LEEA-3 Compare Trolley Types

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Trolleys – Wheel profiles / Flange types, BS 2853:1957

R S J – Rolled Steel Joist – Tapered flanges

U B – Standard rolled steel sections Universal Beam (UB) and Universal Column (UC)-Parallel flanges

Sl. No. Tapered flange Runway beams Parallel flanges Runway beams
1 Trolleys fitted with tapered wheel treads, Gives contact
with runway flange across full width of the wheel tread
2 Older trolleys with tapered flanges Commonly used parallel flanges
Trolly with parallel tread wheel must not be fitted to
runway of UB or UC section since the wheel would only
make a point contact with the edge of the flange. This
would cause rapid wear to both the track and wheel. It
would also increase the transverse stress in the flange
producing a bending effect so overloading the flange and
causing it to turn down.
Similarly a trolley with parallel tread wheels must be not
fitted with to an RSJ runway. Care is also needed in the
case of some of the older UB sections as these had a
slightly tapered flange. This would lead to point contact
between the point of the wheel and the flange.
Application of a load would produce bending in the wheel
axles and /or the trolley side plates. It would also lead to a
groove being worn in the flange of the track.
A universal trolley with curved wheel profiles, or a
demountable trolley, with radiused wheel treads may be
fitted to runways of RSJ, UB or UC section without these
types of problem solving.

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