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Vaidic Sandhya Vandana

Procedure ror chanting the brahma gayatri mantra

Since this mantra is rrom the vedas¬ it requires proper pronunciation¬ proper place¬ proper time¬
and proper physical and mental purity in order to have errect. There is thus a a standard procedure
ror chanting the gayatri called sandhya vandana¬ in order to ensure maximum errect by purirication
and concentration or the mind.

The procedure is taught by the spiritual master arter he bestows the sacred thread to the disciple.
The disciple should continue to chant the mantra according to the procedure ror the rest or his lire.
According to which veda ones ramily rollows (rg. yajur¬ sama)¬ the verses recited may dirrer¬ but
the basic stages are the same. Procedure according to the Yajur Veda is given below.

The essence or the procedure is the gayatri japa. Ir one cannot perrorm the whole procedure¬ one
can rulril the goal by simply chanting the gayatri mantra with rapt attention. Ir one is not attentive¬
there is no errect rrom the mantra.


Part 1:

1. Acamana: sipping water

2. Pranayama; controlling the breath
3. Sankalpa: vow to perrorm the rite
4. Proksana: mantra bath
5. Prasana: sipping water
6. Acamana
7. Proksana
8. Aghamarsana: removing sin
9. Arghya Pradanam: orrering arghya
10.Parisecanam: surrouding oneselr with water
11.Tarpanam: orrer water to visnu

Part 2:

12.Asana mantra: respects to earth

13.Dhyanam: meditation on the rorm or Visnu
14.Avahanam: calling the personality or Gaytri Devi
15.Nyasa: placing the mantra on the body
16.Japa: chanting the mantra

Part 3:

17.Visarjanam: allowing Gaytri Devi to leave

18.Sandhya Upasthanam: prayers to the sandhya
19.Pradaksinam respects to aspects or Gayatri Devi¬ associates or the Lord¬ represented in the
directions¬ and to Krsna in person.
21.Sattvika Tyaga: orrering everything in the act to Krsna.



kesavaya namah sip water rrom brahma tirtha or right hand

narayanaya namah sip water rrom brahma tirtha or right hand
madhavaya namah sip water rrom brahma tirtha or right hand
govindaya namah sprinkle water on right hand
visnave namah and lert hand

madhusudanaya namah touch right cheek

trivikramaya namah touch lert cheek
vamanaya namah wipe above upper lip with base or thumb
sridharaya namah wipe below lower lip with base or thumb
hrsikesaya namah sprinkle water on both hands
padmanabhaya namah sprinkle water on reet
damodaraya namah sprinkle water on head

vasudevaya namah touch upper and lower lips with tips or ringers

sankarsanaya namah touch right nostril with thumâ and roreringer

pradumnaya namah touch lert nostril with thumâ and roreringer

aniruddhaya namah touch right eye with thumâ and ring ringer
purusottamaya namah touch lert eye with thumâ and roreringer

adhoksajaya namah touch right ear with thumâ and roreringer

nrsimhaya namah touch lert ear with thumb and roreringer

acyutaya namah touch navel with thumb and little ringer

janardanaya namah touch heart with palm or hand
upendraya namah touch head with all ringers

haraye namah touch right arm with tips or ringers

krsnaya namah touch lert arm with tips or ringers

Repeat this again.

Pranayama (breath control):

1. Perrorm pranayama inhaling through the lert nosrtil¬ holding the

breath while reciting the rollowing verse and exhaling through the right nostril.
2. Then inhale through the right nostril¬ repeat the verse while holding the breath¬ and exhale
through the lert nostril.
3. Then inhale through the lert nostril¬ hold the breath while chanting the verse¬ and exhale through
the right nostril

om bhuh om bhuvah om suvah om mahah om janah om tapah om satyam

om tat savitur varenyam
bhargo devasya dhimahi
dhiyo yo nah pracodayat

om apo jyoti rasah amrtam brahma bhur bhuvah suvar om

(resolution to perrorm the rite):

Putting the lert and right hand on the right knee say:

sri bhagavad ajnaya sri krsna prity artham

pratar sandhyam upasisye

Rollowing the injunction or the Supreme Lord¬ ror the plreasure or Sri Krsna, I perrorm the
morning sandhya rites.

Substitute the word "madhyahnikam¢ (noon) or "sayam¢ (evening) ror the word "pratar¢ as the
case may be.

