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ME 3103 Energy Conversion Systems

Tutorial No.: 03
Note: Assume 100% efficiency wherever appropriate

1. A pump raises the pressure of water in a line by 2.76 bar. The pump exit is 6.10 m
above the inlet. Neglecting the changes is internal and kinetic energies between inlet
and exit, compute the shaft work needed to drive the pump (water = 1000 kg / m3).
Neglect loss, i.e. the pump system is 100% efficient.
2. A centrifugal pump is pumping water at the rate of 20 lit/s. Readings recorded from
pressure gauges mounted at the two ends of the pump are 80kPa and 250kPa. The
height difference between the two ends of the pump is 300 mm and the suction and
pressure end pipes are 75 mm diameter. Calculate the specific work, the head of the
pump and the power required to run the pump. Assume no losses.
3. In a turbomachine handling an incompressible fluid with a density of 1000 kg/m 3 the
conditions of the fluid at the rotor entry and exit are as given below:
Inlet Exit
Pressure 1.15 MPa 0.05 MPa
Velocity 30 m/s 15.5 m/s
Height above datum 10 m 2m
If the volume flow rate of the fluid is 40 m3/s, estimate the net energy transfer from the
fluid as work.
4. A blower discharges air at the rate of 1.5 m3/s and density of the air is 1.2 kg/m3. The
height difference between the suction and pressure end centre lines is 750 mm. The
suction end pipe diameter is 300 mm and the pressure end cross section is 280x300
mm. The pressure measured at the suction and pressure ends of the blower are –25
mm water column (WC) and 200 mm WC respectively. Calculate the specific work.
5. A turbo-compressor delivers 2.33 m3/s at 0.276 MPa, 43C which is heated at this
pressure to 430C and finally expanded in a turbine which delivers 1050 kW. During the
expansion process heat transfer can be neglected. Calculate the turbine exhaust
temperature if changes in kinetic and potential energy are negligible. (Cp = 1005 J/kgK)
6. A two stage air compressor takes in air at a pressure of 110 kPa and temperature of
27°C. The compressor delivers air at a pressure of 220 kPa. Assuming the entire
compression process to be isentropic, estimate the pressure ratio of each stage if the
specific work of each stage is equal in both stages.
7. Static conditions at inlet to an air compressor are 110 kPa and 30C and the exit
conditions are 450 kPa and 215C. Inlet and outlet velocities are 60 m/s and 90 m/s
respectively. Find compressor internal efficiency (total-to-total efficiency).
8. Steam enters an adiabatic multistage turbine at static pressure of 80 bar, static
temperature of 520C and velocity of 50 m/s. It leaves the turbine at pressure of 0.35
bar, temperature of 80C and velocity of 200 m/s. Find static-to-static efficiency, total-to-
total efficiency, total-to-static efficiency and specific work. Assume C1s=C1.
[Data given: Enthalpy/entropy values given at inlet (in) and exit (out) conditions can be
obtained from steam table as: hin=3447.8 kJ/kg, sin=6.7873 kJ/kg-K, hout=2645.0 kJ/kg,
sout=7.7553 kJ/kg-K. It is also given that for exit pressure condition, hf=304.2 kJ/kg,
hg=2630.7 kJ/kg, sf=0.9874 kJ/kg-K, sg=7.7148 kJ/kg-K].


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