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Case Study: Warunk Bendito Jalan Sam Ratulangi Manado

Eunike F. Macarau1), Natalia Stefany2), Cindy Liando3)
Postgraduate student, Master of postgraduate architecture study program at Sam Ratulangi University
Postgraduate student, Master of postgraduate architecture study program at Sam Ratulangi University

Humans are the center of the environment and at the same time also become part of the
environment, therefore interacting with the space of an individual besides being influenced by the
atmosphere of the space it also influences the atmosphere of the space. Experience and maintenance will
shape their behavior. Behavioral architecture in its application always includes behavioral considerations
in the design of behavioral links with architectural design (as a physical environment), architectural
design can be a facilitator of the occurence of behavior or vice versa as a barrier to the occurence of
behavior. Human behavior in relation to a physical setting takes place and is consistent with time and
situation, because typical behavior patterns for physical settings can be identified. Of course what is
discussed does not necessarily become so simple that humans all behave in a fixed place at a certain time
and place. But generally the frequency of activities that occur in a single setting or in groups with other
settings shows a constant all the time. It show that not only the characters and fixed patterns of behavior
can be detected in relation to a setting but also the possibilities that arise such as behavioral response
patterns that can sometimes change to the opposite.
The development of understanding of human behavior activities is closely related to the physical
environment, so individual behavior research must be observed in field, not in the laboratory. Human
behavior that occurs in Warunk Bendito Jalan Samrat is an observation to get the attributes of visitor
behavior with the surrounding environment.

Keywords: Behavioral Architecture, Attributes, Warunk Bendito

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