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Friendship House Social Media Proposal 1

Friendship House
Social Media Proposal
By Stephanie Becker, Nicholas Konzelman, Marissa Missan, and Kylie Taylor
Friendship House Social Media Proposal 2

Table of Contents
Project Introduction………………..…..………………………………………...p. 3

Facebook Social Media Proposal…………….……….………………………....p. 6

Twitter Social Media Proposal…………………………..……………...…..…...p. 8

Instagram Social Media Proposal…………………….…………………..….....p. 10

Implementation Considerations……………….………………………………..p. 12

Appendixes………………………………..…………………………………....p. 13
Friendship House Social Media Proposal 3

Project Introduction
Problem Statement:
Friendship House has a problem with inefficient use of social media. They are running
unnecessary accounts, such as Tumblr and Pinterest. We recommend deleting these accounts and
focusing social media plans on the most popular sites. Additionally, the social media platforms
on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram do not have high levels of interaction. Overall, the social
media platforms are not being regularly or optimally maintained.

Goals and Objectives:

1. Create a social media usage plan
2. Increase social media presence (in terms of followers, getting the organization's message
out and known, and interactions with followers)
3. Increase donations from social media

Problem Analytics
People talking 75
Likes 1664
Increase in likes in a week 0.40%
New page likes 7
Page follows 1624
Upcoming events 4
Photos posted by other people 11
Post Frequency 1-4 days
Google Analytics Tracking ID: UA-93957602-1

Tweets 405
Tweets within 28 days 5
Impressions within 28 days 1,905
Mentions within 28 days 3
Profile visits within 28 days 148

Post Frequency 1 post every 2.5 weeks
Post Likes 11-12 likes on average
Friendship House Social Media Proposal 4

34 likes is the most likes

Hashtags 0
People Tags 0
Locations on photos 0
Followers 150
Following 298
Google Analytics Tracking ID UA-97578556-1

Other Notes on Instagram Use:

 The Instagram profile was originally set up as a personal profile, not a business profile.
Business Profiles have access to free analytics tools, so it was recommended the profile be
updated to a business format, and it was changed.
 Most followers, approximately 60 to 70 percent, are businesses, not individuals.
 All posts are pictures; there are no video postings.

Where does the problem occur?

The organization has too many social media accounts being used improperly. There is not enough
traffic on the social media accounts, and Friendship House’s goal for social media is not clear to
the user. Additionally, the mission statement and offered services are not clearly and consistently
defined across all social media platforms.

Who experiences the Problem?

Friendship House employees experience these problems, because there is a lack of support
needed to run the organization with the greatest impact on the community. This is because
inefficient maintenance of social media hinders community support of the organization.People
that are looking for information from the non-profit, such as donors, volunteers, or clients seeking
services, also experience the problem of inconsistent social media.

What are the consequences?

It is inefficient for the organization to operate with a small staff spending time on an
underdeveloped social media platform. There is a risk of loss to future partnerships, volunteers,
donors, and people receiving services from the non-profit.

What data do we need to make a better decision?

We need to do extensive analytics on Friendship House’s social media and determine where their
accounts are thriving and where they need extra support and change.

How can we obtain data?

Google Analytics and included analytics tools within the social media accounts were used to
further assess the accounts.
Friendship House Social Media Proposal 5

Logic Model
The chart below outlines the various aspects of Friendship House organization.

Factors Activities Outputs Outcomes Impacts

-Friendship House -Provide Code Purple Community Decreased More
Staff Shelter member homeless productive
stability rates individuals in
-Beneficiaries -Provide Temporary society
Housing and Halfway
-Social media housing
Donors -Operate Clothing Bank

