Information Systems Department: IS497 (GP1) Evaluation Form-Chapter 1: Introduction

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Al Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University

College of Computer and Information Sciences

Information Systems Department
IS497 (GP1)
Evaluation Form- Chapter 1: Introduction

Semester(Fall/Spring): Fall Year: 2018

Project Title: Citizen Feedback Management System
Group Number:
Student First Name Middle and Last Name IDs Mark (30)
1 Mouath Alhanaki 431003953
2 Abdulrahman Alsanad 434006283
3 Mohammed Alkhelaifi 436016383

Ch. 1 Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1: Project Overview
Outline 1.2: Problem Statement
1.3: Project Impact
1.4: Project Scope
1.5: Project Objectives
1.6: Business Requirements
1.7: Alternative Solutions

Supervisor Review:

Supervisor Name Signature Date

Form No. GP1-02 - Students should submit this form via blackboard along with the final draft chapter 1 and hand
in hard and soft copies to the supervisor by the due date.
Team Members Evaluation: Points

Student 1

Student 2

Student 3

Chapter 1 Rubrics: These are the rubrics Supervisors follow to give chapter 1 final mark.
Chapter 1 Rubrics – Part 1

More than 10
4-6 evidences
Project Overview 7-9 evidences of evidences of not
Almost clear and of not clear or
What the project will achieve and, if not clear or not clear or not
well overviewed not well
necessary, what it will not achieve well overviewed well

Problem statement Almost clear and

More than 10
persuasive problem statement (ideal well-constructed 4-6 evidences
7-9 evidences of evidences of not
scenario, current situation and persuasive of not clear or
not clear or not clear or not
consequences) and problem statement not well-
well-constructed well-
references to support the need for the (followed given constructed
project guidelines)

Project Impact Almost clear and 4-6 evidences More than 10

7-9 evidences of
Address the impact of your system on well described of not clear or evidences of not
not clear or not
society and environment (in local and (followed given not well clear or not
well described
global context) guidelines) described well described

Almost clear and More than 10
Describe what work is in scope for 4-6 evidences 7-9 evidences of
well defined evidences of not
the project, and specifically what of not clear or not clear or not
(followed given clear or not
work is out of scope. Boundaries and not well defined well defined
guidelines) well defined

Overall goal in developing the Almost clear and More than 10
4-6 evidences 7-9 evidences of
project, high level descriptions of well stated evidences of not
of not clear or not clear or not
what the project will do. A concise (followed given clear or not
not well stated well stated
and precise objective statement stated guidelines) well stated
in bullets.
Business Requirements
High level business requirements
Almost clear and More than 10
elicited from stakeholders should be 4-6 evidences 7-9 evidences of
well stated evidences of not
listed, categorized by both priority of not clear or not clear or not
(followed given clear or not
and area of functionality should not well stated well stated
guidelines) well stated
clearly reflect requirements gathered
in Chapter 3

Alternative Solutions Almost clear and 4-6 evidences More than 10

7-9 evidences of
Evaluation of alternative solutions to well evaluated of not clear or evidences of not
not clear or not
the problem described in 1.2 and (followed given not well clear or not
well evaluated
Cost-benefit Analysis of each solution guidelines) evaluated well evaluated

Part 1 Mark (out of 10)

Chapter 1 Rubrics: These are the rubrics Supervisors follow to give chapter 1 final mark.
Chapter 1 Rubrics – Part 2

More than 10
Almost followed 4 to 6 evidences 7 to 9 evidences
Formatting evidences of not
all formatting of not following of not following
Follow formatting guidelines following
guide guidelines guidelines

More than 10
Language and Grammar Almost followed 4 to 6 evidences 7 to 9 evidences
evidences of not
Follow grammar and language all language and of not following of not following
guidelines grammar guide guidelines guidelines

More than 10
Citation and Reference Almost followed 4 to 6 evidences 7 to 9 evidences
evidences of not
Follow citation and reference all citation and of not following of not following
guidelines reference guide guidelines guidelines

More than 10
Introduction and Summary 4 to 6 evidences 7 to 9 evidences
Almost followed evidences of not
Followed introduction and summary of not following of not following
all structure guide following
structure guidelines guidelines guidelines

More than 10
Chapter 1 Structure 4 to 6 evidences 7 to 9 evidences
Almost followed evidences of not
Followed Chapter 1 structure of not following of not following
all structure guide following
guidelines guidelines guidelines

Part 2 Mark (out of 10)

