Reading Lesson Plan Final - 322

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T&L Instructional Plan Template

(Updated 4/17/15)
(edTPA Aligned)

The information included in this document is to support faculty in teaching about and supporting
students with the T&L (and edTPA) Instructional Plan. While there are many variations of lesson
plans, this format meets departmental requirements and is aligned with the 2014 edTPA as well.

Background Information

Teacher Candidate: Savannah Hobson and Jenna Winter Date: April 18th, 2018
Cooperating Teacher: Barbara Ward Grade: 7th
School District: Pullman School District School: Washington State University
University Supervisor: Lori White
Unit/Subject: Literacy- Reading
Instructional Plan Title/Focus: Connecting and analyzing the different perspectives within the
book Wonder by R.J Palacio.

Section 1: Planning for Instruction and Assessment

a. Instructional Plan Purpose: Teacher candidates explain how this instructional plan
develops students’ conceptual understanding of overall content goals. This is sometimes also
called a “rationale” and includes a “what, why, how” general statement (see also Central Focus
in edTPA)

The purpose and goal for this lesson is to develop the students ability to recognizing
character development and interaction within the story Wonder by R.J Palacio. Once students
can recognize this development they will create connections within their own lives and the
characters. In an attempt to strengthen their comprehension about their specified character, this
will be shown through their reading reflections and writing assignments where they will focus on
the different perspectives of different characters seen in Wonder. While reading students will be
prompted to take notes and make connections between their own lives and the character (whose
perspective it is). This will emphasize the influence of different ideas and themes throughout the
book and strengthen their connection making for better comprehension while reading a text. This
lesson will help students become better readers and learn lifelong strategies to understand
underlying themes and learning how different perspectives within a book can truly add to the
experience of the storyline.
Additionally, explain where in a unit this lesson would be taught. What lesson topic came prior
to this one (yesterday) and what related lesson will come after this one (tomorrow)?

This lesson will be at the end of the time period where the students have been
learning/introduced the Seven reading comprehension skills (comprehension, questioning,
inferring, making connections, visualizing, synthesize, and determining the importance of a text),
where yesterday they learned about the importance for the strategy of making connections.
Tomorrow the students will move on to an activity of creating some kind of art piece that
elaborates their chosen connection and its importance. They will be working on their project for
the next couple of days going through creating their art piece, but also a final draft of a written
explanation/reflection of their final product.

1. State/National Learning Standards: Teacher candidates identify relevant grade level

concepts/content and align them to Content Standards—Common Core Standards or
Washington State EALRs, or National.

Analyze the interactions between individuals, events, and ideas in a text (e.g., how ideas
influence individuals or events, or how individuals influence ideas or events).

Analyze the structure an author uses to organize a text, including how the major sections
contribute to the whole and to the development of the ideas.

Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well
as inferences drawn from the text.

Analyze how an author develops and contrasts the points of view of different characters or
narrators in a text.

1. Content Objectives (to be copied in Assessment Chart below) and alignment to State
Learning Standards:

1. SWBAT… identify and recognize specific events and order them on a timeline.

Aligned standard: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.7.3

Analyze the interactions between individuals, events, and ideas in a text (e.g., how ideas
influence individuals or events, or how individuals influence ideas or events).
2. SWBAT… create connections between text and their own self and their personal experiences.

Aligned Standard: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.7.5

Analyze the structure an author uses to organize a text, including how the major sections
contribute to the whole and to the development of the ideas.

Language Objectives:
1. SWBAT… determine and explain why the book is written through different perspectives and
what that significance adds to the book.

Aligned standard: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.7.5

Analyze the structure an author uses to organize a text, including how the major sections
contribute to the whole and to the development of the ideas.

2. SWBAT… express details within the book to describe what they would do in a given
situation in one of the character’s shoes.

Aligned standard: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.7.1

Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well
as inferences drawn from the text.

3. SWBAT… identify and explain how perspectives differ within each situation.

Aligned Standard: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.7.6

Analyze how an author develops and contrasts the points of view of different characters or
narrators in a text.

1. Previous Learning Experiences: Teacher candidates should explain what students know
and have learned that is relevant to the current lesson topic and process.

