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Department of Arts Administration, Education, and Policy


(Revised 2016)

Teacher Candidate Jessica Bowlby

School Canal Winchester High School
Grade Level Beginning

UNIT TITLE Making Meaning

Length of Class Period 47 minutes
Approximate Number of Students in Each class 24
Beginning Date for this Unit 11/??
Ending Date for this Unit 11/??

Critical and Creative Thinking: Students combine and apply artistic and reasoning skills to
imagine, create, realize and refine artworks in conventional and innovative ways.

B. Draw on a variety of sources to generate, select and evaluate ideas to create personally
meaningful products.
E. Apply reasoning skills to communicate key ideas expressed in their artworks and the works of
others and use appropriate criteria and language to critique the works.


Anticipatory Set (what do the students already know, why is this lesson relevant?)
At this point in the semester, students have had quite a bit of experience with painting. They
have covered color theory, and all know their colors and color interactions well. They have
worked mainly with acrylic paint and already have their own pallets of acrylic paint. They have
also worked with canvas paper and have explored multiple techniques such as impasto,
sgraffito, and dry brushing.
This unit will be relevant and beneficial to the students because it builds off of their previous
knowledge of acrylic paint. It adds a different element to their painting and adds in additional
concepts. They have already done a lot of their own complete paintings, so this allows them
to base their ideas and artistic decisions on someone else’s already pre-existing work.
This will allow them to be influenced by other artwork than that of their own or their
classmates. They will have to build, artistically and theoretically, on someone else’s art. This
gives them the opportunity to think more conceptually and be more creative by giving an
already existing image a new meaning. The students have recently been working on a project
related to inspiration and how artists get the ideas for their artworks so this will build off of that
lesson in terms of inspiration and meaning.
Central Focus (creating, presenting, interpreting, responding, and/or relating art to context)
For this unit, students will be responding to a preexisting image and building off of that image.
They will be interpreting the meaning of the image and then altering it to create a meaning of
their choosing. They will create a painting using acrylic paint and an image that they choose
from a selection of images that I will provide. After the students interpret the meaning of the
preexisting image and break it apart in terms of art criticism (describe, analyze, interpret, and
evaluate), they will come up with a new meaning for their image. They will then paint over
portions of the image to alter its meaning. They will present their final image on the last day of
the lesson during a group critique. The students will have to think about the meaning of art,
who dictates that meaning, and if that is problematic.

Essential Questions (provocative, engaging, critical)

Who dictates meaning in an artwork?
Whose interpretation of the artwork is most important, artist or viewer?
How easily is an artwork’s meaning deviated?
Is it problematic for an artwork to have multiple meanings?

Possible Integration
This could possibly be integrated into an English class where the students could write a short
story about the image they are altering and the new meaning that the will be creating. This
would allow them to give the image context.


Lesson One
Title Planning
Lesson In the first lesson, the students will be creating their plan for their painting.
Description They will pick an image from a stack that I have printed off and will interpret
the meaning of the image. They will then decide how they will use painting to
alter the image and create a new meaning for the piece. I will show some
examples on a PowerPoint presentation. I will have a discussion with the
students about the meaning of art, who dictates that meaning, and if that is
problematic or not. They will first fill out a handout consisting of art criticism
techniques and how they interpret the meaning of the original image. They will
then describe how they will change the piece and identify the new meaning of
the piece. After this, they will create a sketch of what they will add to the
image. They will be allowed to work with the students at their table to bounce
ideas off of each other.

Title Painting
Lesson The second lesson will consist of painting their images. They will glue their
Description image onto a piece of matboard so that the paper has enough support to hold
up the paint that they put onto it and so that it doesn’t warp. They will use
acrylic paint to alter the image that they choose in the previous class. Their
painting will need to cover roughly 50% of the preexisting image. They will use
their sketches as a reference if needed.

