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Conditions for a house to be the Thus, a building may be mortgage

subject of a chattel mortgage: apart from the land on which it was

a. the parties to the contract so
agree - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -
Under Art 415, the machineries must
b. no innocent 3rd party will be be installed by the owner of the
prejudiced tenement itself in order to be
considered as immovable.
- one who has so agreed is estopped
from denying the existence of the Here, the machineries were mounted
chattel mortgage by a tenant, usufructuary or any
person having only a temporary right.
An object placed on land by one who If the mortgage is registered in the
has only a temporary right to same, Registry of Property, it constitutes a
such as a lessee or usufructuary, real right over an immovable
does not become immobilized by property
- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - --
In this case, if a house belonging to a
person stands on rented land Growing crops for the purposes of
belonging to another person, it may the Chattel Mortgage Law and of a
be mortgaged as a personal property contract of sale are considered
as stipulated in the document of personal property
-------------------------- -
- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A movable property must be
registered not only in the Chattel
Under the Chattel Mortgage Law, Mortgage Register but also in the
only chattels or personalty may be office of the Collector of Customs at
object of a contract of chattel the port of entry to be considered
mortgage. immovable property.

Here, a building is certainly not a Here, although…..

chattel or personalty. It is realty by However, a steamship partakes of
incorporation. the nature of immovable when it
comes to the requirement of
- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - -- -- - - -- registration.

Under the law, the inclusion of - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

building as separate and distinct -
from land can only mean that Jurisprudence provides that a
building, by itself is an immovable property continues to be part of the
property. public domain until there is a formal
declaration on the part of the or physical possession of real
government to withdraw it from being property
such. when a person, originally in
was deprived thereof by force,
Categories of Public Property: intimidation, strategy, threat or
a. For Public Use stealth
b. For Public Service
c. For Development of National *Unlawful Detainer
Wealth -The action that must be brought
Characteristics of Public Property: possession by a landlord, vendor,
a. beyond the commerce of man vendee or
b. they cannot be acquired by other person of any land or building
prescription is being
c. they cannot be registered unlawfully withheld after the
under Torrens Title expiration or
termination of the right to hold
Patrimonial Property: possession
* The property owned by the State
w/c is not devoted to public *Accion Publiciana
use, public service, or the -Intended for the recovery of the
development of national wealth. better right to possess

* Patrimonial Property may be *Accion Reinvidicatoria

alienated -Action to recover ownership over
real property
* Patrimonial Property may be
acquired through prescription Art. 429. The owner or lawful
possessor of a thing has the right to
Conversion of Property of Public exclude any person
Domain to Patrimonial Property from the enjoyment and disposal
• Only the executive and possible the thereof.
legislative departments have the
authority and power to make the For this purpose, he may use such
declaration force as may be reasonably
necessary to repel or prevent an
Action for Recovery of Personal actual or threatened unlawful
Property physical invasion or usurpation of his
*Replevin property.

Action for Recovery of Real Art. 430. Every owner may enclose
Property or fence his land or tenements by
*Forcible Entry means of walls,ditches, live or dead
- A summary action to recover hedges, or by any other means
material without detriment to servitudes
constituted thereon. antichretic creditor gets the fruits,
although said fruits should be applied
A person who, in order to avoid an 1st to the interest, if any is owing and
evil/injury, does an act w/c causes then to the principal amount of the
damage to another does not incur loan
criminal liability provided that the
following requisites are present Art. 439. By treasure is understood,
for legal purposes, any hidden and
 The evil sought to be unknown deposit of money, jewelry,
avoided actually exists or other precious objects, the lawful
ownership of which does not appear.
 The injury feared be - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- -
greater than that done Requisites to validly be entitled to
to avoid it hidden treasure:

 There be no other a. treasure consist of mjop

practical and less b. hidden and unkown
harmful means of c. lawful ownership does not
preventing it appear
d. discovery must be by chance
Art. 442. Natural fruits are the e. discoverer must be a stranger
spontaneous products of the soil, not a trespasser
and the young and other products of ------------------------- --
Annual Crops:
Industrial fruits are those produced Have to be planted each year
by lands of any kind through
cultivation or labor. Perennial Crops
Grow each year w/o need of
Civil fruits are the rents of buildings, replanting
the price of leases of lands and other
property and
the amount of perpetual or life
annuities or other similar income.

