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#ERCUL18​​ -- November 30, 2018 1:00 - 3:15 pm @ Cherryland Middle School


Click here to reserve your seat at the sessions you want to attend

What to bring CMS Room # Grade Level

Session 1: 1:00 - 2:00 in addition to and Coach Focus
your ​Macbook

Google Classroom Room 120 All levels

Google Classroom is one choice for your “virtual” classroom. Teachers can create classes and
assignments, invite students and parents, add questions to the class, and grade written work without Jami Gray

Formative assessment tools to check for understanding A few lessons Room 121 All levels
Interested in technology tools to unlock the potential of quick, easy formative assessments for your you teach that
students? Come and see how you can use these 3 tools in your classroom: ​Google Quizzes, Poll you want to Joe Macaluso
Everywhere & Padlet. assess

Using Technology to Engage Students A student iPad Room 107A/B Elementary

Transform writing assignments into multimedia products that can be shared with peers and families.
Turn review sessions into social or individual games. Teach social studies civics through online Jane Bruso and
roleplay simulations. Enrich science with easy-to-search videos organized by topic and grade level. Dee Prabhaker
Provide movement and relaxation breaks during the day.
Featured tools:
Quizziz, GoNoodle, iCivics, Adobe Spark, Book Creator,
Discovery Education, Noisli,

Screencasting 101 Room: Library

What is screencasting? How can I (or students) use it to make life easier in my classroom? All Levels
Sue Anderson

Getting the Most out of your MacBook Room 108 All levels
Unlock the power of your MacBook! Quick tips, shortcuts, new features and settings to make your
experience with your MacBook streamlined and, dare we say, easier? Dave Crewes
What to bring in Room # and Grade Level
Session 2: 2:10 - 3:10 addition to your Coach Focus

Google Classroom Room 121 All levels

Google Classroom is one choice for your “virtual” classroom. Teachers can create classes and
assignments, invite students and parents, add questions to the class, and grade written work without Joe Macaluso

Organization and Google Drive Room 108 All levels

Is your Google Drive a nightmare? Come see how to make your Drive more manageable. Whether
you organize by folders, files, names or dates, there is a way through the Google Drive maze. Let us Dave Crewes

Tech Tools to Communicate with Parents Room 107A/B Elementary /

Send text message reminders to parents without sharing your personal contact information. Share Middle School
photos and videos of student-created work with families and enable them to post comments. Jane Bruso and
Dee Prabhaker

Google add-ons Student essays to Room 120 Writing

Are you wanting to empower students to edit and finalize essays before they turn in for grading? use for practice specific.
Google Add-Ons run within Google Docs. There are many choices to help students to edit their Jami Gray Only for
writing including ProWritingAid and Writing Tutor. Chromebooks
Also, an easy way to create a Works Cited page is by using the EasyBib Add-Ons. and

Differentiate/Personalize with MobyMax Room Library Elementary /

Tools to differentiate with a focus on how to get the most out MobyMax to extend or remediate Middle School
instruction while staying connected with your students. Sue Anderson

*3:10 - 3:15 pm: Click here to complete exit ticket

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