Title Critique
Lesson The last lesson will be used as a day of reflection and review of the project. To
Description begin, we will have a critique. Students will each receive one critique
worksheet. They will use one critique worksheet per painting, so they will be
critiquing one other student’s artworks. They will each use Barrett’s method of
art criticism to examine and evaluate their peers artwork. They will also write
one thing that they think is successful, and one thing that they think could be
improved on their peer’s painting. After this, the students will write an artist
statement describing and reflecting on their piece. I will have a handout for
them so that they know exactly what information I am looking for in their artist

Explain how technology has been used in this unit


Teacher Candidate Jessica Bowlby

School Canal Winchester High School
Grade Level HS Beginning

Lesson Title Planning
Length of Class Period 47 minutes
Approximate Number of Students in Each class 24
Beginning Date for this Lesson 11/??
Ending Date for this Lesson 11/?




1RE Explore various methods of art criticism in responding to artworks.

Performance-based Assessment Objectives

1. Students will be able to use Barrett’s method of art criticism (describing, analyzing,
interpreting, and evaluating) to respond to the meaning of an image.
2. Students will be able to use their analysis of an image by responding to and
developing an idea to alter the meaning of an image.

Performance-based Assessment Strategies

(attach assessment documents if applicable)
1. Students will turn in one worksheet using Barrett’s art criticism techniques to
thoroughly address the following in their answers:
a. Description of the image
b. Analysis of the image
c. Interpretation of the image
d. Evaluation of the image
e. Plans for alteration to the image
2. Students will turn in one 8.5x11 sketch demonstrating their plan for how they will alter
the meaning of their chosen image when using acrylic paint.

*I will leave a post it note on each drawing for formative assessment before handing them
back in the next class.

Academic Language
Alter: to change
Meaning: perceived concept or interpretation
Interpret: to explain the meaning
Artist Statement: a written description of one’s work
Critique: to examine and review
Art Criticism: a discussion or evaluation of an artwork
Describe: to explain
Analyze: to examine
Evaluate: to judge
Appropriation: a form of artmaking where the artist changes someone else’s art in that of their

Additional Language Demands (specific speaking or writing activity)

Students will complete the art criticism worksheet. They will write one paragraph consisting of
how they interpret the meaning of the original image and they will also describe how they will
alter the piece and identify the new meaning of the piece.

Accommodations for Special Populations

For a student with an IEP, I will help them by breaking down the steps so they are easier to
follow. I will ask them frequently if they need help and will take time to explain steps to them
in detail. I will check on these students often during class to make sure they are staying on
task and are understanding the project. I will also give them extra time to finish the project if
they need it.

Art/Visual Culture Examples

All images that the students will be using will be taken from National Geographic and I will
also be using images that are similar to this lesson from Pinterest. All images used will be in
the PowerPoint attached at the end of this unit plan.

Materials/Resources for Teacher
24 8.5x11 printed images from National Geographic
24 pieces of 8.5x11 paper
24 art criticism worksheets
PowerPoint presentation
Teacher example

Materials for Students

Image from National Geographic
8.5x11 paper
Art criticism worksheet

Safety Procedures
I will tell the students to be careful not to spill any water near the sinks as to avoid slipping. If
there are multiple students at the sinks at one time they will need to form a line and not all
rush in at once to avoid spills and slips. Students will also be required to sit in their assigned
seats as to avoid problematic situations between students such as arguments and fighting.

Getting the Classroom Environment Ready
For the first lesson, I will have the images printed off and ready to go when the students come
in the classroom. They will be in stacks on the table at the front of the room. I will also have a
stack of 8.5x11 paper on the front table as well for sketching. Additionally, I will have the art
criticism worksheets on the front table. I will have matboard, glue, and scissors on the front
table as well. When students come in the room, I will instruct them to sit at their seats and
wait for the rest of the class to come in. I will have a PowerPoint ready to show the students
to introduce the project. The first slide of the PowerPoint will also have instructions to take an
image, sheet of paper, and art criticism worksheet off of the front table. I will have this on the
screen when the students come in so they know to get their materials without me telling them
all. I will have an example ready on the front table to show the students as well.

