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She wakes up late.

They watch television regularly.

He drinks tea at breakfast.

We catch the bus every morning.

It rains every afternoon into hot season.

They drive to Monaco every summer.

Water freezes at zero degrees.

The Earth revolves around the sun.

Her mother is Peruvian.

Open the packet and pour the contents into hot


You take the No.6 bus to Watney and then the No.1
to Bedford.

The plane leaves at 4 p.m.

Our holiday starts on the 26th March.

She will see you before she leaves.

His mother arrives tomorrow.

We will give it to her when she arrives.

When do courses begin this semester?

The train doesn’t arrive until 10.35.

The oceans are deep and cold.

The last train to Rome leaves at 22.30.

On day 6, we visit the pyramids.

I will have that book after I buy it.

You walk for two hundred meters, then you turn left.
Your exam starts at 09.00

He will give it to you when you come next Saturday.

Do you smoke?

I meet my friends at 5 in the afternoon.

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