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Acta mater.

49 (2001) 139–152


Université Catholique de Louvain, Département des Sciences des Matériaux et des Procédés, PCIM, Place
Sainte Barbe 2, B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium

( Received 24 March 2000; received in revised form 6 July 2000; accepted 6 July 2000 )

Abstract—The damage resistance, fracture toughness and austenite transformation rate in transformation-
induced plasticity (TRIP)-assisted multiphase steel sheets were comparatively characterised on two steel
grades differing by the volume fractions of the phases (i.e. ferrite, bainite, retained austenite) and by the
mechanical stability of retained austenite. The influence of stress triaxiality on austenite transformation kin-
etics and the coupling between martensitic transformation and damage were investigated using double edge
notched (or cracked) plate specimens tested in tension. The map of the distribution of transformation rates
measured locally around the notch (or the crack) was compared with the map of the effective plastic strains
and stress triaxialities computed by finite element simulations of the tests. The mechanically-activated mar-
tensitic transformation was found to progress continuously with plastic straining and to be strongly influenced
by stress triaxiality. Fracture resistance was characterised by means of JR curves and crack tip opening
displacement (CTOD) measurements using DENT specimens. The fracture toughness at cracking initiation
was found to be lower for the steel with higher tensile strength and ductility. The contrasted influence of
the TRIP effect, which improves formability by delaying plastic localisation but reduces fracture toughness
at cracking initiation, is shown to result from parameters such as the volume fraction of non-intercritical
ferrite phases or the mechanical properties of martensite.  2001 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier
Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Steels; TRIP; Plastic properties; Fracture & fracture toughness; Microstructure

1. INTRODUCTION the austenite phase such as its grain size and shape,
chemical composition [4, 5], and crystallographic
Retained austenite is present as a dispersed phase in
orientation, and on several extrinsic parameters such
a large variety of steels. Particularly, austenite plays
as the location of the austenite grains [6, 7], the hard-
a major role in the improvement of the plastic proper-
ties of TRIP-assisted multiphase steels, i.e. of steels ening of the surrounding matrix [2], the mesoscopic
consisting of an intercritical ferrite matrix with stress state [8] and strain state [9], and the distribution
retained austenite, bainite and martensite present as of the microstresses [10].
dispersed phases [1–3]. This study addresses the Numerous studies have revealed that the TRIP
TRansformation Induced Plasticity (TRIP) effect effect drastically improves strength and ductility [11–
occurring in these steels. Mechanical solicitation can 15] by allowing the maintenance of a high work-hard-
induce martensitic transformation of the metastable ening rate in such a way as to postpone plastic localis-
austenite by providing the lacking driving force for ation (in the form of either diffuse localisation or
the triggering of the transformation. The mechan- shear bands) [16]. Furthermore, the volume change
ically-activated transformation of retained austenite is associated with martensitic transformation is thought
known to depend on several parameters intrinsic to to hinder microvoid nucleation [17, 18], and thus to
delay the ensuing softening that induces plastic local-
isation [8, 19, 20].
* To whom all correspondence should be addressed. Tel.: The martensitic transformation of metastable aus-
⫹32-1047-24-02/87; Fax: ⫹32-1047-4028. tenite has been reported to have either a beneficial or
E-mail address: (F. a detrimental effect on fracture toughness. Typically,
‡ Current address: Department of Metallurgical Engin-
the mechanically-induced martensitic transformation
eering, McGill University, 3610 University street, Montreal is known to have a deleterious influence on the tough-
H3A 2B2, Quebec, Canada. ness of the heat affected zone (HAZ) in welds of

1359-6454/01/$20.00  2001 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 1 3 5 9 - 6 4 5 4 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 2 1 5 - 9