(sprinkling water):

apohistheti mantrasya
sindhudvipa rsih: touch top or head with rour ringers
anustup cchandah: touch mouth
apo devata: touch heart
apam proksane viniyogah

Sprinkle water three times on the head saying:

om bhur bhuvah suvah sprinkle water on head

tat savitur varenyam
bhargo devasya dhimah sprinkle water on head
dhiyo yo nah pracodayat sprinkle water on head

om apo hi stha mayobhuvah sprinkle water on head

ta na urje dadhatana sprinkle water on head
mahe ranaya caksase sprinkle water on head

yo vah sivatamo rasah sprinkle water on head

tasya bhajayateha nah sprinkle water on head
usatir iva matarah sprinkle water on head

tasma arangamama vah sprinkle water on head

yasya ksayaya jinvatha sprinkle water on knees
apo janayatha ca nah sprinkle water on head

om bhur bhuvah suvah sprinkle water around oneselr

Oh water, you are the giver or pleasure to all entities.

Give us water ror our strength ror greatest bliss, ror seeing the Lord.
Please distribute to us your taste or auspiciousness with the arrection that a mother has ror her
Let us come to you ror help, As you are the dwelling place or the Lord.
Oh water, bestow the Lord to us.

(sipping water):

Sip water once rrom right hand, saying:

(recited in morning only)

suryas cety anuvakasya

agnir rsih: touch top or head
gayatri cchandah: touch mouth
suryo devata: touch heart
apam prasane viniyogah

suryas ca ma manyus ca manyu patayas ca manyu krtebhyah

papebhyo raksantam
yad ratriya papam akarsam
manasa vaca hastabhyam
padbhyam udarena sisna
ratris tad avalumpatu
yat kimca duritam mayi
idam aham mam amrtayonau
surye jyotisi juhomi svaha

May the Lord¬ as the sun¬ as agni and the other devatas, protect me rrom sins committed out or
anger or passion. May the Lord, presiding over the night, destroy all sins committed during the
night, by my mind¬ words¬ hand¬ reet, stomach, and genital. Whatever sins remain in me I
sacririce them and myselr, in the rorm or this water, to the errulgent, immortal, all-purirying Lord in
the heart.

(recited at noon only)

apah punantu ity anuvakasya

apa rsih
anustup chandah
brahmanas patir devata
apam prasane viniyogah

apah punantu prthivim prthivi puta punatu mam

punantu brahmanas patir brahma puta punatu mam

yad ucchistam abhojyam yad va duscaritam mama

sarvam punantu mam apo' satam ca pratigraha svaha

May water puriry this earthly body» may the puriried body puriry me.
May water puriry me to reveal paramatma» may paramatma puriry me.
Puriry me or all the roods that should not have been eaten.
Puriry me or the acts that should not have been comitted.
Puriry me or all things that should not have been accepted.

(recited in evening only)

agnis cety anuvakasya
surya rsih
gayatri cchandah
agni devata
apam prasane viniyogah

agnis ca ma manyus ca manyu patayas ca manyu krtebhyah

papebhyo raksantam
yad ahna papam akarsam
manasa vaca hastabhyam
padbhyam udarena sisna
ahas tad avalumpatu
yat kimca duritam mayi
idam aham mam amrtayonau
satye jyotisi juhomi svaha

Acamana: as berore


sprinkle water as berore saying:

dadhikravna iti mantrasya

vamadeva rsih
anusthup chandah
dadhikrava devata
apam proksane viniyogah

dadhi kravno akarisam

jisnor asvasya vajinah
surabhi no mukhakarat
pra na ayumsi tarisat

Let me praise the Lord who is rond or yoghurt,

Strong and swirt as a horse or victory.
May the supreme leader, ramous ror his pastimes, extend our lives beyond death.

apo hi stha mayobhuvah

ta na urje dadhatana
mahe ranaya caksase
yo vah sivatamo rasah
tasya bhajayateha nah
usatir iva matarah
tasma arangamama vah
yasya ksayaya jinvatha
apo janayatha va nah
om bhur bhuvah suvah

Aghamarsana (excising the body or sin):

Saying the rollowing mantra,take water in both hands ¬ place near the nose¬ breath in meditating on
taking in the water or purirication» breath out¬ meditating on rejecting all the sins or the body with
the water. Throw the water rilled with sin to the lert side without looking.

drupadad iva mantrasya
gokula rajaputrah rsih
anustup chandah
drupada devata
aghrane viniyogah

drupadad iva muncatu

drupadad iven mumucanah
svinnah snatvi malad iva
putam pavitrenevajyam
apas sundhantu mainasah

May the Lord liberate us rrom the bondage or the material world.
As a bound man is released rrom a pillar or bondage,
As a sweating man becomes cleansed or dirt by bathing,
As ghee is puriried by kusa grass,
May this water puriry me or my sins.