-Empowerment Strategy
Friendship House Social Media Proposal 6

Facebook Proposal
After analysis of the current Facebook page, our team has formulated multiple
recommendations to enhance the use of Facebook for promotional purposes. First off, the About
page must become more clear, concise, and aesthetically appealing. Suggested edits are
described in Appendix A. Overall, headings should match the content that follows them,
statistics should be updated, and descriptions of the organization should be rephrased to enhance
reader attention and comprehension.
The use of the Photos tab can be improved as well. Tagging all involved parties with
each event will increase likes, shares, and overall interaction. Staff should post more
frequently from their personal accounts as well, in order to demonstrate the interaction desired
by clients and volunteers. Finally, locations should be tagged so that events can be linked to
locations in the community. Due to the organization’s desire to increase online donations, it is
recommended that donating by event/cause is enabled. If people are able to decide how their
donations are used, they are more likely to donate.
Finally, there are numerous necessary steps to improve posting on Facebook. Despite
having over 1,000 likes, as demonstrated in Appendix B, fewer than one half of page followers
are talking about Friendship House. Participation needs to increase. In order to do so, multiple
steps can be taken. There is a use of individual stories, which are moving and effective;
however, if these posts were more regular and followed a theme, they could be more influential.
Volunteers should be encouraged to post, and prizes every event/month/or year could serve as
motivators during posting competitions.
Again, locations should be tagged, because it is another way for people to encounter
posts form the organization. Appendix E indicates that the majority of the locations tagged in the
Facebook posts are in Wilmington. This is helpful in adding another way for users to connect
with the content posted. It is recommended that shareable graphics are used to increase visits
and attention to the Facebook page. For example, a weekly bible verse could be illustrated.
Images are visually appealing, and statistics can be inspiring. LucidPress is a site suggested in
order to turn organization statistics into Facebook-worthy posts, such as the number of homeless
people in the state of Delaware. Remember to continue to increase pictures for those who
scroll through posts more quickly.
Along with these suggestions, it is also important to target your ideal audience and
demographic. Appendix C indicates that both genders are approximately equal in their presence
on the Facebook page. Due to the mission and goals of the organization, gender does not
necessarily impact that, but age might. Appendix D suggests the age demographic that most
frequently interacts with the Facebook page is in the 18-34 years of age range. This is
unsurprising due to the generational and technological changes we are seeing. The first step in
utilizing this information would be to determine if there is a specific age demographic that
Friendship House Social Media Proposal 7

you want to target, or if attempting to connect with a broad age range is best for the
organization. Determining audience will help create focused posts targeting a group of people.
Friendship House Social Media Proposal 8

Twitter Proposal
The goals for twitter would be to increase number of posts, interactions, and followers.
An increased social media presence will help the organization in connecting with the community.
A successful twitter page is subject to regular posting. Currently, the tweeting pattern for
Friendship House has been decreasing as demonstrated by Appendix E. Posting at least once a
day is an expectation of staff assigned to maintain social media. Regular posting, on each
platform, will increase activity. As of right now, there has been a small decrease in the number of
new followers for the Friendship House twitter account, as seen in Appendix in F. Currently,
Instagram posts are shared via twitter. It would look much more professional and appealing to
create a separate twitter post rather than just sharing posts created for Instagram.
Next, it is suggested that the staff in charge of social media get equipped with photo
taking, editing, and posting. The editing mechanisms on Instagram are sufficient, but should be
utilized. Photos that are brighter tend to get more attention; this is an example of when to use
editing tools. Photos should be documented at most Friendship House events, especially large
ones. Large events can be defined by percentages in comparison to past year events, or with a
minimum threshold, such twenty people.
Most necessary changes to the current use of Twitter relate to posting. When posting on
Twitter, hashtags, or trending topics, should be utilized. Trending topics aid users in being
active in what interests them in the web community. Twitter’s “Explore Page” has top trending
topics in the Wilmington area; therefore, should utilize this page. One trending topic right now is
#NationalVolunteerWeek, and Friendship House should take this opportunity to thank volunteers
publicaly and even encourage followers to volunteer at future events. Trending topics like this
one appear almost daily, and should be incorporated into posts when applicable.
There are multiple trending topics that Friendship House can participate in. One trending
topic in Delaware is #netDE. Most posts should have this tag added to the end, which
encompasses current events and topics specific to
Delaware. Another trending topic that would be
helpful to participate in is #motivationmonday. On
Mondays, staff could post uplifting, eye-catching,
and relatable graphics that are relevant to the mission
of Friendship House. The image to the left is an
example made using Paint, but the staffer in charge
of social media can create original, more
sophisticated graphics via Canva. Canva is a free site
for image creation that is easy to use.
Friendship House Social Media Proposal 9

In addition to participating in current trends and creating graphics, Friendship House

could create trending topics. A solid hashtag that catalyzes the process of creativity and regular
posting will aid the media staffer in streamlining their social media message. For example,
weekly posts could revolve around #freedomfriday or #friendshipfriday. The topic of these
hashtags could be candid, first-person stories and images of those touched positively by
Friendship House. This could also be part of #motivationmonday posts, but it is strongly
recommended that a unique posting mechanism for Friendship House is created in order to create
an online conversation around the organization.
At the core of creating a conversation is to encourage participation. Currently, there is a
lack of interaction with Friendship House pages. In order to catalyze the process of seeking more
followers and activity, most full-time staff of the organization should increase online
participation. This includes creating their own professional twitter pages and interacting with
the organization's page. Staffers could participate in discussion of relevant topics such as
homelessness, poverty, and other related topics on Twitter in a positive, constructive way. Staff
could share current events and projects that pertain to Friendship House. To encourage non-staff
members to interact with the Twitter page, Friendship House could offer raffles, hold reposting
events, and publicly thank volunteers and donors for their contributions. For the 2017 Twitter
Analysis, see Appendixes E and F.
Friendship House Social Media Proposal 10