high-strength low alloy steels [21–23]. In such HAZ, resulting fracture toughness of the steels. The fracture
mechanically-induced transformation of high carbon toughness at cracking initiation was characterised by
austenite into hard martensite gives rise to premature means of JR curves and CTOD measurements using
cracking and therefore reduces the fracture toughness pre-cracked DENT specimens. It was found to be
of the weld. On the other hand, in Fe–Ni steels, Fe– smaller for the steel presenting the best work-harden-
Ni–Cr steels [17], or other highly alloyed fully aus- ing properties. J2 elastoplastic finite element simula-
tenitic steels [24], toughness shows a marked tions of the tests were performed in order to deter-
enhancement when testing temperature or steel com- mine the local stress and strain fields. Although the
position are adjusted in such a way as to favour aus- experimental results show a significant influence of
tenite stability. In Ultra-High Strength, quenched and stress triaxiality on the austenite transformation rate
tempered, martensitic steels such as AISI 4340 [25– and thus on the constitutive behaviour of the material,
27], Fe–Cr steels [28], Fe–Ni steels [29, 30], high Ni– these simulations will be shown relevant for the pur-
Co secondary hardening martensitic steels [31, 32], pose of the present work.
or also bainitic steels [33–36], toughening by trans- After a description of the materials (Section 2.1),
formation of dispersed austenite brings about substan- experimental procedure (Section 2.2), and numerical
tial improvement of fracture toughness when austen- procedure (Section 3), Section 4 will present the
ite presents an optimum stability. In these very high experimental and numerical results. The discussion
strength steels, the fracture mechanism at the crack will focus (i) on the influence of the microstructure
tip is strongly related to shear localisation: mixed and stress triaxiality on the austenite transformation
mode zig-zag cracking and crack branching are com- kinetics (Section 5.1), (ii) on the coupling between
monly observed [37]. However, in most ductile transformation and damage (Section 5.2), and (iii) on
materials with lower strength, cracking from a pre- the way the TRIP effect influences fracture toughness
existing defect is not directly related to shear localis- by affecting the damage evolution inside the fracture
ation. Fracture toughness usually depends on the process zone (Section 5.3).
material capacity to resist damage by nucleation and
growth of internal voids or microcracks. In such
cases, increasing the resistance to plastic localisation
by increasing the work-hardening does not necessar-
ily imply an increase of cracking initiation resistance 2.1. Materials
and tearing resistance.
2.1.1. Chemical compositions and heat-treatment
The particular microstructure of TRIP-assisted
conditions. Two steels differing in their carbon and
multiphase steels is generated by carrying out a two-
silicon contents were investigated. Their chemical
stage heat treatment after cold-rolling [3, 7]. The first
compositions are given in Table 1. Steel HSi (for
stage consists in an intercritical annealing dwell that
“High Silicon”) is a “conventional” TRIP-assisted
gives rise to a ferrite–austenite microstructure which
multiphase steel with a silicon content of 1.5 wt%.
is then quenched to the 350–450°C range for an iso-
Steel LSi (for “Low Silicon”) is a newly developed
thermal bainitic transformation dwell. During this
TRIP-aided steel (based on an industrial alloy) [3]
second isothermal holding, part of the intercritical
with a much lower silicon content and a chemical
austenite grains transforms to bainite whereas the
composition comparable to conventional Dual Phase
remaining part is stabilised in such a way that it does
steels [39]. A cast ingot of steel HSi was hot-rolled
not transform to martensite during final quenching to
to a thickness of 4 mm following classical practice.
room temperature. The austenite stabilising effect of
Steel HSi was then cold-rolled 75% to 1 mm thick-
bainitic transformation is well known to be due to
ness. Steel LSi was industrially cast and hot-rolled to
the carbon rejection from bainitic ferrite into residual
a thickness of 5.5 mm and was then cold-rolled 82%
austenite [38]. Carbide precipitation is furthermore
to the same thickness of 1 mm.
inhibited when the steel contains some silicon (苲1–
Heat treatments were carried out on 60 mm⫻240
2.5 wt%). Since these steel grades are intended for
mm specimens oriented in the rolling direction. Steels
applications requiring deep-drawability or crash-
HSi and LSi were annealed in a fluidised bed furnace
worthiness, i.e. requiring a high resistance to plastic
at 760°C for 6 min and at 730°C for 5 min, respect-
instability together with a high final strength, the
ively. They were then transferred to a lead bath fur-
literature dealing with TRIP-aided steels mainly
nace for the isothermal bainitic holding. Steel HSi
focuses on plastic properties and not on damage and
was held at 410°C for 6 min while steel LSi was held
cracking resistance.
at 370°C for 3 min. Both steels were finally water-
The present paper presents experimental tests car-
quenched to room temperature.
ried out on two TRIP-assisted multiphase steels dif-
fering by the amounts of phases and by the mechan- 2.1.2. Microstructure and uniaxial flow properties.
ical stability of retained austenite. It discusses (1) the Figure 1 presents typical SEM micrographs of the
influence of triaxiality on the rate of transformation microstructure of steels HSi and LSi. A complete
of retained austenite, (2) the coupling between trans- description of the procedure used for the preparation
formation of austenite and damage, and (3) the of the specimens for the SEM observations can be

Table 1. Chemical compositions (10⫺3 wt%) of the investigated steels

C Mn Si P S Cr Ni Cu Nb Al N

HSi 290 1420 1410 12 20 3 7 4 0 40 8

LSi 160 1300 380 13 12 19 27 19 13 30 6.3

Table 2. Volume fractions of the different phases of the microstructure

of steels HSi and LSi and estimated carbon content of retained austenite

Ferrite Bainite Retained austenite Cg

(%) (%) (%) (wt%)

HSi 55 29 16 0.95
LSi 75 19 6 0.73

results are summarised in Table 2: steels HSi and LSi

contain 16% and 6% of retained austenite, respect-
ively. The carbon content of retained austenite esti-
mated from the austenite lattice parameter (measured
by X-ray diffraction) is 0.95 wt% for steel HSi while
it is only 0.73 wt% for steel LSi. Steel HSi thus com-
bines a larger austenite volume fraction with a more
carbon-enriched austenite.
Figure 2 presents the tensile true stress–true strain
curves of both specimens together with the incremen-
tal work-hardening curves (nincr.) defined as

⭸ ln s
nincr. ⫽ (1)
⭸ ln e

Tensile specimens were prepared according to the

European standard EN 10002-1 with an initial gauge
length and width of 50 mm and 12.5 mm, respect-
ively. Figure 2 shows that, with a true stress at
maximum load of 1115 MPa and a true uniform strain
Fig. 1. Typical SEM micrographs of the microstructure of (a) of 0.25, steel HSi exhibits a better strength–ductility
steel HSi and (b) steel LSi before straining.
balance than steel LSi (774 MPa and 0.17,
respectively). The yield strength, s0, of steel HSi is
also higher than that of steel LSi (490 MPa vs. 430
found elsewhere [40]. It can be seen on these micro- MPa). These differences are mainly due to the TRIP
graphs that the microstructure of both specimens con-
sists of a finely grained intercritical ferrite matrix with
a dispersion of bainite–austenite grains situated
mainly at the ferrite grain boundaries. No martensite
can be found in the microstructures prior to mechan-
ical testing. These micrographs also show that two
types of retained austenite can be distinguished
depending on the morphology of the not bainitically
transformed part of the intercritical austenite grains: a
blocky type austenite corresponding to the large non-
transformed parts of the intercritical austenite grains,
and a film type austenite lying along the bainitic fer-
rite plates. The blocky-type austenite constitutes the
largest part of retained austenite in both steels. The
volume fractions of the different phases were meas-
ured by combining image analysis, dilatometry and Fig. 2. Uniaxial tensile true stress–true strain curves and
Mössbauer spectroscopy (for retained austenite). The incremental work-hardening curves of steels HSi and LSi.