Procedures for the Teaching/Learning Structure (indicate approximate time for each step)

Day Duration Application Resources

Introduction and discussion- The students will
 PowerPoint
1 10 mins enter the classroom and sit in their seats. I will first
have them pick out an image from the stack that I
have on the front table. They will also take a blank  Teacher
sheet of paper and an art criticism worksheet. I will examples
not yet tell them what they are going to be doing  Art criticism
with the image, just that they will need it for the and planning
project. I will then introduce the lesson by using a worksheet
PowerPoint presentation to show the students
examples of the project or of similar ideas. I will
ask the following questions:
 Who dictates meaning in an artwork?
 Does the artist/photographer tell you
exactly what they’re thinking, or do you
make assumptions?
 Whose interpretation of the artwork is most
important, artist or viewer?
 How easily is an artwork’s meaning
 Is appropriating art problematic because it
gives an artwork multiple meanings?
I will also tell the students that the meaning
doesn’t have to be implied and that it can be more
conceptual and less obvious. I will then tell the
students the plan for the day. I will tell them that
they will be trying to determine and interpret the
meaning of the image that they chose. They will
also be brainstorming ideas for how to change the
meaning of the image. I will go over the art
criticism and planning worksheet before they get
started. After this I will go over an example of how
to use Barrett’s method of art criticism with the
class. We will use the image that I used for my
painting that is already in the PowerPoint. I will
also tell students that the sketch needs to depict
their plan for their painting but doesn’t need to be
in great detail, it is just a draft, not a final project.
They just need to have their plan down on paper,
they don’t need to create a masterpiece. I will
remind them that the painting needs to cover
roughly 50% of the original image.
Work time- Students will get to work on their art
criticism worksheet. They will first work on  Image of
determining the meaning of the image that they choice
have chosen. They will be allowed to work in  Art criticism
groups with the people at their tables. They will and planning
then brainstorm ways in which they will alter the worksheet
1 meaning of the image. They will fill out the art  Pencil
criticism handout and write how they interpret the  8.5x11 piece
meaning of the image. They will also write how of paper
they plan to use paint to alter the meaning of the  Matboard
image. They will be required to cover  Glue
approximately 50% of the image with paint. Once  Scissors
they are finished writing their paragraph, they will
sketch out their plan on a piece of 8.5x11 paper.
This doesn’t have to be detailed, as long as they
have their plan on paper. (I will leave comments
on the students work as a form of formative
assessment after class, before passing them back
in the next class). If students finish this early, they
can go ahead and glue their image onto matboard
so that the paper has more support when paint is
added onto it. If they do not get to this step today,
we will do it first thing in the next class.
 Art criticism
Clean up- Students will return any materials to
and planning
their designated area. They will turn in their art
1 5 mins. worksheet
criticism worksheet and sketch to me. They will
 Sketch
place their image in their cubby.
 Image

Clean-up Procedures (Room, Materials & Work Storage)

Students know where all materials belong and will be in charge of returning any materials
used to their designated areas. They will put their images in their cubbies located in a cabinet
behind the teacher's desk.

Closure, Review & Anticipation (what’s next?)

At this time, I will instruct students to finish their paragraph or sketch if they didn’t complete
them in class. I will remind the students that we will be painting in the next class and to make
sure that all of their work is done so that they are ready to go at the start of next class.

Supplemental Activity
If students finish their work early they can use this time to practice altering meaning of a
visual image by creating a second alteration for their image of choice.

Teacher reflection focused on the lesson after it has been taught


Teacher Candidate Jessica Bowlby

School Canal Winchester High School
Grade Level HS Beginning
Lesson Title Painting
Length of Class Period 47 minutes
Approximate Number of Students in Each class 24
Beginning Date for this Lesson 11/??
Ending Date for this Lesson 11/??



1PR Demonstrate basic technical skill and craftsmanship with various art media when
creating images from observation, memory and imagination.


Performance-based Assessment Objectives

1. Students will be able to demonstrate basic skills while using acrylic paint.
2. Students will be able to create an image using acrylic paint.
1. Students will be able to use acrylic techniques already learned in class such as dry
brushing, impasto,and/or sgraffito to create a new painting.
2. Students will be able to use their imagination and apply Barrett’s art criticism
techniques to alter and paint 50% of a preexisting image.

Performance-based Assessment Strategies

(attach assessment documents if applicable)
1. Students will show knowledge of acrylic paint by properly using techniques learned in class
and color mixing skills to paint onto one image of choice.
2. Students will use acrylic paint to alter approximately 50% of their preexisting image.