Instagram Proposal
In analyzing the overall effectiveness of Friendship House’s Instagram page, several
pieces of data were noted, including the frequency of posts, the average number of likes that the
posts receive, how many hashtags have been used, how many people have been tagged, and how
many posts were assigned a location. In helping to improve Friendship House’s presence on
Instagram, the goal should be to have increased numbers of followers and increased numbers of
likes. This will help the organization to be in contact with more people, show that it has a strong
following, and thus be able to garner more donations.
The first suggestion is to switch the Instagram profile from a personal profile to a
business profile. It is free, simple, and would be beneficial for multiple reasons. With this new
profile, Friendship House has access to statistical tools that are built into the Instagram app.
These tools will make accessible information on the log-in habits of followers, allowing
Friendship House to plan on the best time to post to receive the most views and the most likes.
This will greatly help in planning posts to maximize views.
The second suggestion is to modify how the organization posts so that posts are more
interactive with the local community and followers. Achieving this involves several steps.
Locations should be added to all pictures and videos. As the organization is very community-
oriented, this will allow people who search pictures based on a specific location to see Friendship
House posts. Data analysis found in Appendix G shows that most Friendship House followers
are located in the Greater-Wilmington Area (i.e. Wilmington, Newark, and Hockessin). Using
locations in these areas can help show followers that Friendship House is an active member of
the community. For example, if a fundraiser is being held at the University of Delaware,
followers who are in the same location can see that Friendship House is active in the Newark
Third, Friendship House should tag involved people in every post. This is a great way to
make connections with people and gain followers. Often, University of Delaware students will
volunteer at Friendship House events. To continue to keep student volunteers engaged,
Friendship House can post a picture of all the volunteers after each event and tag the University
of Delaware and the volunteers. Doing this can make volunteers feel like a part of the
organization, encouraging them to volunteer again with Friendship House. This will help the
organization gain more individual followers, rather than businesses and organizations. This is
crucial, as individual people are likely to become future volunteers, whereas a business is not
likely to participate with Friendship House in the same manner.
Hashtags can be used to help contribute to conversations that currently taking place on
Instagram. Instagram users can filter posts by the hashtag being used, so like adding locations,
this is a great way for people to find Friendship House on Instagram. For example,
“#WilmingtonRiverFront” or “#CodePurple” can be used.
Fourth, posting should occur at so-called “Peak Hours” to ensure that the most people
possible will see view the post. Appendix H shows the average levels of follower activity
Friendship House Social Media Proposal 11

throughout the day. High follower activity occurs consistently during the hours of 6 P.M. to 9
P.M., suggesting that this is the best time for Friendship House to post.
Finally, the biography on the Instagram profile should be updated slightly to make it clear
what services are offered. Currently it reads:

Friendship House Delaware. Through spiritual ministries of hospitality, education,

empowerment & community, we serve those that are or at risk of becoming

The suggested changes:

Friendship House of Delaware. Located in Wilmington, we serve those that are, or are at
risk of becoming, homeless through spiritual ministries of hospitality, education,
empowerment and community.
For more information, to contact us, or to donate, please visit us at: www.friendship-

It is recommended that Friendship House hires a marketing and/or a public relations
intern from the University of Delaware to ease the burden of these changes and improve data
analytics and social media usage. Expectations of the intern include:
● Regular posting, at least once every two days.
● Photo taking and editing
● Maintaining the three social media pages (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram)
● Keep events and information up to date.
● Managing analytics (monthly)
Friendship House Social Media Proposal 12

Implementation Considerations
The chart below outlines possible barriers to implementation that Friendship House may face in
implementing the suggested social media changes, as well as suggestions on how to overcome
the barriers.

Barriers Plan To Overcome Barriers

Limited staff and resources. University of Delaware students are great
resource, especially freshman who would be
looking to get their feet wet in non-profit
work. This would also be free.

Lack of knowledge on how to use social Training program for social media use.
media. Interns can also help guide full-time workers
on how to best use social media.
Time restraints. Creating a schedule so that planning social
media posts is not time consuming, posting is
more efficient, and posting occurs regularly.

