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TOPIC/ LESSON NAME Knowing Oneself
1. Nature, Nurture, and Personality
2. Traits theories
3. Personality traits
4. Measuring Personality
CONTENT STANDARDS The learners demonstrate an understanding of himself/ herself during middle and late adolescence
PERFORMANCE The learners shall be able to conduct self- exploration and simple discourse
LEARNING The learners
COMPETENCIES 1. Explain that knowing oneself can make person accept his/her strengths and limitations and
dealing with others better. (EsP-PD11/12KO-Ia-1.1)
2. Share his/her unique characteristics, habits, and experiences ((EsP-PD11/12KO-Ia-1.2)
SPECIFIC LEARNING At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to:
OUTCOMES 1. Conduct self-exploration and simple disclosure;
2. Explain that knowing oneself can make a person accept his or her strengths and limitations
and deal with the others better;
3. Share his or her characteristics, habits, and experiences; and
4. Make a journal.
TIME ALLOTMENT 120 minutes

Introduction/ Motivation:
The students will be asked to choose a partner. Then, they will described each other’s characteristics, their desirable
attitudes and undesirable attitudes.
o What is your understanding of the “Self”?
o How do you describe yourself as a person?
o What characteristics of yours do you like the most? Hate the most?
o What characteristics of your partner that you like most? Hate most?
o What is/are the weirdest attitude of yours? Your partner?
o Do you consider yourself as a human? How about your partner?

Quote of the day: Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others strength, mastering
yourself is true power.
Instruction/ Delivery:
 Definition of “self” in different views.
It is believe that “know thyself,” which were written at the entry of the oracle of Delphi by seven Greek
philosophers, statesmen, and lawgivers, became the cornerstone of Western Philosophy. Socrates, who came
decades after these two words were scripted at Delphi, said that is seems ridiculous for him to investigate other
unimportant things when he has not known his self yet. For Socrates was self- knowledge, and admitting one’s
ignorance is the beginning of true knowledge. (http://www. Binghamton. Edu/ cnes/docs/gnothi_ sauton.pdf)

For Plato, one of Socrates’ students, the beginning of knowledge. Other ancient philosophers from other
cultures saw the wisdom in knowing oneself. The ancient Hindu Uphanishads confirmed, “Enquiry into the truth
of the “self” is knowledge.”

In Psychology, the term personality is referred to as the set of behaviors, feelings, thoughts, and motives that
identifies an individual. Personality is the essence of who are and is the embodiment of one’s physical,
psychological, cognitive, affective, and spiritual self.

Personality psychologist have different viewpoints. One definition states, “Personality refers to the unique and
relatively enduring set behaviors, feelings, thoughts and motives that characterize an individual” (Feist and
Rosenberg 2012). Two key components of personality are highlighted in this definition: the uniqueness of an
individual’s thought, feelings, and behavior; and their being enduring or being consistent, over different
situations over time.

 Nature, Nurture and Personality

Psychologist Costa and McRae developed a categorized scheme that described personality. Based on their
research, they discovered the existence of five universal and widely agreed upon dimensions of personality. They
call it Big Five or Five-Factor Model.
 Openness to experience- curiosity, interest, imagination, and creativity to new ideas.
 Conscientiousness- planning, organizing, hard- working, controlling, persevering, and punctuality
 Extraversion- sociable, talkative, active, outgoing, and fun-loving
 Agreeable- friendly, warm, trusting, generous, and kind-hearted
 Neuroticism- calm, relaxed, comfortable

1. In Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, where do you find yourself? What needs are being met? What needs are not
being met? What do you have to do to fulfill your needs so that you can move closer toward self- actualization?
2. What are you concerns as an adolescent?
3. What is your definition of happiness? How is this related to your personal development?

Materials Audio-Visual Materials

Resources Santos, Ricardo R., Personal Development pp. 14-21

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