GCC Standardization Organization (Gso) : Halal Foods-Management System Requirements For Warehousing and Related Activities

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Draft Standard

GSO5 / DS ….: 2014

‫ متطلباث نظام اإلدارة للتخزين والنشاطاث ذاث العالقت‬-‫األغذيت الحالل‬

Halal foods-Management system requirements for

Warehousing and related activities

Prepared by:

Gulf technical committee for sector standards of

Food and agriculture products

This document is a draft Gulf standard circulated for comments, it is therefore, subject
to alteration and modification, and may not be referred as a Gulf standard, until
approved by the Board of Directors.

ICS: 03.120.10

GCC Standardization Organization (GSO) is a regional Organization which consists

of the National Standards Bodies of GCC member States. One of GSO main functions
is to issue Gulf Standards/ Technical regulations through specialized technical
committees (TCs).
GSO through the technical program of committee TC No.(5) “Gulf technical
committee for sector Standards of Foods and Agricultural products” has prepared the
Gulf Standard for " Halal foods-Management system requirements for warehousing
and related activities ".
. The draft Standard has been prepared by State of Qatar.
This Standard has been approved as a Gulf Technical Regulation by GSO Board of
Directors in its meeting No. ( ), held on / / H, / / G.
Gulf Standard GSO……/2014

Halal foods-Management system requirements for

warehousing and related activities
1-Scope and field of application:

This Gulf Standard is concerned with the requirements should be met in management
system for assurance of the Halal integrity goods and/ or cargo during the
warehousing and related activities through the entire process from receiving to

2-Complementary Standards:

2.1GSO 993" Animal slaughtering requirements according to Islamic law" .

2.2 GSO 2055-1" Halal foods_ Part 1: General requirements".
2.3 GSO 2055-2" Halal foods_ Part 2: Guidelines for Halal foods certification bodies
and their accreditation requirements".
2.4 GSO 2055-3" Halal foods_ Part 3: Requirements for Halal foods sites for
accreditation of sites of Halal foods certification bodies ".


3.1 Chilled temperature: Temperature ranging from 1-10° C.

3.2 Consignment: Identifiable amount of goods and/ or cargo transported and
specified in one transport document.
3.3 Consignment validation and verification: A process where the consignments are
being validated or verified by qualified personnel.
3.4 Contaminant: Any non-Halal substance that is intentionally or unintentionally
present which render the Halal product as non-Halal.
3.5 Contamination: The state of being Halal foods, either by contaminant or precursor
which affects the Halal state.
3.6 Frozen product: A product that for one period from the time of preparation at a
temperature at – 18°C and shall not have been thawed before sale.

3.7 Material handling equipment: Equipment used for moving products, goods and/ or
cargo in the warehouse.
3.8 Non- conformance: The absence of, and/ or the failure to implement and maintain,
one or more system requirement, or situation which would, on the basis of available
objective evidence or evaluation, raise doubt to Halal perspectives.

Gulf Standard GSO……/2014

3.9 Halal product: Food product comply with the requirements mentioned in Gulf
Standard stare in Item 2.2.
3.10 Qualified personnel: Meeting the standards, requirements and training for a
3.11 Validation: Process of establishing evidence that provides assurance that a
product, service, or system accomplishes its intended Halal requirements.
3.12 Value supply chain: The system of Organization, people, technology, activites,
information and resources involved in moving a product or service from supplier to
the customer.

4- Requirements:

4.1 Requirements related to Halal:

These requirements shall comply with the requirements mentioned in Gulf Standards
stated in Item 2.2.

4.2 Management responsibility:

4.2.1 Halal policy: The management of the organization shall define and document its policy and
commitment with regards related to Halal food integrity. The management shall:
a) Define the scope of the Halal system, the scope shall specify the processes and
location of processes/ activities which are covered by the system from the beginning
to the end of the processes related to transportation of goods transport chains
b) Ensure that its policy is relevant to and in compliance with Halal requirements.
c) Ensure that the policy with regards to Halal objective is understood, implemented
and maintained at all levels of the organization.
d) Review the results of the risk management activities at defined intervals to ensure
continuing suitability and the effectiveness of the risk management process.
e) Ensure that appropriate communication processes are established within and
outside the organization to ensure the effectiveness of the Halal management system.