The past two weeks students have been introduced and taught about the different Seven
reading comprehension skills that will allow them as readers to better understand and relate to a
book that they’re reading, as well as learning how to make a book more enjoyable to read. The
next lesson they will encounter is doing an activity about a different comprehension strategy of
practicing questioning and strengthening their ability to do that while reading a text of their
choice. They will need to be able to take a passage or reading and develop questions regarding
theme, characters and setting through observing interactions and feelings. Students will have had
practice with similar stories where they will be able to observe similarities and differences.
e. Planning for Student Learning Needs (accommodations, student experiences, prior
learning and experiences):

Students who are behind in reading may have the opportunity to have their own reading
schedule allowing more less forced check in dates hopefully take away the stress and pressure of
having to quickly get through the reading. Even though they will not be in the same place as
other students, there are still ways that they can participate in class discussions and activities. We
will attempt to have the class finish as a while but students with individual reading schedules will
work on discussion questions together at their finished date, even if they have to complete their
assignments in a time outside of class. We have add difficult words to our word wall when
students encounter a word challenging to them. Students are expected to have noted similar
experience and connections with Wonder, and for them to have the opportunity to still share
these ideas with the class will still have them feel included. The whole class has had the
experience with reading different perspectives in books; this would include books done in first
person and third person narrative. Students will need to understand how to identify components
of the text that are relevant and important to the story. How they can relate to parts of their own
lives. They will need to have an understanding of chronological events.

f. Assessment Strategies (Informal and formal)

Teacher candidates should attach questions, worksheets, tests or any additional
documentation related to their assessment strategies, including accommodations or
modifications for students with disabilities as stated in their IEPs. They may also attach
appropriate marking rubrics, criteria lists, expectations, answer keys, etc. Consideration
for multiple means of expression should occur here. That is, how will teacher candidates
allow for K-12 students to express their learning in different ways? Will K-12 students be
given some choice?

Content/Language Objectives Assessment Strategies

Content example: SWBAT identify Formal: Students will have to put in order
and recognize specific events and correctly the different scenarios from
order them on a timeline. Wonder. Walking around to groups there will
be the checklist for each group on if they got
the events in order or not.
Language example: SWBAT Informal: Through discussion and
comprehend and discuss how the questioning from the teacher. It will be clear
book is written through different to see if the student can explain why having
perspectives and what that different perspectives throughout the book is
significance adds to the book. an important addition to the meaning and
connections readers can gain.

Language example: SWBAT use Formal: Students will be asked to write and
details within the book to describe express what their actions and emotions
what they would do in a given would have been if they were a chosen
situation in one of the character’s character. This is where student voice will be
shoes. included. This would be collected at the end
of the class period or when everyone is
done/turned it in.

Our feedback after reading their entry would

be either guiding the more struggling students
to better comprehension or extra resources.

Content example: SWBAT create Formal: Students will show they are making
connections between text and their meaningful connections through a checklist.
own self and their personal Students will turn this in at each checkpoint
experiences. while reading Wonder. Students are expected
to be able to meet a minimum of points on the

Language example: SWBAT describe Informal: Students will discuss and

how scenarios would change if a brainstorm in groups about their feelings
character acted differently. towards situations from the book. This is
voluntary for the students. Prompting
questions may be posed such as, “What
would happen if *character’s name* did this
instead of this?

Language example: SWBAT identify Informal: Students will be asked use writing
and explain how perspectives differ journals to create compare contrast charts to
within each situation. explain how a situation is explained
differently as perspectives change.
(Add rows as needed)
*In the right column, describe whether the assessment you’ll collect is informal or formal.
Note: most assessment is considered formative when thinking about day-to-day lessons.
Summative is related to mastery. An exception might be having a “formal” quiz mid-way in a
unit to assure that students are on track with a certain degree of proficiency. Should the quiz
indicate students are not progressing, and adjustment of timing in the instructional “unit” will be

g. Student Voice: Student voice is a term used to describe students expressing their
understanding of their own learning process. For your lesson, respond to the three
required components of student voice and identify how students will reflect and/or
communicate on their learning or progress toward meeting the goals. (Use the
following table.)
Student-based evidence to be Description of how
K-12 students will be able collected (things produced by students will reflect on
to: students: journals, exit slips, their learning.
self-assessments, work
samples, projects, papers,

1. Explain student Exit Slip At the end of class,

learning targets and what is students will fill out the
required to meet them exit slip where they will
(including why they are respond to questions
important to learn). provided. These
questions would be
such as what was the
learning target and
expressing their
comprehension on why
that learning target is

2. Monitor their own Checklist As students read, they

learning progress toward the will be recording key
learning targets using the details that they found
tools provided (checklists, while reading. Student
rubrics, etc.). will keep record of their
connections and their
meaning. Students will
be challenged to find at
least three connections
within the whole book
but will be encouraged
to make and record as
much as they can.

