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Social Media Optimisation

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Note: The contents described herein are confidential and are to be considered the intellectual property of GIIPL
Digital, until such time as the project decision is rendered in relation to this proposal and a subsequent working
relationship commences between GIIPL Digital and Client

The reader of this document shall not disclose any information contained within this document without the express
written permission of GIIPL Digital.
Table of Contents

1. SCOPE OF THE DOCUMENT ............................................................................................................................3

2. OUR APPROACH TO THE BRIEF .....................................................................................................................3
3. PROPOSED SOLUTION ......................................................................................................................................3
3.1.DISCOVERY ............................................................................................................................................... 3
3.2.CONSUMER GENERATED CONTENT........................................................................................................... 3
3.3.ARTICLE MARKETING & BOOKMARKING .................................................................................................4
o WRITING POSITIVE KEYWORD RICH ARTICLES ON VARIOUS URLS..........................................4
3.4.DESTINATION CREATION ........................................................................................................................... 4
THE URLS FOUND FROM THE DISCOVERY PROCESS............................................................... 4
o THE 2 DESTINATIONS WHICH WE CAN LOOK AT IS.................................................................. 4
a. FACEBOOK ........................................................................................................4
b. INSTAGRAM ........................................................................................................4
DISCOVERY PROCESS .............................................................................................................. 4
3.5.SOCIAL NETWORKING & DIGITAL ASSET OPTIMIZATION (DAO) .............................................................4
4. TIMELINES ............................................................................................................................................................4
5. COMMERCIAL .....................................................................................................................................................5
1. Scope of the document
The primary objective of the project is to create buzz and generating footfalls in the
online media space about Crumbz Bakery and its products.

This document describes our approach for creating buzz about the product. This
document also details out how we propose to implement this project, our
methodology, project understanding, estimated time lines and commercials.

2. Our Approach to the Brief

Creating conversation in the online space about the brand. Its this conversation
which garners opinion about brands, products or services. Every day thousands
share their opinion online. This is because people are forming communities and
groups online. They are actively seeking for information in those groups. Their offline
conversations are moving online. Hence, it becomes important for brands to become
a part of those conversations or risk losing those people.

3. Proposed Solution

Phase I

Under this activity we will identify top influential url relevant to our objective. We
will use tools to crawl social sites to identify the most influential URLs on the net
to generate conversations. We will be crawling blogs, forums, message boards,
Social networking sites and many other social sites. The broad level
parameters for the crawl will be frozen after a brainstorming session.

The output of the discovery programme will be the top influential urls & list of
potential Advocates. This output will be used in the Buzz generation programs
and to create a content strategy for Crumbz.

A report will be shared at the end of the activity.

3.2.Consumer Generated Content

Under this activity we write copy for the brand that is engaging and relevant.
o Initiate Brand discussion on the identified set of influential urls
o Participate in the discussions and conversations with the brand mentions.
o Create links / Back links with key influencers
o Initiate and moderate dialogues and experiences in relevant communities
o Respond to relevant consumer feedback

A report will be shared monthly basis.

3.3.Article Marketing & Bookmarking
o Writing positive keyword rich articles on various URLs

3.4.Destination Creation
o Destination is the platform where we will drive all the traffic coming
from the URLs found from the discovery process
o The 2 destinations which we can look at is
a. Facebook
b. Instagram
o Content for the destination sites will be shaped by the learnings from
the discovery process

3.5.Social Networking & Digital Asset optimization (DAO)

o Fan page creation and maintenance
o Upload promo clips, videos, photos wherever relevant
o Building communities for brand to operate in
o Community management on social networks
o Make brand relevant comments on social media sites
o Create brand presence on online listing sites.
o Create contests and tips

A report will be shared monthly basis.

4. Timelines

o Discovery and Research– 2 Weeks

o CGCM – Monthly Programme
o Ad Spends- Monthly Programme
o Destination creation & maintenance– Monthly Programme
o Social Networking, Fan page creation & DAO- Monthly programme
5. Commercial
Element Cost

• Eco System Setup

• Market Research and Discovery
• Social Media Asset Management
• Online Reputation Management
• Content Creation ( upto 20 posts in a month)
• Customer Support on Digital Assets Rs. 50,000 per month
• Content Marketing

Social Ad and PPC Spends Rs. 40,000 per month

Media Planning Service Fee Rs. 4,000 per month

Total Rs. 94,000 Per Month

Inclusions and Exclusions: Maintenance package

Necessary Inclusions ( in the agency fee )

1. Pre-planned content calendar with mix of Brand Content
2. Creative designing as per the calendar. Static images 3-5 per week
3. Promoting Articles and Posts given by client as per the calendar
4. Sharing event pictures and videos
5. Showcase of content through new features (Facebook Canvas)
6. Maintenance of the platform pages and responding to comments
7. Proper structuring of content
8. Constant ideations of new communication strategy
9. Analytics of various platforms
10. Basic Stock Images
Necessary Inclusions ( not in agency fee )
1. Animation - 800 Rs per sec minimum. Final quote. Based on complexity
2. Influencer Association - Starts at 10,000 Rs. Depends on influencer tariff card
3. Niche Images ( As per cost)
4. Online PR and Reputation Management - 30,000 per month
5. Videography and Photography Production - Depends on project
6. Contest Rewards- Depends on Client Spends

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