GR: the owner of land owns the fruits

Exceptions (when it is not the
owner who owns the fruits):
1. possessor in good faith of the land
(he owns the fruits already received)
2. usufructuary
3. lessee gets the fruits of the land
(the owner gets the civil fruits in the
form rentals)
4. in the contract of antichresis, the
Outline of Accession Industrial Damages reimbursement
Art 447. B) Removal + of necessary
Damages expenses for
Owner of Land Owner of C) Compel preservation of
who BPS with Materials Price of the land
materials of Land or
another Rent +
GF: Right of GF: A) Right of Damages
Appropriation Reimbursement
Person cannot be obliged to buy the
B) Limited Right of land if it is considerably more than
Removal the value of the garage.
BF: No Right GF: A) Right of
Reimbursement +
Damages Rights of the Owner of the
B) Absolute Right
of Removal + If he acted in If he Acted in
Damages Bad Faith Good Faith
He loses his right He is entitled to
to be indemnified reimbursement
Art 448. from the BPS
Owner of Land Owner of Principally
Materials who
BPS in the If BPS is
land of insolvent,
another landowner is
GF: GF: subsidiarily
A) Right to A) If first liable.
Appropriate option
B) Right to elected:
Demand Right of - ------------------------
Price of land Reimbur --
/ Rent sement
of During period of retention, the fruits
necessa pertain to the owner of the land.
ry and
useful The law provides that only a
expense possessor in good faith is entitled to
s the fruits of the property.
B) Right of
Retentio Here, the BPS in no longer in good
n faith; he is already aware that he is
GF: BF: in possession of said property
A) Appropriatio No right except wrongfully.
n+ for
- - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 – if accessory is much more
precious than the principal thing,
During the period of retention, the the owner of the principal may
builder, planter or sower cannot be demand its separation even though
compelled to pay rental. the thing may suffer injury.

The law provides… If the accessory owner acted in

bad faith:
Here, the right of retention is a
security for the payment of the Lose thing + Damages
required indemnity.
If the principal owner acted in bad
- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - faith:

The law provides… Art 445 Payment or Separation + Damages

Here, the law does not state that

which would justify the conclusion - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -
that upon failure of the builder to pay
the value of the land, when Commixtion or Confusion
demanded by the owner, the latter
becomes automatically the owner of inseperable without injury:
the improvement.
co-owners and acquire
- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - proportional rights based on the
- value of things mixed or
Accretion does not automatically confused
become registered land just
because the land which receives it is insperable with bad faith
covered by a Torrens Title.
lose the thing owned by him +
The law provides that land must be damages
placed under the operation of
registration laws to obtain protection
of imprescriptibiliy. Specification

- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 – appropriate thing as own by

indemnifying the owner for its
1 – Owner of the principal value
acquires the accessory by
indemnifying the owner for its value 2 – if material is more precious
than the transformed thing,
2 – if they can be separated, the appropriate the new thing for himself
respective owners may demand
their separation. or
demand indemnity for the material expenses for preservation of the
thing owned in common and
3 – if artist in bad faith, taxes.
the owner of the materials may:
appropriate for himself
Under the law, a co-owner may
demand indemnity for the materials exempt himself from the payment
of these obligation provided that
damages he renounces his undivided
interest equivalent to the share in
expenses and taxes.
- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --
No waiver shall be made if it
The law provides that the share of prejudicial to the co-ownership
the co-owners in the benefits and
chargers arising from the co-
ownership shall be proportional to
their respective interest and any - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -
stipulation to the contrary shall be
void. The law provides that repairs for
preservation may be made with
the consent of one co-owner.
- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- The law states that act of
GR: interest are presumed equal alteration or ownership must be
unless the contrary is proved decided by all the co-owners.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - The law states that expenses for

The law provides that the thing embellishment / acts of
should used only: administration for the things shall
be made by the (financial)
1) in accordance to its purpose majority of the co-owners.
2) in such a way that it does not
injure the interest of the other - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -
3) in such a way that it does not The law states that each co-owner
prevent the co-owner from has full ownership of his part and
using it according to their even alienate, assign, or
rights mortgage, and substitute another
in its enjoyment except when
- ------------------------ personal rights are involved.

It is a well-settled principle that a ---------------------------

co-owner may compel the other
co-owners to contribute to the The law states that the alienation
or mortgage shall be limited to the co-owners are sold to a third
the portion that may be allotted person.
to him in the division upon - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -
termination of the co-ownership. --

- - - - - - -- - - - -- -- -- -- - - - - - - - -
The law provides that a co-owner
partition not allowed may acquire exclusive ownership
over the property owned in
The law provides that partition is common when the following
not allowed when the co-owners conditions are present:
agreed to keep the thing
undivided for 10 years. A) he clearly repudiates the
rights of the co-ownership
The law provides that partition is B) repudiation is
not allowed when the donor or communicated to co-
testator prohibited it for a period owners
not exceeding 20 years. C) evidence is clear and
The law provides that partition is D) he may be able to acquire
prohibited when it would render exclusive ownership over
the thing unserviceable for the the property after the lapse
use intended of the period prescribed by
- ------------------------ - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - -

Lease of personal property is an Possession

act of administration which
requires the consent of the Good faith – when the possessor is
majority of the co-owners. unaware that there is a flaw or defect
in his title or mode of acquisition that
However, lease of real property invalidates it.
may be an act of administration or
an act of alteration depending on Conflict Of Possession:
each particular case.
Heirarchy of preference:
In this case, if the lease is 1. present possessor
recorded in the Registry of 2. one longer in possession
Property or it exceed more than 3. one who presents a title
one year, it can be considered an 4. if all conditions are equal,
act of alteration. thing will be placed in judicial
deposit pending determination
The law provides that a co-woner
may exercise the right of
redemption in case the shares of

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