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UH Lesson Plan Template

Note: Instructional suggestions for each section are provided in blue text. Delete all blue text and replace it with your own.

First and Last Name Sophia Chen

Lesson Overview
Lesson Title Summarizing Expository Text
Lesson Description This lesson teaches students how to create summaries of an expository text.
Unit Title Reading to Learn – Expository Text
Real world
When students are talking about something, they need to be able to summarize things so that
they do not spend too much time talking about small details and get straight to the main ideas.
(11) Reading/Comprehension of Informational Text/Expository Text. Students analyze, make
Content Area inferences and draw conclusions about expository text and provide evidence from text to
Standards support their understanding. Students are expected to:
Alignment (A) summarize the main ideas and supporting details in a text in ways that maintain meaning and
logical order;
Technology N/A
The student will be able to create a summary by drawing the main idea and supporting details in
logical order from an expository text.
Grade Level 5th grade

One 45-minute class period

Estimated Time The class will be broken into the allotted times:
Needed for this 15 minutes mini lesson (engage, modeling, guided practice)
Lesson 20 minutes independent practice
10 minutes closure and assessment

Because the students have touched upon summarizing with fiction text, the terms/vocabulary will
more likely be review than new.

Terms/Vocabulary - Summary
- Supporting detail
- Main idea
- Chronological

software, websites, Computer
Enhanced Lesson
Supports), and Word document passages for modeling and guided practice
rationale for why
each is vital for
Anchor chart – this will be used to write down a passage as an example for modeling.
Non-Technology A non-fiction text – This will be used for guided practice with the students to learn about
resources and summarizing.
rationale for why A non-fiction passage – The students will receive the same passage to summarize whether alone
each is vital for or with a partner.
instruction: White board- I will use this to write down a summary that the students create.
Popsicle sticks – this will be used to call on students to participate.

Lesson Procedures
Stage of Lesson Step-by-Step Lesson Sequence Lesson Management
This template is built A step-by-step description of the scope and Describe how each Cite specifically
on the traditional sequence of lesson activities, with estimated time on stage of the lesson will what resources
“Madeline Hunter” task noted in parentheses for each step. In other be managed, for this activity
type of lesson words, completely describe the flow of the lesson, including role of (non-technology
structure. The the content to be presented, and the strategies to teacher and learners and technology)
format can also be be used. The more detailed you make this (who is doing what at will be used, and
used with 5 E . . . or description, the more likelihood you will anticipate each point), location describe in
another lesson plan any challenges or teachable moments that might (e.g., classroom, detail how they
scheme . . .this is occur. Include actual words you will use and computer lab, will be used.
where you can questions you will ask students. Consider items such outside), and any Note who will be
customize to fit your as: parts of the lesson that might be difficult, and special using the tool
purpose. how you will know whether you can go on; how to considerations, such and in what
ensure that students completely understand as for differentiated ways. Note any
directions before releasing them to work instruction. safety
independently; and what students will do if they finish considerations
their work early. needed.

UH Student Teaching Handbook
Focus/ The students will I do not need
I will tell the students to put away the books that they
Anticipatory Set quickly and quietly anything for this
are reading and to pull out their reading notebooks.
(motivational hook) put away and take section.
Because the lesson will be at their desks, there is no
need for them to move unless they are moving out materials they
forward on the floor to see. need for class (pencil,
The students will
reading notebook).
need to bring
their reading
I will first link the lesson back to the time that the The students will be notebook and
students learned about summarizing with fiction. I will paying attention to pencil to the
then state that we spent the past few weeks learning me while I am holding floor and be
about nonfiction text structures. I will introduce the the discussion and ready with their
lesson and say that the lesson today will be a bit listen to other notebooks open
similar to what they have learned, but we will be students’ answers to to the literary
doing it with nonfiction text. the questions. They nonfiction
I will say that learning about summaries is important can raise their hands portion.
because you don’t want to spend too much time to answer the
talking about unnecessary details when you are questions or input
asked for just a simple summary. “For example, their own opinion.
when I ask you to tell me what happened during
your weekend, I’m not asking for you to tell me every I will be introducing
single thing you did on the weekend. I just want to the lesson by asking
hear the main points.” questions and stating
To first get them interested in the lesson, I will ask a the objective. I will
few questions that may also refresh them on also be making sure
summaries: that the students on
the rug are staying on
- What is a summary? task and not making
- What do you include in a summary? conversation with
- Do you add every little detail you their neighbors.
remembered from the text and add it in your

