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National Tracking Poll

Project: 181129
N Size: 2200 Adults
Margin of Error: ± 2%
Topline Report November 15-18, 2018
Question Response Frequency Percentage
HR1_1 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable impression of the following television show
genres? Action/Adventure
Very favorable 079 49%
Somewhat favorable 826 38%
Somewhat unfavorable 3 6%
Very unfavorable 57 3%
Don’t know / No opinion 07 5%
HR1_4 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable impression of the following television show
genres? Drama
Very favorable 846 38%
Somewhat favorable 940 43%
Somewhat unfavorable 99 9%
Very unfavorable 88 4%
Don’t know / No opinion 27 6%
HR1_5 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable impression of the following television show
genres? Comedy
Very favorable 305 59%
Somewhat favorable 646 29%
Somewhat unfavorable  5%
Very unfavorable 53 2%
Don’t know / No opinion 85 4%
HR1_6 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable impression of the following television show
genres? Thriller/Mystery
Very favorable 964 44%
Somewhat favorable 839 38%
Somewhat unfavorable 92 9%
Very unfavorable 87 4%
Don’t know / No opinion 8 5%

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Question Response Frequency Percentage
HR1_7 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable impression of the following television show
genres? Horror
Very favorable 626 28%
Somewhat favorable 548 25%
Somewhat unfavorable 382 7%
Very unfavorable 507 23%
Don’t know / No opinion 38 6%
HR1_8 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable impression of the following television show
genres? Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Very favorable 780 35%
Somewhat favorable 720 33%
Somewhat unfavorable 306 4%
Very unfavorable 24 0%
Don’t know / No opinion 80 8%
HR1_9 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable impression of the following television show
genres? Documentary
Very favorable 9 4%
Somewhat favorable 804 37%
Somewhat unfavorable 22 0%
Very unfavorable 9 4%
Don’t know / No opinion 82 8%
HR1_10 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable impression of the following television show
genres? Reality
Very favorable 424 9%
Somewhat favorable 58 26%
Somewhat unfavorable 45 2%
Very unfavorable 588 27%
Don’t know / No opinion 55 7%
HR1_11 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable impression of the following television show
genres? Food/Travel
Very favorable 726 33%
Somewhat favorable 926 42%
Somewhat unfavorable 228 0%
Very unfavorable 07 5%
Don’t know / No opinion 22 0%

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Question Response Frequency Percentage
HR1_12 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable impression of the following television show
genres? Science/Nature
Very favorable 882 40%
Somewhat favorable 858 39%
Somewhat unfavorable 82 8%
Very unfavorable 00 5%
Don’t know / No opinion 77 8%
HR2_1 And, do you think that there is too much, too little, or the right amount of the
following television show genres on TV right now? Action/Adventure
Too much 20 9%
The right amount 49 64%
Too little 336 5%
Don’t know / No opinion 245 %
HR2_4 And, do you think that there is too much, too little, or the right amount of the
following television show genres on TV right now? Drama
Too much 435 20%
The right amount 378 63%
Too little 65 7%
Don’t know / No opinion 222 0%
HR2_5 And, do you think that there is too much, too little, or the right amount of the
following television show genres on TV right now? Comedy
Too much 222 0%
The right amount 259 57%
Too little 520 24%
Don’t know / No opinion 99 9%
HR2_6 And, do you think that there is too much, too little, or the right amount of the
following television show genres on TV right now? Thriller/Mystery
Too much 72 8%
The right amount 332 6%
Too little 46 9%
Don’t know / No opinion 279 3%
HR2_7 And, do you think that there is too much, too little, or the right amount of the
following television show genres on TV right now? Horror
Too much 637 29%
The right amount 872 40%
Too little 36 6%
Don’t know / No opinion 330 5%

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Question Response Frequency Percentage
HR2_8 And, do you think that there is too much, too little, or the right amount of the
following television show genres on TV right now? Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Too much 33 4%
The right amount 22 5%
Too little 428 9%
Don’t know / No opinion 337 5%
HR2_9 And, do you think that there is too much, too little, or the right amount of the
following television show genres on TV right now? Documentary
Too much 85 8%
The right amount 04 50%
Too little 632 29%
Don’t know / No opinion 280 3%
HR2_10 And, do you think that there is too much, too little, or the right amount of the
following television show genres on TV right now? Reality
Too much 344 6%
The right amount 550 25%
Too little 02 5%
Don’t know / No opinion 204 9%
HR2_11 And, do you think that there is too much, too little, or the right amount of the
following television show genres on TV right now? Food/Travel
Too much 44 9%
The right amount 246 57%
Too little 253 2%
Don’t know / No opinion 287 3%
HR2_12 And, do you think that there is too much, too little, or the right amount of the
following television show genres on TV right now? Science/Nature
Too much 47 7%
The right amount 53 52%
Too little 62 28%
Don’t know / No opinion 279 3%
HR3_1 Compared to three years ago, do you think the following have gotten better or worse
as a television show genre, or have not changed? Action/Adventure
Has gotten better 64 29%
Has not changed 0 46%
Has gotten worse 24 0%
Don’t know / No opinion 334 5%

