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Dsn. Bodo Ds. Pulorejo Kecamatan Ngoro Kabupaten Jombang

MATA PELAJARAN : BAHASA INGGRIS NAMA : ...............................................

KELAS : 6 (ENAM) NOMOR : ...............................................
HARI/TANGGAL : .......................................... NILAI : ...............................................

I. Choose the correct answer by crossing the letter A, B, C, or D

Text for number 1 - 5
Indonesia has only two seasons, dry and rainy season. Dry season usually begin in May to
October. Rainy season usually begins in November to April. In dry season, the ground is very dry and
dusty, the weather is hot, the sun always shines brightly and burn our skin. In some places, its very hard
to find fresh water. In the rainy season, the rain falls almost everyday, the weather is cold and humid.
The farmers usually begins to plant their crops. In some places, people get flood because the water is
too much and the water can’t absorb into the ground.
Text taken from : Creative and innovative English, Yrama Widya, Bandung, 2005
1. Our country has two seasons, which are..........
A. dry and hot C. rainy and wet
B. dry and rainy D. rainy and humid
2. How is the sun in dry season? It is..........
A. shines cloudly C. shines brightly
B. shines windy D. shines slowly
3. When the rainy season begins? It begins in..........
A. November to December C. November to April
B. April to November D. May to October
4. What the farmers do in rainy season ? They begins..........
A. Plants the crops C. Plants the tree
B. Picks the crops D. Picks the flower
5. Why in some places people get flood ? Because..........
A. Water is too much and flow away
B. Water is hard to get in the ground
C. Water is too much and can’t absorb into the ground
D. Water is hard to stop to the ground
6. Today is sunny. The sun shines brightly. The weather is ..........
A. warm C. windy
B. cold D. cloudy
7. What do you write on your card if your friend invites you to her/his party? ..........
A. happy holiday C. get well soon
B. congratulation D. happy anniversary
8. Ant is a .......... animal
A. smart C. diligent
B. lazy D. wild
9. Elephant is a .......... animal
A. small C. diligent
B. big D. lazy
10. Sas : “Look! The rainbow is so ...........”
San : “Yes, you are right.”
A. Huge C. Bautiful
B. Handsome D. Dark
11. The sunrises is in the ....... and sunsets is in the .......
A. east, west C. east, north
B. east, south D. east, southwest
12. A ... works in the farm to plant rice
A. gardener C. farmer
B. florist D. sailor
13. My mother ............ in the kitchen
A. Swims C. Cooks
B. Gardens D. Sleeps
14. Jony : Is she a singer?
Selly: Yes ..........
A. she is C. she was
B. is she D. is was
15. “Angkat tanganmu” in English is..........
A. Bend your hand C. Bow your hand
B. Take your hand D. Raise your hand
16. Lea has ... hair (panjang dan lurus)
A. long and straight C. long and curly
B. long and short D. tong and bleachy
17. We can see a lot of ships in the ..........
A. Railway C. Airport
B. Bus station D. Harbour
18. Dono : Are they a pilot?
Kasino : No..........
A. they aren’t C. they isn’t
B. they wasn’t D. they couldn’t
19. It is white, it is fall from the sky, it is cold and looks like a cotton. It is..........
A. Rain C. Snow
B. Cloud D. Fire
20. Let ....... help .......
A. he, me C. me, him
B. him, mine D. I, him
21. We know that omelet is ready if it looks .............
A. dark C. brown
B. yellowish D. green
22. Dina is dilligent, but Tono is ...............
A. lazy C. polite
B. patient D. clever
23. The legend of Banyuwangi is from ..............
A. West Java C. Jakarta
B. East Java D. South Sumatra
24. The story about mouse deer and crocodile belongs to a ...............
A. legend C. fairy tale
B. myth D. fable
25. Hani : ............ this Mrs Rina’s desk?
Hana : Yes, I’m sure
A. are you sure C. were
B. are D. will

II. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer!

26. An animal story is called ..........
27. A story about the original of a place is called ..........
28. Cinderella is a beautiful and .......... girl
29. Crocodile is a .......... animal
30. The center of our solar system is..........
31. I like to eat chocolate, because its taste is ..........
32. The opposite of South is ..........
33. One of the mousedeer characters is ...........
34. In the fable, the king of the forest is ..........
35. Belok kiri in English is ..........

III. Answer the Questions

36. Mention 5 name of mountains in Indonesia!
37. Mention 5 name of public places!
38. Write down 7 days in a week in order!
39. Write the opposite!
Tall :
Diligent :
Big :
40. Rearrange the words into a good sentence!
a. me - can - Sir - the way - to - you - the library - show - ?
b. please - could - - ne - you - the fan - help - turn on - ?

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