4.2.2 Organization: Responsibility:

The top management shall appoint Halal system leader, and the management shall:

Gulf Standard GSO……/2014

a) Ensure that the provision of adequate resources, including the assignment of

trained personnel, for management, performance of work, and assessment
activities and audits for the implementation of the Halal management system.
b) Establish procedures for identifying training needs and ensure that all
personnel are trained to adequately perform their assigned responsibilities,
training shall document.
c) Appoint a Halal committee whose tasks, responsibilities shall be defined,
documented and communicated to ensure effective operation of the Halal risk
management processes.
d) Ensure that the Halal committee leader has the appropriate qualification,
education knowledge and experience of Halala and non-Halal aspects of
processes, products and/ or services the organization is offering and risk
management techniques, and shall have at least any degree in Islamic studies
relevant working experience.
e) In the absence of the appointed Halal committee leader due to any reason, the
Organization shall appoint a person immediately to ensure the Halal
management system is maintained.
f) Ensure that the Halal committee members has appropriate knowledge and
training in Halal and non-Halal aspects of processes, products and services
is offering and risk management techniques. Halal committee leader:

A Halal leader appointed by the organization shall have the responsibility and
authority to:
a) Ensure that the Halal management system is established, implemented and
maintained in accordance with this Standard
b) Organize and coordinate the committee activities
c) Perform verification and validation activities on the assurance pipeline
d) Initiate corrective actions and controls to the processes including product
recall and withdrawals until the deviation or the unsatisfactory condition
related to Halal requirements have been corrected
e) Initiate preventive action to prevent recurrence that will affect Halal status
f) Report on the suitability and effectiveness of the Halal management system to
management review.
g) Halal committee:

Halal committee shall be set up to develop, maintain and review the Halal risk
management, and shall have the knowledge and experience with regard to
Organization processes and Halal principles and its application.
The Halal committee shall have clearly defined responsibility and authority to:
a) Monitor, identify and record any problems with regard to the processes and
Halal management system.

Gulf Standard GSO……/2014

b) Report any problems encountered related to the implementation of Halal

assurance pipeline to Halal leader for further action.

4.3 Halal management system requirements:

4.3.1 General: The organization shall identify, document and ensure overall sources that
could affect the Halal integrity are controlled to prevent reaching the end user or
consumers. The organization shall ensure the documentations established are in

compliance with the requirements in this Standard. Where the organization incorporates the documentation of the Halal
management system in an existing management system, their relationship shall be
clearly described in the existing management system documentations.

4.3.2 Procedures of the Halal management system: The organization shall establish documented procedures and a Halal risk
management plan to ensure consistency and compliance to the requirements of this
Standard and the organization stated policy and objective of Halal principles. The organization shall into take considerations current issues and
developments related to Halal principles, new decrees, including relevant regulatory
requirements in establishing and maintaining the documentations.

4.3.3 Validation: The objective of validation is to ensure that all Halal control points identified
complete and correct and that they will be effectively controlled under the proposed
Halal risk management plan. Validation shall be carried out on the following:
a) Halal risk managemwent plan
b) Changes in the operations (incoming materials, processes, packaging, equipment
…) that could adversely affect the Halal integrity on the products being handled
c) Control measures
d) Corrective actions

4.3.4 Halal risk management plan:

The organization shall establish a Halal risk management plan according to the
following principles:

Gulf Standard GSO……/2014 Identification of Halal potential contaminant:

All foreseeable potential contaminant and/ or precursor associated with the processes
in both normal and fault conditions that are likely to occur within the scope of Halal
management system shall be identified. This includes previously recognized
incidences and sequences of events that may affect the goods and/ or cargo status.
The basis of identification shall take into consideration the core purpose of the
processes, inter phases to and from the processes, process flow, operations,
establishment and facilities layout.
The potential contaminant identified shall be record.
For any potential contaminant identified, the like hood and severity/ impact of
occurrence of the potential contaminant and/ or precursor be evaluated and recorded.
The risk for potential contaminant shall be ranked. Determination of control measures:

Based on the result of the evaluation, taken into consideration the risk decisions
outlined in Table No. (1), suitable control measures for each potential contaminant
and/ or precursor shall be determined.