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Question Response Frequency Percentage
HR3_4 Compared to three years ago, do you think the following have gotten better or worse
as a television show genre, or have not changed? Drama
Has gotten better 536 24%
Has not changed 047 48%
Has gotten worse 32 5%
Don’t know / No opinion 297 4%
HR3_5 Compared to three years ago, do you think the following have gotten better or worse
as a television show genre, or have not changed? Comedy
Has gotten better 606 28%
Has not changed 852 39%
Has gotten worse 472 2%
Don’t know / No opinion 270 2%
HR3_6 Compared to three years ago, do you think the following have gotten better or worse
as a television show genre, or have not changed? Thriller/Mystery
Has gotten better 563 26%
Has not changed 999 45%
Has gotten worse 258 2%
Don’t know / No opinion 380 7%
HR3_7 Compared to three years ago, do you think the following have gotten better or worse
as a television show genre, or have not changed? Horror
Has gotten better 45 2%
Has not changed 704 32%
Has gotten worse 598 27%
Don’t know / No opinion 447 20%
HR3_8 Compared to three years ago, do you think the following have gotten better or worse
as a television show genre, or have not changed? Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Has gotten better 588 27%
Has not changed 863 39%
Has gotten worse 30 4%
Don’t know / No opinion 448 20%
HR3_9 Compared to three years ago, do you think the following have gotten better or worse
as a television show genre, or have not changed? Documentary
Has gotten better 634 29%
Has not changed 032 47%
Has gotten worse 63 7%
Don’t know / No opinion 37 7%

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Question Response Frequency Percentage
HR3_10 Compared to three years ago, do you think the following have gotten better or worse
as a television show genre, or have not changed? Reality
Has gotten better 272 2%
Has not changed 497 23%
Has gotten worse 44 52%
Don’t know / No opinion 288 3%
HR3_11 Compared to three years ago, do you think the following have gotten better or worse
as a television show genre, or have not changed? Food/Travel
Has gotten better 642 29%
Has not changed 962 44%
Has gotten worse 228 0%
Don’t know / No opinion 369 7%
HR3_12 Compared to three years ago, do you think the following have gotten better or worse
as a television show genre, or have not changed? Science/Nature
Has gotten better 62 28%
Has not changed 08 46%
Has gotten worse 7 8%
Don’t know / No opinion 399 8%
HR4_1 In general, how well do you think the following terms describe the reality television
genre? Dramatic
Describes very well 662 30%
Describes somewhat well 65 28%
Does not describe too well 292 3%
Does not describe at all 343 6%
Don’t know / No opinion 288 3%
HR4_4 In general, how well do you think the following terms describe the reality television
genre? Entertaining
Describes very well 43 20%
Describes somewhat well 559 25%
Does not describe too well 364 7%
Does not describe at all 588 27%
Don’t know / No opinion 257 2%
HR4_5 In general, how well do you think the following terms describe the reality television
genre? Interesting
Describes very well 35 4%
Describes somewhat well 527 24%
Does not describe too well 39 8%
Does not describe at all 689 3%
Don’t know / No opinion 278 3%

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Question Response Frequency Percentage
HR4_6 In general, how well do you think the following terms describe the reality television
genre? Funny
Describes very well 335 5%
Describes somewhat well 602 27%
Does not describe too well 398 8%
Does not describe at all 556 25%
Don’t know / No opinion 309 4%
HR4_7 In general, how well do you think the following terms describe the reality television
genre? Sad
Describes very well 397 8%
Describes somewhat well 467 2%
Does not describe too well 435 20%
Does not describe at all 449 20%
Don’t know / No opinion 452 2%
HR4_8 In general, how well do you think the following terms describe the reality television
genre? Trashy
Describes very well 06 48%
Describes somewhat well 466 2%
Does not describe too well 27 0%
Does not describe at all 58 7%
Don’t know / No opinion 299 4%
HR4_9 In general, how well do you think the following terms describe the reality television
genre? Complex
Describes very well 224 0%
Describes somewhat well 396 8%
Does not describe too well 488 22%
Does not describe at all 72 33%
Don’t know / No opinion 37 7%
HR4_10 In general, how well do you think the following terms describe the reality television
genre? Meaningful
Describes very well 77 8%
Describes somewhat well 292 3%
Does not describe too well 449 20%
Does not describe at all 995 45%
Don’t know / No opinion 287 3%

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Question Response Frequency Percentage
HR4_11 In general, how well do you think the following terms describe the reality television
genre? Meaningless
Describes very well 059 48%
Describes somewhat well 435 20%
Does not describe too well 240 %
Does not describe at all 67 8%
Don’t know / No opinion 300 4%
HR4_12 In general, how well do you think the following terms describe the reality television
genre? Suspenseful
Describes very well 247 %
Describes somewhat well 459 2%
Does not describe too well 503 23%
Does not describe at all 68 3%
Don’t know / No opinion 309 4%
HR4_13 In general, how well do you think the following terms describe the reality television
genre? Engaging
Describes very well 285 3%
Describes somewhat well 54 25%
Does not describe too well 396 8%
Does not describe at all 654 30%
Don’t know / No opinion 324 5%
HR4_14 In general, how well do you think the following terms describe the reality television
genre? Controversial
Describes very well 546 25%
Describes somewhat well 656 30%
Does not describe too well 305 4%
Does not describe at all 32 4%
Don’t know / No opinion 380 7%
HR4_15 In general, how well do you think the following terms describe the reality television
genre? Current
Describes very well 380 7%
Describes somewhat well 660 30%
Does not describe too well 380 7%
Does not describe at all 386 8%
Don’t know / No opinion 395 8%

