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Neah Bay Penitentiary

By: Emma Cooke, Danny Paluch, Emily Prince, & Ryan Galvan

Location of Prison:Neah Bay,

Population of town: 865
Population of prison: 550
Table of Contents

The goals of our facility

Type of prison:
Security Level

Philosophy of Punishments:
Correctional Officers
Vocational Instructors
Priviledge System

Organizational Style:
Grievance Procedure/Ombudsman
Management Style
10 Most Important Rules of the Institution

Problem Areas:
Handling of riots
Inmate assaults
Staff Corruption
Suicide Prevention
Cell Shakedowns

This manual is set in place for the staff and for the inmates of the Neah Bay penitentiary. The
following will contain a list of rules and regulations put in place to make sure that the facility is
running at its fullest potential. If there is a failure to follow the list of rules it can then result in
felony charges through the courts system. The rules and regulations stipulated in our code of
conduct comes directly from the Department of Corrections. Any questions regarding the
following information is welcomed to contact Warden Reed Corley at 224.324.8746.

Goals of Facility
Within the Neah Bay penitentiary our goal is to show the inmates the wrongdoings they have
committed and to get them to realize and fix the things that they have done wrong, As
rehabilitation is one of our biggest keys within the facility we are trying to get the inmates to get
the ability to return to society and be an effective person within the community. Our philosophy
at Neah Bay is rehabilitative. We want to ensure that our inmates that come through Neah Bay
won’t return to our institution but rather become responsible citizens of Washington. We offer a
wide variety of jobs that are specific to each level of inmate. We have level 1, level 2, and level 3
inmates that will be discussed more in depth later in this document. The risk level of the inmate
will determine the type of job available to that inmate. Our goal is that all inmates will become
level 3 inmates and will all able to go on work release. They can do this with good behavior and
showing that they can be responsible inmates by going to school or participating in other
activities such as yoga, volleyball, or prayer circle. Work release and any employment through
the Neah Bay penitentiary is a privilege and should be treated like one by inmates. Any stolen
items, or fights will result in loss of their job and 1-3 weeks in segregation.
Type of Prison
Our facility is a medium security penitentiary for adult males. The Neah Bay Prison has 550
male prisoners generally ranging in age from 20-30 years of age. We only take in adult males
because we do not have enough staff or resources to house juveniles safely and in isolation away
from the adult inmates. Plus, in the Washington area almost 75% of our inmates that are sent to
prison are above the age of 18. For inmates that are below the age of 18 are sent to a juvenile
detention center or jail if the center is overcrowded. Since we are medium security institution we
are very strict on the rules we do not want our inmates to take advantage of our staff or the
resources we provide. We want to make it clear to our adults that they are at our institution for a
reason and make them address their charge and why they ended up in a prison. We are not a
typical prison in that our grounds are very spread out and gives off a campus or park feel.
Neah Bay, Washington USA (far northwest corner of Washington). Located in Clallam County,
Washington. The population of the town is 865. This is an ideal location for a penitentiary
because it doesn’t pose a risk towards a large number of people. The prison is located here
because the offenders have a decreased chance of escape because the facility is surrounded by
the ocean on one side and forest for 200 miles. This is a perfect location to house medium
security inmates because they have more freedom and are allowed to go out in the forest and
help with the lumber industry. They can then use the lumber that they collect to craft different
types of furniture that they sell through prison industries. This allows inmates to have a job and
have a routine so they stay out of trouble. At Neah Bay we want to provide an environment that
fosters education so the offender can maintain job and learn how to succeed. Our location will
provide inmates an opportunity to go out into the community and learn the fishing and lumber
industry that Washington has to offer. This will provide inmates with a perspective in which they
can hold a legitimate job and earn a decent living that does not need to include any criminal
activity. Inmates at this penitentiary get the opportunity to go outside of the walls ( Level 2 &
some Level 3’s) that provides a unique experience for the inmate because of the different jobs
and experiences available.
Security Level:
Neah bay is a medium security prison institution. Work is limited to those that have shown to be
well behaved and model inmate that follows the rules. The prison will have a couple of buildings
for different types of inmates categorized by the severity of the offense and behavior. The Coast
Guard has a base on near this location so they provide a backup in case of escape or threat/riot.
Coast guard provides security for the prison that conducts perimeter searches from 9pm-6am.
Then for the rest of the day their will be a car that perimeters outside of the fence for security.
There will be four guard towers on the corners of the institution that oversee day to day activities
to ensure that no inmates are doing anything they shouldn’t and monitor the inmates that are in
the yard or walking to buildings. Our main concern is to ensure the safety of our inmates, staff,
and visitors. In order to do that we have put in place different safety measures such as an electric
fence that is 25 feet high topped off with barbed wire. In our institution visitation is used as a
privilege for inmates. The inmates that are in segregation that are locked down for 23 hours a day
and have 1 hour a day have privileges taken away. One of those privileges that may be taken
away is face to face visits with their family members. The inmates in segregation have to video
conference their visitor because they are considered a danger or are being punished for a rule
violation they committed while in prison. Some violation that can land inmates in segregation
include fighting, gang activity, safety reasons, having contraband,or not listening to a
correctional officer. Some safety reasons for ending up in segregation may include child
molesters and the mentally ill. Most inmates in our institution see child molesters as the worst of
the worst and they will be targeted by other inmates. So for this reason they will be placed in
segregation for their own safety and well being. Our prison has about 175 people on staff
working everyday to keep inmates and fellow staff members safe. The large number of members
on staff allows our workers to have a typical eight hour shift instead of a longer, more stressful
shift on a daily basis.

