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Subject Area Language Arts

Grade Level 2
Page 1 Baillie Rutherford Topic Super Sentences
Length of Unit (Days) 4 weeks

Table of Contents

1. Essential/Inquiry Questions (Page 2)

2. General Learning Outcomes/Specific Learning Outcomes (Page 2)

3. Lesson Plans (Pages 3-9)

4. Assessment Plan (Pages 10-11)

Subject Area Language Arts
Grade Level 2
Page 2 Baillie Rutherford Topic Super Sentences
Length of Unit (Days) 4 weeks

Unit Plan Rationale

Essential (core) Questions
What do we need to include to make a perfect sentence?
Inquiry Questions
­ Can students add in proper punctuation?
­ DO students understand when a capital letter needs to be used?
­ Do students understand what a noun is and how to put it in a sentence?
­ Do students know what a verb is and how to put it in a sentence?
­ Do students know what an adjective is and how to put it into a sentence?
­ Can students add all of these concepts together to make a detailed sentence?
General Learning Outcomes
Students will…

2.Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to comprehend and respond personally and
critically to oral, print and other media texts.

4.Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to enhance the clarity and artistry of

Specific Learner Outcomes

Students will…

­ check for capital letters, punctuation at the end of sentences and errors in spelling
­ use capital letters for proper nouns and at the beginning of sentences in own writing
­ use periods and question marks, appropriately, as end punctuation in own writing
Subject Area English Language Arts
Grade Level Grade 1
Page 3 Baillie Rutherford Topic What is Friendship?
Length of Unit 12 days

Unit Summary / Goals

­ I hope students can use proper punctuation and understand when to use exclamation points, question
marks, and periods.
­ I hope students can understand what a noun, a verb, and an adjective is.
­ I hope students can write a complete sentence using a noun, verb, and adjective. 4
Cross Curricular


Week theme: Punctuation
­ The first day we will start talking about how to use periods at the end of a sentence and
when we use periods vs exclamation points or question marks. We will discuss that
when using periods we use them after a statement is made like: “I like my dog.” And “I
Week 1 walked to school today.”
­ The students will then be given their own page with a period on it and they will come
up with sentences that use a period to write on the page.
­ check for capital letters, punctuation at the end of sentences and errors in spelling
­ use capital letters for proper nouns and at the beginning of sentences in own writing
use periods and question marks, appropriately, as end punctuation in own writing
Subject Area English Language Arts
Grade Level Grade 1
Page 4 Baillie Rutherford Topic What is Friendship?
Length of Unit 12 days

­ We will review some of the sentences we came up with to go on our papers the day
­ The students will then be given their punctuation book and be able to practice writing
sentences that use a period and also place the proper punctuation where it needs to be
on the sentences provided in the booklet.
Assessments: I will summatively assess the students work as they bring it into me and I will
have students fix their mistakes right then to avoid future mistakes.
­ check for capital letters, punctuation at the end of sentences and errors in spelling
­ use capital letters for proper nouns and at the beginning of sentences in own writing
use periods and question marks, appropriately, as end punctuation in own writing
Activities: We will talk about exclamation marks. We will talk about how an exclamation mark
is an excited sentence. I will have students give me examples of excited sentences. The
students will then go and fill in the first exclamation mark page in their booklet. We actually
switched around exclamation marks and question marks.
Assessments: I will summatively assess the students work as they bring it into me and I will
have students fix their mistakes right then to avoid future mistakes.
­ check for capital letters, punctuation at the end of sentences and errors in spelling
­ use capital letters for proper nouns and at the beginning of sentences in own writing
use periods and question marks, appropriately, as end punctuation in own writing
Activities: We will review what an exclamation point is. The students will give me more
examples of sentences that use exclamation points. The students will write a sentence using an
exclamation mark in their book. The students will then bring their books up to me and I will get
them to write another sentence depending on what time is left. We actually switched around
exclamation marks and question marks.
Assessments: I will summatively assess the students work as they bring it into me and I will
have students fix their mistakes right then to avoid future mistakes.
­ check for capital letters, punctuation at the end of sentences and errors in spelling
­ use capital letters for proper nouns and at the beginning of sentences in own writing
use periods and question marks, appropriately, as end punctuation in own writing
Subject Area English Language Arts
Grade Level Grade 1
Page 5 Baillie Rutherford Topic What is Friendship?
Length of Unit 12 days