effect: as detailed elsewhere [7, 41], the incremental (T苲0.6). In addition, the stress triaxiality in notched
work-hardening curves can be directly related to the plates does not change with straining, which makes
austenite transformation rate. The more stable austen- such plates convenient for the present analysis. Fur-
ite of steel HSi progressively transforms all over thermore, tensile testing of notched plates does not
straining in such a way that the incremental work- involve the difficulties linked to the occurrence of
hardening smoothly increases from a low initial necking at large strains. Finally, notched plates allow
value. This increase delays the onset of necking. On collecting more information than smooth plates by
the other hand, the less stable austenite of steel LSi taking advantage of the strain gradients which
transforms earlier during plastic straining. The develop along the ligament between the notches. In
incremental strain-hardening exponent nincr. of steel order to provide a more accurate and suggestive com-
LSi therefore exhibits a high initial value followed by parison of the experimental and numerical results, the
a monotonous decrease [7]. load–displacement curves have been normalised in
terms of average stress, saver, average strain, eaver,
2.2. Experimental procedure
curves. The average tensile stress in the ligament,
2.2.1. Characterisation of martensitic transform- σaver, is defined as the load divided by the current
ation and damage. In the case of the uniaxial ten- cross-sectional area, S. The average strain in the liga-
sile specimens, the transformation rate of retained ment, eaver, is defined as ln (S0/S), where S0 is the
austenite was estimated by measuring, using initial cross-sectional area. The specimens were
Mössbauer spectroscopy, the amount of austenite strained to various eaver and they were then unloaded
remaining in samples plastically strained to different for metallographic observation. S was obtained from
levels. Samples of appropriate size for Mössbauer the final ligament length measured using a travelling
measurements can be taken from uniaxial specimens microscope and from the final ligament thickness
since a homogeneous stress state prevails in such measured at various locations along the ligament
specimens prior to necking. Samples 15 mm long length using a profilometer.
were cut from the tensile test specimens. They were Maps of the proportion of martensite and of the
chemically thinned to a thickness of 100 µm using a density of damage sites around the notch were
solution of HF diluted in H2O2. The samples were obtained by SEM observations of one quarter of the
then electrolytically polished in a solution of 5% strained ligament, as represented in Fig. 3. For these
HClO4 and 95% acetic acid to a final thickness of 30 SEM observations, each specimen was ground to
to 50 µm. midsection, then tempered at 200°C for 2 h in order to
The geometry of the notched plates used to investi- allow the distinction between austenite and martensite
gate the stress triaxiality dependence of martensitic [40], and finally polished and etched with 2% nital.
transformation and the evolution of damage is shown The observations were made on images of about 20
in Fig. 3. The stress triaxiality, denoted T, is defined ⫻30 µm2 size, i.e. at a magnification allowing the
as the ratio of the hydrostatic stress, sm ⫽ sii/3, to viewing of, typically, 15 to 30 austenite grains. On
the effective stress, se, i.e. T ⫽ sm/se. Notched plates each image, the average ratio a⬘/g0 of the volume of
were chosen because they present a stress triaxiality martensite to the initial volume of retained austenite
intermediate between uniaxial stress (T ⫽ 1/3) and (before transformation) was estimated with a pre-
the triaxiality ahead of a crack in cracked specimens cision of ±12.5%. The number of damage sites
observed on each image was also counted and a rec-
ord made of the nature of microcracks, i.e. ferrite–
martensite interface debonding (denoted FM), intra-
martensite cracks oriented at 苲0°, 苲45° and 苲90° with
respect to the tensile direction (denoted MM0°,
MM45° and MM90°, respectively), or other types of
damage. The maps of the distribution of martensite
and damage around the notch were obtained by suc-
cessive observations of such 20⫻30 µm2 sized SEM
images following a grid of points separated by 60 µm
along the direction of the tensile axis of the plates
and by 250 µm in the transverse direction. The same
methodology was used for quantifying the transform-
ation rate of austenite and the amount of damage
around the crack tip in DENT specimens.

2.2.2. Fracture toughness measurements. The

Fig. 3. Geometry of the notched specimens used for the charac- DENT specimens used for the evaluation of fracture
terisation of damage and martensitic transformation in both
steels. As represented by the darkened zone, only one quarter
toughness consisted of rectangular plates with a
of the ligament was characterised due to symmetry of the speci- length (L) of 120 mm in the rolling direction, a width
mens. (w) of 55 mm and a thickness (t0) of 1 mm. As the

DENT geometry is not specified in the standards, the

validity of the test has been carefully assessed using
finite element simulation. All requirements usual for
standardised tests were respected. Pre-cracking of the
specimens was carried out by fatigue loading using a
servo-hydraulic machine. Notches were first
machined in the middle of the length of the plates by
spark-erosion followed by razor blade cutting. In
order to obtain 2-mm-long fatigue cracks on both
sides of each specimen and to conserve symmetry,
the side of the DENT plate at which the fatigue crack
length first attained 2 mm was clamped and the
fatigue loading was further carried out until the
second fatigue crack had also reached 2 mm length.
The maximum load during fatigue was chosen in such Fig. 4. Schematic illustration of a crack tip and definition of
the different parameters measured on the strained specimens
a way that the maximum stress intensity factor at the after unloading.
tip of the pre-crack never exceeded 20% of the
expected fracture toughness of the plate (a condition
which was verified a posteriori). The ratio a/w of the tearing, ⌬ar. The difference d1⫺d2 can be used to
length of the ligament between the fatigue cracks to obtain the unloaded critical crack tip opening dis-
the width of the specimen was always close to 0.5. placement at cracking initiation, denoted d∗c . Indeed,
The width of the zone along the crack lips where mar- d∗c is obtained as the value of d1⫺d2 when ⌬ar→0
tensitic transformation had occurred during fatigue (see Ref. 44 for a detailed description of this method).
pre-cracking was measured by SEM observation. This In order to evaluate dc accurately, account must be
width was found to be equal to 30 µm for steel HSi taken of reverse plasticity at the crack tip during
and 40 µm for steel LSi. unloading. In this work, the unloading of the CTOD
The pre-cracked DENT specimens were loaded in ⌬d (dc ⫽ d∗c ⫹ ⌬d) was evaluated from the finite
tension. The tests were interrupted at various load lev- element (FE) computations. This metallographic
els (multiple-specimens method). In order to charac- analysis also provided insightful information about
terise the cracking resistance by JR curves, the J inte- the transformation rate and damage evolution at the
gral [42] and the crack advance, ⌬a, were determined crack tip.
for each specimen. J was computed from the In thin plates, the fracture toughness defined by the
load/displacement curve as proposed by Rice et al. J integral or the CTOD at cracking initiation involves
[43] for the DENT: two parts. The first is related to the work per unit
surface spent for local crack tip necking and the
second part consists in the work per unit surface for