The Neah Bay prison is loosely based off of the New York prison system. Most inmates are
housed with another roommate. It has a natural boundary of an ocean and a is surrounded by a
double barbed wire fence along the perimeter with four guard tours on the corners. Our
institution is spread out across 2 acres of land with a number of different buildings serving a
different purpose. Our institution includes:
● 2 housing units
○ Each floor has different level of inmates.
○ First floor is Level 1, second floor is Level 2, and third floor is Level 3.
○ Each floor has a community bathroom.
○ At 9pm inmates are restricted to their floor only and in their room by 10pm
○ Each room will have 8 inmates that are double bunked with an individual storage
trunk for their personal belongings.
○ Any materials that do not fit in the trunk may be confiscated by correctional
○ If an inmate does not have any shampoo, razors, shampoo, toothbrush or
toothpaste and does not have the funds to pay for these items may receive these
items for free for hygienic purposes.
○ There is a separate building that is the segregation unit that houses up to 75
inmates at one time that is equipped with a strip cell, guard communication
center,and individual cells with steel toilet and plexiglass windows that allows
guards to see them 24/7.
○ These inmates are restricted to their cell 23 hours a day with a 1 hour recreation
time that they may use to exercise, use a telephone, and whatever else they may
want to do.
○ The food in segregation can range on the behavior the inmate is displaying.
○ If the inmate is being compliant they will receive the normal cafeteria meal
delivered to them in their cell.
○ If the inmate is not compliant and not following orders the inmate may receive a
nutribread loaf that supplies all the nutrients that is needed in a meal.

● Recreation center
○ Located in Northwest side of the institution
○ Inmates are allowed to go here for a break or exercise. A variety of activities can
be going on such as:
■ Basketball or volleyball
■ Yoga
■ Prayer group
■ Knitting
■ Art
■ Sewing
■ All crafts materials made are donated back into the community to different
places such as homeless shelters and foster care homes.
● Court yard
○ Located in the center of the institution the court yard provides the inmates with
seasonal activities such as yoga, meditation, or prayer circle.
○ Inmate grounds keepers are paid $.32 an hour for anywhere from 2-6 hours a day.
○ Their duties include: mowing lawn, raking leaves, trimming bushes, watering the
grass, and fertilizing the grass.
● Church
○ Located in the far Northwest corner next to the recreation center and school.
○ Inmates of all religions are welcomed to worship their God or reflect in the
○ A priest will come to the prison once a week for worship at 1pm on Saturday’s.
○ Only Level 2 and Level 3 inmates are allowed to attend
○ Inmates will be able to check out prayer books and rosaries but these items must
be returned or else they will not be allowed to leave the church.
● Greenhouse
○ Located in the center of the institution, the greenhouse grows pineapples, carrots,
green peppers, red peppers, lettuce, seasonal gourds, and different flowers for the
○ Our green house provides over 25,000lbs of fresh produce every year
○ Saves over $10,000 on fruits and vegetables because produce no longer has to
○ Provides over 50 jobs- very sought after job because of the pay and hours.
○ Pays $.41 an hour and each shift lasts anywhere from 2-8 hours.
○ Duties may vary such as planting different plants in soil, watering the plants,
harvesting and cleaning the produce, and checking the temperature of the
greenhouse to ensure the best growing environment.
● Cafeteria
○ Located in the Northeast corner of the institution.
○ Each level of inmates are fed at different times to avoid overcrowding of the cafe
and fights.
○ Over 75 jobs are available here for $.31 an hour. Shifts are anywhere from 2-6
○ Duties may include cook, server, dishwasher, or surface cleaner