Gulf Standard GSO……/2014

Table No. (1)

Decision rules for risk ranking
Ranking Likelihood Impact Code Risk decision with regards to Halal
level control measures
9 Likely Critical High The organization needs to review
the incidence in a detailed manner
to find the root cause of the
problem. All precautionary
measures shall be taken to resolve
the problem identified. All staff
shall be briefed to keep informed
on the matter.
8 Moderate Critical Significant The organization shall be take all
precautionary measures to resolve
the problem identified. Monitoring
and verification activities towards
control measures shall be
conducted in accordance to the

7 Likely Moderate
6 Unlikely Critical The organization shall monitor and
5 Moderate Moderate Moderate verify control measures in
4 Likely Insignificant accordance to the plans.
3 Unlikely Moderate The organization maintains the
2 Moderate Insignificant Low implementation of control
1 Unlikely Insignificant measures in accordance to the
1-Organizatiom means the top management, Halal leader and all staff.
2-The process steps with ranking of "high" and "significant" should be considered as Halal
control. Determination of Halal control point:

a) The application shall be according Table No.(2) to determine Halal control point.
b) Documentation shall be made to determine Halal control point.

Gulf Standard GSO……/2014

Table (2)

Halal control point risk matrix

Likelihood Severity/ Impact
Insignificant Moderate Critical
Likely Moderate 4 Significant 7 High 9
Moderate Low 2 Moderate 3 Significant 8
Unlikely Low 1 Low 2 Moderate 6 Determination of monitoring system for Halal control point:

A monitoring system shall be established for each Halal control point identified. The
monitoring system shall consist of planned measurements or observation to maintain
the Halal integrity status of goods being handled, detect non-implementation of
control measures and possible product contamination to be controlled and dealt with
in a timely manner to prevent contamination reaching the end user.

The monitoring system shall comprise of what is being monitored, monitoring

method, monitoring frequency, personnel responsible for monitoring and evaluation
of monitoring result. Location of monitoring etc .

Monitoring result shall be recorded, when results indicates trends towards non-
implementation or ineffectiveness of control measures, appropriate process
adjustments shall be taken before a deviation occurs and recorded. Determination of corrective actions for Halal control point:

The organization shall document the corrective actions taken when monitoring result
shows the control measures are not implemented or ineffective to eliminate or prevent
the contamination.

Corrective actions shall be ensure that Halal integrity of the goods or process is
protected, the control measures are being re-implemented as planned and the goods
during which period the control measures are not implemented are handled according
to procedures established. Determination of verification procedures:

a) The organization shall establish and maintain documented procedures for

verification activities.

Gulf Standard GSO……/2014

b) The organization shall carry out verification activities which include:

b/1 Review of Halal risk management plan
b/2 Assessment of all control measures
b/3 Analysis of recalls due to non- implementation of control measures
b/4 Compliance of the processes and layout with documented situation
b/5 Analysis of consumer complaints related to Halal integrity
b/6 Evaluation of Halal risk management plan with applicable legislation and
C)The organization shall plan the verification based on the state and the importance of
the activities and shall be performed by qualified personnel. The verification shall
include what is being verified, method of verification, frequency, person responsible
for verification and periodical audit.
d) Records of verification activities shall be maintained. Documentation system and management records:

a) Documentation system:

The organization shall establish and maintain documentation for Halal risk
management system and relevant documentation to ensure conformity with the
requirement of this Standard and the applicable regulations.
Note: Documentation should be appropriate to the nature, size and complexity of the
A documented procedure shall be established to define to controls needed:
a/1 To approve documents prior to issue
a/2 To review and update as necessary documents
a/3 To ensure changes and the current revision status of documents are identified
a/4 To ensure the relevant versions of applicable documents are available at point of
a/5 To ensure documents remain legible and readily identifiable
a/6 To ensure that documents of external origin are identified and their distribution
a/7 To prevent unintended use of obsolete documents, and to apply suitable
identification to them if they are retained for any purpose
a/8 To observe proper placement and storage of documents which contain Quranic
B) Control records:

Records shall be established and maintained to provide evidence of conformity to the

requirements and effective implementation of Halal risk management system.
Records shall be remaining legible, identifiable and retrievable.

Gulf Standard GSO……/2014

The organization shall define the control needs for the identifiable, storage,
protection, retrieval, retention time and disposition of records.

4.4 Halal risk management plan summary:

The application of Halal principles can be summarized in a Halal risk management

plan summary.

Table No. (3) for a typical example of Halal risk management plan summary

Table No. (3)

Ttypical example of Halal risk management plan summary

Process Monitoring Corrective Verification

step action (What,
How, Records
What How Frequency Who

Prepared by: Approved by:

Name & Position
Date: Name & Position


Gulf Standard GSO……/2014

4.5 Information and communication system:

The organization shall provide information and communication systems to support its
operations and to interchange information with other service provides (including
freight forwarders) and consumers.

