Development of Talent Kids: Meidy Adelina 4163312017

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Meidy Adelina



Preface ............................................................................................... i
Contents............................................................................................. ii
1.1 Background ................................................................................. 1
1.2 Formulation of the problem ....................................................... 2
1.3 Writing Purpose .......................................................................... 2
1.4 The benefits of wrting ................................................................. 2
2.1 Talent DevelopmentChildren ...................................................... 3
2.1.1 Understanding Cildren’s Development Talent ........................ 3
2.1.2 Kind of Talent in The Children................................................ 4-7
2.1.3 Characteristics Talent in Children .......................................... 8
2.1.4 Developer’s Talent in Children ............................................... 8-10
2.2 How The Measurement of Talent Development of Children .......
............................................................................................................. 10-12
A) Conclusion ................................................................................... 13
B) Sugesstion .................................................................................... 13

BOOK LIST ...................................................................................... 14

Thank you to the God Almighty for His blessing and help me in
fishing this paper. the paper titled "Development of Talent Kids and
Measurement Method" prepared to finish the tasks subjects Student
Development . Completion of this paper can not be separated from
the support of various parties. Hopefully this paper can be useful for
all of us and always become friends in learning to achieve glorious
achievement. The Criticisms and Suggestions positive, from the
lecturer in Student Development and also friends I would expect for
repairs and improvements in learning in the future.

1.1 Background
Children are a surrogate god that we must guard and our students so that it becomes
a useful human and not trouble anyone. In general, children have the right and
opportunity to develop their potential, especially in the field of education. But often we
see the development of children's achievement that turns classified as having special
talents. According to experts, educational psychology, Prof. Dr. SC Utami Munandar,
gifted children differ with clever boy. "Talent means has potential. While smart can be
obtained from diligently learn something, "Every individual should have the opportunity
and services to develop optimally in accordance with ability, intelligence, aptitude,
interests, backgrounds and physical and social environment of each student, the student's
learning progress at the same level (class) might not be the same. Each child is believed
to have its own flair. But the child's talents can not be directly visible granted.
Therefore, parents should recognize and understand their talents. By understanding the
child's talents, it will be easier and focused in developing it.
In the Act - Act No. 20 of 2003 regarding the Principles, Functions and Objectives of
National Education System, Chapter II, Article 3 says: The national education serves to
develop the ability and character development and civilization of the nation's dignity in
the context of the intellectual life of the nation, is aimed at developing students'
potentials in order to become a man of faith and fear of God Almighty, noble, healthy,
knowledgeable, skilled, creative, independent, and become citizens of a democratic and
accountable. Then in Chapter V of article 12 paragraph 1 point b written every student at
any educational institution has the right to be educated in accordance with their talents,
interests and abilities.
Potential referred to above can be interpreted as a talent, nor the interests of students.
Today many teenagers and adults who do not know the talent, or interest. If they know
their talents and interests early on they were able to make such talent as the power then
they can grow up to be successful. As for the teacher as learning fasiliatator responsible
for the development of students it would be nice to recognize what talent possessed by
students. The teacher tried to develop talent dimliki by children that most dilemmas that
occur in the community does not happen again.
1.2 Formulation of the problem
The issues to be discussed in this paper can be formulated as follows:
1. What’s define "Development of Talent Kids ?
2. What’s kinds of The Talent In Children ?
3. What’s Characteristics of Talent In Children ?
4. How to process of developing the child's talents and measures ?

1.3 Writing Purpose

The purpose of this paper is as follows:
1. Want to know the definition “Development of Talent in Children ?
2. Want to know about kinds of The Talent in Children ?
3. Want to know Characteristics of Talent in Children ?
4. Want to know process of developing the child's talents and measures ?

1.4 The benefits of writing

The benefits to be achieved from this paper are:
1. It is expected to provide benefits in the form of knowledge about the development of
talent in children.
2. Can understand the types and characteristics of gifted children face.

Talent (aptitude) is an innate ability that is a potential that still need to be developed
or trained (Semiawan, et al, 1984: 1),
Wijaya (1988: 66) states that "talent is a condition in which a person is enabled by a
special exercise to achieve a skill, knowledge, and skills, eg in the form of the language
skills, the ability to play music, and so forth". In this case someone who is musically talented,
for example, with the same exercise with other people who are not musical, will more quickly
master the skills of the music. To be realized talent should be supported by an interest,
training, knowledge, experience that these talents can be actualized properly. With respect to
the proper functioning of the way, there are two kinds of talents:
1. The ability of a specialized field (talent) as talent to music, painting, etc.
2. The special talent is needed as an intermediary for the implementation of special abilities
as talent to see the space (dimensions) is required to realize the architect's ability in the field.
Talent is not a single trait or characteristic, but rather a group of terraced properties
that make up the talent. For example in musical talent there is the ability to distinguish the
tone, the sense of harmony of sound, sense of rhythm and tone.
New talent emerging or actualized when there is a chance for developing or
developed, so it may happen a person does not know and does not develop talent so that it
remains a latent abilities. Based on the description above can be concluded that the talent is
the ability of a person to acquire knowledge or skills that are general or special. However,
talent must also be accompanied by specific exercises to achieve a skill, knowledge, and

Each child is believed to have its own flair. But the child's talents can not be directly
visible granted. Therefore, parents should recognize and understand their talents. By
understanding the child's talents, it will be easier and focused in developing it.