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Question Response Frequency Percentage
HR4_16 In general, how well do you think the following terms describe the reality television
genre? Honest
Describes very well 224 0%
Describes somewhat well 303 4%
Does not describe too well 457 2%
Does not describe at all 907 4%
Don’t know / No opinion 308 4%
HR4_17 In general, how well do you think the following terms describe the reality television
genre? Emotional
Describes very well 389 8%
Describes somewhat well 603 27%
Does not describe too well 384 7%
Does not describe at all 487 22%
Don’t know / No opinion 338 5%
HR4_18 In general, how well do you think the following terms describe the reality television
genre? Inspirational
Describes very well 66 8%
Describes somewhat well 27 2%
Does not describe too well 448 20%
Does not describe at all 988 45%
Don’t know / No opinion 327 5%
HR4_19 In general, how well do you think the following terms describe the reality television
genre? Intellectual
Describes very well 58 7%
Describes somewhat well 254 2%
Does not describe too well 44 9%
Does not describe at all 063 48%
Don’t know / No opinion 3 4%
HR4_20 In general, how well do you think the following terms describe the reality television
genre? Original
Describes very well 260 2%
Describes somewhat well 45 9%
Does not describe too well 476 22%
Does not describe at all 754 34%
Don’t know / No opinion 296 3%

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Question Response Frequency Percentage
HR4_21 In general, how well do you think the following terms describe the reality television
genre? Theatrical
Describes very well 686 3%
Describes somewhat well 594 27%
Does not describe too well 282 3%
Does not describe at all 306 4%
Don’t know / No opinion 332 5%
HR4_22 In general, how well do you think the following terms describe the reality television
genre? Romantic
Describes very well 98 9%
Describes somewhat well 48 9%
Does not describe too well 528 24%
Does not describe at all 688 3%
Don’t know / No opinion 368 7%
HR4_23 In general, how well do you think the following terms describe the reality television
genre? Real
Describes very well 272 2%
Describes somewhat well 360 6%
Does not describe too well 445 20%
Does not describe at all 837 38%
Don’t know / No opinion 287 3%
HR4_24 In general, how well do you think the following terms describe the reality television
genre? Predictable
Describes very well 793 36%
Describes somewhat well 654 30%
Does not describe too well 268 2%
Does not describe at all 57 7%
Don’t know / No opinion 328 5%
HR4_25 In general, how well do you think the following terms describe the reality television
genre? Surprising
Describes very well 266 2%
Describes somewhat well 547 25%
Does not describe too well 462 2%
Does not describe at all 589 27%
Don’t know / No opinion 336 5%

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Question Response Frequency Percentage
HR4_26 In general, how well do you think the following terms describe the reality television
genre? Fake
Describes very well 095 50%
Describes somewhat well 475 22%
Does not describe too well 204 9%
Does not describe at all 32 6%
Don’t know / No opinion 294 3%
HR5 Which of the following statements best describes your view, even if neither are exactly
The plots of reality TV shows are mostly determined 446 66%
ahead of time
The plots of reality TV shows mostly unfold in real time 280 3%
Don’t know / No opinion 473 22%
HR6 And, which of the following statements best describes your view, even if neither are
exactly right?
What actors say in reality TV shows is mostly based on 350 6%
a script
What actors say in reality TV shows is mostly 400 8%
Don’t know / No opinion 450 20%
HR7_1 Have you ever: Compared your life to the life of a reality TV star
Yes, I have 366 7%
No, I have not 593 72%
Don’t know / No opinion 24 %
HR7_4 Have you ever: Followed a reality TV star on social media
Yes, I have 459 2%
No, I have not 55 69%
Don’t know / No opinion 227 0%
HR7_5 Have you ever: Felt inspired by a reality TV star
Yes, I have 372 7%
No, I have not 577 72%
Don’t know / No opinion 25 %
HR7_6 Have you ever: Felt better about a situation after comparing it to a situation from a
reality TV show
Yes, I have 398 8%
No, I have not 55 69%
Don’t know / No opinion 286 3%

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Question Response Frequency Percentage
HR7_7 Have you ever: Felt worse about a situation after comparing it to a situation from a
reality TV show
Yes, I have 256 2%
No, I have not 604 73%
Don’t know / No opinion 340 5%
HR7_8 Have you ever: Bet on the outcome of a reality TV show
Yes, I have 353 6%
No, I have not 60 73%
Don’t know / No opinion 237 %
HR7_9 Have you ever: Followed the life of a reality TV star after their show ended
Yes, I have 366 7%
No, I have not 604 73%
Don’t know / No opinion 23 0%
HR8_1 Do you agree or disagree with the following statements? My life would make an
interesting reality TV show.
Strongly agree 303 4%
Somewhat agree 324 5%
Somewhat disagree 346 6%
Strongly disagree 03 46%
Don’t know / No opinion 24 0%
HR8_4 Do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Reality TV shows represent
American society well.
Strongly agree 58 7%
Somewhat agree 364 7%
Somewhat disagree 474 22%
Strongly disagree 965 44%
Don’t know / No opinion 238 %
HR9_1 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable impression of the following reality TV shows?
Keeping Up with the Kardashians (N=1,096)
Very favorable 74 7%
Somewhat favorable 93 8%
Somewhat unfavorable 99 9%
Very unfavorable 624 57%
Heard of, No opinion 56 4%
Never heard of 50 5%