Activities: I will do a short lesson on when we use question marks. Students will give me a few
examples of an asking sentence and then the students will practice by going around the
classroom and asking their friends questions. Students will be working in their punctuation
books again and they will be filling in the punctuation blanks and will also be practicing their
question marks in order to ensure they know how to make them.
Assessments: I will summatively assess the students work as they bring it into me and I will
have students fix their mistakes right then to avoid future mistakes.
­ check for capital letters, punctuation at the end of sentences and errors in spelling
­ use capital letters for proper nouns and at the beginning of sentences in own writing
use periods and question marks, appropriately, as end punctuation in own writing

­ Students will write in their punctuation books and come up with a sentence that use
question marks. We actually switched around exclamation marks and question marks.
Assessments: I will summatively assess the students work as they bring it into me and I will
have students fix their mistakes right then to avoid future mistakes.
Week 2 ­ check for capital letters, punctuation at the end of sentences and errors in spelling
­ use capital letters for proper nouns and at the beginning of sentences in own writing
use periods and question marks, appropriately, as end punctuation in own writing
Text: N/A
­ We will then start talking about nouns and explain that a noun is a person, place, and
thing. We will do a chart to come up with some people, some places, and some things.
We will also listen to a noun song online and the students can do the actions to the
video as another way of visual learning.
­ check for capital letters, punctuation at the end of sentences and errors in spelling
­ use capital letters for proper nouns and at the beginning of sentences in own writing
use periods and question marks, appropriately, as end punctuation in own writing
Subject Area English Language Arts
Grade Level Grade 1
Page 6 Baillie Rutherford Topic What is Friendship?
Length of Unit 12 days

­ We will review what nouns are.
­ We will then do a sorting activity to help students recognize different nouns that we had
not talked about it and see if they can properly sort them into Person, Place, Thing,
Animal, Idea/Feeling.
­ Once the students are done the sorting activity, we will listen to the noun song for
students to sing along to as a final wrap up.
­ check for capital letters, punctuation at the end of sentences and errors in spelling
­ use capital letters for proper nouns and at the beginning of sentences in own writing
use periods and question marks, appropriately, as end punctuation in own writing
­ We are going to start drawing a noun town. We will talk about what kind of nouns are in
a town. When the kids do their noun town, everything they draw has to be a noun.
They will need to add lots of details like trees, homes, people, buildings, etc.
Assessments: I will be formatively assessing the students noun towns to make sure that they
understand nouns. I will also be looking at how the teams are working together and to make
sure they are all contributing to their poster.
­ check for capital letters, punctuation at the end of sentences and errors in spelling
­ use capital letters for proper nouns and at the beginning of sentences in own writing
­ use periods and question marks, appropriately, as end punctuation in own writing
­ The students will continue on their noun towns
Assessments: I will be formatively assessing the students noun towns to make sure that they
understand nouns. I will also be looking at how the teams are working together and to make
sure they are all contributing to their poster.
­ check for capital letters, punctuation at the end of sentences and errors in spelling
­ use capital letters for proper nouns and at the beginning of sentences in own writing
use periods and question marks, appropriately, as end punctuation in own writing
Subject Area English Language Arts
Grade Level Grade 1
Page 7 Baillie Rutherford Topic What is Friendship?
Length of Unit 12 days

­ The students will continue on their noun towns
Assessments: I will be formatively assessing the students noun towns to make sure that they
understand nouns. I will also be looking at how the teams are working together and to make
sure they are all contributing to their poster.
Week 3 ­ check for capital letters, punctuation at the end of sentences and errors in spelling
­ use capital letters for proper nouns and at the beginning of sentences in own writing
use periods and question marks, appropriately, as end punctuation in own writing

Text: What are adjectives? - book
­ I will introduce the term adjectives and the students will brainstorm adjective words.
We will then watch a video on adjectives that has a catchy tune, so students can hear
and see it for the students who learn visually.