5- Preliminary steps to enable risk management process:

The organization shall consider the following during the establishment of the Halal
risk management plan:

5.1 Process characteristics:

5.1.1 All inbound and outbound operation services shall be described in documents to
the extent needed to conduct the risk analysis, including the following: Biological, chemical and physical characteristics List of ingredients, including additives and processing aids Origin of materials Method of processing Packaging and labeling Storage conditions and shelf life Preparation and/ or handling befor use or processing Storage and handling Acceptance criteria or specification appropriate for warehousing services.
5.1.2 The organization shall adhere to Halal requirements above.
5.1.3 The information shall be kept update.

5.2 Process flow diagrams:

5.2.1 The organization shall prepare a complete flow of diagrams of the processes
covered by the Halal risk management plan. The flow process flow diagram shall
provide a schematic overview of the operation and provide the basis for the evaluation
the possible introduction, occurrence of increase of the potential contamination.
5.2.2Flow diagrams shall be clear, accurate and sufficiently detailed. Flow diagrams
shall include the following: The sequence and interaction of all steps in the operation Any agents and/ or assigns Inbound and outbound goods , and intermediate goods are released Inbound and outbound goods , and intermediate goods enter the flow Human contact is involved The Halal control points are identified.
5.2.3 The flow diagrams shall be verified on-site by the Halal committee, verified
flow diagrams shall be maintained as records.

Gulf Standard GSO……/2014

5.3 Depot layout:

5.3.1 All facilities such as processes sites, storage areas and personnel facilities shall
be depicted in the plant layout. Construction and layout shall permit adequate
maintenance and cleaning.
5.3.2 The layout shall be including the following Items: The areas where cross contamination of an incident contact with in-process
and finished products by inbound materials, processing aids such as chemicals,
additives, lubricants, packaging, pallets and containers can occur. The routing of inbound materials, intermediate materials, finished products
and personnel. The areas and facilities for personnel use Other facilities such as quarantine area, receiving areas, storing areas, sanitary
facilities, pest control stations, waste disposal areas and lighting.

5.4 Chain of custody:

Verification of the consignments of goods transferred from a custodian shall be done

by the next custodian of the consignments.

5.4.1 Identification of stakeholders and user of the process: The stakeholders and the user of this Standard include transportation of goods
chain service providers and all other recipients of the Halal goods and/ or cargo like
warehouse service providers, manufacturers, distributors and retailers. Relevant processes and activities in the transfer of the Halal goods and/ or
cargo to the next custodian shall be documented.

5.4.2 Warehouse condition: Where there are specific environmental conditions defined and agreed as part
of the arrangements, its responsibility of the Organization to ensure that there are
effective management systems and controls to demonstrate and prove compliance to
Halal requirements. In addition, there should be adequate records available to prove
compliance with any statutory conditions relevant to the nature of the warehousing
and its related activities. The requirements are applicable to:

a) Temperature
b) Humidity

Gulf Standard GSO……/2014

c) Air pressure
d) Controlled environment
e) Drop and shock
f) Compression loading
g) Vibration
h) Orientation and separation of goods. The Organization and its service shall provide adequate facilities, which
ensure that the integrity of products, goods and/ or cargo received is not
compromised, deteriorate or suffer loss or damage during times of storage or whilst
in transit in containers. shall also ensure that suitable and secure facilities are provide where
appropriate to the nature of products, goods and/ or cargo to be stored in accordance
with the requirements of the consignor and/ or the consignee. The Organization shall provide suitable means of handling inbound and
outbound of products, goods and/ or cargo to maintain the integrity of the Halal

5.4.3 Preparation and dispatch:

The organization shall ensure that details of all agreements relating to the
preparation, loading, stowing, securing and dispatch of all packed goods are
available to the personnel responsible for this part of the service performance.
This information should contain all relevant aspects such as loading information,
sequence of loading, window delivery time, accompanying documentation and
product identification, traceability of product and load shipment details.

5.4.4 Loss/ damage:

The organization shall ensure that any loss or damage to the consignment
throughout the transportation process be identified and the next custodian
informed accordingly, loss/ damage found should be documented.

5.4.5 Documentation: The organization shall ensure that the implementation of poor

documentation and the availability of required documents (e.g. bill of loading,
advance shipping notice, packing list or delivery order) to verify the nature of the
consignment, type of load, the destination and the mode of transport. Any
discrepancy arising shall be recorded together with corrective actions taken.