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Question Response Frequency Percentage
HR9_4 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable impression of the following reality TV shows?
Dancing with the Stars (N=1,046)
Very favorable 70 6%
Somewhat favorable 34 33%
Somewhat unfavorable 52 5%
Very unfavorable 53 5%
Heard of, No opinion 96 9%
Never heard of 34 3%
HR9_5 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable impression of the following reality TV shows?
Impractical Jokers (N=1,060)
Very favorable 97 9%
Somewhat favorable 85 7%
Somewhat unfavorable 2 %
Very unfavorable 56 5%
Heard of, No opinion 76 7%
Never heard of 234 22%
HR9_6 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable impression of the following reality TV shows?
RuPauls Drag Race (N=1,108)
Very favorable 85 8%
Somewhat favorable 00 9%
Somewhat unfavorable 95 9%
Very unfavorable 265 24%
Heard of, No opinion 278 25%
Never heard of 286 26%
HR9_7 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable impression of the following reality TV shows?
Survivor (N=1,047)
Very favorable 32 3%
Somewhat favorable 236 23%
Somewhat unfavorable 73 7%
Very unfavorable 234 22%
Heard of, No opinion 23 22%
Never heard of 40 4%
HR9_8 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable impression of the following reality TV shows?
Jersey Shore (N=1,070)
Very favorable 97 9%
Somewhat favorable 90 8%
Somewhat unfavorable 47 4%
Very unfavorable 423 40%
Heard of, No opinion 220 2%
Never heard of 93 9%

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Question Response Frequency Percentage
HR9_9 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable impression of the following reality TV shows?
Hells Kitchen (N=1,096)
Very favorable 28 20%
Somewhat favorable 243 22%
Somewhat unfavorable 76 6%
Very unfavorable 32 2%
Heard of, No opinion 223 20%
Never heard of 04 0%
HR9_10 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable impression of the following reality TV shows?
The Voice (N=1,064)
Very favorable 246 23%
Somewhat favorable 367 35%
Somewhat unfavorable 2 %
Very unfavorable 9 %
Heard of, No opinion 87 8%
Never heard of 32 3%
HR9_11 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable impression of the following reality TV shows?
Lip Sync Battle (N=1,065)
Very favorable 29 2%
Somewhat favorable 66 6%
Somewhat unfavorable  0%
Very unfavorable 73 6%
Heard of, No opinion 27 20%
Never heard of 270 25%
HR9_12 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable impression of the following reality TV shows?
Shark Tank (N=1,086)
Very favorable 209 9%
Somewhat favorable 368 34%
Somewhat unfavorable 47 4%
Very unfavorable 23 %
Heard of, No opinion 202 9%
Never heard of 36 3%
HR9_13 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable impression of the following reality TV shows?
Americas Next Top Model (N=1,042)
Very favorable 73 7%
Somewhat favorable 95 9%
Somewhat unfavorable 87 8%
Very unfavorable 23 20%
Heard of, No opinion 29 28%
Never heard of 83 8%

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Question Response Frequency Percentage
HR9_14 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable impression of the following reality TV shows?
Dance Moms (N=1,022)
Very favorable 43 4%
Somewhat favorable 9 9%
Somewhat unfavorable 2 2%
Very unfavorable 366 36%
Heard of, No opinion 97 9%
Never heard of 203 20%
HR9_15 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable impression of the following reality TV shows?
The Real Housewives (N=1,009)
Very favorable 65 6%
Somewhat favorable 86 9%
Somewhat unfavorable 7 2%
Very unfavorable 470 47%
Heard of, No opinion 2 2%
Never heard of 60 6%
HR9_16 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable impression of the following reality TV shows?
Queer Eye (N=1,055)
Very favorable 76 7%
Somewhat favorable 2 %
Somewhat unfavorable 08 0%
Very unfavorable 222 2%
Heard of, No opinion 275 26%
Never heard of 262 25%
HR9_17 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable impression of the following reality TV shows?
Project Runway (N=1,109)
Very favorable 94 8%
Somewhat favorable 6 5%
Somewhat unfavorable 57 4%
Very unfavorable 229 2%
Heard of, No opinion 324 29%
Never heard of 44 3%
HR9_18 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable impression of the following reality TV shows?
The Amazing Race (N=1,064)
Very favorable 32 2%
Somewhat favorable 24 20%
Somewhat unfavorable 36 3%
Very unfavorable 48 4%
Heard of, No opinion 309 29%
Never heard of 24 2%

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Question Response Frequency Percentage
HR9_19 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable impression of the following reality TV shows?
Teen Mom (N=1,077)
Very favorable 80 7%
Somewhat favorable 08 0%
Somewhat unfavorable 33 2%
Very unfavorable 397 37%
Heard of, No opinion 93 8%
Never heard of 66 5%
HR9_20 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable impression of the following reality TV shows?
The Bachelor (N=1,083)
Very favorable 72 7%
Somewhat favorable 07 0%
Somewhat unfavorable 73 6%
Very unfavorable 472 44%
Heard of, No opinion 206 9%
Never heard of 53 5%
HR9_21 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable impression of the following reality TV shows?
The Bachelorette (N=1,054)
Very favorable 6 6%
Somewhat favorable 05 0%
Somewhat unfavorable 83 7%
Very unfavorable 442 42%
Heard of, No opinion 209 20%
Never heard of 55 5%
HR9_22 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable impression of the following reality TV shows?
American Idol (N=1,079)
Very favorable 28 20%
Somewhat favorable 360 33%
Somewhat unfavorable 94 8%
Very unfavorable 32 2%
Heard of, No opinion 45 3%
Never heard of 30 3%
HR9_23 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable impression of the following reality TV shows?
The Challenge (N=1,073)
Very favorable 48 4%
Somewhat favorable 0 9%
Somewhat unfavorable 73 7%
Very unfavorable 7 %
Heard of, No opinion 253 24%
Never heard of 482 45%