● Silent Garden
○ Located in the center of the institution in the courtyard.
○ Has 6 benches and various rocks to sit on to reflect on the their day, to pray, or
read in silence.
○ This gives inmates the opportunity to be by themselves for a little bit which is an
invaluable thing considering in prison inmates are never by themselves.
○ The silent garden is opened seasonally from 10-11:30am and 1-2:30pm
○ Being able to sit and reflect at the silent garden is a privilege that can be taken
Mail room
○ Located in the same building as the cafeteria
○ Inmates come here to check their mailboxes for any mail they may have from
their family, friends, attorney, or things they ordered from commissary.
○ Only 15 jobs are available at the mailroom which makes it highly sought after
because their is no manual labor involved as they are in charge of sorting the mail.
○ Pays $.22 an hour for a shift anywhere from 2-4 hours
○ Duties may include: sorting, and selling stamps & envelopes
● Equipment Room
○ Located in the center of the institution.
○ Stores riot gear for correctional officers.
● Barbershop
○ Located in the Northeast side of the institution
○ Pays $.54 an hour and is a very sought after job.
○ Prior experience is required which is why this is the highest paying job in the
institution for inmates.
○ Employs 5-10 inmates at various times of the week
○ Shifts anywhere from 2-4 hours a day
● School
○ Located in the Northwest corner of the institution
○ Employs 5 teachers
○ Opportunity to earn GED
○ Different classes such as basic computer programming, woodshop, carpentry,
construction, and welding.
○ Inmates have to pay for different classes out of their own pocket- not covered by
DOC ( Department of Corrections).
● Woodshop
○ Located in the Northwest side of the institution
○ Takes wood from lumber yard to use for various projects
○ Employs 30-50 inmates for $.22 an hour for anywhere from 2-8 hours a day
○ Duties include making tables, chairs, cabinets, and other requested items.
○ Other jobs in this area may be sanding, cutting, or painting the wood
● License Plate Shop
○ Located in the Northwest side of the institution.
○ Employs 50-65 inmates for $.17 an hour for anywhere from 2-8 hours a day
○ Duties include making road signs for Washington, license plates, and specialized
signs by request.
● Lumber yard
○ Located 200 yards outside the fence
○ Employs 30-40 inmates
○ Very sought after job that receives many application from the inmates
○ Inmates must take a 4 week lumber class before they are eligible to work in the
○ This is for safety reasons as they will be operating heavy and dangerous
machinery that they need to know how to operate.
○ Pays $.31 an hour for shifts anywhere from 1-3 hours
○ Level 3 inmates are restricted from the lumber yard
○ Duties: chop down/ trim trees for lumber as well as clear areas for new roads.
○ The lumber gathered is then used in the woodshop to build various things that is
sold through prison industries.
● Weight Room
○ All inmates are allowed to use this area at designated times of the day.
○ Weight room hours are 10-11:30 & 1-2:30pm and are only allowed to use the
weight room once a day due to popularity.
○ Monitored via camera and a guard is watching to make sure there is no fighting
and the equipment is being used in the intended purpose.
○ Equipment: free weights, bench, bars, and medicine balls.
● Control Room
○ There are 3 control rooms located on the grounds of the prison
○ 1 control rooms in each housing unit
○ 1 control room in the administration/entrance
○ Correctional officers and prison staff are the only people authorized to have
access to this room.
○ Inmates are not allowed to enter the control room unless given permission by a
correctional officer.
○ 2 guards are always on duty and in charge of watching the cameras in each
control room.
○ One guard is in charge of doing rounds and head counts and the other guard is in
charge of watching the 50 camera screens for any suspicious or violent behavior.
○ There is an emergency button, telephone, and video conferencing room attached
to the control room.
○ The video conferencing room is only available for inmates that are authorized to
talk to their attorney or legal counsel. It is not to be used for calling family or