­ Students will start on their Adjective person. The students will first cut out the picture
of themselves and then they will write words around their picture that describe them
like sporty, funny, nice, artsy, etc. I will make them write it out in pencil first and then I
will have them decorate their picture with fun colors.

­ Students will continue working on their adjective person.
Subject Area English Language Arts
Grade Level Grade 1
Page 8 Baillie Rutherford Topic What is Friendship?
Length of Unit 12 days

­ I will then introduce verbs. We will brainstorm different verbs as a class. We will watch a
verb video for those that learn visually. We will then play an active game for the kids to
get moving in the classroom. We are going to play “Hot verb” and every student will
come up with a verb for everyone to do as a class. (I switched verbs and adjectives

Week Theme:
Activities: We will review verbs as a class and then we are going to play verb charades, so
students are practicing verbs to instill that they know a verb is an action word. We will then
watch the verb video again for more visual support on verbs.
Week 4 SLO’s:

Text: N/A
­ Activities: We are then going to start putting it all together. We are going to talk about
why we need to know about nouns, verbs, and adjectives. We are going to talk about
how we can describe a noun to make our sentences even better. I will do an example of
a great sentence on the board and then I will have students write out their own
complete sentences in their morning message books (switch morning message and
lesson). We will then share our amazing sentences.
Subject Area English Language Arts
Grade Level Grade 1
Page 9 Baillie Rutherford Topic What is Friendship?
Length of Unit 12 days

Text: N/A
Activities: We are going to review what an amazing sentence should have in it and how to
make it better than just “The dog ran.” The students will then practice using nouns, verbs,
adjectives, and punctuation in a cartoon Piggy and Gerald page. We will talk about speech
bubbles and how they are used. We will discuss how the speech bubbles need to point towards
the person speaking.
Assessments: The Piggy and Gerald comic is practicing to making their own comic books. We
will talk about how the pictures help describe the words. You wouldn’t put that Piggy and
Gerald are washing dishes when it is a picture of them watching TV.

Activities: We are then going to start planning our comic books. The students will get a blank
template that outlines what they are going to draw and write on every page to make their
comic make sense. We will review how important it is that the speech bubble points to the
person speaking. It is also important that the picture match the words in the speech bubbles.
Assessments: I will be assessing their use of punctuation, capitals, nouns, verbs, and adjectives
within their cartoon. I will be using this as an assessment for their report cards as it will show
their understanding of writing complete sentences. (We will be working on these comic books
for a week or two)

Subject Area English Language Arts
Grade Level Grade 1
Page 10 Baillie Rutherford Topic What is Friendship?
Length of Unit 12 days
Subject Area English Language Arts
Grade Level Grade 1
Page 11 Baillie Rutherford Topic What is Friendship?
Length of Unit 12 days

Piggy and
Class Punctuation
Title Gerald Comic Comic Books
Learning Discussions Books
Outcomes Type Formative
Formative Formative Summative

Weighting N/A N/A 50%

­ check for capital
letters, punctuation at
the end of sentences √ √ √ √
and errors in spelling
­ use capital letters for
proper nouns and at
the beginning of √ √ √
sentences in own
­ use periods and
question marks,
appropriately, as end √ √ √
punctuation in own
Subject Area English Language Arts
Grade Level Grade 1
Page 12 Baillie Rutherford Topic What is Friendship?
Length of Unit 12 days

Assessment Tool Overview

Assessment Assessment
Assessment Tool Brief Description FOR
AS Learning OF Learning
Our class discussions will allow students to share
examples of sentences, for students to fix my
Class Discussions sentences in order to help them learn, to ask √
questions if they are not understanding the
content being presented.
These will be a formative assessment for
students to practice using their punctuation
Punctuation Books
properly and for me to assist them if they are √
making any mistakes.

These will be a formative assessment to help

Piggy and Gerald
Practice Comics
students practice before writing their own comic √

Our comic books are going to be a summative

assessment that will be used for our December
Comic Books report cards. These comic books will be able to √
show how students understand capital letters,
punctuation, and nouns, verbs, and adjectives.

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