Chapter 1 Rubrics: These are the rubrics Supervisors follow to give chapter 1 final mark.
Chapter 1 Rubrics – Part 3


Punctuality and Timeliness

Teamwork Skills

Response to Supervisor Feedback

Handling Questions during Meeting

Overall Chapter 1 Satisfactory

Mark Description
0 – 5.99 Fail
6 - 6.99 Not Proficient
7 - 7.99 Developing Proficiency
8 - 8.99 Proficient
9 - 10 Highly Proficient

Chapter 1 Rubrics: These are the rubrics Supervisors follow to give chapter 1 final mark.
1.1 Overview
The Citizen Feedback Management System is a project aiming to connect citizens
with ministries to help improving the provided service by allowing ministries to
gather accurate and fresh feedback about their on-going operation.
The Citizen Feedback Management System will allow citizens to express their
experience with a certain ministry allowing that ministry to see its own operation with
in the eye of citizens which will allow the ministry to improve its own service
according to the citizen’s needs. The project will be a web application that allow
citizen, ministry, and experts to participate in improving the provided service.

Chapter 1 Rubrics: These are the rubrics Supervisors follow to give chapter 1 final mark.
1.2: Problem Statement :
In any country, ministries are the back-bone of any government in the
world. The success of a government depends on the performance of different
ministries. Nowadays, governments have shifted to E-Government which
allow citizens to acquire service without the need to attend the ministry’s
location in person; this cause ministries to have limited feedback. If every
ministry can gather precise and effective feedback, it will provide a better Commented [MBRK1]: Can gather
service which will impact on the government efficiency. Commented [MBRK2]: precise
Commented [MBRK3]: It will provide

All ministries in the world are dedicated to help and provide services for
citizens. Any ministry performance is measured by how happy the Commented [MBRK4]: measured
citizens are with that provided service. Unfortunately, in reality ministries Commented [MBRK5]: citizens are
often don't know what the citizens’ feedback are or what the true Commented [MBRK6]: true
opinions about the provided service are. Ministries tried to gather such Commented [MBRK7]: such
data by running a questionnaire or suggesting box, but unfortunately
these gathered data are not accurate because it is not coming from all or Commented [MBRK8]: these
at least 90% of citizens whom the ministry have provided with a service.
However, it came from a variety of citizens who had the time to give their
opinion to the ministry in person. This will make data unreliable due to
limitation of questionnaire’s aspect.

On the other hand, if we provide the citizens and the ministry with a
system that connect citizens with a certain ministry, it will allow us to
gather accurate data and give every citizen the opportunity to give back Commented [MBRK9]: the
their true opinion. Therefore, ministries' services are expected to be Commented [MBRK10]: their true opinions
improved as a result of feedback from citizens. Commented [MBRK11]: are expected to be improved as a
result of feedbacks from citizens

Chapter 1 Rubrics: These are the rubrics Supervisors follow to give chapter 1 final mark.
1.3: Project Impact

Direct Impact:
 Minimize mistakes and faults in the services provided by ministries . Commented [MBRK12]: services provided by ministries
 Put ministries in a competition with others in raising their standards. Commented [MBRK13]: ministries
 Boost the citizens' confidence and trust toward the ministry . Commented [MBRK14]: standards
Commented [MBRK15]: ministry

Indirect Impact:
 Preservation of environment by avoidance of paper wastage using digital Commented [MBRK16]: by avoidance of paper wastage using
digital feedbacks

Chapter 1 Rubrics: These are the rubrics Supervisors follow to give chapter 1 final mark.
1.4: Project Scope
 This project will be developed as a web application.
 The graphical user interface will be available in Arabic and English.
 Citizens must connect to the Internet to use the system. Commented [MBRK17]: use the system

1.5: Project Objectives

Chapter 1 Rubrics: These are the rubrics Supervisors follow to give chapter 1 final mark.
1.To connect citizens with their governments by empowering them to give their Commented [MBRK18]: governments
feedback for different services provided by different ministries. Commented [MBRK19]: for different services provided by
different ministries

2.To allow experts to give advice and suggestions after becoming member of the Commented [MBRK20]: suggestions after becoming member
of the system

3.To allow ministries to publish their activities and receive feedbacks / suggestion Commented [MBRK21]: activities and receive feedbacks /
suggestions from citizens and professionals
from citizens and experts.

