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The Stranger: An Essay in Social Psychology

Author(s): Alfred Schuetz

Source: American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 49, No. 6 (May, 1944), pp. 499-507
Published by: The University of Chicago Press
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Accessed: 20-03-2015 23:49 UTC

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The cultural pattern peculiar to a social group functions for its members as an unquestioned scheme of
reference. It determines the strata of relevance for their "thinking as usual" in standardized situations and
the degree of knowledge required for handling the tested "recipes" involved. The approaching stranger,
however, does not share certain basic assumptions which alone guarantee the functioning of these recipes. He
has to place in question what seems unquestionable to the in-group and cannot even put his trust in a vague
knowledge about the general style of the pattern but needs explicit knowledge of its elements. This entails a
dislocation of the stranger's habitual system of relevance. A thorough modification of his schemes of orienta-
tion and interpretation and of his concepts of anonymity, typicality, and chance is the prerequisite of any
possible adjustment.

The present paper intends to study in between individuals and groups of different
terms of a general theory of interpretation levels of civilization,as in the case of the Hu-
the typical situation in which a stranger ron brought to Europe-a pattern dear to
finds himself in his attempt to interpret the some moralists of the eighteenth century.
cultural pattern of a social group which he Furthermore, it is not the purpose of this
approachesand to orient himself within it. paper to deal with the processesof social as-
For our present purposes the term "stran- similation and social adjustment which are
ger" shall mean an adult individual of our treated in an abundant and, for the most
times and civilization who tries to be per- part, excellent literature' but rather with
manently accepted or at least tolerated by the situation of approaching which pre-
the group which he approaches. The out- cedes every possible social adjustment and
standing example for the social situation which includes its prerequisites.
under scrutiny is that of the immigrant,and As a convenient starting-point we shall
the following analyses are, as a matter of investigate how the cultural pattern of
convenience, worked out with this instance group life presents itself to the common
in view. But by no means is their validity sense of a man who lives his everyday life
restricted to this special case. The applicant within the group among his fellow-men.Fol-
for membership in a closed club, the pro- lowing the customary terminology, we use
spective bridegroom who wants to be ad- the term "culturalpattern of group life" for
mitted to the girl's family, the farmer's son designating all the peculiar valuations, in-
who enters college, the city-dweller who stitutions, and systems of orientation and
settles in a ruralenvironment,the "selectee" guidance (such as the folkways, mores, laws,
who joins the Army, the family of the war habits, customs, etiquette, fashions) which,
worker who moves into a boom town-all in the common opinion of sociologists of our
are strangersaccordingto the definitionjust time, characterize-if not constitute-any
given, although in these cases the typical social group at a given moment in its his-
"'crisis"that the immigrant undergoes may
I Instead of mentioning individual outstanding
assume milder forms or even be entirely ab-
contributions by American writers, such as W. G.
sent. Intentionally excluded, however, from Sumner, W. I. Thomas, Florian Znaniecki, R. E.
the present investigation are certain cases Park, H. A. Miller, E. V. Stonequist, E. S. Bogardus,
the inclusion of which would require some and Kimball Young, and by German authors,
qualificationsin our statements: (a) the vis- especially Georg Simmel and Robert Michels, we
itor or guest who intends to establish a mere- refer to the valuable monograph by Margaret Mary
Wood, The Stranger: A Study in Social Relationship
ly transitory contact with the group; (b) (New York, I934), and the bibliographyquoted
children or primitives; and (c) relationships therein.