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Question Response Frequency Percentage
HR9_24 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable impression of the following reality TV shows?
Big Brother (N=1,080)
Very favorable 03 0%
Somewhat favorable 24 %
Somewhat unfavorable 39 3%
Very unfavorable 335 3%
Heard of, No opinion 279 26%
Never heard of 0 9%
HR9_25 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable impression of the following reality TV shows?
Americas Got Talent (N=1,094)
Very favorable 33 30%
Somewhat favorable 385 35%
Somewhat unfavorable 7 %
Very unfavorable 86 8%
Heard of, No opinion 55 4%
Never heard of 9 2%
HR9_26 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable impression of the following reality TV shows?
Vanderpump Rules (N=1,080)
Very favorable 48 4%
Somewhat favorable 52 5%
Somewhat unfavorable 88 8%
Very unfavorable 59 5%
Heard of, No opinion 223 2%
Never heard of 50 47%
HR9_27 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable impression of the following reality TV shows?
Catfish (N=1,091)
Very favorable 7 %
Somewhat favorable 76 6%
Somewhat unfavorable 00 9%
Very unfavorable 65 5%
Heard of, No opinion 97 8%
Never heard of 336 3%
HR9_28 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable impression of the following reality TV shows?
The Curse of Oak Island (N=1,065)
Very favorable 92 9%
Somewhat favorable 8 %
Somewhat unfavorable 88 8%
Very unfavorable 0 9%
Heard of, No opinion 204 9%
Never heard of 462 43%

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Question Response Frequency Percentage
HR9_29 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable impression of the following reality TV shows?
Pawn Stars (N=1,033)
Very favorable 88 8%
Somewhat favorable 37 3%
Somewhat unfavorable 44 4%
Very unfavorable 06 0%
Heard of, No opinion 207 20%
Never heard of 7 7%
HR9_30 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable impression of the following reality TV shows?
So You Think You Can Dance (N=1,082)
Very favorable 27 2%
Somewhat favorable 38 29%
Somewhat unfavorable 76 6%
Very unfavorable 28 2%
Heard of, No opinion 26 24%
Never heard of 7 7%
HR9_31 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable impression of the following reality TV shows?
Haunted (N=1,002)
Very favorable 8 8%
Somewhat favorable 24 2%
Somewhat unfavorable 82 8%
Very unfavorable 34 3%
Heard of, No opinion 227 23%
Never heard of 354 35%
HR9_32 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable impression of the following reality TV shows?
Ink Master (N=1,084)
Very favorable 37 3%
Somewhat favorable 7 6%
Somewhat unfavorable 93 9%
Very unfavorable 44 3%
Heard of, No opinion 268 25%
Never heard of 270 25%
HR9_33 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable impression of the following reality TV shows?
90 Day Fianc (N=1,068)
Very favorable 62 6%
Somewhat favorable 72 7%
Somewhat unfavorable 6 %
Very unfavorable 263 25%
Heard of, No opinion 98 9%
Never heard of 358 34%

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Question Response Frequency Percentage
HR9_34 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable impression of the following reality TV shows?
Storage Wars (N=1,088)
Very favorable 49 4%
Somewhat favorable 33 29%
Somewhat unfavorable 67 5%
Very unfavorable 23 %
Heard of, No opinion 233 2%
Never heard of 02 9%
HR9_35 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable impression of the following reality TV shows?
Naked and Afraid (N=1,067)
Very favorable 97 9%
Somewhat favorable 8 7%
Somewhat unfavorable 37 3%
Very unfavorable 246 23%
Heard of, No opinion 228 2%
Never heard of 77 7%
HR9_36 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable impression of the following reality TV shows?
Fear Factor (N=1,059)
Very favorable 63 5%
Somewhat favorable 253 24%
Somewhat unfavorable 64 6%
Very unfavorable 206 9%
Heard of, No opinion 220 2%
Never heard of 54 5%
HR9_37 Do you have a favorable or unfavorable impression of the following reality TV shows?
The Apprentice (N=1,102)
Very favorable 70 6%
Somewhat favorable 83 7%
Somewhat unfavorable 47 3%
Very unfavorable 362 33%
Heard of, No opinion 242 22%
Never heard of 99 9%
HR10_1 And, if you had the opportunity to be on the following reality TV shows, how likely
would you be to take it? Keeping Up with the Kardashians (N=1,046)
Very likely 74 7%
Somewhat likely 77 7%
Not too likely 83 8%
Not likely at all 755 72%
Don’t know / No opinion 56 5%