{Pranayama: as berore}

Arghya Pradanam (orrering arghya to the Lord):

Standing up¬ orrer handruls or water rrom the tips or the ringers three times in morning¬ once at
noon¬ three times in evening, saying each time:

arghya pradana mantrasya

visvamitra rsih
devigayatri chandah
savita devata
arghya pradane viniyogah

om bhur bhuvah suvah

tat savitur varenyam
bhargo devasya dhimahi
dhiyo yo nah pracodayat


Ir one perrorms the sandhya vandana at the wrong time¬ one should perrorm pranayama and orrer
one more arghya as prayscitta.


Sprinkle water around oneselr saying:

om bhur bhuvah suvah

Meditating on the sun say:

asavadityo brahma

The sun is the non dirrerent rrom the Absolute Lord.


Squatting, perrorm as in beginning.

Tarpanam (orrering ror satisraction or visnu):

One should take water in the right hand or both hands¬ and pour rrom the tips or the ringers into
water¬ onto kusa or into a copper vessel with each mantra:

kesavam tarpayami
narayanam tarpayami
madhavam tarpayami
govindam tarpayami
visnum tarpayami
madhusudanam tarpayami
trivikramam tarpayami
vamanam tarpayami
sridharam tarpayami
hrsikesam tarpayami
padmanabham tarpayami
damodaram tarpayami


Respects to earth

Going to a clean dry place¬ pay respects to the earth while standing, then sit on asana:

asana mantrasya prthivya

meruprstha rsih
sutalam chandah
sri kurmo devata
asane viniyogah

prthvi tvaya dhrta loka devi tvam visnuna dhta

tvam ca dharaya mam devi pavitram kuru casanam

(Pranayama:10 times)

(meditation on the rorm or the Lord)

dhyeyam sada savitr mandala madhyavarti

narayanah sarasijasana sannivistah
keyuravan makara kundalavan kiriti
hari hiranmaya vapuh dhrta sankha cakrah

One should meditate on the rorm or narayana situated in the sun globe. He is seated on a lotus¬
with bracelets¬ crown¬ shark earrings» he is golden in complexion¬ and holds the sankha and
cakra in his hands.
Gayatri Avahanam
(calling Gayatri Devi):

One should call gayatri devi:

ayatv ity anuvakasya

vamadeva rsih
anustub jagatyau chandasi
gayatri devata
gayatry avahane viniyogah

ayatu varada devi aksaram brahma sammitam

gayatrim chandasam mata idam brahma jusasva nah

ajo'si saho'si balam asi bhrajo'si

devanam dhamanam asi visvam asi
visvayuh sarvam asi sarvayur abhibhur

om gayatrim avahayami

May gayatri devi¬ bestower or benedictions¬ eternally the absolute truth come at this time or
chanting. Gayatri devi¬ who is glorious in the vedas¬ the source or all meters¬ the source or all
living entities¬ be kind to us.

You are unborn, you are strength, you are victory.

You are the abode or the devatas,
You are the universe and the lire or the universe.
You are everything and the lire or everything.
You are supreme.

I call gayatri here.


om bhuh angusthabhyam namah touch thumbs

om bhuvah tarjanibhyam namah touch roreringers
om suvah madhyamabhyam namah touch middle ringers
om tat savitur varenyam anamikabhyam namah touch ring ringers
om bhargo devasya dhimahi kanisthakabhyam namah touch litle
om dhiyo yo nah pracodayat karatala kara prsthabhyam namah
touch palms and backs or hands

om bhuh jnanaya hrdayaya namah touch heart

om bhuvah aisvaryaya sirase svaha touch top or head
om suvah saktyai sikhayai vasat touch sikha
om tat savitur varenyam balaya kavacaya hum touch shoulders
om bhargo devasya dhimahi tejase netrabhyam vausat touch eyes
om dhiyo yo nah pracodayat viryayastraya phat dig bandhana
bhur bhuvas suvar om
(chanting the mantra):

savitrya rsih visvamitrah

devi gayatri chandah
savita devata
jape viniyogah

One should chant the gayatri mantra ten or more times racing east in the morning¬ east at noon¬
and north or west in the evening. One may stand in the morning¬ stand or sit at noon and sit in the
evening. One should count on the right hand¬ whichshoud be covered.