3. Explain how to access Exit Slip Students will have a

resources and additional question where they are
support when needed (and asked how they would
how/why those resources find support/resources if
will help them). they didn’t understand
something from the
assignment or

h. Grouping of Students for Instruction: Describe why, how, and where in the
lesson students will be divided into groups, if applicable (e.g., "why" could be to support
language learners, for reciprocal teaching, and/or to use jigsaw, and "how" might include
random, ability-based, interest, social purposes, etc.). Recognize that some lessons or parts
of a lesson may call for grouped work or individualized work or both.

Much of the reading will be done individually. Meaning we will not being doing partner
reading or popcorn style reading. Students will be given chapter to read by certain dates.
Collectively the class will have progressed through the book at the same rate. There may
be points where we would read as the teacher for the class, small sections and then
students will continue individual reading. When students have finished the book and are
ready to work with the assignment provided and they will be paired off into partners to
discuss and work on the given worksheets. Either with their most recent reading partners,
or with a partner chosen by us. With this partner they will go through the assessment
questions and a checklist making sure their partner is able to cover key point. Then they
will separate and individually complete the timeline task. Writing and assessments are
expected to be completed individually.

Section 2: Instruction and Engaging Students in Learning

1. Introduction: Teacher candidates identify how they are going to introduce the concept,
skill or task in a way that gains students’ attention and gets them involved (the lesson

“Today we are going to start reading the book Wonder by R.J Palacio, this story of a little
boy named August Pullman which has recently been created into a movie that some of you may
have seen outside of school. I want to let you know that the book holds much more description,
emotions, and potential connects that you can make while reading! What we are going to be
focusing on are the different perspectives that are included in the book, each chapter is a
different character and it allows us to almost walk in their shoes, we can experience and feel
exactly what they are feeling and going through, as well as hear their personality through their
own voice. As the whole class reads, you are going to be responsible for completing a certain
amount of pages and will be receiving a schedule so that everyone knows where they should be
as you read, as you read make a check mark for the corresponding pages that you have
We are going to be focusing on how the different perspectives in Wonder and how that
might change your personal connection and experience while reading the book. There is a
checklist-worksheet that you will be given so that while you read, I encourage you to write down
as many connections that you come up with, and about decisions you might make differently if
you were the character. Let me give you an example of a true connection I have with the book
you're about to read, August has a sibling and I have siblings too, therefore I can understand
when he talks about sibling related drama in a way. Does anyone have anything they would like
to volunteer to shared of sibling related experiences you’ve encountered?”

b. Questions: Questions teacher candidate will ask during the lesson that drive
thinking and learning and engagement (5 or more questions) and in parentheses, indicate Bloom
level and/or question type to ensure that you are posing questions that push critical thinking and
engagement (e.g. Analysis/Divergent)

1. Why does the author use different perspectives to tell the story? What are the advantages
and disadvantages? (Bloom’s - Analyze) What does it add to the connections you make
while reading as well as your comprehension of the book? (Bloom’s - Understand)

2. A major theme of Wonder is friendship. Compare and contrast some of the many
different friendships that are included, and how did those friendships changed throughout
the book. (Bloom’s - Analyze)
3. Did you ever change your feelings towards a character after hearing the story through
their perspective, who and what did you think while reading that chapter? (Bloom’s -

4. Is there anyone's perspective that you wish R.J Palacio included? Why? (Bloom’s -

5. Why do you think August’s mother called him a wonder? What does August act and feel
in such a way that he is a Wonder, especially when looking at other people’s lives.
(Bloom’s - Understand and Apply)

1. Learning Activities: Describe what the teacher will do and say and students will do
during the lesson. Write it as a procedural set of steps in the left column of table below.
On the right, refer to a supporting learning theory or principle driving that activity and/or
your rationale for doing what you are doing.

