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Journal of Organometallic Chemistry xxx (2017) 1e7

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Adsorption of Cobalt (II) on Layered Double Hydroxides (Mg/Al and Ca/Al) in

Aqueous Medium : Kinetic and Thermodynamic Aspect
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Sriwijaya University
*Corresponding Author E-mail:

The synthesis of layered double hydroxides has been conducted using M2+/M3+ metal cation in aqueous medium on high
bacisity, where M2+: Mg2+, Ca2+ and M3+: Al3+. The materials Mg/Al and Ca/Al layered double hydroxides were
characterized using FTIR and X-Ray powder analyses. Layered double hydroxides (Mg/Al and Ca/Al) materials then
were applied as adsorbent of cobalt (II) in aqueous medium. Kinetics and thermodynamic adsorption of cobalt (II) were
studied. The results of FTIR spectrum of layered double hydroxide Mg/Al and Ca/Al were showed by unique vibration
of layered material at wavenumber 500-1600 cm-1. The results of X-Ray powder analysis was showed high crystallinity.
Kinetically, Mg/Al layered double hydroxides is more reactive than Ca/Al to adsorb cobalt (II) in aqueous medium.
Thermodynamically, adsorption of cobalt (II) on Mg/Al layered double hydroxides is larger than Ca/Al layered double
Keywords: layered double hydroxides, cobalt (II), adsorption.

INTRODUCTION waste water is important to public health. The

Layered material are classified into two groups, industrial waste water usually containing cobalt (II) is
cationic clays and anionic clays. Cationic clays are common. The adsorption of heavy metals in solution
found in nature and anionic clays are easily can be removed using several technique such as
synthesized. Layered double hydroxides (LDH) belong adsorption, precipitation, coagulation, chemical
to the anionic clay minerals was consist of sheets of precipitation, ion-exchange, ozonation and membran
the hydroxides of two metals different valence. The filtration (Shou et al, 2015). The adsorption is
metals hydroxides layeres are positively charged, so recognized as an easy, economic and effective to
neutrality charged requires must be anion removed heavy metals from the waste water (Sayed et
intercalated into interlayer. Usually, hydroxil ions was al, 2016).
present as anion and this anion can be readily In this research, synthesis and characterization of
exchanged by others such as carbonate ions layered double hydroxides was conducted using
(Rosenberg and Armstrong, 2013). Frourier Transform Infra Red (FT-IR) and X-Ray
Layered double hydroxides has general formula Difractometer (XRD). The adsorption process of
[M2+(1-x)M3+x(OH)2](An-)x/nH2O, where M2+and M3+ layered double hydroxides is intended to determine
are di-valent and tri-valent cations such as Mg2+, Fe2+,
2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ the kinetic and thermodynamic parameters by
Co , Cu , Ni or Ca and Al , Cr , Ga , Mn or Fe measuring residual concentration and adsorbed using
(Hongo et al, 2017). This layer materials have high
Atomic Adsorption Spectrophotometer.
flexibility cation exchange and easily synthesized in
laboratory (Zhao, 2011). Layered double
hydroxide has many potential aplications for layered EXPERIMENTAL SECTION
double hydroxides including catalysis, adsorption and Materials
flame retardant composite (Clark et al, 2017). The chemicals used are analytical grade such as
There have been many studies were focusing on magnesium nitrate, alumunium nitrate, calsium
the aplication of layered double hydroxides as nitrate, sodium carbonate, sodium hydroxide and
adsorbent (Ahmed and Gasser, 2012). Layered double cobalt nitrate. Water was supplied from Integrated
hydroxides was used to adsorpted heavy metals (Zhao Research Lab Graduated School, Sriwijaya University.
et al, 2011) and stable at pH >5 up to 12 (Costantino Analysis instrument were used FT-IR Shimadzu
et al, 2013). As known, the presence of heavy metals Prestige-21, XRD Shimadzu Lab X-Type 6000 and
in the environment can be harmful to variety of living Atomic Adsorption Spectrophotometer NovAA 350
species. Therefor, the removal of heavy metals from Analytic Jena.
Synthesis of Layered Double Hydroxides
Synthesis of layered double hydroxides Mg/Al was
conducted according to Palapa and Said (2016).
Synthesis of layered double hydroxides Ca/Al was
conducting using 100 mL of a solution containing 0.3
mol Ca(NO3)2.H2O and 0.1 mol Al(NO3).9H2O under
vigorous stirring, while was added dropwise 2 mol L-1
of NaOH at pH 11 then stirring until 24 h to form
white solid material and dried at room temperature
to obtain Ca/Al layered double hydroxides (Rojas,