Academic Language
Alter: to change
Meaning: perceived concept or interpretation
Interpret: to explain the meaning
Artist Statement: a written description of one’s work
Critique: to examine and review
Art Criticism: a discussion or evaluation of an artwork
Describe: to explain
Analyze: to examine
Evaluate: to judge
Appropriation: a form of artmaking where the artist changes someone else’s art in that of their
Additional Language Demands (specific speaking or writing activity)
Students will explain why and how they plan to use acrylic paint to alter their image when I go
around to each table to help students complete their paintings.

Accommodations for Special Populations

For a student with an IEP, I will help them by breaking down the steps so they are easier to
follow. I will ask then frequently if they need help and will take time to explain steps to them in
detail. I will check on these students often during class to make sure they are staying on task
and are understanding the project. I will also give them extra time to finish the project if they
need it.

Art/Visual Culture Examples

Materials/Resources for Teacher
Acrylic paints
24 paintbrushes
24 cups of water
Art criticism worksheets

Materials for Students

Acrylic paint
Cup of water

Safety Procedures
I will tell the students to be careful not to spill any water near the sinks as to avoid slipping. If
there are multiple students at the sinks at one time they will need to form a line and not all
rush in at once to avoid spills and slips. Students will also be required to sit in their assigned
seats as to avoid problematic situations between students such as arguments and fighting.

Getting the Classroom Environment Ready
For the second lesson, I will prepare the classroom by getting out paint brushes and paints for
the students. Students already have their own pallet of acrylic paint and just need extra paint
on the front table for when they run out. I will also get out water cups and place them on the
front table for students to take as they need them. I will begin by passing back student’s
sketches and art criticism worksheets from last class so they can refer to them for their
painting and also take into account my comments that I left on their papers. I will also put
matboard, glue, and scissors on the front table so that students that didn’t have time to glue
their images to matboard in the last class can do that today.

Procedures for the Teaching/Learning Structure (indicate approximate time for each step)

Day Duration Application Resources

Intro & reminders- I will use this time to remind
 Acrylic paint
the students of the plan for today. I will remind
 Paint brushes
students that they will be painting their image
 Cups of water
based on their sketch from the previous class. I
 Matboard
will remind them that their painting is supposed
 Glue
1 3 mins. to cover roughly 50% of the original image and
 Scissors
that they have three classes to work on the
 Sketches
painting. I will also have materials (paint, paint
 Art criticism and
brushes, water cups, matboard, scissors, and
glue) set on the front table for students to
access as they feel necessary.
Work time- Students will have this time to work
 Paint
on their projects. To begin, they will need to glue
 Paint brushes
their image on a piece of matboard for support.
 Cups of water
They will be basing this painting off of their
 Image
sketches and worksheets that they turned in to
 Matboard
39 me in the previous class. I will use this time to
1  Glue
mins. go around to students and answer questions as
 Scissors
well as pass back sketches and worksheets
 Sketches
from the last class. I will suggest to students that
 Art criticism and
they use today to complete about 1/3 of their
painting, so they can stay on schedule and get it
done on time.
Clean up- Students will wash out paint brushes
at the sinks and return them to their bins on the
front table. They will also dump out the water
from their cups and place those back on the
 Sinks
table as well. They will cover up their painting
 Drying racks
pallets and return them to their individual
1 5 mins.  Individual
shelves located behind the teacher’s desk in the
corner of the room. They will place their
 Sponges/rags
paintings on the drying racks in the back of the
room. A few appointed students from the class
will use sponges/rags to clean the tables if
Intro and reminders- I will remind students that
they can use their sketches or worksheets to
continue their work from the last class. I will also
 Acrylic paints
remind them to make sure that their painting
2 3 mins.  Paint brushes
covers roughly 50% of the image that they
 Cups of water
chose. I will have materials (paints, brushes,
and water cups) on the front desk for students to
access as they feel necessary. I will remind the
students that they should have over half of their
painting done by the end of class today.
Work time- Students will use this time to work on
their projects. I will use this time to come around  Paint
2 and answer questions as well as make sure  Paint brushes
students are on task and are getting their  Cups of water
projects finished.
Clean up- Students will wash out paint brushes
at the sinks and return them to their bins on the
front table. They will also dump out the water
from their cups and place those back on the
 Sinks
table as well. They will cover up their painting
 Drying racks
pallets and return them to their individual
2 5 mins.  Individual
shelves located behind the teacher’s desk in the
corner of the room. They will place their
 Sponges/rags
paintings on the drying racks in the back of the
room. A few appointed students from the class
will use sponges/rags to clean the tables if
Intro and reminders- I will remind students that
they can use their sketches or worksheets to
continue their work from the last class. I will also
remind them to make sure that their painting
 Acrylic paints
covers roughly 50% of the image that they
3 3 mins.  Paint brushes
chose. I will have materials (paints, brushes,
 Cups of water
and water cups) on the front desk for students to
access as they feel necessary. I will remind the
students that they should have their painting
done by the end of class today.
Work time- Students will use this time to work on
their projects. I will use this time to come around  Paint
3 and answer questions as well as make sure  Paint brushes
students are on task and are getting their  Cups of water
projects finished.
Clean up- Students will wash out paint brushes
at the sinks and return them to their bins on the
front table. They will also dump out the water
from their cups and place those back on the
 Sinks
table as well. They will cover up their painting
 Drying racks
pallets and return them to their individual
3 5 mins.  Individual
shelves located behind the teacher’s desk in the
corner of the room. They will place their
 Sponges/rags
paintings on the drying racks in the back of the
room. A few appointed students from the class
will use sponges/rags to clean the tables if
Clean-up Procedures (Room, Materials & Work Storage)
Students will all be responsible for cleaning up their own materials that they used that class
period. They will return any materials to their designated areas and clean off their desks.
They will use sponges/rags to clean the tables if necessary.