1 material separation [45]. The contribution due to
J⫽ ⫹ (2 P(up) dup⫺PUp)
(2) necking vanishes at very small thickness and at large
E l0t0
0 thickness when entering the plane strain regime.
However, in thin plate, necking may sometimes con-
stitute the major part of fracture toughness. The work
where KI is the mode I stress intensity factor, E is the per unit surface spent in necking depends on the
Young’s modulus, P(up) is the applied load, up is the thickness of the plate, resulting in the well-known
plastic displacement and Up is the maximum plastic thickness dependence of fracture toughness in thin
displacement. No correction for crack advance was plates and in the loss of J-dominance. No attempt has
made. The resistance to crack propagation was been made in this work for separating the two contri-
characterised by the mean slope of the JR curve, butions to the fracture toughness, which is still an
dJR/da. unresolved issue (see Ref. 45 for more details). In
In order to account for tunnelling effect, ⌬a was other words, the measurements performed in this
measured by optical observation of the crack tip pro- work are only meaningful when compared with
file through the thickness of the plate, i.e. by obser- measurements obtained with plates of similar thick-
vation on the surfaces of the plate and on polished ness.
sections at quarter-thickness and at mid-thickness of
the plate. ⌬a was then taken as the average value of
these measurements. Using this method, the crack tip
opening displacement at initiation, dc, could be Three-dimensional FE modelling of the notched
obtained from a set of crack tip parameters, whose and DENT specimens was based on finite strain J2
definitions are given on Fig. 4: the total opening of flow theory with isotropic hardening and performed
the blunted crack d1, the opening of the tearing crack using the general-purpose program ABAQUS. The
at the blunted crack d2, and the crack advance due to FE meshes consisted of eight-node bricks. Owing to

symmetry, only one-eighth of each specimen was 4. EXPERIMENTAL AND NUMERICAL RESULTS
modelled. Figure 5 presents the mesh pattern for the
In this section, we present separately the results
two types of specimens. The minimum section of the
dealing with the martensitic transformation and dam-
notched specimens contained 25 elements on half of
age of the different specimens, and the results dealing
the ligament and seven elements on half of the thick-
with the fracture toughness measurements in cracked
ness. The initial radius of the crack tip in the DENT
specimens. In each case, experimental and numerical
specimens was taken lower than 0.15dc. The mesh
results are described in parallel.
consisted of 12 bricks along the half-thickness (a rela-
tively large number of elements is required in the 4.1. Transformation and damage in the uniaxial and
thickness to accurately resolve the stresses in the notched specimens
localised necking zone at the crack tip). The length
Figure 6 presents the average stress (saver) vs. aver-
of the first element close to the crack tip was chosen
age strain (eaver) variations determined experimentally
equal to about one half of the initial radius of the
as well as calculated numerically for the notched
crack tip. Other mesh designs were used in order to
specimens of steels HSi and LSi. The loadings of the
check the convergence of the results in terms of the
different specimens unloaded for metallographic
stress and strain distribution. A mixed formulation
observation are indicated by rank of increasing aver-
was used in order to handle near incompressibility
resulting from large plastic deformation. The plastic
tangent modulus of steels HSi and LSi was derived
from the uniaxial true stress–true strain curves of Sec-
tion 2.1.2. In other words, the coupling between the
stress triaxiality and the transformation rate, and thus
the influence of transformation rate on the strain hard-
ening exponent are not taken into account. The
approximate character of this modelling will be
addressed in the discussion section of this paper.
The method of evaluation of the pointwise values
of the J integral (relation (2)) over the crack front is
based on the 3D domain integration technique pro-
posed by Shih et al. [46]. Local J(s) were computed
in the 12 layers along the thickness using various con-
tours in order to check path independence. A mean
value for the J-integral was obtained by averaging the
local values on the entire thickness. The numerical
CTOD was measured as the displacement at the inter- Fig. 6. Numerical average stress (saver)–average strain (eaver)
curve and experimental results for the notched specimens of
section with the crack flanks of a 90° vertex centred steels HSi and LSi. Each number on this figure corresponds to
at the crack tip (i.e. an identical definition as for the a unloaded specimen used for the metallographic characteris-
experimentally measured CTOD). ation of transformation and damage.

Fig. 5. Meshes for the FE simulations: (a) notched specimen; (b) DENT specimen.