Understanding the talents of children is the first step in helping children achieve their
future. Some psychologists provide an understanding of the gifted child:

1. Tannenbaum looked giftedness of four classifications of scarcity, excellence

(referring to the sensibility and sensitivity are higher), quotas (limited number of
individuals who have the skills), and anomalies.
2. Renzulli found talented person could say if he showed the ability is above average,
doing things that are creative and have the determination to carry out their duties.
3. Damon believes that talent is needed for high achievers. However, for high
achievement, talent must be developed with hard work, perseverance and practice.

Basically, the three experts agreed that to develop the talents of someone needed
recognition and attention, giving the opportunity to develop an interest, hard work, tenacity
and constant practice.
However, there are some challenges faced in directing this talent:

1. Difficult to find or determine which ones should be developed talent or talent what is
actually owned by a subsidiary.
2. Every individual is unique because every talent needs special attention.
3. Changes in the education system. Frequent changes can hinder the learning process on
the other change is too slow to be too much delay development of the child's talents.
4. Social interventions (school). Discipline class and egalitarian principle that is
equitable to all students must follow the same activities but does not demand the
5. Imbalance evaluation. The common view that sees giftedness based on IQ scores.
Though IQ does not describe the musical talent or someone sporting talent. Schools
often classify children who excel as a child who scored a good lesson. As a result, the
school failed to give attention to the child that has immeasurable talent by standard

Types of Talent and Skill

There are lots of opinions about all kinds of talent. Based An expert named Donald
Clifton (Lecturer in Psychology at the Univ Nebraska) from the Gallup Organization (2001)
has identified that humans have 34 Scene Talent. All this talent is positive and leads to
superior productivity growth. 34 The gift themes are:
1. Achiever: Having a high stamina and also a hard worker. Have the satisfaction of busyness
and productivity.
2. ACTIVATOR: Being able to realize the idea or ideas menjadu an action. Tend to be
3. ADAPTIBILITY: Tends to go with the flow, to become the present and prepare for the
4. ANALYTICAL: Tends to seek an explanation and cause something to happen. Has the
ability to find out the factors that influence the situation.
5. ARRANGER: Organized, but also flexible. Glad to try to take advantage of existing resources
in order to generate maximum productivity.
6. BELIEF: Have values or principles that tend to persist, in achieving the goal of his life.
7. COMMAND: Being able to control the situation and make a decision.
8. COMMUNICATION: Ability to communicate ideas through easily understandable
sentences, a speaker and a good presenter.
9. COMPETITION: Always measure their progress with the performance of others, trying to be
number one.
10. Connectedness: Have confidence in relation to all things, believes that only a small percentage
chance, every event has a cause.
11. Consistency: Trying to be fair, by making the rules clear.
12. CONTEXT: Glad to understand contemporary events through history.
13. Deliberative: Be very careful in making decisions or choices, anticipate errors.
14. DEVELOPER: Recognizing the potential of others, taking into account developments kesil
though, and derive satisfaction from it.
15. DISCIPLINE: Enjoy working in a structure and routine, working in guidance / rules.
16. Empathy: Being able to feel the feelings of others imagined himself in the position of others.
17. FOCUS: Working with the goal, take action as long as the corridor of interest, make it a
priority and then acting.
18. FUTURISTIC: Inspired by what will happen in the future, and what can be done. Inspiring
others with his vision.
19. HARMONY: Seeking consensus, did not like conflict, find a middle ground.
20. Ideation: Having a lot of ideas, capable of connecting different phenomenon.
21. INCLUDER: Easily accept other people, showing concern for people who feel alienated,
trying mengguyubkan.
22. Individualization: Attracted by the uniqueness of each person, being able to see how different
people can work together productively.
23. INPUT: Glad to collect and search for information
24. INTELLECTION: Has a high intellect, interested in intellectual discussions
25. LEARNER: Have a great desire to learn and continue to make improvements.
26. MAXIMIZER: Tends to focus on the power to push people or groups more leverage, try to
change something strong to be super.
27. Positivity: Enthusiastic, able to get other people interested in what it does.
28. Relator: Enjoy a close relationship with another person, gets deep satisfaction with working
hard with friends to achieve goals.
29. RESPONSIBILITY: Feel what it says is what it will do, commitment to values such as
honesty and loyalty.
30. Restorative: Proficient in finding out the cause of the problem and trying to solve them.
31. SELF-ASSURANCE: Confident in his ability to regulate his own life, convinced that he had
made the right decision.
32. Significance: Want to be an important person in the eyes of others, tend to be independent,
and want to be known.
33. STRATEGIC: Creating an alternative solution or anticipation, can quickly determine the
relationship and the issues relevant.
34. WOO: Nice to dealing with people, and be the center of attention. Obtain satisfaction of
starting a relationship with another person.
It turns out there are a lot of kinds of talent there, but after I researched it turns out the whole
talent when simplified returned nothing to do with intelligence 7.
This was supported by the opinion of Gardner, each of us have a combination of
seven intelligences. Everyone has the relative strengths of each intelligence above such that
the person is likely to determine the choice of any activities that he liked without compulsion.
We call it a talent.
So what is included seven intelligences. In the book Frames of Mind, published in
1983, a psychologist named Howard Gardner summed up the results of his research which
says that there are at least seven types of intelligence:
1. Linguistic, relating to language skills and use. People who are gifted in the art liked to play
with language, like reading and writing, attracted by the sound, meaning and narrative. They
are often a good speller and easy to remember dates, places and names.
2. Musical intelligence, related to music, melody, rhythm and tone. These people are good at
making your own music and is also sensitive to music and melody. Most can concentrate
better if music is played; many of them often singing or humming to himself, or to create
songs and music.
3. Logical-mathematical intelligence, associated with patterns, formulas, numbers and logic.
These people tend to be good at puzzles, drawing, arithmetic, and solve mathematical
problems; they often liked computers and programming.
4. Spatial intelligence, relating to the form, location and mebayangkan relationships. These
people usually like designing and building, as well as good at reading maps, diagrams and
5. Body-kinesthetic intelligence, and skills relating to the movement of body work. These
people are the dancers and actors, artisans and athletes. They have a mechanical aptitude and
smart body mimics the look and hard to sit still.
6. Interpersonal intelligence, with the ability to understand and confront the feelings of others.
These people are often experts communicate and organize clever, and highly social. They
usually do well in understanding the feelings and motives of others.
7. Intrapersonal intelligence, relate to understand themselves. These people are often
independent and happy to pursue solo activities. They tend to be confident and have an
opinion, and choose jobs where they can have control over how they spend their time.