Chapter 1 Rubrics: These are the rubrics Supervisors follow to give chapter 1 final mark.
1.6: Business Requirements
 Admin will be able to make new accounts with different privileges.
 Admin will be able to approve requests of registrations from ministry, experts
and citizen.
 Ministry account will have privilege of publishing their webpage.
 Ministry account will be able to add, edit and delete news/activities on their
webpage. Commented [MBRK22]: Ministry account will be able to add,

edit and delete news / activities on their webpage.
Ministry account will be able to read and answer feedbacks and suggestions
from citizens and experts.
 Ministry account will be able to generate periodic reports about feedbacks /
suggestions from citizens and experts.
 Citizen account will have privilege of publishing feedback to ministries
 Citizen account will have privilege of reading feedback of ministries webpage.
 Experts account will have privilege of publishing suggestions to ministries.
 Experts account will have privilege of reading feedback of ministries

1.7: Alternative Solutions

1- Questionnaire:
Questionnaire comprise of a set of printed or written questions with a choice of
answers, All ministries have questionnaire on their own website, Problem with this Commented [MBRK23]: Questionnaire comprise of a set of
method is?
Commented [MBRK24]: Start new sentence

 Often people do not want to answer a survey especially if its voluntary. Commented [MBRK25]: Start new sentence

 Questionnaire can limit the citizen's feedback to certain aspects, denying the
citizen of expressing their full opinion.
 Gathered data are limited to the aspects of the questionnaire.
 Gathered data are distributed in different databases.
 No video or audio feedback.
 Sometimes questionnaire must be done in person.

 Allow ministries to gather feedback.
 Allow ministries to get citizens' opinion on a specific issue.

2-Suggisions box:
A box for obtaining additional comments, questions, and requests in its most basic
and traditional form.

Chapter 1 Rubrics: These are the rubrics Supervisors follow to give chapter 1 final mark.
 Allow citizens to give a suggestion or comment on the ministry operation.
 Allow citizens to give their full opinion on a specific matter.
 Give citizens space to express their opinion in words.

 Must be done on person.
 Manual system. Commented [MBRK26]: Manual

 Hard to sort.
 Slowness of system
 Data can be useless, If it is written in hand-writing that is not readable.
 Experts will not go to ministries location to give suggestions.
 No video or audio feedback.
 Consume a large deal of papers.

Therefore, we propose the Citizen Feedback Management System which will be a

suitable solution for the presented problem

 Allow citizens to give their full feedback on a ministry's services or on a Commented [MBRK27]: feedback
specific matter. Commented [MBRK28]: services
 Allow ministries to view experts’ opinions.
 Allow citizens and experts to add suggestions that will improve services of
ministries. Commented [MBRK29]: services of ministries.
 Allow ministry to publish news. Commented [MBRK30]: publish
 All feedback from different ministries will be gathered in a single database.
 Dealings are electronic which is friendly to the environment.

Chapter 1 Rubrics: These are the rubrics Supervisors follow to give chapter 1 final mark.
Chapter Two: Background

Chapter 1 Rubrics: These are the rubrics Supervisors follow to give chapter 1 final mark.
2.1: Overview of Existing Systems
In this section, we will present some existing systems that have similar functionality
Commented [MBRK31]: New sentence
as compared to our proposed system, We will discuss two systems that are And

2.1.1: TAWASOL : Civil Service Ministry

In line with the ministry's directives to provide channels of communication with

citizens, this service was created to allow citizens to give feedback to Civil Service
Ministry regarding their provided services

Figure 2.1.1: After verifying user national id on the TAWASOL website.

Chapter 1 Rubrics: These are the rubrics Supervisors follow to give chapter 1 final mark.
Figure 2.1.2 User interface to enter comment on the TAWASOL website.


 Easy to use.
 Simple GUI in Arabic and English.
 Citizens have the chance to fill complain
 Citizens can give suggestions
 Users must provide National ID number to participate
 Users can know their comment’s status
 Users can choose type of feedback. Commented [MBRK32]: What does it mean?
Commented [MAMA33R32]:


 Including only the civil service ministry

 Experts do not have the chance to give their opinions
 No images nor videos feedback

Chapter 1 Rubrics: These are the rubrics Supervisors follow to give chapter 1 final mark.
2.1.2 : TAQYEEM The Ministry of Labor and Social Development

Taqyeem is a website that aims to measure customer satisfaction regarding the Commented [MBRK34]: Why you are using the word gateway?
provided service by The Ministry of Labor and Social development. The website Commented [MAMA35R34]:
is facilitated through a survey that is sent to clients and then the results are
displayed on Ma'an website. Thus, the survey results are accessible to the users'

Figure 2.1.3 User interface of TAQYEEM.