age strain: LSi1, and from HSi1 to HSi5. These speci- 4.1.1. Transformation rate of retained austenite.
mens correspond to average strains eaver of 0.09 for Figure 7(a) and (c) show that, in steel HSi, mar-
steel LSi and of 0.023, 0.06, 0.09, 0.23 and 0.53 for tensitic transformation develops progressively with
steel HSi. It is noteworthy that coalescence of increasing straining. In specimen HSi2 (eaver ⫽ 0.06;
microvoids in steel HSi was observed only at Fig. 7(a)), the notch is surrounded by an approxi-
eaver ⫽ 0.53, close to the tip of the notches. Metallo- mately semi-circular zone in which 50 to 75% of the
graphic observation showed that austenite grains are initial content of austenite has already transformed.
generally either fully transformed or not transformed Specimen HSi3 (eaver ⫽ 0.09; Fig. 7(c)) shows an
at all (this observation is especially evident in steel increase of the part of transformed austenite: more
LSi). However, within each observation zone, some than 25% of retained austenite has transformed in
grains can be transformed while others can not. The almost the entire ligament. In contrast, specimen LSi1
maps of Fig. 7 present the percentage of martensitic (Fig. 7(e)), for which the average strain is 0.09 like
transformation, and the locations and types of damage specimen HSi3, shows a nearly complete transform-
sites for specimens HSi2 (eaver ⫽ 0.06; Fig. 7(a) and ation in a wide region covering the entire ligament.
(b)), HSi3 (eaver ⫽ 0.09; Fig. 7(c) and (d)) and LSi1 In order to quantify the progress of the transform-
(eaver ⫽ 0.09; Fig. 7(e) and (f)). ation (and to extract a maximum of information from

Fig. 7. Maps covering one quarter of the notched specimens presenting the percentage of martensitic transform-
ation and the locations of the various types of damage sites of specimens HSi2 (eaver ⫽ 0.06, (a) and (b)),
HSi3 (eaver ⫽ 0.09, (c) and (d)) and LSi1 (eaver ⫽ 0.09, (e) and (f)).

the observations), FE simulations were used for all results from specimens HSi2, HSi3 and HSi4. The
studying the correlation between the amount of trans- plastic strain needed to transform a given proportion
formation shown in Fig. 7(a), (c) and (e) and the local of austenite shows a large scatter, especially for the
value of the effective plastic strain, epe at a given transformation of the last 25% of austenite. This scat-
macroscopic straining (eaver) (taking account of finite ter results in part from the semi-quantitative nature of
straining effect). Figure 8(a) shows the result of this the method used for the estimation of the proportion
matching procedure for the notched specimens of of martensitic transformation and in part from the
steel HSi: the small dots represent the collection of microstructural and chemical inhomogeneities at the
scale of the observation zone. Another origin of the
scatter is the effect of the variation of the stress state
along the ligament. FE simulations reveal that, in the
plane at mid-thickness of the notched specimens, the
stress triaxiality is T ⫽ 0.53 at the centre of the liga-
ment. This stress triaxiality remains nearly constant
on half of the ligament length but decreases to the
uniaxial stress value (T ⫽ 1/3) at the tip of the notch.
The stress triaxiality remains constant during loading
and decreases slowly with distance from the mini-
mum section of the ligament. Therefore, in order to
estimate the transformation rate of retained austenite
at constant stress triaxiality, the open circles in Fig.
8(a) are results corresponding to triaxialities only in
the range 0.51⬍T⬍0.53.
As for the notched specimens, the extent of mar-
tensitic transformation around the crack tip of the
DENT specimens was related to the computed effec-
tive plastic strain epe. Only two specimens, one for
each steel, unloaded just after the initiation of crack-
ing were analysed. At the initiation of cracking, com-
plete transformation of austenite was observed in the
fracture process zone (FPZ, which was considered
identical to the finite strain zone) in both specimens.
Outside the finite strain zone, the stress triaxiality is
lower and it remains constant at T⬇0.6 along the
whole ligament. As for the notched specimens, the
transformation rate in the cracked specimens is
slightly higher in steel LSi than in steel HSi. At crack-
ing initiation, nearly 50% of transformation is
observed at the centre of the ligament in steel LSi at
cracking initiation, whereas a large part of the liga-
ment does not show any transformation in steel HSi.
This observation again reflects the higher stability of
austenite in steel HSi than in steel LSi.
Figure 8(b) compares, for steels HSi and LSi, the
variation of the proportions of transformed austenite
as a function of epe for the uniaxial tensile specimens
(measured by Mössbauer spectroscopy), for the
notched specimens (best fit of points in Fig. 8(a)) and
for the DENT specimens (the lower scatter in the lat-
ter case results from the fact that the data are averages
of SEM observations made on larger areas than for
the notched specimens). At all triaxialities, the trans-
Fig. 8. Variation of the proportion of martensite (a⬘/g0) as a
formation rates are larger for steel LSi than for steel
function of effective plastic strain (epe) for steels HSi and LSi.
(a) Raw (all points) and selected (points corresponding to HSi. As already observed in the selection procedure
location where 0.51⬍T⬍0.53) results of the matching pro- in Fig. 8(a), Fig. 8(b) clearly shows that, in both
cedure between the maps of transformation and of effective steels, an increase of the stress triaxiality markedly
plastic strain for the notched specimens of steel HSi (the solid enhances the transformation rate. For steel HSi, the
line is a logarithmic curve fit). (b) Results corresponding to
constant triaxiality for the uniaxial tensile specimens (T ⫽ curve of a⬘/g0 as a function of epe for T苲0.6 measured
1/3), the HSi notched specimens (T苲0.52) and the DENT using the cracked specimens is close to the average
specimens (T ⫽ 0.6). curve for T苲0.52 measured using the notched speci-