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Question Response Frequency Percentage
HR10_4 And, if you had the opportunity to be on the following reality TV shows, how likely
would you be to take it? Dancing with the Stars (N=1,012)
Very likely 94 9%
Somewhat likely 46 4%
Not too likely 69 7%
Not likely at all 556 55%
Don’t know / No opinion 47 5%
HR10_5 And, if you had the opportunity to be on the following reality TV shows, how likely
would you be to take it? Impractical Jokers (N=826)
Very likely 60 9%
Somewhat likely 29 6%
Not too likely 4 4%
Not likely at all 368 45%
Don’t know / No opinion 55 7%
HR10_6 And, if you had the opportunity to be on the following reality TV shows, how likely
would you be to take it? RuPaul’s Drag Race (N=823)
Very likely 64 8%
Somewhat likely 47 6%
Not too likely 76 9%
Not likely at all 569 69%
Don’t know / No opinion 67 8%
HR10_7 And, if you had the opportunity to be on the following reality TV shows, how likely
would you be to take it? Survivor (N=1,007)
Very likely 9 9%
Somewhat likely 56 5%
Not too likely 3 3%
Not likely at all 582 58%
Don’t know / No opinion 47 5%
HR10_8 And, if you had the opportunity to be on the following reality TV shows, how likely
would you be to take it? Jersey Shore (N=977)
Very likely 04 %
Somewhat likely 79 8%
Not too likely 98 0%
Not likely at all 658 67%
Don’t know / No opinion 38 4%

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Question Response Frequency Percentage
HR10_9 And, if you had the opportunity to be on the following reality TV shows, how likely
would you be to take it? Hell’s Kitchen (N=992)
Very likely 04 0%
Somewhat likely 5 5%
Not too likely 28 3%
Not likely at all 54 55%
Don’t know / No opinion 68 7%
HR10_10 And, if you had the opportunity to be on the following reality TV shows, how likely
would you be to take it? The Voice (N=1,032)
Very likely 35 3%
Somewhat likely 27 2%
Not too likely 36 3%
Not likely at all 583 56%
Don’t know / No opinion 5 5%
HR10_11 And, if you had the opportunity to be on the following reality TV shows, how likely
would you be to take it? Lip Sync Battle (N=795)
Very likely 95 2%
Somewhat likely 03 3%
Not too likely 09 4%
Not likely at all 42 53%
Don’t know / No opinion 68 9%
HR10_12 And, if you had the opportunity to be on the following reality TV shows, how likely
would you be to take it? Shark Tank (N=1,050)
Very likely 42 3%
Somewhat likely 94 8%
Not too likely 65 6%
Not likely at all 493 47%
Don’t know / No opinion 56 5%
HR10_13 And, if you had the opportunity to be on the following reality TV shows, how likely
would you be to take it? America’s Next Top Model (N=959)
Very likely 67 7%
Somewhat likely 75 8%
Not too likely 25 3%
Not likely at all 649 68%
Don’t know / No opinion 42 4%

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Question Response Frequency Percentage
HR10_14 And, if you had the opportunity to be on the following reality TV shows, how likely
would you be to take it? Dance Moms (N=818)
Very likely 37 4%
Somewhat likely 64 8%
Not too likely 89 %
Not likely at all 586 72%
Don’t know / No opinion 42 5%
HR10_15 And, if you had the opportunity to be on the following reality TV shows, how likely
would you be to take it? The Real Housewives (N=949)
Very likely 56 6%
Somewhat likely 5 5%
Not too likely 04 %
Not likely at all 678 7%
Don’t know / No opinion 59 6%
HR10_16 And, if you had the opportunity to be on the following reality TV shows, how likely
would you be to take it? Queer Eye (N=793)
Very likely 4 5%
Somewhat likely 76 0%
Not too likely 97 2%
Not likely at all 55 65%
Don’t know / No opinion 64 8%
HR10_17 And, if you had the opportunity to be on the following reality TV shows, how likely
would you be to take it? Project Runway (N=965)
Very likely 59 6%
Somewhat likely 76 8%
Not too likely 29 3%
Not likely at all 639 66%
Don’t know / No opinion 62 6%
HR10_18 And, if you had the opportunity to be on the following reality TV shows, how likely
would you be to take it? The Amazing Race (N=940)
Very likely 98 0%
Somewhat likely 45 5%
Not too likely 54 6%
Not likely at all 480 5%
Don’t know / No opinion 64 7%

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Question Response Frequency Percentage
HR10_19 And, if you had the opportunity to be on the following reality TV shows, how likely
would you be to take it? Teen Mom (N=911)
Very likely 55 6%
Somewhat likely 46 5%
Not too likely 93 0%
Not likely at all 664 73%
Don’t know / No opinion 53 6%
HR10_20 And, if you had the opportunity to be on the following reality TV shows, how likely
would you be to take it? The Bachelor (N=1,030)
Very likely 73 7%
Somewhat likely 70 7%
Not too likely 93 9%
Not likely at all 74 72%
Don’t know / No opinion 53 5%
HR10_21 And, if you had the opportunity to be on the following reality TV shows, how likely
would you be to take it? The Bachelorette (N=999)
Very likely 59 6%
Somewhat likely 58 6%
Not too likely 08 %
Not likely at all 724 72%
Don’t know / No opinion 5 5%
HR10_22 And, if you had the opportunity to be on the following reality TV shows, how likely
would you be to take it? American Idol (N=1,049)
Very likely 04 0%
Somewhat likely 36 3%
Not too likely 46 4%
Not likely at all 628 60%
Don’t know / No opinion 36 3%
HR10_23 And, if you had the opportunity to be on the following reality TV shows, how likely
would you be to take it? The Challenge (N=591)
Very likely 5 9%
Somewhat likely 65 %
Not too likely 93 6%
Not likely at all 305 52%
Don’t know / No opinion 76 3%