Gulf Standard GSO……/2014 It is also responsibility of the organization to ensure that there is evidence

of collection and delivery confirmed by persons authorized to provide such
confirmation on behalf of the next custodian.

5.4.6 Outsourced service providers/ subcontractors:

The Organization shall monitor the performance of its outsourced service

providers/ subcontractors to ensure compliance with Halal requirements, and with
all existing and operational control.

6- Operations of Halal risk management plan:

6.1 Warehousing and related activities:

6.1.1 Typical activities include the following:

6.1.2 Customers instructions
6.1.3 Identification and separation of non-Halal products
6.1.4 Inbound receiving of products, goods and /or cargo
6.1.4 Incoming goods subject to integrity checks
6.1.5 Goods transfer to warehouse
6.6 Un load products, goods and/ or cargo to pick face location
6.7 Storage at cold room location (frozen and chilled products, goods and/ or
6.8 Storage at ante room ( for ambient products, goods and/ or cargo)
6.9 Maintenance of cold chain
6.10 Storage in well ventilated ambient condition
6.11 Sorting of products, goods and/ or cargo according to consumer needs
6.12 Dispatch to market
6.13 Cycle counts and inventory control
6.14 Stock conversion and repacking process
6.15 Handling/ disposal of damaged and expired products, goods and/ or cargo
6.16 Handling of returned products, goods and/ or cargo /customer rejections
6.17 Supplier verification and periodical monitoring
6.18 Customs or authorities inspection
6.19 Others

6.2 Records to be maintained:

Records of warehousing, packaging and related activities inclusive breaking,

cartooning, palletizing and containerization activities shall be maintained as
evidence for the operation of the Halal risk management system.

Gulf Standard GSO……/2014

6.3 Control of non-conformity:

6.3.1 Handling of contaminated and affected goods and/ or cargo: Procedures and records to be maintained:
A documented procedure shall be established and records maintained to define
handling, control and disposal of contaminated and affected goods and/ or cargo
resulting from handling under conditions where the control measures are not
implemented or ineffectively implemented to prevent the contaminated and/ or
affected products, goods and/ or cargo from being released to end user. Records
relating to handling or contaminated and/ or affected products, goods and/ or
cargo shall be maintained. Disposition of contaminated and/ or affected goods and/ or cargo:
The contaminated and/ or affected goods and/ or cargo shall be isolated and
referred, to the Halal leader for decision. All decisions for disposition shall be
recorded together with information on the nature of contamination, its causes and
consequences including information needed for traceability purposes related to the
contaminated and/ or affected goods and/ or cargo.
The disposition of the contaminated and/ or affected products, goods and/ or cargo
shall be carried out under strict supervision, or referred to the rightful owner.

6.3.2 Handling of doubtful products, goods and/ or cargo: Goods and /or cargo handled under conditions where control measures are
not implemented or ineffectively implemented are considered as mixed goods and/
or cargo and shall be handled in accordance with Item, and shall be
evaluated with respect to the causes of contamination and the impact of the
contamination, this evaluation shall be recorded. Evaluation of release of doubtful products, goods and/ or cargo:

Each of doubtful products, goods and/ or cargo shall only be released when the
following conditions apply:
a) Evidence other than the monitoring system demonstrates that the control
measures have been effective
b) Evidence shows that the effect of the control measures for that particular
products, goods and/ or cargo complies with Halal requirements
c) The result of sampling analysis and/ or other verification activities
demonstrate that the doubtful lot of products, goods and/ or cargo complies
with the Halal requirements identified acceptable levels for the contamination
concern. All lots of doubtful products, goods and/ or cargo shall be held under
control of the Organization until they have been evaluated for disposition.

Gulf Standard GSO……/2014 Each of products, goods and/ or cargo confirmed to contaminate shall be

disposed off accordance with Item

6.3.3 Corrective actions:

A documented procedure shall be established and maintained to specify
appropriate actions to identify and eliminate the cause of cross contamination or
affected goods and/ or cargo to prevent recurrence to bring the system back under
control after the non-conformity is encountered, these actions include: Reviewing of non-conformities Reviewing of monitoring results that may indicate trend of lost of control Determining the causes of non-conformities Evaluation the need for action to ensure that nonconformities do not recur Determining and implementing the actions needed Recording the results of corrective actions taken Reviewing corrective actions taken that they are effective Corrective actions shall be recorded.