UH Student Teaching Handbook
Content Input The students will be I will need to
I will reiterate the objective of today’s lesson. I will
(could include sitting at their desks or prepare the
state that although we have done summaries before,
content outline, the floor and be word document
nonfiction summaries are not quite the same as
presentation paying attention to ahead of time
fiction stories.
format, questioning, what I say throughout with the passage
modeling, I will ask the students to turn and talk to their table the lesson. Students written on it. This
examples) mates about the differences between nonfiction and can write down what passage will be
fiction summaries. Some answers that I expect to I am writing down in pulled from a
hear are because fictions have beginning, middle, their own notebooks, magazine or
end, and conflicts, while nonfictions are more likely but they have the made up by
to inform you on something else. If students do not option of copying it myself.
answer the question in the way that I would like them down at a later time.
to, I will guide them to think about the answer by Students will also be
asking them questions about fiction summaries and I will also need to
actively participating
what features they include. use the
and answering
computer and
Once we talk about the differences between questions that I have
projector to
nonfiction and fiction summaries, I will introduce the for them. They will
project the
text passage that I will be reading to them. The listen to their peers’
passage. I will
passage will be typed ahead of time on the answers and can
use the projector
computer and projected on to the whiteboard so agree or disagree
markers to write
that the students can see what I am reading. I will with them. When
read the passage, and model what I am looking for. asked to evaluate
their classmates’
After I read the passage, I can first ask them answers, I expect that
questions that ties back to their prior knowledge, all the students should
such as “What kind of expository text is this?” and be giving me a
“How did you know?” thumbs up or a
thumbs down.
I will then model out writing a summary on the
whiteboard projector. I will talk about what I think the
main topic is, and write that down as my first
sentence. I will say specifically that I do not want the
students copying down the same sentence word for
word because I want them to understand what they
are writing down.
After writing the topic sentence, I will go back into
the passage and look at each paragraph, identifying
the main idea of each paragraph. I will state the
reason that what I choose is the main idea, and how
the other sentences in the paragraph are supporting
the main idea. However, the main idea of the
paragraph is a supporting detail to the topic
sentence, or the main topic overall. I will show them
a graphic organizer and repeat that I do not want
them to put in supporting details in the summary.
After modeling the main topic and two or three of the
main ideas, I will ask the students to help me with the
rest of the paragraphs.

UH Student Teaching Handbook
Guided Practice Students will be I will need a
I will ask the students what the main idea of the next
(identify students paragraph would be. Then, I will ask the student to actively participating passage from a
who failed to justify their answer. I will ask the students using the and listening to what book or
master lesson thumbs up and thumbs down system if they agree or other students are magazine and
objectives) not. After we have agreed on a main idea, then I will saying. have it already
repeat. The students should tell me details that are written on a
not too specific. If they tell me details that are too word document.
I will be writing down
specific, I will have to guide them to a different I will also need
their summary on the
answer. To do that, I may have to have them look at the whiteboard,
whiteboard. I will also
the paragraph where they pulled it from and ask projector, and
ask questions at the
them if what they told me covered the entire the projector
end to double check
paragraph. Then, I will ask them what would be a markers to write
our work. If needed, I
better sentence to summarize. down the
will redirect students
Once we have finished the summary, I will read it with questions so that
aloud and ask questions to the students to have they reach the right
them double check if it is a good summary. answer.

