformers – Part 4: Guide to the lightning impulse and switching
impulse testing.
 IEC 60076-5 – Power transformers – Part 5: Ability to withstand short circuit.
 IEC 60076-7 – Power transformers – Part 7: Loading guide for oil-immersed power
 IEC 60076-8 – Power transformers – Part 8: Application guide.
 IEC 60076-10 – Power transformers – Part 10: Determination of sound levels.
 IEC 60099-4 – Surge Arrester – Part 4. Metal-oxide surge arresters without gaps for a.c.
 IEC 60137.- Insulated bushings for alternating voltages above 1000 V.IEC 60168 – Tests on
indoor and outdoor post insulators of ceramic material or glass for systems with nominal
voltages greater than 1000 V.
 IEC 60189 – Low frequency cables and wires with PVC insulation and PVC sheath.
 IEC 60214.- Tap changers.
 IEC 60227–PVC insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450 / 750 V.
 IEC 60255-4-5 – Measuring relays and protection equipment.
 IEC 60273 – Dimensions of indoor and outdoor post insulators and post insulator unit for
systems with nominal voltage greater than 1000 V.
 IEC 60502 – Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated voltages
from 1kV up to 30 kV.
 IEC 60694 – Common specifications for high voltage switchgear and control gear standards.
 IEC 61850-3 – Communication networks and systems in substations – Part 3: General
 IEC 62271 - High Voltage switchgear and control gear.

ANSI/IEEE Standard
 ANSI/IEEE C62.11 – Standard for metal-oxide Surge Arresters for alternating current systems.
 IEEE C37.90.1 – Standard surge withstand capability (SWC). Tests for protective relays and
relay systems.
VDE/DIN Standard
 VDE 0210 – Planning and design of overhead power lines with rated voltages above 1kV.
 VDE 0292 – System for cable designation.
 DIN 1055 – EN-Action on structures.

Other Norms
 CIRSOC 201 Proyecto, cálculo y ejecución de estructuras de hormigón armado y pretensado.
 AEA 95402 Reglamentación para Estaciones Transformadoras.

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