mens. The effect of the stress triaxiality in steel LSi proportions of ferrite–martensite debonding sites and
is especially marked for the last 30–50% of retained martensite cracking sites occurs when eaver increases
austenite. Figure 8(b) shows that the martensitic from 0.06 to 0.09. These proportions then remain con-
transformation rate appears exhausted after a certain stant during further straining. The steep increase of
level of uniaxial tensile straining. Metallographic the martensite grains cracking is observed close to the
observation reveals that, in the uniaxial tensile speci- notch tip where Fig. 7(c) has shown that martensitic
mens, the part of retained austenite remaining transformation was almost complete. This complete
untransformed at true uniform strain corresponds to transformation leads to the formation of a microstruc-
the film type austenite: the blocky type austenite was ture containing a nearly continuous bainite–marten-
found to be almost entirely transformed [7]. site network. The larger fraction of sites MM90° and
MM45° in Fig. 7(d) shows that cracking of the mar-
4.1.2. Damage. Figure 7(f) shows that almost no
tensite grains occurs preferentially in a direction per-
damage site can be found when a notched specimen
pendicular to the axis of loading.
of steel LSi is strained up to an average strain of 0.09,
whereas Fig. 7(b) shows that specimen HSi2 with 4.2. Fracture toughness and transformation in
eaver ⫽ 0.06 already presents numerous damage sites. cracked specimens
At this strain level, damage mainly consists of ferrite–
For the sake of clarity, Table 3 summarises the
martensite interface debonding. Almost no cracking
definitions of the different fracture mechanics para-
of martensite grains can be observed. Furthermore,
meters based on the J and CTOD concepts used in
damage sites are uniformly distributed in the entire
this paper. Path independence of the J integral com-
strained region. For specimen HSi3 with
puted numerically is observed for contours remote
eaver ⫽ 0.09 (Fig. 7(d)), the number of damage sites
enough from the necking zone. The FE simulations
steeply increases. This increase is predominantly due
also showed that the stress triaxiality is higher in the
to the cracking of martensite grains. A large number
finite strain zone and that the stress state in this zone
of cracked martensite grains can be observed in speci-
is intermediate between plane stress and plane strain,
men HSi3, especially in a zone of about 1 mm radius
in agreement with Refs. 45–48. A pure plane stress
around the notch. No evidence of significant
state is observed to prevail outside the finite strain
microcrack extension or plastic void growth can be
observed after nucleation. Damage thus increases
Asymmetry of the crack advance at the two speci-
mainly as a result of the increase of the number of
men sides was sometimes observed during monotonic
microcracking sites.
tensile loading of the DENT specimens. The speci-
Figure 9 presents a more explicit representation of
mens presenting a too large asymmetry of the crack
the variation of the proportion of the various types of
extension were not accounted for in the foregoing
damage sites as a function of eaver for steel HSi. The
analysis. Tunnelling effects were evidenced. Typi-
types of damage mentioned as “others” are ferrite or
cally, for crack advances larger than 1 mm, a differ-
bainite cracking. These types remain scarce at all
ence of about 100 to 200 µm was measured between
average strain. This means that the occurrence of
the crack lengths at mid-thickness and at the surface
damage in this type of microstructure almost always
involves martensite. Furthermore, a reversal of the
Table 3. Definition of the different J and crack opening quantities used
in the study

Parameter Definition

JR Current value of J during crack propagation as

computed by formula (2) using the experimental
load–displacement records
J0.2 Engineering fracture toughness consisting in the
intersection of the JR curve with the 0.2 mm
offset line parallel to the blunting line
Jc Physical fracture toughness at cracking initiation
obtained using the FE simulations (and thus
based on the domain integral method) at load
corresponding to the attainment of the
experimentally measured CTOD at cracking
d1 Total opening of the blunted crack d1 based on
the intersection with the crack flanks of a 90°
vertex centred at the crack tip (see Fig. 4)
d2 Opening of the tearing crack at the blunted
crack (see Fig. 4)
d∗c Unloaded critical crack tip opening
Fig. 9. Variation, as a function of the average strain (eaver), of displacement at cracking initiation obtained as
the proportions of the different types of damage sites observed the value of d1⫺d2 when ⌬ar→0
in the microstructure of steel HSi (M-M, intra-martensite crack- dc Critical crack tip opening displacement at
ing; F-M, ferrite–martensite debonding; others, other types of cracking initiation (under loading)
damage sites).

ber of observations along a given crack front due to

the difficulty of polishing the samples and the labour
intensive character of the method. A linear regression
on the d1⫺d2/⌬ar data points gives values of d∗c equal
to 81 µm and 52 µm for steels LSi and HSi, respect-
ively. According to the procedure described by Par-
doen et al. [44], the correction factor to be applied
on d∗c for accounting for reverse plasticity was esti-
mated by FE simulations. The corrected values of dc
were 94 µm and 61 µm for steels LSi and HSi,
Using FE simulations, these dc values can be trans-
lated into values of Jc at cracking initiation amounting
Fig. 10. Variation of J as a function of total crack advance (JR
to about 63 kJ/m2 for steel LSi and to 51 kJ/m2 for
curves) in steels HSi and LSi. steel HSi. These values are about five times smaller
than the corresponding values J0.2 ⫽ 350 kJ/m2 and
220 kJ/m2 measured using the JR curve procedure
of the plate. Figure 10 compares the JR curves of (Fig. 10). Several reasons may be invoked for
steels HSi and LSi computed from the explaining this discrepancy: (i) a crack extension of
load/displacement curves using relation (2). The stan- 0.2 mm induces a significant increase of J in materials
dard values of the engineering fracture toughness at with large strain-hardening exponents; (ii) formula
initiation, J0.2, which corresponds to the intersection (2), from which the J values on Fig. 10 were com-
of the JR curve with the 0.2 mm offset line (parallel puted, overestimates the more exact value of J com-
to the blunting line), amount to 350 kJ/m2 and 220 puted using the energy domain integral method; (iii)
kJ/m2 for steels LSi and HSi, respectively. Neverthe- it is known that, for specimens with large strain-hard-
less, for several reasons addressed hereafter, these ening exponent, the slope of the ASTM blunting line,
values do not carry much physical meaning except which must be taken equal to 2⌬a(sy ⫹ sult)/2, is too
that they show that steel LSi presents a larger fracture small [49]. In other words, we can consider that, for
toughness than steel HSi. the present steel plates, Jc or dc carry more physical
The variations of d1⫺d2 as a function of ⌬ar meas- meaning for characterising fracture initiation than J0.2.
ured at the crack tips at which cracking initiation was Whatever the method used for characterising fracture
detected are plotted on Fig. 11 for steels HSi and LSi. toughness, the resistance against cracking initiation is
One point corresponds to one side of the specimen: larger in steel LSi. On Fig. 10, the slopes of the
d1⫺d2 is the average of the values measured on vari- regression lines after crack initiation suggest that, in
ous through thickness positions and ⌬ar is the cor- contrast, the resistance to crack propagation (i.e. the
rected crack advance for the corresponding crack. tearing module) might be slightly larger in steel HSi.
Each value is thus local, representative of one crack
tip state. The experimental scatter of d1⫺d2 is rather
large for two reasons: the small value of the crack 5. DISCUSSION
opening at small crack advance (d2 is especially inac-
curate for small crack advance) and the limited num- 5.1. Rate of mechanically-induced martensitic trans-
Typically, a transformed grain contains between
two and five martensitic variants. Partially transfor-
med grains were rarely observed in steel LSi, mean-
ing that the transformation is (quasi-) instantaneous.
The size of the austenite grains thus seems to be suf-
ficiently small for the autocatalytic effects to over-
whelm the local drop of hydrostatic stress during
transformation (a drop of the hydrostatic stress would,
in principle, reduce the driving force for continuing
the transformation). The continuous increase of the
transformation with increasing strain exhibited in Fig.
8(b) in steel LSi is thus not merely due to a step by
step transformation inside each retained austenite
grain which, for instance, was supposed in Ref. [50].
For steel HSi, partially transformed grains are some-
times observed and, therefore, progressive grain
Fig. 11. Variations of d1⫺d2 as a function of ⌬ar for crack tips transformation is one of the reasons for the continu-
at which cracking initiation was detected in steels HSi and LSi. ous increase of the transformation observed on Fig.

