Vicissitude Houserules V5

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Vicissitude Houserules V5

Note that this is a branch of the Protean Discipline

and cannot be used to ease or erase the Bane of Clan
Nosferatu. Each alteration made with these abilities
may be healed with Rouse checks by healing all of the
damage caused by the alteration. Mortals cannot heal
the effects of these powers without supernatural means
or in some lucky cases, very intensive surgery.
• Malleable Visage
Cost: One Rouse Check
Dice Pool: Intelligence + Protean
A vampire with this power may alter their own body’s
height, build, voice, facial features, skin tone, etc.
Such changes are cosmetic and minor in scope, cannot
modify one’s height by more than a foot. She must
physically mold the alteration, literally shaping her
flesh into the desired result. This requires a
Dexterity + Protean roll (2 successes) to achieve.
Failure gives the user the ••Repulsive Flaw as their
shape is noticeably odd and/or unnatural.
Copying the identity of another person may require a
more challenging roll to succeed.
•• Fleshcraft
Cost: One Rouse Check
Dice Pool: Dexterity + Protean
This power is similar to Malleable Visage above, but
allows the Vampire to mold flesh and bone, creating
drastic, grotesque alterations on other creatures. The
user must succeed on a contested Dexterity + Protean
roll (the difficulty is variable and depends on the
nature of the alteration). On a success, the target
receives two points of non-halved Superficial Damage.
In addition, the user can either remove or redistribute
one dot from the targets’ Physical Attributes per
alteration. This change is visibly inhuman, and lasts
until the damage is healed.
Note that in order to be used on an unwilling target,
they must be grappled or otherwise incapacitated.

••• Transfiguration
Cost: One Additional Rouse Check
Dice Pool: Dexterity + Protean
This ability allows the user to apply the effects of
any known Protean powers on other targets, be it Feral
Weapons, Shape Change, etc. As per the Flesh Crafting
power above, this causes two points of non-halved
Superficial damage to the target, and they must be
grappled, restrained or incapacitated in order to be
victim to this ability,
•••• Horrid Form
Cost: One to three Rouse Checks
Dice Pool: No roll is required.
The transformation takes three turns, though it can be
sped up with additional Rouse Checks on a one-for-one
The Cainite becomes a hideous and deadly monster. The
exact nature varies from vampire to vampire, but is
horrifying in every case. When in Horrid Form,
distribute an extra 5 dots into your Physical
Attributes. All social rolls except to intimidate
automatically fail except when dealing with others in
Horrid Form. All brawling damage dealt in Horrid form
is Aggravated to mortals, or non-halved Superficial
damage to Kindred.
••••• Blood Form
Cost: None.
Dice Pool: No roll is required.
A vampire with this ability can physically transform
all or a part of themselves into living vitae. Each
limb, torso and head represent one Hunger’s worth of
blood. This vitae is identical to the user’s normal
blood (can be used for nourishment, blood bonding, etc)
The blood can be reconverted into body parts as long as
it is not consumed. Otherwise, the user can regrow body
parts by increasing their Hunger by one. A vampire in
this form cannot be harmed except by Fire or Sunlight,
and the blood can ooze along any surface or drip down
in the thinnest of cracks. Mental disciplines may be
used as long as they do not require speech or eye
contact, and the vampire has access to their normal
perception, centered on the largest pool of blood.

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