Adsorption of Cobalt (II) on Layered Double

Kinetic Parameter
0.0l g layered double hydroxides Mg/Al and Ca/Al
Fig 1. FT-IR spectrum of layered double hydroxides
each added into 25 mL of cobalt (II) 50 mg/L shaker
Mg/Al (a) and layered double hydroxides Ca/Al (b)
with variations in absorption time varied start from
10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 minutes using a horizontal
shaker. The solution of the adsorbed cobalt (II)
substance was separated by filtration and then
measured its concentration by using Atomic
Adsorption Spectrophotometer.
Thermodynamic Parameter
Thermodynamic adsorption of cobalt (II) using
adsorbent 0.01 g layered double hydroxides Mg/Al
and Ca/Al each added into 25 mL cobalt (II) by
variying the concentration to adsorbent layered
double hydoxides Mg/Al 25, 30, 35, 40, 45 mg/L and
to absorbent layered double hydroxides Ca/Al 10, 15,
20, 25, 30 mg/L with each adsorption temperature is
30 0C, 35 0C, 40 0C, 45 0C, 50 0C. The solution of the
adsorbed cobalt (II) substance was separated by
filtration and then measured its concentration by
using Atomic Adsorption Spectrophotometer. Fig. 2 XRD patterns of layered double hydroxides Mg/Al (a)
and layered double hydroxides Ca/Al (b)


Characterization Kinetic Adsorption of Cobalt (II) on Mg/Al and Ca/Al
Characterization of layered double hydroxide was Layered Double Hydorxides
carried out using the FT-IR. The FT-IR of the layered Kinetic adsorption of cobalt (II) on layered double
double hydroxides Mg/Al and Ca/Al is shown in Fig.1. hydroxides both Mg/Al and Ca/Al was studied by
The vibration at wavenumber 3300-3800 cm-1 is investigated adsorption time as shown in Fig. 3.
assigned as streching of O-H and the bending of O-H at
1635 cm-1. The bending of nitrate is appeared at 25
wavenumber 1381-1388 cm-1. These vibration was
ads.conc (mg/L)

unique vibration for layered double hydroxides. The 20

vibrations of Al-O, Ca-O and Mg-O were appreated at 15 Mg/Al
563 cm-1 , 424 cm-1 and 416 cm-1 respectively. 10 Ca/Al
The XRD patterns of Mg/Al and Ca/Al material
were shown in Fig 2. The unique structure of layered 5
double hydroxides was identified at diffraction angle. 0
This difraction 100 and 600 indicated that presence of 0 20 40 60
layered materials and the anion on the interlayered.
XRD pattern of Ca/Al in Fig.2b was shown semiliar to adsorption time (min)
that reported by Hongo et al, 2017 when synthesis of Fig. 3. The adsorption time to each adsorbent
material was carried out at temperature was 270C
Fig. 3 showed layered double hydroxides Mg/Al can
(room temperature), the peak intensity of calcite was
adsorp cobalt (II) from aqueous solution higher than
stong, its because layered double hydroxides
layered double hydroxides Ca/Al. The amount of
contained calcite.
cobalt (II) was adsorbed 22.5 mg/L at min using
Mg/Al material and 7.3 mg/L using Ca/Al material at
the same adsortion material. The kinetic data was
obtained from data in Fig. 3. To identify the rate

kinetics of the adsorption process, two kinetics the effect of adsorption temperature and
models, namely the pseudo-first-order (PFO) and concentration on the cobalt (II) adsorbate amount of
seudo-second-order (PSO) have been employed to fit layered double hydroxides Mg/Al and Fig. 5 show that
the experimental data. The pseudo-first-order kinetics the effects of of adsorption temperature and
model desribes the adsorption of liquid/solid system concentration on the cobalt (II) adsorbate amount of
based on solid capacity. The model can be written as: layered double hydroxides Ca/Al. Fig. 4 and Fig. 5
𝑑𝑞𝑡 show that the larger temperature is the greater the
= k1 (qe – qt) (1)
𝑑𝑡 amount of adsorbed cobalt (II).
𝑘1 The Thermodinamics parameters was studied by
log (qe – qt) = log 𝑞𝑒 − 𝑡 (2)
2.303 varied of concentration and temperature. Adsorption
capacity and adsorption energy calculated using
where qe and qt are t he capacity of metal ions Langmuir eq:
𝑐 1 𝐶
adsorbed (mg g1) at equilibrium and time t (h), = +𝑏 (5)
𝑚 𝑏𝐾
respectively, and K1 is the PFO rate constant (h1).
Thus the value of qe and k1 can be determined 𝐸 = − 𝑅𝑇 𝑙𝑛 𝐾 (6)
experimentally by plotting log(qe-qt) versus t and Where :
extracting information from the least squares C The cobalt (II) concentration after adsorption
analysis of slope and intersept into eq (2). reaches equilibrium, m is Mol of cobalt (II)
The seudo-second-order adsorption kinetic is adsorption, K is Equilibrium constant, b is Adsorption
expressed as following formulation: capacity , E is Adsorption Energy, R is Boltzmann
constant and T is Temperature
= 𝑘2 (𝑞𝑒 − 𝑞𝑡)2 (3) Whereas to find the coefficient value of
𝑑𝑡 adsorbat ditribution is used the equation:
𝑡 1 1
= + 𝑞𝑒 𝑡 (4) ln 𝐾𝑑 = ∆𝑆 − ∆𝐻 (7)
𝑞𝑡 𝑘2𝑞𝑒2 𝑅 𝑅𝑇