8(b). The kinetics of the mechanically-activated trans- also occurs which depends on the carbon content [55].
formation of retained austenite depends on the follow- Steels LSi and HSi seem to show the same depen-
ing factors. dence on stress triaxiality. The difference of carbon
content of retained austenite in both steels seems too
1. The chemical composition which varies from grain small to expect a significant difference of volume
to grain, depending on their size and on the sur- expansion accompanying martensitic transformation
rounding phases (bainite or ferrite) that brought [55].
about the carbon enrichment process. Figure 8(b) shows that stress triaxiality affects
2. The morphology, size and location of the grains more predominantly the transformation of the last
(e.g. at the grain boundary or inside a grain), the 50% of retained austenite. In the case of uniaxial ten-
hardening of the surrounding phase, and the sion, the strain-induced martensitic transformation
residual stresses resulting from the thermal treat- becomes progressively exhausted and some retained
ment which affect the micro-stresses and micro- austenite was found in both steels strained up to true
strains. Especially, for the small austenite grain uniform strain. Metallographic observation revealed
size observed in this work (less than 1 µm), strain that this part of austenite that transforms the last cor-
gradient effects should play a role, implying sig- responds to the film type austenite lying along bainitic
nificant size effect on the local stresses [51]. ferrite plates (Fig. 1). It was already reported that the
3. The crystallographic orientation of the austenite higher stability of this type of austenite should be
grain. ascribed to a higher carbon content, a size stabilising
4. The mesoscopic stress state. effect and a constraint effect due to the presence of
5. The strain state, which has been shown to play a adjacent, finely grained bainitic ferrite [56] (Points 1
role in full TRIP steels [9] but which is probably and 2).
of less importance in multiphase TRIP-assisted The scatter observed in Fig. 8(a) at a given mesos-
steels. copic plastic strain results from fluctuations of the
effective plastic strain and stress triaxiality at the
Although the relative importance of these para- grain level (Point 2) around the “mesoscopic” values
meters remains difficult to evaluate, some of them can given by the FE simulation (part of the scatter may
be discussed on the basis of the results presented in also result from experimental errors). In other words,
Section 4. The two specimens of steels LSi and HSi we should, in principle, not observe any scatter on
differ not only in the amount of retained austenite but Fig. 8(a) if the microstructure was perfectly homo-
also in other parameters such as the carbon content geneous. The scatter on Fig. 8(a) also shows that the
of austenite (Point 1). Figure 8(b) has shown that a size of the zone of observation (typically 20⫻30 µm2)
larger accumulated plastic strain is needed to trans- is smaller than the size of the volume element that
form retained austenite in steel HSi, meaning that the would be representative for computing the continuum
retained austenite of steel HSi is more stable. This properties of the material.
result is in good agreement with previous studies [4, In the investigated steel grades, the mechanically-
5]. Furthermore, specimens of steels LSi and HSi also induced martensitic transformation improves strength
differ by their Si content and by the nature and vol- and ductility by both a composite strengthening effect
ume fractions of the other phases (Table 2). These resulting from the progressive increase of the amount
parameters also influence the transformation rate of of hard martensite, and a dislocation strengthening of
retained austenite as they affect the partitioning of the ferrite matrix as a consequence of the transform-
stress and strain between the phases: solid-solution ation strain accompanying martensitic transformation.
strengthening of the ferrite matrix by silicon or For a given effective strain, the hydrostatic stress will
“shielding” of austenite from the external load in steel be larger in the notched specimens than in the uniax-
HSi as a result of load transfer to high strength bain- ial specimens because of the larger amount of trans-
ite [7]. formed austenite. Consequently, the use of the J2
Figure 8(b) also shows a strong dependence of the model based on the uniaxial mean flow properties of
rate of martensitic transformation on stress triaxiality the material only gives an approximate value of the
(Point 4): in both steels, the transformation rate stresses when the stress triaxiality departs from 1/3.
increases with increasing triaxiality. Previous studies Nonetheless, we believe that the procedure of com-
on different steel grades showed the same effect of paring experimental maps with FE simulations for
stress triaxiality in the case of fully austenitic steels generating Fig. 8 from the maps of Fig. 7 is fairly
[17, 52, 53] or of austenite dispersed in a martensitic accurate because the only quantities used in the analy-
matrix [31, 32]. This strong stress triaxiality effect sis are the effective plastic strain and the stress triax-
illustrated in Fig. 8(b) originates from the volume iality. For the notched specimens, the comparison of
expansion accompanying martensitic transformation, the transformation maps with the plastic strains field
which results in the mean stress being the main driv- is always made at the same average strain in the liga-
ing force for the transformation [50, 54]. Even though ment (and not, for example, by comparing the experi-
shear deformation is the main deformation associated mental and computed remote load or displacement).
with martensitic transformation, a volume expansion In other words, the average strains in the ligament