Type of offenders:
At Neah Bay we have three levels of inmates. Level 1 is the highest possible level of
categorization of inmates that are characterized as high risk and are not able to go out on work
release to fish or out to the lumber yard. Level 2 is the moderately low risk inmate that has some
behavioral problems but nothing too serious. These inmates have been to segregation once or
twice but most are allowed to hold jobs and go out on work release into the forest and bay. Level
3 is the most lowest risk level of categorization of inmates at Neah Bay. These inmates are
allowed to go out on work release because they do not either pose a risk to society or escape
risk. These inmates are allowed to get a job inside the prison because the overall level of security
of the prison is medium.The inmates are usually at our institution for shorter sentences anywhere
from 1-3 year on average so the overturn of inmates coming in and out is relatively quickly.
These inmates are young males that have made some questionable decisions in their life. Our
mission at the Neah Bay prison is to rehabilitate the inmates that come through our institution.
These offenders are usually men that have the opportunity to turn their lives around but just need
a push in the right direction. Most of these men are not violent inmates as most of the prisoners
in our facility have drug, burglary, and assault charges. However, with that being said our current
prison system is overcrowded so we will have some violent offenders with a more serious charge
such as murder. These inmates will be given an opportunity to be in general population because
at Neah Bay we do not place inmates in housing based upon their charge. We like to give our
inmates the opportunity to prove themselves and make the choice where they would to end up.
However, with that said if an inmate does act up and demonstrate that he can not be in general
population arrangements will be made for more secure housing such as segregation. The
offenders in our institution was a the major factor for the design of our prison. We designed the
prison the way we did because our philosophy of rehabilitation takes into account different
programs to help the inmates learn how to act in the real world once they are released. With this
said, we designed our prison in
Age Category:
20-30 year old males. Since the ideal age to commit crime is between the ages of 18-25 years
old, these young men are committing crimes at the peak age. However, we will get offenders that
do not fit this demographic because of the overcrowding and lack of space in other prisons. Since
offenders in this facility are younger, there is a greater chance to rehabilitate them and make
them contributing members of society without any crime. Our goal at Neah Bay is to give
inmates the tools possible to see that they do not need drugs or alcohol to lead a successful and
meaningful life despite their upbringing. Our staff at Neah Bay is atimate that every inmate has
the ability to change, but it is ultimately up to them if they want to or not. We are aware that
many inmates have had a rough upbringing and are pushed into gangs by their family, but we
want to ingrain in their minds that despite their families influence, they have a way out and do
not have to go back to their gangs once they have done their time at Neah Bay. We have a no
tolerance rule for gangs as they are prohibited in all correctional institutions. Since the majority
of our population at Neah Bay are young males in their young and upper 20’s, we want to change
their perspective of society and stop future crimes from occurring. That is why at our institution
we are focused on rehabilitating our inmates. At Neah Bay we have over 20 different programs
aimed at drug abuse, anger management, changing the way they think, and making better habits
for themselves. These program will decrease the recidivism rate and decrease the overcrowding
in our jails. We know that these young men have gone down a bad path and we believe it is our
job to try and help them down a new one away from crime. With that said, we are still very much
prison and their are consequences for their actions.
Mentally Ill :
The mentally ill will be diagnosed by a department of corrections doctor of their mental disorder
and receive medications if needed and be closely monitored by staff so they will not be
victimized by other inmates. This has decreased the number of sexual assaults by a substantial
amount. We also have a counselling program available to help inmates deal with any mental
health issues. We treat depression, anxiety, ADD, ADHD, schizophrenia, PTSD, and other
disorders. Research has shown that mentally ill inmates are the majority of victims in sexual
assaults in prisons as well as targeted for their food or other items by other inmates. At Neah Bay
we are very strict on no sharing any belongings or food with other inmates as well as making
sure these inmates are being taken care of to the best of our ability. Any activity deemed
dangerous or threatening to an inmate may land a inmate in segregation for a couple of days. We
know that our inmates that suffer from mental illness can not function to the same ability as
some other inmates which is why we try and give them their proper medication and keep a closer
eye on these inmates. As a correctional institution we are trying to decriminalize mentally ill
inmates and get them to a facility that can better suit their needs. At Neah Bay we can not
provide as much assistance to the mentally ill as our staff is not trained in treating mentally ill
inmates. We are not given a large budget for medication so we may not be able to supply the
proper medication for an inmate. Nor are we supplied with the proper medication for certain
diagnosis’ so we may have to give them an alternative medication. By decriminalizing the
mentally ill, we decrease the number of inmates getting sexually assaulted as well as get them
the proper help that they deserve. Plus, when they are at the facility they can get a more accurate
diagnosis of what illness they may have, where at our institution they may not get an accurate
diagnosis due to the limited number of doctors and their specialty.
Drug Dependent:
40% of our population is dependent upon drugs so many of the offenders at our facility go
through rehabilitative programs such as AA and different classes to address the addictive nature
of drugs. These programs help the offender seek other healthy alternatives to drugs once they re-
enter society. Our goal at this facility is to rehabilitate inmates and make sure they do not go
down the same path that landed them in prison. For a majority of inmates they committed their
crime while under the influence of some type of drug. Our goal is to provide inmates with an
understanding that they do not need drugs to feel worthy or good about themselves. This is a
very important in prisons because the recidivism rate for inmates that go back to drugs after