6.4 Withdrawals/ recalls:

6.4.1 In the even to facilitate complete and timely withdrawals/ recalls of lot of
end products goods and/ or cargo which have been identified as contaminated, the
top management of the organization shall appoint personnel having the authority
to initiate a withdrawals/ recalls and personnel responsible of executing the
withdrawals/ recalls.
6.4.2 The organization shall establish and maintain documented procedures for
withdrawals/ recalls for: Notification to relevant interested parties ( statutory and regulatory
authorities, customers and/ or consumers) Handling of withdrawn products goods and/ or cargo as well as affected
lots still in stock Sequence of actions to be taken.
6.4.3 Withdrawals/ recalls products goods and/ or cargo shall be secured or held
under supervision.
6.4.4 The cause, extent and result of withdrawals/ recalls shall be recorded and
reported to top management as input for management review.
6.4.5 The organization shall verify and record the effectiveness withdrawals/
recalls program through the use of appropriate techniques (e.g. mock recall or
practice withdrawal).

Gulf Standard GSO……/2014

6.5 Communication:

The management shall ensure that appropriate communication processes are

established within the organization and to external interested parties with regards
to the effectiveness of the Halal management system. The use of information and
communication technology system should be encouraged within the organization.

6.6 Traceability:

6.6.1 The organization shall establish and apply a traceability system that enables
the identification goods and/ or cargo in the transportation chain services.
6.6.2 The traceability system shall enable the identification of the inbound goods
and/ or cargo for the processing stages from the immediate suppliers and the
distribution routs and destination of the goods and/ or cargo.
6.6.3 The organization shall define the retention period for the traceability records,
the records maintained shall be in accordance with the statutory and regulatory
requirements and customer requirements.

6.7 Control of monitoring and measuring equipment:

6.7.1 The organization shall establish and maintain a documented procedure for
the control of measuring equipment and methods used in the monitoring of the
Halal risk management plan, the control points of validation and verification
activities. The measuring equipment shall be calibrated or verified at specified
intervals prior to use against measurement standards traceable to international or
international measurement standards.
6.7.2 Where no such standard exist, the basis used for the calibration or
verification shall be documented.
6.7.3 Methods used in connection with monitoring, validation and verification of
cross contamination shall be appropriate, and ensure that reproducible and
repeatable results are obtained.
6.7.4 Records of the results of calibration and/ or verification shall be maintained.

6.8 Emergency preparedness:

The management shall establish, implement and maintain procedures to manage

potential emergency resulting in contamination including incidents and which are
relevant to the role of the organization, the organization need to identify certain
measures of control to be adopted to reduce the impact of such disaster.

Gulf Standard GSO……/2014

6.9 Outsourced service providers/ service providers/ subcontractors control:

6.9.1 Where the organization outsources any process that affect the Halal
requirement, the organization shall ensure control of such processes. Control of
such outsourced processes shall be in accordance to the Halal assurance pipeline.
6.9.2 The organization shall evaluate and select outsourced service providers/
service providers/ subcontractors based on their ability to supply products or
services in accordance with the Halal requirements. Criteria for selection and
evaluation of outsourced service providers/ service providers/ subcontractors shall
be established. Records for selection and evaluation of outsourced service
providers/ service providers/ subcontractors shall be maintained.
6.9.3 The organization shall re-evaluate the outsourced service providers/ service
providers/ subcontractors to ensure compliance with Halal requirements. Any
corrective action arising from the re-evaluation shall be recorded.

7-General requirements for premises, infrastructure, facilities and personnel:

7.1 Warehouse location:

The organization should consider potential source of contamination when
deciding on the location of the warehouse to protect Halal integrity. The
warehouse should mitigate be located from the following:
7.1.1 Environmentally polluted and industrial activities which pose a serious
7.1.2Areas subject to flooding
7.1.3 Pest infestation areas
7.1.4 Areas where wastes, either solid or liquid, cannot be removed effectively.

7.2 Premises design and layout:

7.2.1 Where the design and layout of the premises should permit good hygienic
practice, including protection of goods and/ or cargo against cross contamination
between and during operations, construction and layout of the depot shall permit
adequate maintenance and cleaning.
7.2.2 Internal structure of the premises should be soundly built from durable
materials and to be easy to maintain, clean and where appropriate able to be
7.2.3 Appropriate area for eating and drinking shall be allocated to the personnel,
the area shall be kept in good repair and condition to prevent pest access and

Gulf Standard GSO……/2014

7.3 Equipment:

7.3.1The design and construction of the equipment should fulfill the following
requirements: They should made of materials with on toxic effect in intended use They can be adequately cleaned disinfected and maintained to avoid the
contamination of products, goods/ or cargo They should be durable, movable and capable of being disassembled to
allow for inspection, maintenance, cleaning and disinfection.