Closure, Review & Anticipation (what’s next?)

At the end of this lesson, I will tell the students that if they have not completed their painting,
they are due at the beginning of the next class. I will also tell them that in the next class we
will be working on artist statements and a group critique.

Supplemental Activity
If students finish their work early they can use this time to practice altering meaning of a
visual image by creating a second alteration for their image of choice.

Teacher reflection focused on the lesson after it has been taught


Teacher Candidate Jessica Bowlby

School Canal Winchester High School
Grade Level HS Beginning

Lesson Title Critique
Length of Class Period 47 minutes
Approximate Number of Students in Each class 24
Beginning Date for this Lesson 11/??
Ending Date for this Lesson 11/??




1RE Explore various methods of art criticism in responding to artworks.

Performance-based Assessment Objectives

1. Students will be able to use Barrett’s methods of art criticism to conduct a critique of
one of their peers painting’s. They will examine and evaluate the painting while
identifying a strength and suggestion for improvement for the painting.
2. Students will be able to write an artist statement that describes how they responded to
and altered the meaning of their original image of choice.

Performance-based Assessment Strategies

(attach assessment documents if applicable)
1. Students will complete one critique worksheet to examine and respond to one of their
classmate’s artworks. The worksheet will include the following:
a. Barrett’s method of art criticism (describe, analyze, interpret, evaluate)
b. One strength they see in the artwork
c. One suggestion for improvement.
2. Students will create an artist statement describing and reflecting on their own artwork
using the artist statement prompt worksheet.

Academic Language
Alter: to change
Meaning: perceived concept or interpretation
Interpret: to explain the meaning
Artist Statement: a written description of one’s work
Critique: to examine and review
Art Criticism: a discussion or evaluation of an artwork
Describe: to explain
Analyze: to examine
Evaluate: to judge
Appropriation: a form of artmaking where the artist changes someone else’s art in that of their

Additional Language Demands (specific speaking or writing activity)

Students will write an artist statement describing and reflecting on the meaning, alterations,
and interpretation of their own artwork using the artist statement prompt.

Accommodations for Special Populations

For a student with an IEP, I will help them by breaking down the steps so they are easier to
follow. I will ask then frequently if they need help and will take time to explain steps to them in
detail. I will check on these students often during class to make sure they are staying on task
and are understanding the project. I will also give them extra time to finish the project if they
need it.
Art/Visual Culture Examples

Materials/Resources for Teacher
24 critique worksheets
24 artist statement prompt worksheets

Materials for Students

Critique worksheet
Artist statement prompt worksheet

Safety Procedures
I will tell the students to be careful not to spill any water near the sinks as to avoid slipping. If
there are multiple students at the sinks at one time they will need to form a line and not all
rush in at once to avoid spills and slips. Students will also be required to sit in their assigned
seats as to avoid problematic situations between students such as arguments and fighting.