being in prison is very high. We as an institution are already overcrowded so we do not need a
newly freed inmate to come back and take up more space and go through the same program
again. We have programs for drug addicts because we know that many of our inmates will be
paroled in the recent future and need to know that they will not be allowed to take any illegal
drugs. If they do take any drugs while on parole they may be in violation of their parole and risk
going back to prison. Again, we are in institution dedicated towards stop recidivism and rehab
inmates. We want the inmates to learn that if they take drugs it ultimately messes up their life
because it just leads to a domino effect of bad choices.
Physically Disabled:
The Neah Bay prison will provide physical therapy treatment and accommodations for inmates
that have a disability.We will have a physical therapist on staff once a week. All showers in our
facility are wheelchair accessible and all buildings are equipped with an elevator for any inmates
on crutches or in a wheelchair. Other than that these inmates are treated the same as other
inmates incarcerated. For those inmates that have visual, hearing,or speech impairments the
prison does provide different staff members such as a sign language coordinator and other
Criminal History of offenders:
Many offenders are repeat offenders for various crimes regarding drugs, theft, and burglary.
These offenders are mostly low level offenders that have not committed a violent crime. These
inmates usually have only been in prison on average 0-3 times prior to being incarcerated at our
institution.These inmates usually have a couple petty charges against them that landed them in
prison for a shorter sentence. Since these offenders have lower charges against them, this is the
prime time to stop their reckless and criminal behavior. We want to get the message across to our
inmates that our institution is a spa compared to maximum facilities and if they keep going down
the path they are headed things are only going to get harder and they lose some of their rights
and freedoms.
Warden- The Warden oversees the operations of the whole prison at all times.
Correctional Officers- Correctional Officers will monitor and control all movements of the
inmates. There will be Correctional Lieutenants and Sergeants who monitor the security of the
prisons and take on more supervision roles. Officers will be active at all times of the day, broken
down into three different shifts of eight hours each.
Counselors- Counselors will be on staff to give treatment to inmates each day. Any inmate with
drug problems, mental problems, or in need of any sort of treatment will seek it through our
counselors. This includes substance and abuse counselors, and mental health counselors.
Teachers- Teachers will be on staff to accommodate any inmate needing to complete their
education in terms of high school equivalence, higher level courses, or certain classes preparing
inmates for jobs once they get out of the prison. These classes will occur every day at normal
school hours.
Vocational Instructors- Vocational Instructors will be on staff to assist inmates struggling with
what career path they want to pursue when they get out of prison. The instructors will find a career
path that fits the inmates’ personalities, and how they should go about reaching that career path.
Nurse- Nurses will be on staff to do any treatment on injured inmates every day. We have 3 nurses
on staff. During the night hours at least one nurse will be on call. They will also carry out the
everyday tasks that nurses have to perform.
Doctor- Doctor will be on staff every day to perform minor procedures on injured inmates, staff
members, etc. We have 2 doctors on staff. We always have one doctor on call however if any
medical personnel is required usually a nurse will be put in charge unless the inmate needs serious
treatment.Doctors will be there every day, and will be on call when not present. All major
procedures needing to be done will be performed at the local hospital.
Dentist- A dentist will be on staff to perform the basic dental work necessary. We only have one
dentist on staff. There won’t be any difficult procedures, just the basic work an inmate or staff
member may need.
Us Coast Guard- Since the Prison is located near the Pacific Ocean, the U.S. Coast Guard will be
on staff from 9pm-6am daily to make sure everything is safe and no one can escape. Any prisoner
that successfully makes it out of the prison will have to get past the boat that this constantly
patrolling the coast.
Chaplain- A chaplain will be on staff to deliver masses and to talk with any inmate going through
tough times needing to pray or carry out any religious tasks.
Administrators- Administrators will oversee all of the everyday operations that occur inside and
outside of a prison. They also oversee the intake and release of all inmates in the institution.
Maintenance/Food/Laundry-All of these everyday jobs will be done by trustworthy inmates who
are selected by the Administrators. These inmates will have more privileges than your typical
inmates which gives inmates more incentive to secure these jobs.
Human Resource Manager- Even though inmates will be the ones cooking and serving the food,
there will be one Resource Manager overlooking the whole food services in order to make sure
everything is sanitary and being performed well.
Philosophy of Punishment
The philosophy of punishment for this prison is rehabilitation. Rehabilitation is the act of restoring
the prisoner to its original state. That includes realizing what they did wrong, and fixing it and
restoring their character and decision making. We aim to correct them and get them ready to rejoin
society with positive thoughts and positive intentions. They won’t be let back into society if we
don’t find them to be rehabilitated after serving their time in prison. They will go through the
process of being rehabilitated by seeking help from counselors and vocational instructors while
doing labor work in the forest located nearby. Counselors will give them the treatment needed, and
vocational instructors will find a career path that fits the inmates and will lead them down that
path. In the forest, they will carve trees and use the lumber to create furniture and other items. The
items made from the wood and lumber will be sold through Prison Industries. This job gets them
experience and prepares them for a similar job when they leave prison. The act of rehabilitation is
very important for inmates that are considered dangerous and any inmates with addictions of any
kind. Inmates of this nature will consistently meet with counselors to receive the treatment they
need. Professional assistance is required for those who have addictions, considering it is very tough
to quit something on your own. Considering forty percent of inmates that get released reoffend
and return to prison, rehabilitation is crucial to stop that from happening.