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tory. This cultural pattern, like any phe- each of them requiringa different degree of
nomenon of the social world, has a different knowledge. To illustrate these strata of
aspect for the sociologist and for the man relevance we may-borrowing the term
who acts and thinks within The sociolo-
it.2 from cartography-speak of "isohypses"
gist (as sociologist, not as a man among fel- or "hypsographical contour lines of rele-
low-men which he remains in his private vance," trying to suggest by this metaphor
life) is the disinterested scientific onlooker that we could show the distribution of the
of the social world. He is disinterested in interests of an individual at a given moment
that he intentionally refrains from partici- with respect both to their intensity and to
pating in the network of plans, means-and- their scope by connecting elements of equal
ends relations, motives and chances, hopes relevance to his acts, just as the cartog-
and fears, which the actor within the social rapher connects points of equal height by
world uses for interpreting his experiences contour lines in order to reproduce ade-
of it; as a scientist he tries to observe, de- quately the shape of a mountain. The graph-
scribe, and classify the social world as clear- ical representation of these "contour lines
ly as possible in well-ordered terms in ac- of relevance" would not show them as a
cordance with the scientific ideals of coher- single closed field but rather as numerous
ence, consistency, and analytical conse- areas scattered over the map, each of differ-
quence. The actor within the social world, ent size and shape. Distinguishing with
however, experiencesit primarily as a field William James4 two kinds of knowledge,
of his actual and possible acts and only sec- namely, "knowledgeof acquaintance"and
ondarily as an object of his thinking. In so "knowledgeabout,"we may say that, within
far as he is interested in knowledge of his the field covered by the contour lines of rel-
social world, he organizes this knowledge evance, there are centers of explicit knowl-
not in terms of a scientific system but in edge of what is aimed at; they are sur-
terms of relevance to his actions. He groups rounded by a halo knowledge about what
the world around himself (as the center) as seems to be sufficient; next comes a region
a field of domination and is therefore espe- in which it will do merely "to put one's
cially interested in that segment which is trust"; the adjoining foothills are the home
within his actual or potential reach. He of unwarrantedhopes and assumptions;be-
singles out those of its elements which may tween these areas, however, lie zones of
serve as means or ends for his "use and en- complete ignorance.
joyment,"3 for furtheringhis purposes, and We do not want to overchargethis image.
for overcoming obstacles. His interest in Its chief purposehas been to illustrate that
these elements is of different degrees, and the knowledge of the man who acts and
for this reason he does not aspire to become thinks within the world of his daily life is
acquainted with all of them with equal not homogeneous; it is (i) incoherent, (2)
thoroughness. What he wants is graduated only partially clear, and (3) not at all free
knowledgeof relevant elements, the degreeof from contradictions.
desired knowledge being correlated with i. It is incoherent because the individ-
their relevance. Put otherwise, the world ual's interests which determine the rele-
seems to him at any given moment as vance of the objects selected for further in-
stratified in different layers of relevance, quiry are themselves not integrated into a
2 This insight seems to be the most important coherent system. They are only partially
contribution of Max Weber's methodological writ- organized under plans of any kind, such as
ings to the problems of social science. Cf. the plans of life, plans of work and leisure, plans
present writer's Der sinnhafte Aufbau der socialen
Welt (Vienna, I932). 4 For the distinction of these two kinds of knowl-
3John Dewey, Logic, the Theory of Inquiry edge cf. William James, Psychology (New York,
(New York, I938), chap. iv. I890), I, 22I-22.

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for every social role assumed. But the spread over subject matters located within
hierarchy of these plans changes with the differentand differentlyrelevant levels, and
situation and with the growth of the per- they are not aware of the modificationsthey
sonality; interests are shifted continually would have to make in passing from one
and entail an uninterruptedtransformation level to another. This and similar problems
of the shape and density of the relevance would have to be explored by a logic of
lines. Not only the selection of the objects everyday thinking, postulated but not at-
of curiositybut also the degreeof knowledge tained by all the great logicians from Leib-
aimed at changes. nitz to Husserl and Dewey. Up to now the
2. Man in his daily life is only partially- science of logic has primarily dealt with the
and we dare say exceptionally-interested logic of science.
in the clarity of his knowledge, i.e., in full The system of knowledgethus acquired-
insight into the relations between the ele- incoherent, inconsistent, and only partially
ments of his world and the generalprinciples clear, as it is-takes on for the members of
ruling those relations. He is satisfied that the in-group the appearance of a suficient
a well-functioning telephone service is coherence, clarity, and consistency to give
available to him and, normally, does not anybody a reasonablechance of understand-
ask how the apparatus functions in detail ing and of being understood. Any member
and what laws of physics make this func- born or rearedwithin the group accepts the
tioning possible. He buys merchandise in ready-madestandardizedscheme of the cul-
the store, not knowing how it is produced, tural pattern handed down to him by an-
and pays with money, although he has only cestors, teachers, and authorities as an un-
a vague idea what money really is. He takes questioned and unquestionable guide in all
it for granted that his fellow-man will un- the situations which normally occur within
derstand his thought if expressed in plain the social world. The knowledge correlated
language and will answer accordingly,with- to the cultural pattern carries its evidence
out wondering how this miraculous per- in itself-or, rather,it is taken for granted in
formance may be explained. Furthermore, the absence of evidence to the contrary. It is
he does not search for the truth and does a knowledge of trustworthy recipes for in-
not quest for certainty. All he wants is in- terpreting the social world and for handling
formation on likelihoodand insight into the things and men in order to obtain the best
chances or risks which the situation at hand results in every situation with a minimumof
entails for the outcome of his actions. That effort by avoiding undesirableconsequences.
the subway will run tomorrow as usual is The recipe works, on the one hand, as a pre-
for him almost of the same order of likeli- cept for actions and thus serves as a scheme
hood as that the sun will rise. If by reason of expression:whoeverwants to obtain a cer-
of a special interest he needs more explicit tain result has to proceedas indicated by the
knowledge on a topic, a benign modern recipe provided for this purpose. On the
civilization holds ready for him a chain of other hand, the recipe serves as a scheme of
informationdesks and referencelibraries. interpretation: whoever proceeds as indi-
3. His knowledge, finally, is not a con- cated by a specific recipe is supposed to in-
sistent one. At the same time he may con- tend the correlated result. Thus it is the
sider statements as equally valid which in function of the cultural pattern to eliminate
fact are incompatible with one another. As troublesome inquiries by offering ready-
a father, a citizen, an employee, and a mem- made directions for use, to replace truth
ber of his church he may have the most dif- hard to attain by comfortable truisms, and
ferent and the least congruent opinions on to substitute the self-explanatory for the
moral, political, or economic matters. This questionable.
inconsistency does not necessarily originate This "thinking as usual," as we may call
in a logical fallacy. Men's thought is just it, correspondsto Max Scheler'sidea of the