Getting the Classroom Environment Ready
For this lesson, I will pass out critique worksheets to each table for each student to take one. I
will also pass out Artist Statement prompt worksheets for each student. I will instruct how the
critique will work and also how to fill out the artist statement prompt worksheet. At the end of
class, they will turn in their painting with both critique worksheets from their peers, as well as
their artist statement.

Procedures for the Teaching/Learning Structure (indicate approximate time for each step)

Day Duration Application Resources

Intro- students will enter the room and I will tell
them the plan for the day. I will tell the students
that we will first be critiquing our paintings and
then they will be writing an artist statement to go
along with them. I will explain how the critique will
 critique
work. I will tell them that they will each receive one
critique worksheet. I will tell them that they will pick
1 5 mins.  Artist prompt
one other students artwork at their table (the
students on either side of/across from them) and
 pencil
they will use Barrett’s method of art criticism to
examine and evaluate their classmate’s artwork.
They will also leave two comments on the
worksheet: 1) one strength of the piece 2) one
suggestion for improvement. I will also explain that
this isn’t the same as writing what they like and
dislike about the piece, but that it is meant to give
useful feedback to the artist. Saying whether or not
you like an artwork doesn’t give any useful
feedback or suggestions for improvement, but
simply gives your opinion. I will also tell them that
after the critique, they will each be writing an artist
statement based off of prompts that I give them.
This will explain the meaning of their pieces and
will also take their peers feedback from the critique
into account.
Critique- I will pass out a critique worksheet to
each student. I will tell them that they will be
critiquing one other students artwork on either side
of them at their table. (Either beside them or
across from them). I will tell them that they need to
have 1) one strength that they see in the painting  Paintings
24 and 2) one suggestion for improvement. I will  Critique
mins. again stress that this should not be what they worksheet
like/dislike as this does not allow for any type of  Pencil
useful feedback that the other students can
incorporate in their future work. Students will be
allowed to ask their peers questions about each
others work to better understand it once they have
completed both critique worksheets.
 Artist
Artist statements- Students will fill out their artist prompt
statement prompt worksheets and turn them in to worksheets
1 me. They will use the suggestions from the critique  Painting
worksheet from their peers during critique for their  critique
artist statement. worksheets
from critique
 pencil
Clean up- There wasn’t many materials used in
 Paintings
today’s class so clean up will be relatively short.
 Artist
Students will turn in their paintings and artist
1 3 mins. statements
statements to me and will return any extra critique
 Extra
worksheets or extra artist statement prompt
worksheets to me.

Clean-up Procedures (Room, Materials & Work Storage)

Students will turn in their paintings and artist statements to me and will return any extra
critique worksheets or extra artist statement prompt worksheets to me.
Closure, Review & Anticipation (what’s next?)

Supplemental Activity
If students finish their work early they will be able to use another critique worksheet to critique
an additional students artwork. We will also have a gallery walk around the room so that the
students can see everyone else's artwork.

Teacher reflection focused on the lesson after it has been taught

Be sure to attach to the full instructional unit

Art Criticism and Planning
Art Criticism:
1) Describe what you see. What objects and elements do you see?
2) Analyze what you see. What is happening?
3) Interpret what you see. What is the meaning, mood, or idea that you think the image
communicates to the viewer? Is there a story being told?
4) Evaluate what you see. What do you think of the image? Is it successful? Why or why
Planning: Describe your plans for altering the image. How are you going to change the


Artist Statement Prompt

Title: _________________________________________________________________

Include the following:

 Describe your piece.
 What is the meaning of your piece?
 How did you alter the meaning?
 What inspired you?
 What did you do well and what do you think you could do better?
 How could you take your peers suggestions to improve your piece?

Your Name_________________________
Artist’s Name_______________________
1) Describe what you see. What objects and elements do you see?
2) Analyze what you see. What is happening?
3) Interpret what you see. What is the meaning, mood, or idea that you think the image
communicates to the viewer? Is there a story being told?
4) Evaluate what you see. What do you think of the image? Is it successful? Why or why
5) One strength that you see in the painting.
6) One suggestion for improvement.
Lesson 2, Teacher Example

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