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Question Response Frequency Percentage
HR10_24 And, if you had the opportunity to be on the following reality TV shows, how likely
would you be to take it? Big Brother (N=979)
Very likely 77 8%
Somewhat likely 9 9%
Not too likely 9 2%
Not likely at all 627 64%
Don’t know / No opinion 65 7%
HR10_25 And, if you had the opportunity to be on the following reality TV shows, how likely
would you be to take it? America’s Got Talent (N=1,075)
Very likely 35 3%
Somewhat likely 6 5%
Not too likely 45 4%
Not likely at all 576 54%
Don’t know / No opinion 58 5%
HR10_26 And, if you had the opportunity to be on the following reality TV shows, how likely
would you be to take it? Vanderpump Rules (N=570)
Very likely 34 6%
Somewhat likely 36 6%
Not too likely 84 5%
Not likely at all 348 6%
Don’t know / No opinion 67 2%
HR10_27 And, if you had the opportunity to be on the following reality TV shows, how likely
would you be to take it? Catfish (N=755)
Very likely 78 0%
Somewhat likely 58 8%
Not too likely 86 %
Not likely at all 462 6%
Don’t know / No opinion 70 9%
HR10_28 And, if you had the opportunity to be on the following reality TV shows, how likely
would you be to take it? The Curse of Oak Island (N=604)
Very likely 69 %
Somewhat likely 9 5%
Not too likely 74 2%
Not likely at all 295 49%
Don’t know / No opinion 75 2%

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Question Response Frequency Percentage
HR10_29 And, if you had the opportunity to be on the following reality TV shows, how likely
would you be to take it? Pawn Stars (N=962)
Very likely 5 6%
Somewhat likely 204 2%
Not too likely 30 3%
Not likely at all 48 43%
Don’t know / No opinion 59 6%
HR10_30 And, if you had the opportunity to be on the following reality TV shows, how likely
would you be to take it? So You Think You Can Dance (N=1,010)
Very likely 76 8%
Somewhat likely 04 0%
Not too likely 40 4%
Not likely at all 634 63%
Don’t know / No opinion 57 6%
HR10_31 And, if you had the opportunity to be on the following reality TV shows, how likely
would you be to take it? Haunted (N=648)
Very likely 68 0%
Somewhat likely 84 3%
Not too likely 76 2%
Not likely at all 354 55%
Don’t know / No opinion 67 0%
HR10_32 And, if you had the opportunity to be on the following reality TV shows, how likely
would you be to take it? Ink Master (N=814)
Very likely 2 4%
Somewhat likely 2 5%
Not too likely 5 4%
Not likely at all 47 5%
Don’t know / No opinion 48 6%
HR10_33 And, if you had the opportunity to be on the following reality TV shows, how likely
would you be to take it? 90 Day Fiancé (N=710)
Very likely 35 5%
Somewhat likely 53 8%
Not too likely 87 2%
Not likely at all 484 68%
Don’t know / No opinion 5 7%

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Question Response Frequency Percentage
HR10_34 And, if you had the opportunity to be on the following reality TV shows, how likely
would you be to take it? Storage Wars (N=986)
Very likely 39 4%
Somewhat likely 87 9%
Not too likely 47 5%
Not likely at all 450 46%
Don’t know / No opinion 63 6%
HR10_35 And, if you had the opportunity to be on the following reality TV shows, how likely
would you be to take it? Naked and Afraid (N=889)
Very likely 87 0%
Somewhat likely 87 0%
Not too likely 06 2%
Not likely at all 555 62%
Don’t know / No opinion 54 6%
HR10_36 And, if you had the opportunity to be on the following reality TV shows, how likely
would you be to take it? Fear Factor (N=1,006)
Very likely 2 2%
Somewhat likely 50 5%
Not too likely 28 3%
Not likely at all 568 56%
Don’t know / No opinion 39 4%
HR10_37 And, if you had the opportunity to be on the following reality TV shows, how likely
would you be to take it? The Apprentice (N=1,003)
Very likely 57 6%
Somewhat likely 9 2%
Not too likely 32 3%
Not likely at all 647 65%
Don’t know / No opinion 48 5%
HRdem1_1 How often do you watch or stream the following? TV shows
Every day 05 50%
Several times per week 503 23%
About once per week 42 6%
Several times per month 9 5%
About once per month 55 2%
Less often than once per month 83 4%
Never 93 9%

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Question Response Frequency Percentage
HRdem1_4 How often do you watch or stream the following? Movies
Every day 459 2%
Several times per week 570 26%
About once per week 337 5%
Several times per month 29 0%
About once per month 228 0%
Less often than once per month 94 9%
Never 93 9%
HRdem1_5 How often do you watch or stream the following? Sporting events
Every day 94 9%
Several times per week 342 6%
About once per week 363 6%
Several times per month 30 6%
About once per month 52 7%
Less often than once per month 309 4%
Never 70 32%
HRdem2_1 Do you, or anyone in your household, subscribe to the following? Cable television
I (or someone in my household) currently subscribe 927 42%
I (or someone in my household) subscribed in the past, 822 37%
but not now
I (or someone in my household) have never subscribed 45 20%
HRdem2_4 Do you, or anyone in your household, subscribe to the following? Satellite television
I (or someone in my household) currently subscribe 520 24%
I (or someone in my household) subscribed in the past, 682 3%
but not now
I (or someone in my household) have never subscribed 998 45%
HRdem2_5 Do you, or anyone in your household, subscribe to the following? Streaming service(s)
I (or someone in my household) currently subscribe 203 55%
I (or someone in my household) subscribed in the past, 286 3%
but not now
I (or someone in my household) have never subscribed 72 32%
Note: Group proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. All statistics are calcu-
lated for registered voters with demographic post-strati cation weights applied.