Inmates will have the opportunity to continue their education while serving their sentence at this
institution. They have the option of completing their GED as well as continuing their education
at a college level to get their associate’s, bachelor’s, or master’s degree.

Inmates without a high school diploma or GED will have the education necessary to get their
GED available to them at no cost. Having a high school diploma/GED is required to apply for a
job at prison in addition to making inmates much more employable when they leave, so it is
highly recommended that if inmates do not already have it they do the required schooling.

For inmates looking to further their education at a higher level, college courses are available with
opportunities to earn an associate’s, bachelor’s, or even a master’s degree. If an inmate wishes
to enroll in these courses, he must pay for them himself. Having a college degree would also
greatly increase the employability of inmates when they finish serving their sentence.

Privilege System
There are three privilege status levels that may be achieved by inmates while serving time at this
institution. There are several factors evaluated by prison staff that determine what level each
inmate belongs at. The level system works as follows:

Level 1: Everyone coming into prison starts of as a level 1 prisoner. These inmates don’t have
some privileges including job opportunities and extended participation in recreational activities.
Depending on factors including how serious of a crime they committed, their behavior, and the
length of their sentence, prison officers will move them up as deserved. Most prisoners who
committed less serious crimes can easily achieve level 2 status in a month or less as long as they
don’t cause problems. On the other hand, dangerous criminals that cause a lot of problems may
never move up from level 1 status.

Level 2: Level 2 inmates have more privileges including more recreational time and the ability
to have a job, but the best jobs which include skill training and shop work are reserved for level 3
prisoners. Prisoners must maintain their level 2 status for at least 6 months before being moved
up to level 3, the highest status with the most privileges. If a prisoner causes any trouble they
risk going back down to level 1.

Level 3: Level 3 prisoners have the most privileges available to them. They can get the most
sought after and highest paying jobs. These jobs may also include career training that will be
useful after leaving prison including woodworking, soap making, cooking, and more.

There are several jobs at this institution available for level 2 and 3 inmates. In order for a
prisoner to get a job, they will need to apply as well as do a screening to make sure they have all
of the qualifications. They need to be at least a level 2 inmate to apply for any job and if they get
in any trouble their job may be taken away. Appropriate skill training will be provided for all
jobs as necessary. Wages for these jobs vary from around $0.20 to $1.00 per hour. The level 3
employees are generally paid more for their work and learn skills that help them become more
employable in the real world. Factors including experience, skill, and proficiency can also affect
an inmate’s pay. Here is a list of some of the jobs available for each level of prisoner:

Level 2:
o Cook
o Dishwasher
o Janitor
o Laundry
o Greenhouse
o Grounds keepers
o Mail room
Level 3:
o Woodworking: Sleds, snow shoes, fishing poles, furniture, signs, & more
o Licence Plates
o Fishing
o Forest/Lumber work
o Barber shop

Two community based jobs are offered where inmates actually get to leave the facility to work.
These jobs are forest/lumber work and fishing and they are both reserved for the level 3 inmates.
These are also the highest paying jobs we offer and they teach inmates life long skills that they can
use after they serve their sentence by providing work experience. Inmates that are employed in the
forestry sector are in charge of cutting down trees that can be used in the woodshop to build
furniture. They have the opportunity to operate heavy machinery such as a woodchipper and bucket
truck in order to cut down branches that are higher up. These men are required to take a class to
learn about the safety measures as well as how to operate different tools and machinery. The
location of our institution makes it very convenient for inmates to get to the forest and to the ocean.
The men employed in the fishing sector are in charge of fishing to provide food for dinner. Any
fish that are caught are then cleaned and all bones are removed. The bones of the fish are considered
contraband so any inmate in possession of bones will be ordered mandatory segregation for 3 days.

All the necessary health care services are available for inmates at this institution at no cost. We
offer physical health services as well as counseling for mental health issues. We have two
doctors and four nurses on our medical staff to help with any medical issues that may come up.
We also have a dentist who comes in once a week. Inmates may make appointments to see a
medical professional or come in on a walk-in basis. Medications will be provided for inmates
that need it to relieve anxiety, depression, ADHD, and ADD. All of these mental illnesses must
be diagnosed by a doctor in order to receive any medications. Any inmates thinking they may
have a mental health issue requiring medication may schedule a consult with the psychiatrist.
She is only on call Monday and Wednesdays from 9-10:30 and can be reached at 224-382-0342.

Counseling services are also available for all inmates in need. Some common issues counseling
addresses include drug/alcohol abuse and addiction, suicide prevention, and psychological
problems. We have two excellent counselors that are trained to help our inmates overcome any
problems or trouble they may be facing. One counselor focuses mainly on addiction issues while
the other generally helps inmates with suicide prevention and other mental health issues. Any
inmate can make an appointment to meet with a counselor if they think they have a problem and
at that meeting they can talk about setting up a regular schedule to meet. If many inmates are
facing the same problem, we also have group counseling available. Currently we have these
groups for both alcohol and drug addiction and they meet twice a week on Tuesdays and
Thursdays. We also have dogs that come in once a month to help reduce stress, so inmates who
have good behavior will be able to go see the dogs if they want as a reward.