om bhur bhuva suvah

tat savitur varenyam
bhargo devasya dhimahi
dhiyo yo nah pracodayat


(Pranayama: as berore)

Gayatri Visarjanam
(allowing Gayatri Devi to leave):

One should let gayatri devi return to her abode saying:

uttama ity anuvakasya

vama deva rsih
anustup chandah
gayatri devata
gayatry udvasane viniyogah

uttama sikhare devi bhumyam parvata murdhani

brahmanebhyo hy anujnanam gaccha devi yatha sukham

Devi¬ you reside on the top or mount meru¬ the highest point or
the earth planet. Accepting rarewells rrom the brahmanas¬ go now
wherever you please.

Sandhya Upasthanam
(prayers to sandhya):

(recited in the morning only)

mitrasyeti upasthana mantrasya

visvamitra rsih
bhirud gayatri tristubhas chandamsi
mitro devata
pratas sandhyopasthane viniyogah

mitrasya carsani dhrtah sravo devasya sanasim

satyam citra sravastamam

mitro janan yatayati prajanan

mitro dadhara prthivim uta dyam
mitrah krstir animisabhicaste
satyaya havyam dhrtavad vidhema

pra sa mitra martto astu prayasvan

yasta aditya siksati vratena
na hanyate na jiyate tvoto nainam
amho asnoty antito na durat

I gloriry the transcendental Lord¬ called Mitra¬ the rriend or all living entities¬ who nourishes all
living entities¬ who is steady¬ ramous ror his pastimes¬ who is victorious over the demons¬ who is
eternal and inrinitely wonderrul.

The omniscient Lord guides the people ¬ rewarding and punishing them by his mercy. Sustaining
both heaven and earth,.
He vigilantly watches over all that we perrorm. Let us make orrerings to the eternal Lord.

May the man who serves the Absolute Lord¬ the rriend or all¬ be blessed with all necessities or lire.
He attempts to please the errulgent Lord by determination; protected by you, he is never vanquished;
he is rree rrom sin in this lire and ever arter.

(recited at noon only)

asatyena ity adi mantranam

hiranyastupa visvamitra kutsa vasistha rsayah
tristub gayatri jagaty usnik tristubhas chandamsi
adityo devata
madhyahnika sandhyopasthane viniyogah

asatyena rajasa vartamano nivesayann amrtam martyam ca

hiranyayena savita rathena devo yati bhuvana vipasyan

ud vayam tamasaspari pasyanto jyotir uttaram

devam devatra suryam aganma jyotir uttamam
udutyam jatavedasam devam vahanti ketavah
drse visvaya suryam

citram devanam ud agad anikam

caksur mitrasya varunasyagneh
a pra dyava prthivi antariksam
suryam atma jagatas tasthusas ca

tac caksur devahitam purastac chukram uccarat

pasyema saradas satam

jivema saradas satam
nandama saradas satam
modama saradas satam
bhavama saradas satam
srnavama saradas satam
prabravama saras satam
ajitah syama saradas satam
jyok ca suryam drse

ya udagan mahato'rnavad vibhrajamanah sarirasya madhyat

sa ma vrsabho lohitaksah suryo vipascin manasa punatu

Maniresting himselr as the universe, by passion and dull matter, the Lord places the living entities¬
according to their merits¬ in the material and spiritual worlds. The Supreme Creator or all jivas¬
omniscient¬ moves through the world by his transcendetal potency¬ like the golden chariot or the

Gazing at the light or the spiritual world beyond the material realm we have achieved the supreme ¬
errulgent goal¬ the highest position. The Lord's rays or potencies transmit Lord into the material
world so that all may see him.

The Lord is situated in the highest position or wonderrul rorm and activities amongst all beings.
The Lord is the eye or mitra¬ varuna and agni¬ and witnesses all through them. He is pervading the
earth, heavens, sky, all living and non living things.

The Lord¬ the eye or knowledge¬ the primeval cause¬ the well- wisher or the devotees¬ is eternally
situated in the supreme position.

May we see the Lord ror a hundred autumns.

May we live with the lord ror a hundred autumns.
May we rejoice in the Lord ror a hundred autumns.
May we enjoy with the Lord ror a hundred autumns.
May we stay with the Lord ror a hundred autumns.
May we hear or the Lord ror a hundred autumns.
May we praise the Lord ror a hundred autumns
May we be undereated by demoniac elements ror a hundred autumns.
So that we may see the errulgent Lord eternally.