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"relatively natural conception of the world" Yet the stranger, by reason of his per-
(relativ natiirliche Weltanschauung);5 it in- sonal crisis, does not share the above-men-
cludes the "of-course"assumptions relevant tioned basic assumptions. He becomes es-
to a particular social group which Robert sentially the man who has to place in ques-
S. Lynd describes in such a masterly way- tion nearly everything that seems to be un-
together with their inherent contradictions questionable to the members of the ap-
and ambivalence-as the "Middletown- proachedgroup.
spirit."6 Thinking as usual may be main- To him the cultural pattern of the ap-
tained as long as some basic assumptions proachedgroup does not have the authority
hold true, namely: (i) that life and especial- of a tested system of recipes, and this, if for
ly social life will continue to be the same as no other reason,becausehe does not partake
it has been so far, that is to say, that the in the vivid historical tradition by which it
same problems requiringthe same solutions has been formed. To be sure, from the
will recur and that, therefore, our former stranger'spoint of view, too, the culture of
experienceswill suffice for mastering future the approached group has its peculiar his-
situations; (2) that we may relay on the tory, and this history is even accessible to
knowledge handed down to us by parents, him. But it has never become an integral
teachers, governments, traditions, habits, part of his biography, as did the history of
etc., even if we do not understand their ori- his home group. Only the ways in which his
gin and their real meaning; (3) that in the fathers and grandfathers lived become for
ordinary course of affairs it is sufficient to everyone elements of his own way of life.
know something about the general type or Graves and reminiscences can neither be
style of events we may encounter in our transferred nor conquered. The stranger,
life-world in order to manage or control therefore, approaches the other group as a
them; and (4) that neither the systems of newcomerin the true meaning of the term.
recipes as schemes of interpretationand ex- At best he may be willing and able to share
pression nor the underlying basic assump- the present and the future with the ap-
tions just mentioned are our private affair, proached group in vivid and immediate
but that they are likewise accepted and ap- experience; under all circumstances, how-
plied by our fellow-men. ever, he remainsexcludedfrom such experi-
If only one of these assumptions ceases to ences of its past. Seen from the point of view
stand the test, thinking as usual becomes of the approachedgroup, he is a man with-
unworkable. Then a "crisis" arises which, out a history.
according to W. I. Thomas' famous defini- To the strangerthe culturalpattern of his
tion, "interruptsthe flow of habit and gives home group continues to be the outcome of
rise to changed conditions of consciousness an unbrokenhistorical development and an
and practice"; or, as we may say, it over- element of his personalbiography which for
throws precipitously the actual system of this very reasonhas been and still is the un-
relevances. The cultural pattern no longer questioned scheme of referencefor his "rela-
functions as a system of tested recipes at tively natural conception of the world." As
hand; it reveals that its applicability is re- a matter of course, therefore, the stranger
stricted to a specific historical situation. starts to interpret his new social environ-
5 Max Scheler, "Probleme einer Soziologie des ment in termsof his thinking as usual. With-
Wissens," Die Wissensformen und die Gesellschaft in the scheme of referencebrought from his
(Leipzig, I926), pp. 58 f.; cf. Howard Becker and home group,however,he finds a ready-made
Hellmuth Otto Dahlke, "Max Scheler's Sociology of idea of the pattern supposedly valid within
Knowledge," Philosophy and Phenomenological Re-
search,II (I942), 3I-22, esp. p. 3I5. the approachedgroup-an idea which neces-
Robert S. Lynd, Middletown in Transition
6 sarily will soon prove inadequate.7
(New York, 1937), chap. xii, and Knowledge for 7As one account showing how the American cul-
What?(Princeton,1939), pp. 58-63. tural pattern depicts itself as an "unquestionable"

