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30 Jessa T.

Tan July 27, 2018

Bs Arch. 4B Philosophy MW 7:30-9:00 AM


Philosophy is a study that seeks to understand the mysteries of existence and

reality. It is an inescapable part of our human existence as we tend to unconsciously

formulate philosophical thoughts in our minds, like “What is the purpose of our

existence?”, “Is there really life after death?” or “Is there really such thing as past life?”.

We question the personal outlook of our life, finding answers to clarify what we believe

in, to give ourselves some understanding and knowledge that will feed our curiosity.

Philosophy can be a form of inquiry, asking a series of questions that can be left

unanswered as we all have different opinions and perspectives or can only be answered

by ourselves, to instill what we believe in. Philosophy can be a way of life, constantly

searching for knowledge and truth to fill the gap between what you believe and what is


I think it is relevant in the contemporary Philippine society because from the past

up to the present times, religion is one of the most important thing that Filipinos cherish.

And each of us have different religions that we believe in, like the Catholics, Muslims,

Baptist Mormons and many more. We all have different races, ethnic groups and gender
roles in the Philippines. At the same time, with the advancement of technology and

science, it can have a conflict to what we believe in and bring hate towards another

people’s culture. It can be relevant by being the bridge that holds the Filipinos beliefs and

culture. This is where the study of Philosophy plays a major role. Our knowledge in

metaphysics shows that every human share one substance, and that is one’s humanity.

The humanness of different people and groups is no different than that of others. We all

share one humanity. The role of philosophy plays a vital role to bring Filipinos closer

together. It will help the Filipinos realize that there is no existential difference among all

the Filipinos. The understanding of this will bring out a good relationship with each other

as we learn to respect the views of others, to tolerate each other with out any form of

violence or hatred.

The Philippines have many problems that can be true or not, if I say so myself, and

I can’t find any other thing more perfect than Philosophy to be of use in the series of

logical arguments about the problems to be able to search what is true or not. As

philosophy let us seek knowledge and find the truth. It can also help the Philippines in a

political sense as a person who have studied philosophy have a broader perspective

about societal values, development and progress that will help articulate good and

rational policies that will help our country.

The point here is that Philippines as a people need philosophy. We cannot do

without it. Any attempt to run away from philosophy will certainly bring doom for our nation.
One thing we must take note is that philosophy helps develop the human mind to reason

correctly and rationally and when the mind is properly developed rationally, it will translate

to our human and societal development. Philosophy brings about the authenticity of

human relationship which is needed in our national development. As a saying that I have

read “Whether we like it or not, we cannot escape philosophy; because on whatever road

of knowledge we travel, philosophy lies in wait for us”. I do believe that this is an existential

fact that must not elude us Filipinos.

Therefore, I conclude that the study of philosophy disposes one to fit in very well in

society. It is needless to say that a philosophy is a good administrator and a good

manager of people and objects.

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