Inmates will be provided with breakfast, lunch, and dinner each day in the cafeteria by the
kitchen staff. Breakfast will be served at 7:00 AM, lunch at 12:00 PM, and dinner at 6:00 PM.
The meal schedule will rotate on a weekly basis so inmates don’t have to eat the same thing
every day. Because Neah Bay Penitentiary is located right by the ocean, fishing done by inmates
provides us with a lot of our food. This also saves money for our institution.

Commissary is also available for inmates to purchase reasonably priced snacks and other items
with their own money. Orders are placed each Monday and the goods are delivered each
Wednesday. Inmates are not allowed to stock up on food as this is a violation of the rules.

Church services will be offered on Sundays for prisoners to attend if they wish. There will also
be bible studies once a week on Wednesdays for anyone who wishes to participate. We also
have prayer garden at this facility. We will meet any reasonable needs for the religious beliefs of
all prisoners. However, if their religious beliefs require any objects that can be used as a weapon
they are prohibited.

Laundry will be done daily by inmate staff. Inmates are required to turn in their clothes to be
washed at least three days a week. They will be issued a clean set of clothes each time they turn
in their laundry. Jobs are available in the laundry room paying $.16 an hour.

Inmates can have visitors at the allotted time of 2-4pm times any day they wish. All visitors
must complete a screening when entering the facility to make sure they do not bring in any
contraband or illegal items. Each visitor will need to be on the inmate's visitors list or else their
access to the visiting room and inmate will not be permitted. All inmates are allowed up to 8
visitors on their visiting list at one time. Once a visitor is removed from their list they will not be
allowed to put them back on the list until 30 days later. This is to prevent inmates from making
rash decisions and continuously changing their visitors list. The visitor is allowed to stay as long
as they wish up to 2 hours. The visitor has to pass through a metal detector before and after
visiting the inmate. Before an inmate can visit with their loved one they must go through a strip
search. After they have visited their family/friend they must go through another strip search to
ensure that no contraband is brought into the institution. Visits need to be made by appointment
at least the day before the visitor plans on coming.

Organizational Style

Grievance Procedure/Ombudsman
If an inmate has a problem with a staff member or another inmate he should file a written
complaint and report it to the ombudsman who is a staff member appointed to resolve the
complaints of inmates. Changes will be made and needs will be accommodated for inmates as
the ombudsman and prison officials determine necessary. If a staff member encounters a
problem they can also file a report.

Management Style
Neah Bay Penitentiary is managed by a variety of correctional staff. The leader of this
institution is the warden who makes sure everything is going smoothly and handles problems as
they arise. He is assisted in this task by guards and correctional officers. As long as the inmates
do not break rules or cause problems, this institution will be a safe and secure environment for
everyone. Our management is in charge of instilling strict guidelines that are expected to be
followed by the inmates or else there will be consequences such as privileges revoked and time
spent in the segregation housing unit. Our job at Neah Bay is to provide structure for the inmates
and make sure they are doing what they are told. There is no inmate self-government that is
recognized by the prison. However, there is a presence of gangs in our institution. We are aware
of gangs because they are often of the same race and we have confiscated notes that were passed
to each other to inform each other on a target or the rules of the gang. It is hard to reprimand
gang members because they often are well-behaved organizational group that waits for the
perfect time to attack rival gangs. When this does happen we usually are only able to get a low
level gang member moved to segregation for their involvement in the fight. However, if we
suspect a fight or gang activity we can strip every cell and search to find any weapons or intel.

10 Most Important Rules

1. Inmates and staff should treat each other with respect. Staff must respect the rights of
prisoners at all times and prisoners must always obey the orders of staff.
2. Inmates must not make or bring in any contraband items. If an inmate is unsure if an
item is legal, it is best to ask a prison staff member or just be safe and not bring the item.
3. Inmates must not damage, alter, draw/write on, or destroy any prison property. This
includes but is not limited to clothing, bed sheets, walls, floors, and furniture.
4. Inmates should understand that certain things including visitors, mail, and jobs at this
institution are privileges and can be taken away at any time if the inmate is to cause any
5. Inmates are not allowed to gamble with each other or make trades because in the past this
has often resulted in fights.
6. Inmates are not allowed to form or become members of gangs during their time at this
institution. This also has led to fights in the past.
7. All cells should be kept clean by the inmates. Beds should be made and they should keep
their personal belongings in a neat and orderly fashion.
8. If an inmate wishes to smoke, he must do it outside in a designated area. There is no
smoking allowed in any of the buildings. Inmates must ask a guard to have their cigarette
lighted and must pay for cigarettes themselves.
9. Stealing from other inmates or prison staff will not be tolerated. If an inmate is caught
stealing anything he will be punished and moved back down to level 1 if he is at a higher
10. Inmates are never allowed to leave the facility, with the exception of those with the
fishing or lumber jobs, or try to escape from prison. If in inmate is caught trying to
escape he will be punished.