Letter of Recognition
In Appendix G is our client’s letter of recognition regarding our social media plan. Kimberly
Eppehimer is the Assistant Executive Director of Friendship House, and she has just been
announced to take on the role of Executive Director in 2018. We are hopeful that our social
media proposal will be helpful in the transition, and encourage those at Friendship House to
delegate the plan to an intern in order for an effective transition to take place and to create that
strong social media presence that will hopefully fix the problems that they have faced.
Friendship House Social Media Proposal 13

Appendix A:

Facebook “About” Tab Recommended Revisions

Note that [###] will be replaced with a data value.
1. Mission
a. *Fix Spacing*
b. Friendship House is a non-profit Christian corporation committed to making a
difference in the lives of the homeless people of New Castle County, Delaware
through the traditional spiritual ministries of hospitality, education,
empowerment and community.
2. About
a. The Friendship House logo pictures a community of people sheltered by caring
hands, for Friendship House remains a house without walls. It is a sanctuary for
some and a stepping stone for others. Relying only on the private support of its
sponsoring communities, Friendship House walks in the faith that if it is doing
the work of the Kingdom, a way will always be found to serve. Categories
3. Change “General Information” to “Our Story”
a. Friendship House began in the winter of 1986-87 as a spontaneous response to
the plight of people experiencing homelessness in the city of Wilmington. It
began as a thrift store called, “The Friendship House,” located at 216 N. Market
Street, which was operated by Meeting Ground, a Maryland-based homeless
ministry supported by the New Castle Presbytery.
b. In response to the growing need of its homeless customers for daytime
sanctuary and night-time shelter, The Friendship House started remaining open
twenty-four hours a day, and it began a new ministry of daytime assistance and
advocacy. While some people continued to shop at the thrift shop, an increasing
number of individuals and families came seeking help to escape their homeless
condition. They asked for everything from the use of the telephone, to a quiet
place to sit for a few hours out of the bitter cold.
c. In the last twenty-four years, Friendship House has expanded into churches,
schools, businesses, and community organizations. Its coalition has grown to
more than one hundred church congregations. Over fifteen hundred men,
women, and children volunteer at Friendship House each year.
Friendship House Social Media Proposal 14

d. It now operates one emergency shelter and ten halfway houses, serving seventy
homeless individuals and families on any given night. Its three daytime centers
in Wilmington and Newark serve over two hundred seventy-five homeless
clients daily.
e. Working with a coalition of twenty New Castle county congregations, it's winter
sanctuary program operates two weekend daytime drop-ins and two “Code
Purple” night sanctuaries in Wilmington and Newark. Cold Purple means the
temperature is below [###]*.
f. Its clothing ministry–The Clothing Bank of Delaware–distributes more than
13,000 pounds of quality used clothing monthly through its network of more
than two hundred fifty distribution centers, as well as offering employment
training to over 30 women yearly.
4. Change “Story” to “Facts”
✪Who we Serve
● 5,000 people access Friendship House programs in 2013 [replace with more
recent data]
● ⅓ of Friendship House clients are new … [rephrase, as this is unclear]
● Dramatic rise in younger homeless adult clients [define with a number]

✪Day Ministries
● Emphasis on empowerment services and individual case management at all
three day centers.
● Online computer labs available at each site
● Our Code Purple Ministries provided shelter from the bitter cold to [###]*

✪Housing Programs
● Six sites
● [List each specific site]
● Andrew’s Place - emergency shelter
● Eleven halfway houses

✪Clothing Ministry
● Nearly 1,000 people volunteer at the CBD in 2013. [replace with more recent
● Employment trainee positions expand from 4 to 6 [rephrase, as this is unclear]
Friendship House Social Media Proposal 15

Appendix B:

People Talking About Friendship House on Facebook

Appendix C:

Facebook Views by Gender

Appendix D:

Facebook Views by Age

Appendix E:

Number of Tweets per Month for Friendship House’s Twitter

Friendship House Social Media Proposal 16

Appendix F:

Number of New Followers for Friendship House’s Twitter

Appendix G:

A graph showing the locations of Friendship House’s Instagram followers

Friendship House Social Media Proposal 17

Appendix H:

A graph showing the relative activity of the accounts following Friendship House’s Instagram

account, divided by hours of the day.

Friendship House Social Media Proposal 18

Appendix G

Assistant CEO Letter of Recognition

Friendship House Social Media Proposal 19

Appendix H:
Venn Diagram summarizing the proposal changes to social media accounts.

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