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First, the idea of the cultural pattern of action of the membersof the foreign group.
the approached group which the stranger The knowledgewhich it offers serves merely
finds within the interpretive scheme of his as a handy scheme for interpreting the for-
home group has originatedin the attitude of eign group and not as a guide for interaction
a disinterested observer. The approaching between the two groups. Its validity is pri-
stranger, however, is about to transform marily based on the consensusof those mem-
himself from an unconcernedonlooker into bers of the home group who do not intend
a would-be member of the approached to establish a direct social relationshipwith
group. The cultural pattern of the ap- members of the foreign group. (Those who
proachedgroup, then, is no longer a subject intend to do so are in a situation analogous
matter of his thought but a segment of the to that of the approaching stranger.) Con-
worldwhich has to be dominatedby actions. sequently, the scheme of intrepretation re-
Consequently, its position within the stran- fers to the members of the foreign group
ger's system of relevancechanges decisively, merely as objects of this interpretation,but
and this means, as we have seen, that an- not beyond it, as addresseesof possible acts
other type of knowledge is required for its emanating from the outcome of the inter-
interpretation. Jumping from the stalls to pretive procedure and not as subjects of
the stage, so to speak, the former onlooker anticipated reactions toward those acts.
becomes a member of the cast, enters as a Hence, this kind of knowledge is, so to
partner into social relations with his co- speak, insulated; it can be neither verified
actors, and participates henceforth in the nor falsifiedby responsesof the membersof
action in progress. the foreign group. The latter, therefore,
Second, the new cultural pattern ac- consider this knowledge-by a kind of
quires an environmental character. Its re- "looking-glass" effect8-as both irrespon-
moteness changes into proximity; its vacant sive and irresponsible and complain of its
frames become occupied by vivid experi- prejudices, bias, and misunderstandings.
ences; its anonymous contents turn into The approaching stranger, however, be-
definite social situations; its ready-made comes aware of the fact that an important
typologies disintegrate. In other words, the element of his "thinking as usual," namely,
level of environmental experience of social his ideas of the foreign group, its cultural
objects is incongrouswith the level of mere pattern, and its way of life, do not stand the
beliefs about unapproached objects; by test of vivid experience and social inter-
passing from the latter to the former, any action.
concept originatingin the level of departure The discovery that things in his new sur-
becomes necessarilyinadequate if applied to roundingslook quite differentfrom what he
the new level without having been restated expected them to be at home is frequently
in its terms. the first shock to the stranger's confidence
Third, the ready-made picture of the in the validity of his habitual "thinking as
foreign group subsisting within the stran- usual." Not only the picture which the
ger's home-groupproves its inadequacy for stranger has brouglhtalong of the cultural
the approachingstranger for the mere rea- pattern of the approached group but the
son that it has not been formed with the whole hitherto unquestioned scheme of in-
aim of provoking a response from or a re- terpretation current within the home group
becomes invalidated. It cannot be used as a
element within the scheme of interpretation of scheme of orientation within the new social
European intellectuals we refer to Martin Gumpert's surroundings.For the members of the ap-
humorous description in his book, First Papers
(New York, I94I), pp. 8-9. Cf. also books like 8 In using this term, we allude to Cooley's well-
Jules Romains, Visite chez les Amdricains (Paris, known theory of the reflected or looking-glass self
I930) and Jean Prevost Usonie, Esquisse de la (Charles H. Cooley, Human Nature and the Social
civilisation am6ricaine (Paris, I939), pp. 245-66. Order [rev. ed.; New York, I922], p. I84).

