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Subject: Geography

Date: 11/12/2018

Lesson Topic: 50 States

Teacher(s): Holly Rockenbach

Learning Goals A SS 0.3.2 Students will explore places and regions.
NE Standards SS 0.3.1.e Identify land and water on a globe
SS 2.3.1.d Locate community, Nebraska, and the United States on maps and
or Developmental Indicators globes
for Early Childhood SS 3.3.1.d Locate places on maps and globes (e.g., Missouri River, Platte,
River, Rocky Mountains, Nebraska, the student's city)
ISTE Standards
Learning Goals B 1. Design authentic learning activities that align with content area
standards and use digital tools and resources to maximize active,
deep learning.
ISTE Technology 2. Manage the use of technology and student learning strategies in
Standard(s) for Teachers digital platforms, virtual environments, hands-on makerspaces or in
Identify the tech standard the field.
used in the lesson 3. Model and nurture creativity and creative expression to
communicate ideas, knowledge or connections.
Click HERE for more 4. Model for colleagues the identification, exploration, evaluation,
information on the ISTE curation and adoption of new digital resources and tools for learning.
Standards for Teachers 5. Use technology to create, adapt and personalize learning experiences
that foster independent learning and accommodate learner
differences and needs.

Learning objectives are Students will be able to locate all 50 states on a map.
measurable outcomes Students will be able to locate Kearney, NE on a map.
Students will be able to identify the oceans and the continents on a map.
What do you want students to
know or be able to do at the Students will be able to perform at at least 80% accuracy on a test given on
end of your lesson? List 3-5 each of the above objectives.

TE 206: Technology Integration Lesson Plan Martonia Gaskill

learning objectives

Materials/Resources ● Interactive Games

List materials or resources that ○ Click here for an online resource to learn the 50 states.
will be used in this lesson. ○ Click here for an online resource to learn the 50 states in
different stages.
■ Multiple levels under the “states” column
Resources should include a ○ Click here for an online resource to learn the continents and
combination of interactive sites, oceans.
videos, games or Google Tools ● Google Tour
that the students will interact ○ Click here to access the Google Tour.
with or use ● Globe
● Markers and Paper with the states on them
● iPads
Procedures 1. Using iPads, the teacher will first test the students knowledge of the
Steps you will take to complete states and bodies of water using a pre-test.
this lesson. How long, group 2. Students will be given a link to Google Tour where they will be able
work, individual work, to visit each state’s capital and get to see on a map where each state
discussion, etc. and body of water is.
3. They will be asked to spend a class period going over all of these
states and bodies of water individually.
4. The next day, they will use markers to color code their maps to help
them associate different states with different colors.
a. Example: States that are in the east could be green and in the
west could be red etc. or they could be coded into a color
5. After color coding, the students will then be put into groups and have
a globe at each table where they will identify the different states
6. The following day, the students will use their iPads again to review
for the test using interactive games online where they choose where
the states are.
a. Students can also go back to Google Tour to identify the water
and states or draw a map to study; whichever method is most
helpful to them.
7. After these days of learning about the states the students will then take
the same test that they took at the beginning again and see how much
they have improved.
8. The teacher will be helping students throughout the week that need
extra assistance or are struggling with the concept of the states.

TE 206: Technology Integration Lesson Plan Martonia Gaskill

Formative Assessment 1. Students will use iPads to play Kahoot to practice what
This would be short and they’ve learned
ongoing assessments teachers 2. Each question will make students be independent with their
use to check for understanding answers while also creating a competitive, fun game for the
students to engage in.
You may use tools such as 3. The teacher will go through any questions students struggled
Plickers, Kahoot, quizlet, Google with to review.
Forms, Padlet, etc. 4. Click here to access the practice Kahoot game.

Summative Assessment 1. Students will be asked to locate the states, continents, and oceans on
Final assessment a google forms assessment.
2. They will be graded on placing the states, oceans, and continents in
Assess/Evaluate students’ the right spot.
learning with a grade
3. Click here to access the Google Form Assessment.

TE 206: Technology Integration Lesson Plan Martonia Gaskill

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