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Mr. Surendran’s Astrological reading.

The Vedas are the foremost among all ancient books. All the classics of the world have been
born out of the Vedas. The root verb of the word ‘Veda' is ‘vid' meaning knowledge. Through
the classics of Indian astrology, one can easily acquire knowledge about God while learning
about living beings. For this reason, astrology is considered to be the eyes of the Vedas.
Thousands of years ago, the Saints who were knowledgeable about the past, the present and
the future, through the power of their meditation and yoga, have described in detail in their
astrological classics the characteristics, features, appearance and nature of the planets and
their auspicious and inauspicious effects on the living and non living world. The depiction of the
position of planets in the zodiac at the time and place of a person's birth is called the Janma
Kundali or the Horoscope. The sign which was rising in the eastern horizon at the time of birth
is called Lagna or the Ascendant. The sign where the Moon is positioned is called the Birth Rashi
and the constellation in which the Moon is situated is called the Birth Nakshatra.

Your birth star is Scorpio. Vimshoththari maha dasa from birth date is Sun 4 year 4 month and
1 day. Your Lagna Lord is Mars and placed in the 12th house. Moon is on seventh house with
Uchcha bhava balas.

At the moment you are experiencing Jupiter Maha dasa and Moon anthar dasa. Jupiter is on
fifth house on savakshethra and Moon is on seventh house on Moola Trikona. Presently you
are concerning about your spouse, children and your dignity.

Nature and temperament:

You will be hardworking and devoted to your work. You will strive to achieve your
mission and not relax before accomplishing it.
You will struggle against difficulties with firmness till the end and leave the final results
to God.
You will have a fertile imagination and sharp intelligence.
You will be very sensitive and emotional. You will have extraordinary and intense
You have the quality of being self-confident, restraint, self-control, boldness, courage,
resolution, freedom and aggressiveness etc.
You will be an extremist if you loves someone, it will be to the height of insanity and if
you hate someone, you will hate to the extreme of madness.
You will be a successful critic i.e. you will be skilled at criticizing others but his criticism
being logical, nobody will counter argue.
You will not accept criticism about yourself and will feel bad if anyone denies you
something. Opposition may make you angry. You will behave anemically towards your
You will be frank and sometimes you will be abusive - you may hurt others by being too
direct and not consider the other person's feelings. He will be interested in using
You will be revengeful and if someone hurts him then he will not forget it easily.
You will appear to be liberal on the outside but may be a suspicious person inside.
You will live a dual life - one for showing the world and another for yourself.
You will be aware about his self-importance and will be an expert at exaggerating his

Planets Transition:

Transit of Mercury in the 7th house from Natal Moon (4 Oct 2014 15:46:50 to 13 Dec
2014 16:44:16)
During this period, Mercury will move through your seventh house from the Moon. This
may bring in some trying time for you both mentally and physically. This period
indicates illness. You may have to experience physical pain and bodily weakness during
this phase. Mentally you might become restless and anguished. A rise in mental
perplexity and misunderstanding with the family is also indicated during this time. You
may have to be extra careful to avoid arguments and communication gaps while
dealing with your spouse and children. Take care to avoid any situation where you may
have to face humiliation. You could feel more hassled as you are likely to face hurdles
in your endeavours. Travel plans, if any, may not yield the expected result and could be

Transit of Sun in the 6th house from Natal Moon (17 Oct 2014 21:38:02 to 16 Nov
2014 21:24:39)
The period brings success in every aspect of life. You will find yourself overcoming
obstacles easily, and it's a great time for successful problem solving. If anyone gets in
your way, you will be able to deal with it easily, with a minimal of aggravation. It is a
good time to complete any unfinished projects, and you are likely to succeed in
whatever you put your efforts in. Financially you will also do well, and will find it easy to
gain in general. Your mental and physical health will be excellent. Your body will stay
healthy and your mind will be free of too much stress and anxiety. It's a time to enjoy
comforts and social relations, especially friendship with people in powerful positions.
There are good chances for promotion and honour, especially from authorities or
government related people

Transit of Mars in the 8th house from Natal Moon (18 Oct 2014 16:30:15 to 27 Nov
2014 12:26:37)
During this period, Mars will move through your eighth house from the Moon. This
mostly denotes physical danger to you. This period demands a strict watchfulness on
any and all the developments related to your life, health and physique. Stay clear from
diseases and all kind of addictions to maintain sound health. Some of you are likely to
develop blood related disorders like, anaemia, haemorrhage, deficiency diseases etc.
This period also needs you to stay away from weapons and disguised foe. Avoid
undertaking any task that might prove to be life risking for you. Finances would require
proper vigilance during this particular period. Most of you are likely to face some steep
decline in your finances if not handled carefully. However, avoid going for any loan and
try and keep yourself debt free. At work, you may have to put in extra effort to see
success in your endeavours. Keep up your hope and work on. Hold on to your position
and honour at work, as this low phase shall also pass. Most of you are also likely to go
on foreign trips and may even have to stay away from your family for a considerable
Transit of Saturn in the 7th house from Natal Moon (2 Nov 2014 18:23:21 to 26 Jan
2017 18:05:05)
Saturn in the seventh house of your Moon sign denotes a low point in your life. Almost
all the aspects of your life will require extra focus. Your income may suffer and you may
even lose some of your money due to treachery or deception. Avoid taking any kind of
loan during this time, as it will take longer to pay off than you expect. Work will be
hard. You will need to go that extra mile to experience success in your endeavours.
Beware of being deceived if you are in any kind of partnership or joint business
enterprise. Those employed should avoid doing anything that might cause them to lose
their jobs. Some of you may go to a foreign land during this time. However, if possible,
avoid going on trips, as they could be troublesome. You might lose your home and be
forced to live elsewhere. All areas of personal and family health need attention. Some
are likely to suffer from diseases related to the kidneys, sex organ and the urinary
tract. Do not neglect any health complaints of your spouse or your children, as they
may become life threatening later on. At home, you need to consciously maintain
peace and harmony. Nurture your friendships, otherwise your closest friends may
abandon you. It could be hard to maintain your mental balance during this time. Most
of you are likely to develop feelings of severe anxiety and restlessness. It would be wise
to avoid any kind of litigation. This may not be a good time to fight a court case or stand
in an election.

Remedies :
The gem for the ninth lord particularly brings fortune. Your ninth lord is the Moon,
therefore wearing the Moon's stone will be beneficial.
The stones for the Moon are : Pearl and Moon Stone.

“The wearing of such pearls leads to longevity and wealth, and purges the wearer of
every sin.” – Mani Mala, Part I, 307.
“The pearl is sweet in taste, very cool, and specific for eye disease, cures poisoning and
eye disease and brings strength and vigor to weak limbs.” – Mani Mala, Part II, 63.
“All the above categories of pearls are extremely valuable, and bestow sons, wealth,
popularity, renown on the wearers; and they are destroyers of disease and grief and
bestowers of desired objects on kings.” – Brihat Samhita.

Wearing instructions: The gem for the Moon is best set in silver. If a ring, it should be
worn on the ring finger. Begin to wear it on a Monday evening.

Siddhi Rasthu !

Astrology Consultant
Deshabandu Vidyajothi
Upul Hettiarachchi
Mobile : +94714011200
Fax : +94718804377

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