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proached group their cultural pattern ful- with the members of the in-group. On the
fils the functions of such a scheme. But the contrary, he has to reckon with fundamen-
approaching stranger can neither use it tal discrepancies in seeing things and han-
simply as it is nor establish a general formu- dling situations.
la of transformationbetween both cultural Only after having thus collected a certain
patterns permitting him, so to speak, to knowledgeof the interpretivefunction of the
convert all the co-ordinates within one new cultural pattern may the stranger start
scheme of orientation into those valid with- to adopt it as the scheme of his own expres-
in the other-and this for the following sion. The differencebetween the two stages
reasons. of knowledge is familiar to any student of a
First, any scheme of orientation presup- foreign language and has received the full
poses that everyone who uses it looks at the attention of psychologists dealing with the
surroundingworld as grouped around him- theory of learning. It is the difference be-
self who stands at its center. He who wants tween the passive understanding of a lan-
to use a map successfully has first of all to guage and its active mastering as a means
know his standpoint in two respects: its for realizing one'5 own acts and thoughts.
location on the ground and its representa- As a matter of conveniencewe want to keep
tion on the map. Applied to the social world to this example in order to make clear some
this means that only members of the in- of the limits set to the stranger'sattempt at
group, having a definite status in its heir- conquering the foreign pattern as a scheme
archy and also being aware of it, can use its of expression, bearing in mind, however,
cultural pattern as a natural and trust- that the following remarks could easily be
worthy scheme of orientation.The stranger, adapted with appropriate modifications to
however, has to face the fact that he lacks other categories of the cultural pattern such
any status as a member of the social group as mores, laws, folkways, fashions, etc.
he is about to join and is therefore unable Language as a scheme of interpretation
to get a starting-point to take his bearings. and expression does not merely consist of
He finds himself a border case outside the the linguistic symbols catalogued in the
territory covered by the scheme of orienta- dictionary and of the syntactical rules
tion current within the group. He is, there- enumerated in an ideal grammar. The for-
fore, no longer permitted to consider him- mer are translatable into other languages;
self as the center of his social environment, the latter are understandable by referring
and this fact causes again a dislocation of them to correspondingor deviating rules of
his contour lines of relevance. the unquestionedmother-tongue.9However,
Second, the cultural pattern and its rec- several other factors supervene.
i. Every word and every sentence is, to
ipes represent only for the members of the
in-groupa unit of coinciding schemes of in- borrowagain a term of William James, sur-
terpretationas well as of expression.For the rounded by "fringes" connecting them, on
outsider, however, this seeming unity falls the one hand, with past and future elements
to pieces. The approachingstranger has to of the universe of discourse to which they
"translate" its terms into terms of the cul- pertain and surroundingthem, on the other
tural pattern of his home group, provided hand, with a halo of emotional values and ir-
that, within the latter, interpretive equiva- rational implications which themselves re-
lents exist at all. If they exist, the translated main ineffable. The fringes are the stuff
terms may be understood and remembered; poetry is made of; they are capable of being
they can be recognizedby recurrence;they set to music but they are not translatable.
are at hand but not in hand. Yet, even then, 9 Therefore, the learning of a foreign language
reveals to the student frequently for the first time
it is obvious that the stranger cannot as- the grammar rules of his mother-tongue which he
sume that his interpretationof the new cul- has followed so far as "the most natural thing in the
tural pattern coincides with that current world," namely, as recipes.