Prompts for right hand column—supporting theories/principles. In the right column, use
references from texts, research/peer reviewed journals, or other learning theories to support your
choice of activities. You might draw from your 301 and/or your methods courses here.
o Connections between students’ own lives, experiences, cultures, interests and the content.
o Active learning over passive learning (e.g. SCI Learning Experiences ladder—simulation
over verbal)
o Theoretical support for learning activities (e.g. Culturally responsive strategy, or processing)
o Multiple means of representation for the K-12 students (UDL principle)
o Multiple means of engagement for the K-12 students (UDL principle)
o Multiple means of expression of learning by the K-12 students (UDL principle)
o Accommodations and modifications for students with diverse needs, including those with
disabilities (as stated in their IEPs)
o How the teacher candidate will assess the learning of the students (from table above)
Learning Steps and Activities Supporting Theories/Principles
(Why are you doing what you are

Example: Transition from introduction Supports multiple means of

by asking students to look at “inputs” engagement, and allowing students to
and in pairs, create a list of additional generate their own inputs from
community assets/contributions (inputs) experience; is more culturally
for social change diagram. Circulate responsive than teacher generated ideas
around groups to observe students’ only.
progress. *Add more details and

1. Today a new perspective is Piaget’s theory expresses that teachers

being introduced. The character should be aware of their student’s prior
telling the story now is _____. knowledge and ability to take in new
We will read the first chapter information, or in this case understand
together to determine the the change in perspective.
characters relationship to Auggie
and the rest of the ones we know.

1. We finished our assigned reading Piaget Constructivism- by reading on

chapters for today. Did everyone their own students are constructing
finish the reading for today? No? their own learning and creating their
We will have about five minutes own opportunity to engage and
for you do get some more reading understand.
finished or get a heads start on the
chapters for next time.

1. You all know youre reading Vygotsky- While students are paired
partners. Would you please all with another partner they are able to
get with your partner in a comfy work through a checklist together to
spot around the room. Once you ensure they are comprehending key
are together with your book we aspects. It is self-guided group work.
will bring you the discussion Together students are able to vocally
questions. Worth through these work through their understanding and
and your checklist to make sure problem solve.
you are covering all aspects of
the conversation. Take turns
talking. Listen to what they have
to say not just what you want to
say next.

1. Students will be paired up going Vygotsky Constructivism- Students

through questions. Instructors are given the change to engage with
will be going around monitoring other students and share learning.
conversations and redirecting as Allows for students to build on each
needed. others’ existing knowledge.

1. Coming back together as a class. Bloom’s Taxonomy- Tests and touches

We will pose one of the questions on students ability to recall and
to the class and ask for question thinking. Questions allow
volunteered discussion. Here students to analyze their own thinking
students will have the opportunity and develop new thinking.
to share some of the things their
partners and them talked about.

(Add rows as needed)

1. Closure: Closure is the signal to students that the lesson is now coming to an end. In
closure, teachers review the learning targets (what was taught) for the day and refocus on
what is important.

“We all see things differently, and we all have different opinions. Perspectives allow for
different points of view and experiences. As we have been covering and have covered
today looking into differing perspectives lets us find new connections to our own lives. We will
not connect with all perspectives and ideas the same way. Today we have discussed how changes
in characters correspond to changes in perspective. Can *student’s name* explain a connection
you made with a character's development today? That is a really fascinating connect, can we see
a silent signal if you made a similar connection with a character today. We will continue our
reading for the next class. Please look at your chart now and can *student’s name* please tell us
what page we should be on by next discussion. On that day we will discuss our charts and the
connections we were able to make from the new perspective.”

1. Independent Practice: Describe how students will extend their experiences with the
content and demonstrate understanding in a new and different context (perhaps even
outside of the classroom). Include possible family interaction (identify at least one way in
which you might involve students’ families in this instructional plan.)
How would students tie this in with their life outside of school or at home

In future reading we will ask students how to identify differing perspectives. We will also
discuss how to make connections within other books and texts including differences and
similarities. In other forms of text and reading including journal articles, history books, and
science books students will make the same connections. They will be able to identify differing
perspectives on different topics. These can be mapped using strategies such a Venn diagram map
or a chart. Family members can take one stance (perspective) on a topic or issue, while their
student has the other and they discuss connections both similar and different. Students will
actively search for connections between reading and their own lives or experiences they have
previously had.

1. Instructional Materials, Resources, and Technology: Attach a copy of ALL materials

the teacher and students will use during the lesson; e.g., handouts, worksheets, multi-
media tools, and any assessment materials utilized.

- Exit Slip
- Reading Schedule/Checklist for expected reading dates:
- Book

- Scissors
- Worksheets

- Teacher checkpoints throughout the book to check in/see where the student’s note taking
and comprehension stands. .
e. Acknowledgements: Acknowledge your sources

This reading lesson plan was written and created by Savannah Hobson and Jenna Winter.

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