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Design Curves for Tendon Profile in Prestressed Concrete Beams Env Coral Univers hapa, New York Y he preliminary design of prestressed. concrete beams # generally based on working steess imitations, In order to simplify the task of the designer, many Hinve-saving techniques for optimizing ‘beam cross section, prestessing force, and tendon cecentricity have bees in= reduced, ‘One of the first and anost popular de- sign aids is the Magne] diagram, shown in Fig, 1a, whieh was introduced im 1945." The Magnel diagram defines, for a known e1oss section, the acceptible combinations af eccentrteity and pre- stressing foree at a particular location along the span. Although limited in soope, it hus boon sufficiently useful in ian to warrant continued use #, Currant texthuuks on pre- stressed concrete design continue to refer to the Magnet diagram as a useful design tool The primacy Timitation of the priginal Mayme! diagram is that (he 4 Mohammad R. Ehsani Dopanment sf Ciul Enginaerig and Engiwserieg Mechanics Unversy of arizona, J. Russell Blewitt ‘Bradusta Renearon Assitant Boparimont of Ci and mental Erqinesn ng ‘Asgbtont Profeceor “Tueson, arizona Cesignes must genoate a separate iv gram for eyo critical posut along. the span, Keshaamurthy bas proposed ifieation of the Maunel diagram, shown in Fig. 1b. This modifienti graphically represents the safe zanr- of eccentricity and prestressing fore eit relates to the actual position en the css scotion. In purticular, the method cited in Ref. 7 ean be used to obtain wn dimensionalized design churts, The charts apply to a large mumber of cross sections subjected 9 arbitrary (ouing and are easily gonerated by band, How ever, in order to artive at the tendon profile, the user determines the allen able eccentricity af a number of ports along the span. These eccentricities ean then be plotted to give the accept able zone Jor the entire length of the beam. ‘The charts presented herein graplii- cally represont the zone of acceptable eeceitricity for the entire span. In adds tios, a design procedure is proposed which engbles the user to select the bbear crass section and the tendon pro- Ale, The method is applicable ta pris matic, symmniatrical or onsynumetrical ross sections. Only vniformly loaded, Simply supported heams ace considered, and the effect of the presence of mild relnforeing steel is ignored. “The current ACT Gade* wid AASHTO Specifications? stipulate stress limits which fom: the primary bass for pre- Timinary member selection. These working stress designs olten lead to members which satisfy ultimate ftensth and serviceability requirements ‘The move toward wtimate strength de. signt™ combined with coraputeraided optimiration techniques has resalted in Rewer advancements in working stress design methods. However, the need for fa continuation in the refinement of working stress methods should not he overloaked. The revent wark by Oribson isa step in this direction.* OBJECTIVES As wentianed above, the limitations of the Magne] diagram and its modifica: ons are as follows’ 1. Bach diggrawn can be wsed only for ‘known eruss-fectional properties, 2. Fach vse of the diageam is himited tog specific moment; therefore, new moment celenlations are cequired ot each eritical location along the span, Given these Limitations, Magnel's de- Boition of the safe zone eanaot directly represent the acceptable range of eo- centricity for the entize length of the beam in a single applica To overcome these limitations. method is proposed lor developing, de- sign churts which extend the idea of Magne!'s safe zone into a relationship for the entie length of a simply: sup ‘ported beam. The psimary objectives im PCIJOURNALMsyJune 1986 ‘Synopsis ‘A proposed design procedure and raecompanying design charts for the working stress design of uniformly loaded, simply supponed, prestressec ‘concrete beams is presented. The proposed method is formulated ‘through an oxtansion of Magnet's sao zone into a relationship for the entire length of the beam, A briel review of the Magne! diagram Is followed by &

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