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Kawther Alogaili

CIS 221
September 13th, 2018


Grade: 3rd
Subject: Language At
Length of Lesson: 2 hour
Lesson Overview/Rationale:
Students need this lesson to develop and learn formal language and identifying parts of the sentence.
Curriculum Framework/Standard:
“Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher led) with
diverse partners on grade 3 topics and texts, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.”
Page 27.
Speaking and Listening Standards K–5.
Learning Objectives:
 Students will identify the verbs in the sentences.
 Students will list the adjectives.
 Students will work in a groups for Halloween project.
 Students will create MS/word and prepare for presentation.
Technology Uses:
 Computer
 Camera
 Colored papers
 Colored markers
 Glue
 Cotton ball
 Scissors
 Holding sticks

Kawther Alogaili
CIS 221
September 13th, 2018

 Students will watch “Smighties” for this project.

 Each students will list two adjectives from the cartoon.
 Each students will write two sentences summary from the cartoon and identify the verbs.
 The students will work as a group to design their masks.
o First students will creates the head masks and cut the papers.
o Second students will glue the parts of the masks.
o Thirds students will glue the holding sticks on the masks.
o The last student will combine all the summary for the group and create a MS word for
their presentation.
 Presents their assignment in front of the class.

In this assignment, I will grade my students on the summary, the adjectives, and the verbs from the
cartoon. Also, I will grade my students on how each group presents in front of the class.

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