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Morning Consult
Respondent Demographics Summary

Respondent Demographics Summary

Summary Statistics of Survey Respondent Demographics

Demographic Group Frequency Percentage

xdemAll Adults 2200 00%

xdemGender Gender: Male 062 48%
Gender: Female 38 52%
N 2200
age5 Age: 18-29 483 22%
Age: 30-44 530 24%
Age: 45-54 389 8%
Age: 55-64 362 6%
Age: 65+ 436 20%
N 2200
demAgeGeneration Generation Z: 18-21 73 8%
Millennial: Age 22-37 608 28%
Generation X: Age 38-53 589 27%
Boomers: Age 54-72 729 33%
N 2099
xpid3 PID: Dem (no lean) 748 34%
PID: Ind (no lean) 560 25%
PID: Rep (no lean) 89 4%
N 2200
xpidGender PID/Gender: Dem Men 322 5%
PID/Gender: Dem Women 426 9%
PID/Gender: Ind Men 294 3%
PID/Gender: Ind Women 266 2%
PID/Gender: Rep Men 445 20%
PID/Gender: Rep Women 446 20%
N 2200
xdemIdeo3 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 78 33%
Ideo: Moderate (4) 462 2%
Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 694 32%
N 874
xeduc3 Educ: College 52 69%
Educ: Bachelors degree 444 20%
Educ: Post-grad 244 %
N 2200
Continued on next page

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National Tracking Poll #181129, November, 2018
Respondent Demographics Summary

Summary Statistics of Survey Respondent Demographics

Demographic Group Frequency Percentage

xdemInc3 Income: Under 50k 389 63%

Income: 50k-100k 546 25%
Income: 100k+ 265 2%
N 2200
xdemWhite Ethnicity: White 722 78%
xdemHispBin Ethnicity: Hispanic 349 6%
demBlackBin Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 274 2%
demRaceOther Ethnicity: Other 204 9%
xrelNet Relig: Protestant 447 20%
Relig: Roman Catholic 373 7%
Relig: Something Else 207 9%
N 027
xreligion1 Relig: Jewish 44 2%
xreligion2 Relig: Evangelical 708 32%
Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 39 4%
N 027
xreligion3 Relig: All Christian 027 47%
Relig: All Non-Christian 302 4%
N 329
xdemUsr Community: Urban 540 25%
Community: Suburban 008 46%
Community: Rural 652 30%
N 2200
xdemEmploy Employ: Private Sector 63 28%
Employ: Government 5 7%
Employ: Self-Employed 20 0%
Employ: Homemaker 52 7%
Employ: Student 02 5%
Employ: Retired 494 22%
Employ: Unemployed 207 9%
Employ: Other 270 2%
N 2200
xdemMilHH1 Military HH: Yes 405 8%
Military HH: No 795 82%
N 2200
Continued on next page

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Morning Consult
Respondent Demographics Summary

Summary Statistics of Survey Respondent Demographics

Demographic Group Frequency Percentage

xnr1 RD/WT: Right Direction 924 42%

RD/WT: Wrong Track 276 58%
N 2200
Trump_Approve Trump Job Approve 947 43%
Trump Job Disapprove 29 5%
N 2076
Trump_Approve2 Trump Job Strongly Approve 49 22%
Trump Job Somewhat Approve 456 2%
Trump Job Somewhat Disapprove 303 4%
Trump Job Strongly Disapprove 826 38%
N 2076
xnr3 #1 Issue: Economy 6 28%
#1 Issue: Security 403 8%
#1 Issue: Health Care 40 8%
#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 325 5%
#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 22 6%
#1 Issue: Education 39 6%
#1 Issue: Energy 90 4%
#1 Issue: Other 09 5%
N 2200
xsubVote16O 2016 Vote: Hillary Clinton 673 3%
2016 Vote: Donald Trump 727 33%
2016 Vote: Someone else 98 9%
2016 Vote: Didnt Vote 59 27%
N 289
xsubVote14O Voted in 2014: Yes 382 63%
Voted in 2014: No 88 37%
N 2200
xsubVote12O 2012 Vote: Barack Obama 885 40%
2012 Vote: Mitt Romney 52 23%
2012 Vote: Other 94 4%
2012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 707 32%
N 298
xreg4 4-Region: Northeast 394 8%
4-Region: Midwest 462 2%
4-Region: South 824 37%
4-Region: West 520 24%
N 2200
Continued on next page

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National Tracking Poll #181129, November, 2018
Respondent Demographics Summary

Summary Statistics of Survey Respondent Demographics

Demographic Group Frequency Percentage

Trump_Fav Favorable of Trump 956 43%

Unfavorable of Trump 0 50%
N 2066
Trump_Fav_FULL Very Favorable of Trump 547 25%
Somewhat Favorable of Trump 409 9%
Somewhat Unfavorable of Trump 237 %
Very Unfavorable of Trump 873 40%
N 2066
dem1 Frequent TV Watchers 608 73%
dem2 Frequent Movie Watchers 029 47%
Note: Group proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. All statistics are calcu-
lated with demographic post-strati cation weights applied.

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Morning Consult

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