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2. There are in any language terms with that the member of the in-group looks in
several connotations. They, too, are noted one single glance through the normal social
in the dictionary. But, besides these stand- situations occurring to him and that he
ardized connotations, every element of the catches immediately the ready-made recipe
speech acquires its special secondary mean- appropriate to its solution. In those situa-
ing derived from the context or the social tions his acting shows all the marks of
environmentwithin which it is used and, in habituality, automatism, and half-con-
addition, gets a special tinge from the actual sciousness. This is possible because the cul-
occasion in which it is employed. tural pattern provides by its recipes typical
3. Idioms, technical terms, jargons, and solutions for typical problems available for
dialects,whose use remainsrestrictedto spe- typical actors. In other words, the chance of
cific social groups, exist in every language, obtaining the desired standardizedresult by
and their significancecan be learned by an applying a standardized recipe is an objec-
outsider too. But, in addition, every social tive one; that is open to everyone who con-
group, be it ever so small (if not every in- ducts himself like the anonymous type re-
dividual), has its own private code, under- quired by the recipe. Therefore, the actor
standable only by those who have partici- who follows a recipe does not have to check
pated in the common past experiences in whether this objective chance coincides
which it took rise or in the tradition con- with a subjective chance, that is, a chance
nected with them. open to him, the individual,by reason of his
4. As Vossler has shown, the whole his- personal circumstances and faculties which
tory of the linguistic group is mirroredin its subsists independently of the question
way of saying things.'0 All the other ele- whether other people in similar situations
ments of group life enter into it-above all, could or could not act in the same way with
its literature. The erudite stranger, for ex- the same likelihood. Even more, it can be
ample, approaching an English-speaking stated that the objective chances for the
country is heavily handicapped if he has efficiency of a recipe are the greater, the
not read the Bible and Shakespeare in the fewer deviations from the anonymous typi-
English language, even if he grew up with fied behavioroccur, and this holds especially
translations of those books in his mother- for recipes designed for social interaction.
tongue. This kind of recipe, if it is to work, presup-
All the above-mentionedfeatures are ac- poses that any partner expects the other to
cessibleonly to the membersof the in-group. act or to react typically, provided that the
They all pertain to the scheme of expres- actor himself acts typically. He who wants
sion. They are not teachable and cannot to travel by railroadhas to behave in that
be learned in the same way as, for example, typical way which the type "railroadagent"
the vocabulary. In order to command a lan- may reasonably expect as the typical con-
guage freely as a scheme of expression, one duct of the type "passenger," and vice
must have written love letters in it; one has versa. Neither party examines the subjec-
to know how to pray and curse in it and how tive chances involved. The scheme, being
to say things with every shade appropriate designed for everyone's use, need not be
to the addressee and to the situation. Only tested for its fitness for the peculiar individ-
membersof the in-grouphave the scheme of ual who employs it.
expression as a genuine one in hand and For those who have grown up within the
command it freely within their thinking as cultural pattern, not only the recipes and
usual. their efficiency chance but also the typical
Applying the result to the total of the and anonymous attitudes requiredby them
cultural pattern of group life, we may say are an unquestioned "matter of course"
IO Karl Vossler, Geist und Kultur in der Sprache which gives them both security and assur-
(Heidelberg,1925), pp. 117 ff. ance. In other words, these attitudes by

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their very anonymity and typicality are the members of the in-group. For to the
placed not within the actor's stratum of rel- stranger the observed actors within the ap-
evance which requiresexplicit knowledge of proached group are not-as for their co-
but in the region of mere acquaintance in actors-of a certain presupposed anonym-
which it will do to put one's trust. This in- ity, namely, mere performers of typical
terrelation between objective chance, typi- functions, but individuals. On the other
cality, anonymity, and relevance seems to hand, he is inclined to take mere individual
be rather important.II traits as typical ones. Thus he constructs a
For the approaching stranger, however, social world of pseudo-anonymity, pseudo-
the pattern of the approached group does intimacy, and pseudo-typicality. Therefore,
not guarantee an objective chance for suc- he cannot integrate the personal types con-
cess but rather a pure subjective likelihood structed by him into a coherent picture of
which has to be checked step by step, that the approached group and cannot rely on
is, he has to make sure that the solutions his expectation of their response. And even
suggested by the new scheme will also pro- less can the stranger himself adopt those
duce the desired effect for him in his special typical and anonymous attitudes which a
position as outsider and newcomerwho has memberof the in-groupis entitled to expect
not brought within his grasp the whole sys- from a partner in a typical situation. Hence
tem of the culturalpattern but who is rather the stranger's lack of feeling for distance,
puzzled by its inconsistency, incoherence, his oscillating between remoteness and inti-
and lack of clarity. He has, first of all, to macy, his hesitation and uncertainty, and
use the term of W. I. Thomas, to definethe his distrust in every matter which seems to
situation. Therefore,he cannot stop at an be so simple and uncomplicated to those
approximate acquaintance with the new who rely on the efficiency of unquestioned
pattern, trusting in his vague knowledge recipes which have just to be followed but
about its general style and structure but not understood.
needs an explicit knowledge of its elements, In other words, the cultural pattern of
inquiring not only into their that but into the approachedgroup is to the stranger not
their why. Consequently, the shape of his a shelter but a field of adventure, not a mat-
contour lines of relevance by necessity dif- ter of course but a questionable topic of in-
fers radicallyfrom those of a member of the vestigation, not an instrument for dis-
in-group as to situations, recipes, means, entangling problematic situations but a
ends, social partners, etc. Keeping in mind problematic situation itself and one hard to
the above-mentioned interrelationship be- master.
tween relevance,on the one hand, and typi- These facts explain two basic traits of the
cality and anonymity, on the other, it fol- stranger's attitude toward the group to
lows that he uses another yardstick for which nearly all sociologicalwriters dealing
anonymity and typicality of social acts than with this topic have renderedspecial atten-
I, It could be referred to a general principle of the tion, namely, (i) the stranger's objectivity
theory of relevance, but this would surpass the and (2) his doubtful loyalty.
frame of the present paper. The only point for which i. The stranger's objectivity cannot be
there is space to contend is that all the obstacles sufficientlyexplainedby his critical attitude.
which the stranger meets in his attempt at inter-
preting the approached group arise from the incon- To be sure, he is not bound to worship the
gruence of the contour lines of the mutual relevance "idols of the tribe" and has a vivid feeling
systems and, consequently, from the distortion the for the incoherenceand inconsistency of the
stranger's system undergoes within the new sur- approachedcultural pattern. But this atti-
rounding. But any social relationship, and especially
any establishment of new social contacts, even
tude originates far less in his propensity to
between individuals, involves analogous phenomena, judge the newly approached group by the
although they do not necessarily lead to a crisis. standards brought from home than in his