7.3.2 Control and monitoring: In addition to the general requirements, equipment used to store or

refrigerate products, goods/ or cargo shall be designed to achieve the required
temperature and effectively maintained in accordance to Halal requirements. The organization shall provide equipment to control and monitor humidity,
air-flow and any other parameters likely to have a detrimental effect on the Halal
status of the products, goods/ or cargo.

7.3.3 Containers for waste and inedible substances: Containers of waste, by-products and inedible or dangerous substances,

should be specifically identifiable, suitably contracted and, where appropriate,
made of impervious material. Containers used to hold dangerous substances should be identified, where
appropriate, be lockable to prevent malicious contamination of products, goods/ or

7.4 Facilities:
7.4.1 Water supply: An adequate supply of potable water with appropriate facilities for its
storage, distribution and temperature control, should be available whenever
necessary to ensure the Halal integrity. Non-potable water (or use in, for example, fire control), shall have a
separate system. Non- potable water systems shall be identified and shall not
connect with, or allow reflux into, potable water system.

7.4.2 Drainage and waste disposal systems: Floors and drainage system should be suitably constructed to allow proper
flow of water and waste so that the risk of contaminating goods and/ or cargo
being handled is avoided. Drains should be equipped with strainer to ensure solid
waste is removed and appropriately treated in accordance to environmental

Gulf Standard GSO……/2014

requirements before discharge, drainage system should be maintained to ensure

free flow of water. External drainage systems shall be constructed to prevent access of pests.
Fixtures, piping and ducts shall not cause condensation or leakage which could
contaminate the goods and/ or cargo. Adequate waste disposal systems should be established and a proper
collection system of waste out of the premises should be designed to prevent
accumulation of waste. Liquid waste should be handled in a manner that it will not pose threat to
the environment.

7.4.3 Cleaning and sanitary operation:

The organization shall provide adequate facilities, suitably designated for cleaning
warehouse related equipment.

7.4.4 Air quality and ventilation:

Ventilation system should be suitably designed and constructed so that air does
not flow from contaminated areas to clean areas and the systems should be
adequately maintained and cleaned.

7.4.5 Lighting: Adequate natural or artificial lighting should be provided to enable

operations to be carried out in accordance to the Halal requirements. Lighting fixtures should be protected to ensure that products, goods/ or
cargo is not contaminated by breakage.

7.4.6 Storage: Storage of consignment, non- consignment materials (e.g. cartons, pallets)
shall be separated in accordance to the Halal requirements. Stores facilities should be designed and constructed to:
a) Permit adequate maintenance and cleaning
b) Avoid pest access and harborages
c) Provide an environment which minimize the deterioration of products, goods
and/ or cargo (e.g. by temperature and humidity control). The products, goods and/ or cargo uin storage should not be in direct
contact with floors.

7.5 Personnel hygiene, health status and cleanliness:

7.5.1 Facilities:
The organization shall provide appropriate personnel hygiene facilities to ensure
appropriate degree of personnel hygiene can be maintained and to avoid

Gulf Standard GSO……/2014

contaminating the products, goods and/ or cargo . The facilities should be suitably
located and designated.
Facilities should include: Adequate means of hygienically washing and drying hands, including
wash basins and a supply of water and sanitisers Adequate number of lavatories of appropriate hygienic design Adequate changing facilities and locker rooms for personnel.
7.5.2 The organization shall ensure that personnel who directly or indirectly come
in contact with the goods / or cargos being handled follow certain guidelines: Health status: Personnel with known, or suspected to be suffering from, or
carrier of a disease or illness likely to be transmitted through handling and contact
with products, shall declare their health status to the management. Medical examination of personnel should be carried out if clinically or
epidemiologically indicated. Illness and injury: Personnel with serious medical conditions that require
any need for medical examination/ treatment and/ or possible exclusion from the
operation processes should report to management for further action. Personnel cleanliness: Personnel involved in the handling process shall
maintain a high degree of personnel cleanliness< the personnel with cuts and
wounds be covered by suitable waterproof dressings. Personnel should observe a
proper hand washing technique before start of handling activities, immediately
after using the lavatories and after handling raw or contaminated goods which
could result in contamination of other goods and/ or cargo, if the personnel have
come into contact with non- Halal goods shall cleaning or wear suitable gloves . Personnel behavior: Personnel shall refrain from behavior that could result
in contaminating the goods and/ or cargo being handled such as smoking,
splitting, chewing or eating/ drinking, sneezing or coughing, personnel should also
not bring into handling process areas any material that could cause contamination
to the goods. Visitors to the handling process areas adhere to all personnel hygiene