 Easy to use.
 Simple GUI in Arabic
 Citizens satisfaction about the complaint box Commented [MBRK36]: Do you mean customers?
Citizen will look better
 Monthly report is written about the users' satisfaction toward the ministry
of labor and social development
 Issuing reports according to the city


 A suggestion cannot be made

 Users cannot complaint Commented [MBRK37]: complaint

 Services cannot be evaluated

 Survey are provided according to their particular aspects

Chapter 1 Rubrics: These are the rubrics Supervisors follow to give chapter 1 final mark.
 Feedback cannot be received unless previous service was made
 Evaluation is only for the ministry of labor and social development
 Experts do not have the chance to provide their opinions

Chapter 1 Rubrics: These are the rubrics Supervisors follow to give chapter 1 final mark.
2.1.3: Comparison of existing systems with CFMs system:

In this section, we will compare our proposed system with other

existing systems. The following table shows the comparison based
on different criteria: Commented [MBRK38]: In this section, we will compare our
proposed system with other existing systems. The following table
shows the comparison based on different criteria:



Easy to use ✓ ✓

Simple GUI ✓ ✓ ✓

English and Arabic ✓ ✓ ✓

Accounts ✓ ✓

Ministry comment ✓

Citizen comments ✓ ✓

Citizen suggest ✓ ✓

Public rating ✓

Public opinion ✓

Experts suggestion ✓ Commented [MBRK39]: Experts suggestions

Reports ✓ ✓

Include all ministries ✓ Commented [MBRK40]: ministries

Visual feedback ✓
Table 2.1: Comparison among the existing systems. Commented [MBRK41]: among

Chapter 1 Rubrics: These are the rubrics Supervisors follow to give chapter 1 final mark.
2.2: Existing Business Processes

2.2.1 TAWASOL : Civil Service Ministry

When a citizens want to file a complaint or give a Commented [MBRK42]: complaint

suggestion to Civil Service Ministry they have to go to :
and login with their national id, After system verify that all entered
data are correct , User can choose what kind of feedback that he/ she wants Commented [MBRK43]: he / she wants

to give .

Figure 2.4: Tawasol business processes. Commented [MBRK44]: Tawasol

Commented [MBRK45]: How can you go back in time in this

Chapter 1 Rubrics: These are the rubrics Supervisors follow to give chapter 1 final mark.
.3: Method and Approach

In this project, we have selected the waterfall development Commented [MBRK46]: Waterfall development methodology
to develop this application
methodology to develop this application, In this methodology the phases of the Commented [MBRK47]: In this methodology,

project proceeds in a sequence from one phase to another.

This methodology identifies the system requirements long before the

programming start and reduces changes of requirements during project progress. Commented [MBRK48]: Changes of requirements

For this purpose, the waterfall methodology has been chosen because we Commented [MBRK49]: This purpose,

know the requirements of our system in advance.

Figure 2.5: Waterfall development methodology.

Chapter 1 Rubrics: These are the rubrics Supervisors follow to give chapter 1 final mark.
2.4: Project Planning
2.4.1: WBS: Commented [MBRK50]: What is fourth step?
Training department?
Design and Implementation should have more steps.

WBS is acronym. You should write full term also.

Figure 2.6: WBS.

Chapter 1 Rubrics: These are the rubrics Supervisors follow to give chapter 1 final mark.
2.4.2: Time Frame (Gantt Chart):

Figure 2.7: Time Frame (Gantt Chart)

Chapter 1 Rubrics: These are the rubrics Supervisors follow to give chapter 1 final mark.
4.3: Team Member’s Responsibilities:
NO. Task Name Start Finish Responsibility Status
1 GP " Citizen Feedback Management System " 30/09/18 26/04/19 All Team Members Completed

