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On the basis of Marist, Radical, liberal Feminism,

Identify the Sources of Inequality and Give Remedies.

Liberal feminism
Liberal feminism is an individualistic form of feminist theory, which focuses on women's
ability to maintain their equality through their own actions and choices. Its emphasis is on
making the legal and political rights of women equal to men. Liberal Feminists believe that the
main causes of gender inequality are ignorance and socialization.

Liberal feminists argue that society holds the false belief that women are, by nature, less
intellectually and physically capable than men; thus it tends to discriminate against women in the
academy, the forum, and the marketplace.

Marxist Feminism
Marxist feminism is feminism focused on investigating and explaining the ways in which
women are oppressed through systems of capitalism and private property. According to Marxist
feminists, women's liberation can only be achieved through a radical restructuring of the current
capitalist economy, in which, they contend, much of women's labor is uncompensated.

Marxist Feminists argue the main cause of women’s oppression is capitalism. The disadvantaged
position of women is seen to be a consequence of the emergence of private property and their
lack of ownership of the means of production.

Radical Feminism
Radical Feminists see society and its institutions as patriarchal – most of which are dominated
and ruled by men – men are the ruling class and women the subject class. Gender inequalities are
the result of the oppression of women by men, and it is primarily men who have benefited from
the subordination of women. Women are ‘an oppressed group.

Remedies of the Inequality

Liberal feminism
This type of feminism is although to some extent very rightful as equal political and economic
rights are basic needs of every human irrespective of gender. But the issue here is that the
extremism of anything can cause drastic harm. Liberal feminism in the recent era is being
deviated from its original purpose and has taken its focus on thing that may be unethical and a
harm the sentiments and believes of a community. Such as woman wearing immoral dresses and
being involved in unethical activities is being referred and justified as Liberal feminism. This is
by all mean not the original meaning of liberal feminism. Women with knowledge and influence
come ahead as men talking on this issue will only worsen the situation. Further to cure Liberal
feminism seminars should be carried out to educate woman on their right and to highlight the
difference between liberalism and going beyond limits. Hence liberal feminism in its original
meaning of equality of political economical rights is very important but the modern day modified
version of it needs to be reverted to its original form as it has been misleading our youth in the
name of freedom and is enslaving them to the disastrous western culture.

Radical feminism
Radical feminism has been increasing in our society due to mind washing techniques of west.
Women around Industrial and commercial companies has kept their views regarding being
enslave of west away and rather they think it to be liberalism. In this type of feminism it is
believed that woman should have their different set of laws and regulation and they should be
free from male dominant society.
Although this may seems to be attractive on paper but in reality human are supposed to live in
pairs and this is how we have been created by our God so total separation of both genders will
harm human race as whole. Other than this factor. Separation of law and economical structure
will be a big drawback of equal distribution of rights. Hence radical feminism will only harm the
society in real life scenario.

Marxist feminism
This theory focus on economic and political oppression being carried out by male gender on
female i.e. in a capitalist society woman are most oppressed than other persons. They don’t get
paid as much as men moreover political right of vote is also not in the hands of woman.
The cure of Marxist feminism is the movement of capitalist society towards socialism this will
automatically leads towards equality of rights from the oppression of rights in Marxism. Further
once a socialist society is created the means of production will be in hand of general public
which includes woman as well from which women are supposed to be guided so that they can be
saved from radical feminism and further liberalism may be achieved if desired but in its original
scene. This would mean that woman will have equal rights as men but that level of equality will
not be miss used to fulfil the desire of western culture to take over all the world. Equality is most
important but it should not be let surpass the culture and norms of the society which are sensible
and there to protect us.

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