The Lord has risen with errulgent body rrom the midst or the great ocean.
He is the strongest or the strong¬ Lord or all lords¬ errulgent and all-pervading like the sun¬ the
wisest or the wise¬ with beautirul eyes the color or red lotuses.
My that Lord puriry me by his mercirul will.

(recited in evening only)

imam me iti mantranam

devarata rsih
gayatri tristub jagatyah chandamsi
varuno devata
upasthane viniyogah

imam me varuna srudhi havam adya ca mrdaya

tvam avasyur acake

tat tva yami brahmana vandamanah

tad asaste yajamano havirbhih
ahedamano varuneha bodhy
urusamsa ma na ayuh pramosih

yac ciddhi te viso yatha pra deva varuna vratam

minimasi dyavi dyavi

yat kim cedam varuna daivye jane'

bhidroham manusyas caramasi
acitti yat tava dharma yuyopima
ma nas tasmad enaso deva ririsah

kitavaso yad riripur na divi

yad vaghasatyam uta yan na vidma
sarva ta visya sithireva deva
atha te syama varuna priyasah

Hear my prayer varuna (name or sun in evening)¬ and accept this orrering today.
I am desiring your mercy. I seek only you.

Worshipping you by prayers, I approach you ror this mercy.

The person who worships you by orrerings into the rire desires only this.
Oh omniscent Lord¬ undertand my heart¬ though I have been neglectrul or you in this world,
Most praiseworthy Lord, do not let me perish.

Though endowed with intelligence, like low-class people, we have deviated in our duties and service
to you every day.

Oh Lord, whatever orrenses to you and to mankind that we mortals commit in perrormance or rites,
whatever obstacles we make to your will by our thoughtlessness, please rorgive that, do not punish
us ror that sin.

May I not associate with the devious people who cheat

May we never know what is sinrul and untrue.
Having overcome all bondage,
We should aspire only ror your mercy.


Orrer pranamas to gayatri in her dirrerent rorms and to krsna's

asociates by rolding hands while standing and saying:

om sandhyayai namah
savitryai namah (the rorm she takes at noon)
gayatryai namah (the rorm she takes in the morning)
sarasvatyai namah (the rorm she takes in the evening)

sarvebhyah krsna parsadebhyo namo namah

I pay my respects to the associates or Krsna.

kamo'karsin manyur akarsin namo namah

abhivadaye....... (ones name) namaham asmi bhoh

I, named...... salute you.

Turn in the rollowing directions with rolded hands, saying:

pracyai dise namah (east)

daksinayai dise namah (south)
praticyai dise namah (west)
udicyai dise namah (north)

urdhvayai namah (up)

adharayai namah (down)
antariksaya namah (sky)
bhumyai namah (earth)
sri visnave namah (visnu)

Respects to Krsna

namo brahmanya devaya go brahmana nitaya ca

jagad dhitaya krsnaya govindaya namo namah

abhivadaye....... (ones name) namaham asmi bhoh

Acamana: as berore.

Sattvika Tyaga
(rejection or personal interests):

kayena vaca manasendriyair va

buddyatmana va prakrteh svabhavat
karomi yad yat sakalam parasmai
narayanayeti samarpayami

Whatver I have done by body¬ words¬ mind¬ senses¬ intelligence¬ and soul¬ or by rorce or
nature¬ I orrer that unto the supreme Lord, Narayana.

om tat sat
sri krsnarpanam astu
om tat sat

May this be an orrering to Krsna rollowing directions with rolded hands, saying:

pracyai dise namah (east)

daksinayai dise namah (south)
praticyai dise namah (west)
udicyai dise namah (north)

urdhvayai namah (up)

adharayai namah (down)
antariksaya namah (sky)
bhumyai namah (earth)
sri visnave namah (visnu)

Respects to Krsna

namo brahmanya devaya go brahmana nitaya ca

jagad dhitaya krsnaya govindaya namo namah

abhivadaye....... (ones name) namaham asmi bhoh

Acamana: as berore.

Sattvika Tyaga
(rejection or personal interests):

kayena vaca manasendriyair va

buddyatmana va prakrteh svabhavat
karomi yad yat sakalam parasmai
narayanayeti samarpayami

Whatver I have done by body¬ words¬ mind¬ senses¬ intelligence¬ and soul¬ or by rorce or
nature¬ ayanayeti samarpayami

Whatver I have done by body¬ words¬ mind¬ senses¬ intelligence¬ and soul¬ or by rorce or


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