All Team
2 Planning 30/09/18 30/10/18 Members Completed

3 Overviewing project 30/09/18 Alkhelaifi Completed

4 Defining a problem statement 02/10/18 03/10/18 Alhanaki Completed

5 Specifying the intended impacts 03/10/18 05/10/18 Alsanad Completed

6 Determining scope 05/10/18 07/10/18 Alsanad Completed

7 Identifying objectives 07/10/18 08/10/18 Alkhelaifi Completed

8 Elucidating business requirements 08/10/18 10/10/18 Alhanaki Completed

9 Research alternative solutions 10/10/18 13/10/18 Alhanaki Completed

10 Reviewing existing systems 25/10/18 25/10/18 All Team Members Completed

11 Describing existing business processes in BPMN 30/10/18 30/10/18 Alkhelaifi Completed

12 Illustrating chosen SDLC methodology 10/11/18 10/11/18 Alsanad Completed

13 Building WBS 11/11/18 11/11/18 All Team Members Completed

14 Developing Gantt chart 11/11/18 14/11/18 Alkhelaifi Completed

15 Clarifying team member's responsibilities 11/11/17 14/11/18 Alsanad Completed

All Team
16 Analysis 29/11/18 13/12/18 Members In-Progress

17 Selecting requirement gathering techniques 29/11/18 02/12/18 All Team Members In-Progress

Describing proposed business processes in

18 BPMN 02/12/18 05/12/18 Alsanad In-Progress

19 Gathering functional requirements 05/12/18 09/12/18 Alhanaki In-Progress

Chapter 1 Rubrics: These are the rubrics Supervisors follow to give chapter 1 final mark.
20 Gathering non-functional requirements 09/12/18 11/12/18 Alsanad In-Progress

21 Sketching user interfaces 11/12/18 13/12/18 Alhanaki In-Progress

All Team
22 Design 28/01/19 09/03/19 Members Not yet started

23 System Design 28/01/19 09/03/19 All Team Members Not yet started

All Team
24 Implementation 09/03/19 26/04/19 Members Not yet started

25 System Implementation 09/03/19 26/04/19 All Team Members Not yet started

All Team
26 Finish Graduation Project 12/02/19 26/04/19 Members Not yet started
Table 2.2: Team Member’s Responsibilities.

Chapter 1 Rubrics: These are the rubrics Supervisors follow to give chapter 1 final mark.
Chapter Three: Requirement Analysis

Chapter 1 Rubrics: These are the rubrics Supervisors follow to give chapter 1 final mark.
3.1 Requirements gathering techniques

There are a lot of techniques to gather information like Interviews, Questionnaires,

Observation, Study of existing organizational documents, forms and reports.

The information is collected to support the project planning, by taking the views of the
actual users of the system, hence, to get great results you need to get strong information
from the real stakeholders. The project team used the interviews method in collecting
the raw information related to the project. It is considered as a most popular technique,
where if anyone need to know something, just he asks. Where we determined the
persons that we will make an interview with them, once we select and determine them,
we should create a schedule of that interview.

The purpose of the interview is to understand how the citizens deals with ministries
services and how to benefit from the provided services.

We make seat down with some people dealing with the ministries and take services,
make interview with them to get information and requirements.

Chapter 1 Rubrics: These are the rubrics Supervisors follow to give chapter 1 final mark.
3.2 Proposed Business Process
The proposed system will allow the citizens to access the website and enter their
feedback and suggestions to the ministries in the system, then the user can search for
the ministry and send his feedback.

Request feedback Display answer



Open website Search ministry Is found Yes Write feeback


Answer feedback

Figure (3.1) System To-Be (“As is BPMN”)

The ministry will view the user’s feedback and answer the feedback of the user. The
process of proposed system is descried in figure which called a "System To-Be".

Chapter 1 Rubrics: These are the rubrics Supervisors follow to give chapter 1 final mark.
3.3 Functional Requirements
We have four users as citizen, ministry, expert and system administrator. The most
function requirement that must be achieve in the proposed system are the following:

Citizen Requirements

1. The System should allow the citizen to register in the system.

2. The System should allow the citizen to login to his account in the system.
3. The System should allow the citizen to add feedback to the ministry’s page in the
4. The System should allow the citizen to view the feedback answer from the
ministry’s page.
Ministry Requirements

1. The System should allow the ministry to register in the system.

2. The System should allow the ministry to login to the system.
3. The System should allow the ministry to view feedback from citizens in the system.
4. The System should allow the ministry to view suggestions from experts in the
5. The System should allow the ministry to answer feedback to citizens in the system.
6. The System should allow the ministry to answer suggestions to experts in the
7. The System should allow the ministry to add news for the ministry in the system.
8. The System should allow the ministry to delete news for the ministry in the system.
9. The System should allow the ministry to view report about feedback for the ministry
in the system.

