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Areasof study
E c o r l o m c s , L a w a n d S o c i à lS c l e n c e s


M e d i c i n ea n d H e a l t h c a r e
5c ence '- .a.

Application and facilities

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l l r e à L l n ì! ! o î p r o . e c ! r É 5d f f e r d e p e f . l i f q
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o f V l ; f n s o p f o v d c i i t l d . f i t \ r t h r e f e (L o r ya r d
n a a o r n a n o c loJnl r e r r r c s o f r l r 1 ]b à ! s l ] 1 r r r r r re

DÉla5 JboLrt aour5es, .rpp aatofs ,rndlcc!, àre
av; db e of oL| ìlernnt onn \!ebs 1elo.,rether\'!r1h
,r Lrs. r lve ( o fe q! de FornnydoLrbic.rnt.ìcÌ Lrs

intcrnat onal.students@unlm
. Sustalnab
e Deveopment(2years) Apply for incentivegrants
. SafetyAssessment
of Xenobiotics
Eiotechnological (2years)
Products Beingan internationalstudentyoucanapplyfor one
. Medical andMoecularl/ledc ne(2years)
Biotechnology grantprogrammes:
of the followingspecialincentives
. MoJecularBiotechnology
andBoinformatics (2 years). . ExploityourTalent
20 scholarships of 10.000 euroyearlyplusenrolment
Doubledegreeprogrammes feeexemption for highy ta entedstudents
in any
Why the Universityof Milan - LA STATALE discipine
Masterand Single-cycle degrees(entirelyin English)
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Studying of Milanbringsyouintothe
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Byapplying to oneof our bachelor or masterdegree . computerScience (2 years- CrernacamputDouóle 10%of eachcourse topstudents
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Univesitr' 100enrolmentfeeexemptions incentveJfor
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Univetsitè Grenableand with
members of LERIJ(League of European Research Unìve5itèdeAix-MarseiIe Learn ltalian with us
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2015:Milanknownthroughout theworldfor scierce, Bachelorprogrammes(3 years)- with aurricula Don'tmisslt!
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will be dividedinlo differenl
languageprogrammes (frombeginners to intermediate
Boostyour talent CabotUnNersityin Rom-.
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on the basisof theirstarting
. Language Medationand ntercutura Commun caton
Likeallthe 129degreecourses on offerfor the Daubledegreewith Universdadde valladolid. Italanlanguage level.
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. Languages in Milanor LakeGarda;CAIP(Cognitive Academic
You just haveto makethe firstmoveandapplyl andCuturesfor Internatonèl Language Proficiency)-
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lnfo and dètails
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. Poit calSciences (2year5)
Literatures Doubledegreewith Université Universityof Milan - LA STATALE
d'Avignanet desPaysde Vaucluse;Daubledegree viaFestadelPerdono 7, 20122Milano
Masterand Single-cycle degrees with ManchesterMetropolitdnUniversity wvr'w.
. nternatona l/edicaSchoo(6years) . taw (5 years)Daubledegreewith UniversitéTaulouse
. Public
andCorporate Communication (2years) 1 Ca?itol-" lnternatìonalStudentsOffice
. Econom csandFnance(2years) . l,4athematcs(2 years)
. Environmenta andFoodEconomics (2years) de Badeaux,Universitéde Patis Sud,University of
. ndustrial (2
Chemstry years) Leiden,ConcardiaUniverjA Univetsiry
af Stellenbasch,
. nternatona Italian LanguageCoulses
Relat Chennailnstituteof Technology,
Universitàdi Padova,
. Mo ecuar Biology
of the Cell(2years) Un^q \ ot R.gèn\búrg ènd Un^è^tDo[ f. èn

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