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PUBLIC INTEGRITY COMMISSION 410 Federal Street Margaret O'Neil Bldg. Suite 3 Dover, DE 19901 RE: Behavior of State Treasurer-Elect Colleen Davis Dear Members of the Commission: | understand that candidates for public office are subject to the same Code of Conduct applicable to elected officials. These requirements include that state officers pursue a course of conduct that will not reflect unfavorably upon the State and its government, Recent newspaper accounts reflect that State-Treasurer Elect Colleen Davis was stopped last week and found to be driving on a suspended license. Further, the stories report that she could not produce evidence of the car’s registration. According to the accounts, the suspension occurred sometime before the election. Also according to the stories, Ms. Davis claims that she was in the midst of her political campaign and otherwise working, and that is why she missed the court date. In other words, rather than show up in court, she chose to campaign for office. Finally, the stories report that Ms. Davis claims that she never drove to campaign events after her license was suspended, although if she knew enough not to drive to campaign events on a suspended license, this begs the question of how or why she would have thought driving otherwise was somehow okay. One also wonders how long Ms, Davis would have continued driving with a suspended license had she not been pulled over earlier this month. Surely this type of behavior violates the State's Code of Conduct. For a candidate for office to claim that she was too busy campaigning to attend a court date is simply unacceptable and reflects unfavorably upon the State. Finally, while Ms, Davis claims she was unaware that her license was suspended (which seems inconsistent with her claim that she never drove to campaign events after her license was suspended), newspaper accounts indicate that DMV sends multiple notices to a driver before the license is suspended and a warrant issued for arrest. If Ms. Davis did receive such notices, then her statements that she was unaware of the suspension simply cannot be true. Under these circumstances we ask that the Public Integrity Commission investigate this matter to determine whether Ms. Davis has violated the State’s Code of Conduct with such disrespectful behavior. Mike de flewg

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