Expert Requirements

1. The System should allow the expert to register in the system.

2. The System should allow the expert to login to his account in the system.
3. The System should allow the expert to add suggestion to the ministry in the system.
4. The System should allow the view answer of suggestion from the ministry in the

Chapter 1 Rubrics: These are the rubrics Supervisors follow to give chapter 1 final mark.
Administrator Requirements

1. The System should allow the administrator to login to his account in the system.
2. The System should allow the administrator to create accounts in the system.
3. The System should allow the administrator to approve registration requests in the

3.3.1 Use Case Diagram

Use case diagram defines interactions between external actors and the system to
achieve goals. Figure below show use case diagram for the relationship between the
user and their processes.

Add feedback
Create account

Administrator Approve


View Ministry

Add news
View suggestion
Delete news

Add suggestion Answer feedback Ministry



View Report

Figure 3.2 Use case diagram

Chapter 1 Rubrics: These are the rubrics Supervisors follow to give chapter 1 final mark.
3.3.2 Use Case Description

Login Use Case Description

Actors: Expert, Citizen, Ministry and Administrator

Pre-condition: The administrator must approve the registration.

Post-condition: Success: The user login to the system.

Failure: The user didn't login in the system.

1. User press login button.
2. System shows the login page.
3. User Fill the username and password form.
4. System checks the validation of username and password.
5. System display home page for the user.

Chapter 1 Rubrics: These are the rubrics Supervisors follow to give chapter 1 final mark.
Register Use Case Description
Actors: Expert, Citizen, Ministry

Pre-condition: -

Post-condition: Success: The user create account in the system.

Failure: the user didn't register in the system.


1. User press register button.

2. System shows the registration form.
3. User Fill the registration form.
4. User press submit.
5. System checks the inputs.
6. System sends the input to the database.

Add feedback use case description

Actors: Citizen

Pre-condition: Citizen should log in the system.

Post-condition: Success: The feedback has been added successfully.

Failure: the feedback didn't add to the system.


1. Citizen open ministry web page and press adds feedback button.
2. System shows the feedback form.
3. Citizen enter feedback information.
4. System checks the inputs data.
5. The system inserts data to the database.

Chapter 1 Rubrics: These are the rubrics Supervisors follow to give chapter 1 final mark.
Answer feedback use case description
Actors: Ministry

Pre-condition: Ministry should log in the system.

Post-condition: Success: The feedback answer has been added successfully.

Failure: the feedback answer didn't add to the system.


1. Ministry select answer feedback button.

2. System shows the feedback form.
3. Ministry enter feedback’s answer information.
4. System checks the inputs data.
5. The system inserts data to the database.
6. The answer displayed in the feedback section at ministry webpage.

Approve registration use case description

Actors: Administrator

Pre-condition: Administrator should log in the system.

Post-condition: Success: The account has been activated successfully.

Failure: the account didn't activate in the system.


1. Admin press adds approve registration button.

2. System shows the approve page.
3. Admin approve account.
4. System activate the selected account.
5. The system updates data in the database.

Chapter 1 Rubrics: These are the rubrics Supervisors follow to give chapter 1 final mark.
Add suggestion use case description
Actors: Expert

Pre-condition: Expert should log in the system.

Post-condition: Success: The feedback has been added successfully.

Failure: the feedback didn't add to the system.


1. Expert press adds suggestion button.

2. System shows the suggestion form.
3. Expert enter suggestion information.
4. System checks the inputs data.
5. The system inserts data to the database.

Chapter 1 Rubrics: These are the rubrics Supervisors follow to give chapter 1 final mark.
3.4 Non-Functional Requirements
 User shall be able to perform any task within at most 5 steps.

 User shall be able to perform all functions of the system after 15 minutes of

 System shall be available all days of the year all times of the day.

 System shall be able to perform three transactions per second.

 System shall be able to respond to any action within a time of 1 sec.

 User shall be able to use the system using any web browser.

 System shall be available in English language.

 System will allow only the registered users to use the system.

Stability and Scalability:

 The system is developed will be very stable in using but is will be designed to
be scalable so that a developer can add more features to it or edit existing

Chapter 1 Rubrics: These are the rubrics Supervisors follow to give chapter 1 final mark.
3.5 User Interfaces

Registration interface

Chapter 1 Rubrics: These are the rubrics Supervisors follow to give chapter 1 final mark.
Login interface

Chapter 1 Rubrics: These are the rubrics Supervisors follow to give chapter 1 final mark.
Add feedback interface

Chapter 1 Rubrics: These are the rubrics Supervisors follow to give chapter 1 final mark.
Add news interface

Chapter 1 Rubrics: These are the rubrics Supervisors follow to give chapter 1 final mark.

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