predicted by the numerical simulations are always 5.3. Effects of transformation and damage on the
correct. Consequently, the main error affecting the cracking resistance
results presented in Fig. 8 originates from the effect,
on the computed strain distributions, of the error on Great care has been taken in order to avoid any
the strain-hardening law (which neglects the influence phase transformation prior to the start of mechanical
of triaxiality). This error is probably smaller than the testing, particularly during fatigue pre-cracking of the
experimental error. The same argument holds for the DENT specimens. If the fracture process zone (FPZ)
modelling of the cracked specimens where the com- size is similar to the finite strain zone length, which
parison of the experimental maps and the computed may be estimated as equal to at least twice the critical
stress fields was made at the same crack tip opening crack tip opening displacement dc [58], the FPZ size
displacement. Concerning the stress triaxiality, the is then at least three times larger than the zone in
computed values are believed to be sufficiently accur- which martensitic transformation was observed to
ate because this parameter does not depend much on have occurred during pre-cracking. Consequently, the
the flow properties during plastic yielding. Moreover, fracture toughness values at cracking initiation can be
the emphasis in Fig. 8 is more on the relative values considered representative of the material with
of stress triaxialities than on their absolute values. retained austenite. They account for the influence of
the TRIP effect on cracking resistance.
5.2. The coupling between transformation and dam- In thin plate fracture, most of the fracture energy
age is spent in localised necking in front of the crack. For
the same fracture mechanisms (or more precisely, for
This study shows that, in TRIP-aided steels, mar- materials presenting similar stress dependent fracture
tensitic transformation is responsible for the creation strains), the material presenting the largest strength
of the damage sites. This behaviour is very different and strain-hardening is expected to exhibit the largest
from the behaviour of steels for which the volume fracture toughness. If the size of the fracture process
expansion associated with the transformation hinders zone (FPZ) corresponds to two to four times the
damage by postponing the nucleation of voids [19, CTOD [59], it can be concluded from our FE simula-
37]. However, the onset of the martensitic transform- tions and experimental results that, for both steels, the
ation is not a sufficient condition for damage FPZ is rapidly embedded inside a zone where mar-
initiation. As shown in Fig. 7, steel LSi, which shows tensitic transformation is complete. Consequently, the
a faster martensitic transformation, does not suffer FPZ in steel HSi rapidly consists of a continuous net-
more pronounced damage than steel HSi. On the con- work of brittle phases. Thus, even though steel HSi
trary, the onset of damage is earlier in steel HSi. The has a higher strain-hardening capacity, cracking
first reason is the high carbon content of the austenite initiates more rapidly than in steel LSi. In other
which, as a corollary, transforms into a high strength words, in steel HSi, the TRIP effect has a deleterious
martensite [56, 57]. The ensuing larger strain incom- effect on fracture toughness for two reasons: (i) the
patibilities between ferrite and martensite induce higher stability of the austenite involves a high carbon
more rapid debonding, as observed in steel HSi. content and thus a lower resistance to microcracking
Higher carbon contents also render martensite more of martensite, (ii) a significant TRIP effect requires a
brittle and martensite cracking therefore becomes eas- large amount of retained austenite which thus
ier. Furthermore, Fig. 7(a), (b), (c) and (d) show that, involves the creation of a continuous network of
for steel HSi, the number of damage sites consisting brittle phases. When TRIP-aided steels are to be used
of martensite grains cracking steeply increases in the in structural applications where fracture under mono-
zone at the tip of the notch where more than 75% of tonic loading is of concern, one must at least avoid
retained austenite has transformed. Steel HSi initially the formation of a brittle network of second phases.
contains 45% of non-intercritical ferrite phases, i.e. In thin plates, a rising crack resistance curve results
bainite and retained austenite. As shown in Fig. 1(a), from both the increase of crack tip necking [60] and
these phases constitute a nearly continuous network from “plastic effects” such as the effect of the residual
along the ferrite grain boundaries. Martensitic trans- strains in the crack wake and the non-proportional
formation of more than 75% of the initial retained loadings in the active plastic zone. No information
austenite content therefore causes the percolation, has been obtained about the coupling between the
into the ferrite matrix, of an almost continuous brittle intrinsic and extrinsic effects on the JR-curves, but it
network consisting of high strength bainite and mar- is not unexpected that steel HSi might show a larger
tensite. This network allows brittle crack propagation crack propagation resistance due to its larger strain-
inside the material without crossing of the ductile hardening capacity. This conclusion is important
phase. This means that, for the levels of mechanical because the resistance to crack propagation is perhaps
stability of austenite involved in TRIP-aided steels, more significant for structural design than the resist-
damage is governed not only by the transformation ance to cracking initiation.
rate but also by the amount of martensite.

6. CONCLUSION 7. Jacques, P., Mertens, A., Girault, E., Ladrière, J. and

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Acknowledgements—The authors are indebted to R&D Cocker- Research Conference. U.S. Government Printing Office,
ill-Sambre for continuous support. P. Jacques acknowledges the Lake George, New York, 1987, p. 549.
financial support of the Walloon Region (FIRST program no. 32. Haidemenopoulos, G. N., PhD Thesis, MIT, 1988.
3129). The work of T. Pardoen was supported by the Fonds 33. Sandvik, B.P.J. and Nevalainen, H.P., Metal Technol.,
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demic Press, Inc., San Diego, 1997, p. 295.

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