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need to acquire full knowledge of the ele- but as a labyrinth in which he has lost all
ments of the approached cultural pattern sense of his bearings.
and to examine for this purpose with care As stated before, we have intentionally
and precision what seems self-explanatory restricted our topic to the specific attitude
to the in-group. The deeper reason for his of the approachingstranger which precedes
objectivity, however, lies in his own bitter any social adjustment and refrained from
experienceof the limits of the "thinking as investigating the process of social assimila-
usual," which has taught him that a man tion itself. One single remarkconcerningthe
may loose his status, his rules of guidance, latter may be permitted. Strangeness and
and even his history and that the normal familiarity are not limited to the social field
way of life is always far less guaranteedthan but are general categories of our interpreta-
it seems. Therefore, the stranger discerns, tion of the world. If we encounter in our
frequentlywith a grievousclear-sightedness, experience something previously unknown
the rising of a crisis which may menace the and which therefore stands out of the ordi-
whole foundation of the "relatively natural nary order of our knowledge, we begin a
conception of the world," while all those process of inquiry. We first define the new
symptoms pass unnoticed by the members fact; we try to catch its meaning; we then
of the in-group,who rely on the continuance transform step by step our general scheme
of their customary way of life. of interpretationof the world in such a way
2. The doubtful loyalty of the strangeris that the strange fact and its meaning be-
unfortunately very frequently more than a comes compatible and consistent with all
prejudice on the part of the approached the other facts of our experience and their
group. This is especially true in cases in meanings. If we succeed in this endeavor,
which the stranger proves unwilling or un- then that which formerlywas a strange fact
able to substitute the new cultural pattern and a puzzlingproblemto our mind is trans-
entirely for that of the home group. Then formed into an additional element of our
the strangerremains what Park and Stone- warranted knowledge. We have enlarged
quist have aptly called a "marginalman," and adjusted our stock of experiences.
a cultural hybrid on the verge of two differ- What is commonly called the process of
elt patterns of group life, not knowing to social adjustment which the newcomer has
which of them he belongs. But very fre- to undergo is but a special case of this gen-
quently the reproach of doubtful loyalty eral principle. The adaptation of the new-
originates in the astonishment of the mem- comer to the in-groupwhich at first seemed
bers of the in-group that the stranger does to be strange and unfamiliar to him is a
not accept the total of its cultural pattern continuous process of inquiry into the cul-
as the natural and appropriate way of life tural pattern of the approached group. If
and as the best of all possible solutions of this process of inquiry succeeds, then this
any problem. The stranger is called un- pattern and its elements will become to the
grateful, since he refuses to acknowledge newcomer a matter of course, an unques-
that the cultural pattern offered to him tionable way of life, a shelter, and a protec-
grants him shelter and protection. But these tion. But then the stranger is no stranger
people do not understand that the stranger any more, and his specific problems have
in the state of transition does not consider been solved.
this pattern as a protecting shelter at all NEw YORKCITY

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