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The main activity in Corriverton is sugar cultivation. very Small scale rice farming.

Four housing schemes

were developed by the ministry if hosuing 10 years ago. Not enough land for the development of new
housing schemes. The only viable option is to procure front lands fron GuySuCo

Garbage site that wants to converted into landfill sites. 3 potential sites in Region 6 were identified for a
landfill site: Bellview, up the east bank and No 52 village.Sites are not being utilized because they far
away from the city.. The dump site in Corriverton. They are attempting to convert it into a landfill site.In
turn this can help expand the land use in Corriverton. Nevertheless all different types of commodities
are being sold in Corriverton, cash crop, rice, small kitchen gardens are grown by households within the
city. Corriverton acts as a market place and port town, where goods are brought from different
locations across the region to Corriverton where they are sold. The town is not very agricultural based
but is market place for goods to be sold.

Corriverton is the township farthest to East of Guyana. It is a narrow Coastal strip on the
Corentyne River at the mouth and between No. 74 Village on the North and Crabwood Creek on
the South. It was upgraded to Township status on September 7th, 1970 under the Municipal
District Council Act 28:01. It is divided into wards and has a population of about 40,000
Owing to its proximity to Suriname, its economic activities are centered on commercial trade in a
number of industries.

Corriverton, town, northeastern Guyana. It is situated on the estuary of the Courantyne (Corentyne) River,
separating Guyana from Suriname to the east. The town is a small port, connected by ferry with Nieuw Nickerie,
Suriname, across the Courantyne estuary. Corriverton is the southeastern terminus of a paved road connecting it
with Georgetown, the national capital, via which the agricultural products of the surrounding coastal lowlands
(sugarcane, rice, and cattle) are transported to more distant markets. The population is predominantly made up of
people of Southeast Asian descent. Pop. (2002) 11,536.

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