7.6 Environment, perimeter and grounds:

7.6.1Where environmental conditions could reasonably to expected to have an

adverse effect on goods and/ or cargo quality, the organization shall establish and
maintain procedures to adequately control these environmental conditions,
environmental control system shall be periodically inspected to verify that the
system, including necessary equipment, is adequate and functioning properly,
these activities shall be documented and reviewed.
7.6.2 The perimeter and grounds surrounding the premises should be kept and
maintained in a manner that contamination to handling process is avoided.

Gulf Standard GSO……/2014

7.7 Employee and product flow:

The organization shall ensure flow of products, goods and/ or cargo be separated
from employees exposed to contaminants in accordance to the Halal requirements.

7.8 Maintenance of equipment:

7.8.1 Equipment should be in an appropriate state to: Facilitate all cleaning and sanitation procedures Function as intended particularly at critical process steps Prevent contamination of goods and/ or cargo from non- Halal materials
and dangerous or hazardous materials.
7.8.2 The organization shall establish cleaning and maintenance schedules for
equipment to ensure that operating specifications are met, maintenance activities
shall be recorded.

7.9 Cleaning and sanitation:

7.9.1 The organization shall establish and maintain a procedure to outline suitable
cleaning and materials depending on the nature of the organizations business, the
procedure should describe the cleaning and disinfection programs to be
undertaken in all parts of the premises are appropriately clean and in accordance
to the Halal requirements. The cleaning program should include the cleaning of
the cleaning tools.
7.9.2 Cleaning activities should be continually effectively monitored for their
suitability and effectiveness, these procedures should be recorded.
7.9.3 Cleaning chemicals should be handled and used carefully and with
accordance with manufacturer's instruction and stored separately from goods and/
or cargo, in clearly identified containers to avoid the risk of contamination.

7.10 Training of personnel:

7.10.1 The organization shall develop training program to ensure personnel in the
operations are trained to a level appropriate to the performed.
7.10.2 Managers and supervisors should have the knowledge and principles for
effective operations of the system.

7.11 Contamination control:

7.11.1 Physical, chemical and biological control:

The organization shall establish a system to prevent contamination of goods/ or

Gulf Standard GSO……/2014

cargo by physical objects, chemical and biological contaminants which could

render it to become non-Halal.
7.11.2 Pest control:
The organization shall employ all measures to avoid creating an environment
conductive to pests, and shall immediately deal with pest harborage without
adversely affecting the goods and/ or cargo being handled.

8-Maintenance of Halal assurance pipeline:

8.1 Audit:

The organization shall establish and maintain documented procedures for

conducting audits at planned intervals to ensure the Halal system is:
8.1.1 Conforms the requirement of this Standard
8.1.2 Is effectively implemented, maintained and updated.

8.2 Management review:

8.2.1 Top management shall review the continuing suitability, adequacy and
effectiveness of the Halal management system at defined intervals, the review
shall include identifying and assessing the changing needs of the business in
relation to the system, and the opportunities for improvement, the review shall
take into consideration the requirements mentioned in Gulf Standard stated in
8.2.2 Records for the management review shall be maintained.

8.3 Handling of complaints and feedback:

The organization shall establish a procedure to define requirements for handling
customer complaints and feedback, and shall include the following:
8.3.1Reviewing complaints and feedback to determine the causes
8.3.2 Evaluating the need for actions to be taken
8.3.3 Determining and implementing the actions needed
8.3.4 Recording the results of actions taken
8.3.5 Reviewing the effectiveness if actions taken.

8.4 Responsiveness to change:

8.4.1 The organization shall ensure that its Halal management system is
maintained and updated in response to actual changes in the organization
operations, human resources, Halal system and any other internal and/ or external
changes might have an impact on the Halal operations.
8.4.2 The changes shall be documented and communicated to the Halal


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