Where k2 (g mg-1 h-1) is the PSO rate constant for the Where :
adsorption process. Thus values of k2 and qe can be Kd Coefficient ditribution adsorption find the
calculated from intercept and the slope of the linear coefficient value of adsorbat ditribution (qe/Ce), ΔH is
relationship eq (4) between t/qt and t. Enthalpy, ΔS is Entropy, R is Boltzmann constant and
The calculated values of k 1 , k2 , and coefficient T is Temperature
correlation (R2) obtain in Table 1. The result indicated
that linear of PFO model did not give reasonable The adsorption capacity and adsorption energy of
values with regard to the experimentals of Co(II). cobalt (II) adsorption process by layered double
However, the R2 values are low for linear PFO hydroxides Mg/Al and Ca/Al. Table 2 explains that the
comparing with R2 values obtain from PSO. These adsorption energy value (E) of cobalt (II) adsorbed by
result suggest that theb second order mechanism is layered double hydroxides Mg/Al and Ca/Al. the
predominant, in which the adsorption mechanism energy value (E) of layered double hydroxides Mg/Al
depends on the adsorbate and adsorbent. in the higher temperature the more increasing the
Table 1. Kinetics models for the adsorption of Co (II) adsorption energy (E). This indicates that the
PSO kinetic models adsorption process occuring at the varied
T (K) adsorbent K2 temperature undergoes the isothermic condition
(mg/g L min) which means the process sugests for fisical states
Layered double (fisisorpsi) (Vimoses et al, 2009) the determination of
hydroxides 0.165 0.956 the adsorption capacity (b) is determined by eq 5. In
Ca/Al table 2 shows adsorption capacity layered double
Layered double hydroxides Mg/Al has the higher state in 313 K and
hydroxides 0.018 0.962 layered double hydroxides Ca/Al incline increases in
high temperature.
The subsequent thermodynamic parameters of
The data obtained in Table 1 also showed that the
enthalpy (ΔH) and entropy (ΔS) of the cobalt (II)
layered double hydroxides Mg/Al has a more reactive
adsorption process by the layered double hydroxides
than Ca/Al because layered double hydroxides Mg/Al
Mg/Al and Ca/Al are presented in Table 3. The table
has the adsorption rate a lower than layered double
shows the entropy (ΔS) of cobalt (II) adsorption by
hydroxides Ca/Al.
layered double hydroxides Ca/Al indicates the degree
of irregularity that occurs where large entropy values
Thermodynamic Adsorption of Cobalt (II) on Mg/Al
indicate that the smaller the concentration the degree
and Ca/Al Layered Double Hydroxides
of irregularity or greater entropy. In addition to the
Thermodynamic adsorption of cobalt (II) on
enthalpy value (ΔH) of cobalt (II) adsorption by the
layered double hydroxides Mg/Al and Ca/Al was
layered double hydroxides Mg/Al and Ca/Al
studied by variying concentration and temperature.
presented in Table 3 indicates a decreases as
Adsorption data by layered double hydroxides Mg/Al
concentration increases and negative of enthalpy
and Ca/Al in Fig. 4 and Fig.5. Fig.4 show the result of

means this process exothermic reaction. 30 -79.86 22.66
30 25 -36.81 140.42
29 layered 30 -21.59 85.05
28 double
35 -19.52 75.16
27 30 hydroxide
Absorbed (mg/L)

26 s Mg/Al 40 -91.70 38.83

25 45 -87.04 36.92
24 40
22 Adsorption process of cobalt (II) on layered double
21 50 hydroxides Mg/Al and Ca/Al showed the adsorption
20 rate 0.018 and 0.165, resectively. Layered double
0 20 40 60 hydroxides Mg/Al more reactive than layered double
hydroxides Ca/Al. Thermodynamics adsorption
Concentration (mg/L)
layered double hydroxides Mg/Al has higher
Fig. 4. Adsorption of cobalt (II) varied concentration and adsorption capacity than layered double hydroxides
temperature by layered double hydroxides Mg/Al
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