Some questions asked will be:

- Does the main topic talk about the whole
- Are the supporting details too specific or too
- Is there anything we need to add in?
Independent I will have the I will need a set
After the modeling, I will explain instructions for the
Practice passage on a desk, of printed
students. I will tell them that I will be handing out a
(vertical expansions and I will want each passages for the
passage for them to read. I will want them to come
of lessons; re- table to send a students to use
up with a summary for the reading and have them
teaching and representative to pick for the summary
write it down in their reading notebook. I will remind
enrichment) them up for their they are to write.
them to not write details that may be too specific.
After explaining the instructions, I will ask if the table or pair. The I will also need
students have any questions. If they do not have any students will quickly the materials for
questions, I will send them off in their groups so that return back to their the students to
they can work on the assignment. desks and start writing use if they finish
their summary in their their work early.
I will then be walking around the classroom, making reading notebook.
sure that everyone is staying on task. If they have The students should
questions, I will help them answer them. I will also not wander off task
work with students who seemed to be struggling with and start chatting
the lesson and reteach and reinforce their with their table
knowledge. members.
If students finish their summary early, I will have them I will be walking
work on work that they may not have finished before. around the classroom
This could include but is not limited to their Weekly redirecting students
Language Review, journal, or previous reading who need to be
notebook assignments. redirected and
helping students who
have questions or any

UH Student Teaching Handbook
Closure I will ask the students to return to their seats if they The students should Students will
were on the rugs around the classroom. After the be expected to listen need the
students get settled, I will ask for volunteers for their to other students summary that
main topic of the passage. Once they have shared when they are sharing they have just
their main topic, I will ask the class if the main topic their summaries, but I written down in
was a correct one. They will show their answers with will redirect them as their reading
a thumbs up or down. If they were correct, then I will necessary. They can notebooks. I will
ask them to read their summary to the class. Then as raise their hands to need a can of
a class, we will think about if there is anything that give suggestions or popsicle sticks to
may need to be added into the summary. I will take add to their draw students’
1 – 3 volunteers and 1 non-volunteer to read their classmates’ names in case of
summaries and repeat this process. summaries. no participation.

After we finish sharing, I will tell them that they have

done a good job with today’s lesson, and we will
practice it more at another time. I will then tell them
to clear off their desks except for a pencil and an
eraser and tell them that we will be taking a post
assessment. The post assessment will not affect their
grade, but I would like them to try their best

Plans for Differentiated Instruction/Accommodations

I do not have any special education students in my classroom. However, if I did have Special
Education students, I would have the aide help support them depending on what they may
need support with. Of course, this does not mean the aide will be doing the work for them. The
Special Education
aide can help guide special education students to where they need to be. For example, if they
have a visual disability, a student, aid, or I can orally read the questions to the students. I would get
materials such as printed notes for them with images to help guide them with the material. I can
also pull them aside for further instruction if needed.
For English Language Learners, I could have them be paired up with those who are higher
leveled in the class. I could also print the passages for them so that it has a bigger font. Another
English Language thing that I could do is that I could read the passages out loud to them. That way, they can hear
Learners it as well as follow along with the text itself. Another thing that I could do is provide a graphic
organizer for them that will help them with the concept.
I do not have any gifted and talented students in my classroom. However, if I did, I would have
them help out students that are struggling with the subject. If they are able to teach the students,
Gifted and Talented it would not only help those who may not understand but also they could reinforce their own
Students knowledge as well. I could also have the students work on a higher reading level passage and
have them create a summary for that instead.

Potential Challenges/Plan B
Closure: students may not want to share their summary. I will prepare a can of popsicle sticks with the students’ names
on them. If chosen, the students will have to read their summary to the class. The popsicles sticks may not have to have
the students’ names on them, and I may just pretend that someone’s name is on it. By having popsicle sticks, the
students will be paying attention in case that they may be called on.
Time: The lesson may drag on longer than it scheduled. If that happens, I may have to have the students write the
summary I provide them at a later time, or I may have to have the modeled summary written out beforehand.
Redirecting: Students may be off-task. If they are off task during the lesson, I will call out their name and use a hand
gesture so that I can continue on the lesson as quickly as possible. When they are doing independent work, I can ask
them what they are supposed to be working on.


UH Student Teaching Handbook
Students will receive an assessment that will have a short passage on it. There will be 3 multiple choice questions and a
question requiring the students to write a summary on the passage. The summary they create will be worth more points
than the multiple choice question. The passage given to the students will be different than the one that was given to
them during the pretest.

Notes and Credits*

Ms. James’ Lessons

UH Student Teaching Handbook

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