Riot Control
There are things that are set in place in order for the inmates and for the guards to stay safe
during the act of a riot. We have specially trained groups of guards who are trained to eliminate
and limit the amounts of riots and the severity of the riot. The facility will have a riot storage
facility and it is going have a list of specialized equipment that we have our guards specially
trained with in order to eliminate any type of rioting or outbreaks. They will be equipped with
gas grenades, riot gear like riot shields, masks, and body armor, and they will also have Tasers
along with non-lethal weapons which are bean bag weapons.

Within our prison system, homosexuality is not allowed. It is something that we do not want
getting around because it can results in more issues for the inmates. We are going to try and limit
the amount of intercourse, and that goes along with our sexual assaults. The prison system
doesn’t want to see that happening so we are going to try and reduce the amount of sexual
contact because we don’t want some things happening that shouldn’t. We are going to crack
down harder on these rules and anyone who is having sex with another inmate will be separated
to different floors and may have a short stay in segregation. We do not want inmates who are
homosexual to be targets of violence and sexual assault so for their protection and the staffs no
sexual activities are allowed.
Inmate Assaults
Any sort of inmate assaults will result in the inmates going into segregation and having to
reappear in front of the court systems if it something that is reoccurring because it may result in
more time needing to be served. Every time an inmate involves themselves in assault will result
in harsher punishment. We will not accept anyone who is trying to instigate any sort of fighting
or assaulting of another inmate. We have a zero tolerance fighting rule at Neah Bay so any
inmate found trying to instigate or start a fight will be grounds for a correctional officer to put
the inmates involved in segregation and revoke some recreation time. At our institution it is our
goal to rehab our inmates and

We are not in the allowance for any sort of contraband, and the following is a list of items that
would be taken away from an inmate if caught having them:
· Pornography
· Reading materials
· Drugs
· Pins, pens or staples
· Cell phones
. Homemade weapons
Any sort of weapon including any sort of weapon that can be brought in or that can be created
with items that can be made within the institution.
The reason we are planning on having these things limited is so that we can stop any sort of
inmate injuries and so that we can prevent things going wrong behind our backs.

Staff Corruption
Our goal as a whole is try and limit the corruption within in our facility to our best ability, due to
the fact that it can result in many issues within the facility. If found doing corrupt things like
bringing in contraband for inmates, or helping the inmates in any way will result in felony
charges for aiding an inmate. We do our best to try and help our officers not get pulled into these
sorts of acts for it may result in harm to the officers or people in the outside world from different

Suicide Prevention
With suicide being something that no one wants to see happen to anyone, we have a lot of things
set into place in order for our prison systems to stop suicides. With our room inspections we are
going to be looking for any kind of objects that we suspect to cause injury to oneself. If we do
come into contact with things that we suspect can be used for suicide thoughts we are going to
have a in-house psychologist and social workers for the inmates to talk to in order to try and
receive some of the help they need in order for the thoughts to go away. Along with that if we do
find out they are going to be a threat with possible suicide we are going to put them into
confinement so that we can look over them closer and make sure nothing goes wrong.

Cell Shakeouts
The reasoning behind this is so that we can limit the amount of contraband within our prison
system. We plan on having visual inspections a minimum of twice a day so that way anything
visual or anything that might look suspicious we can eliminate right away. We will then also
have full searches of the cells taking everything out and searching through it all one every three
weeks. This will be at random times and days so that they will then not see the inspection
coming and try hiding the objects they might have.

Annual events
Annually Neah Bay penitentiary hosts an even set in stone for the inmates and the citizens of
Neah Bay to interact, this is an event for our top leveled inmates for we can trust them the best.
The Bay will host a fishing and lumber contest, the winner consist of a few different skills. It will
show the best fisherman and the best lumberjack skills and the winner of each category will win
a prize, which will be something within the facility like a raise or a privilege like an extra hour of
rec time. This will also give some of the other level 3 inmates the ability to show their work off
and sell some of their work that they were able to create while they work in the facility. Our
woodshop, and license plate shop will be able to sell some of their top items, the items that get
sold mostly go toward the facility and some of the sales go the inmate that created the items.
This is then an extra way for the facility and the inmates to make money, and the inmates can
interact with the citizens of the town of Neah Bay.

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