In connection with the above description it can be concluded that this type of talent
can be either general or special talents talent that includes general intellectual ability,
creative-productive thinking skills, abilities in the arts, psychomotor abilities, psychosocial
abilities (talent leadership). Typically, each gifted child will demonstrate its prominent talent.
Many people complain of having difficulty when determining which ones should be
developed talent or talent what is actually owned by a subsidiary. To develop the talents of
someone we should know in advance, traits - traits talents of the child. By knowing the traits
- traits talent in children as a teacher, it is easier to judge the talent which should be
developed by the child. This also serves to avoid to avoid any prejudice to the talent of
children. As for the characteristics - characteristics are as follows:
a. Do not feel compelled to do something even more inclined to love to do and there is a
feeling of happiness that radiates when doing, seeing or even just to hear it
b. Children are able to concentrate on it, and tend to persevere.
c. Have a great curiosity to it.
d. Kids have advanced against it even though he has not received a special lesson from school
or from home
e. After being given a special lesson, the child can easily hang or easy to grasp what she had
been taught about it.
Many people are paying less attention to the talent in him, but the talent is a very
important asset for the children as adults later. The psychologist Abraham Maslow found that
talent is born in a person at a time will arise as a necessity, and need to get serious attention.
Because of that, the talent needs serious attention and should not be underestimated.
When the talent of a child taken seriously, it would be very good for the progress of his
future. Especially if the child is already guided the development of his talent since childhood.
As a teacher who is responsible for the development of the talent of the child. Teachers need
to know what one should pay attention to talent development of children. Here are some
things to consider in the development of the talent of the child:
1 Attention
Every individual is unique because every talent needs special attention. The education system
using the uniform pattern is not good to use. Cernatilah many advantages, skills and abilities
that seemed to stand on a child.
2. Motivation
Help children to believe and focus on the advantages of her child to be more confident. Instill
a sense of optimism and told them that they could achieve
3 Support
Support is very important for children, always give support to them and convince them to
persevering, tenacious and a continuous exercise. Besides support a child to overcome
various difficulties and obstacles in developing talent.
4 Knowledge
Acquaint children with the insights, knowledge, and experience in these fields
5. Exercise
Continuous exercise very good profit development of talent child to talent dipunya by more
mature children. It would be nice if the child is included with extra-curricular or give more
activities for children can continue to practice with this talent.
6. appreciation
Reward and praise for the work done every child.
7. Means
Provide facilities or facilities to support the child's talent.
8. Environment
The environment also affects the development of the child's talents. Therefore, make sure
children are always close to the environment that supports the child's talents
9. Cooperation
Cooperation between parents, teachers and children is necessary given time only a few
children in school and the time children spend at home more
10. A good example
Given the attitude of the child who always imitate, then the good examples is indispensable.
Eg introduce the child to the figure Taufik Hidayat when children talented in the field of
badminton, Justin Bieber when children are talented in singing and sebagaiannya.
Role of Schools and Families

The school is one social institution that is expected to help children achieve good
education. But besides school parents have a very significant role in developing the child's
talents. It is believed that the role of good parenting tend to open up greater opportunities for
children to develop their talents in accordance with the interests of children. The role of
family upbringing that out of compassion, and with stimulation (excitation) adequate and
appropriate believed to give birth to children who are gifted.
Cooperation between schools and parents is needed. Parents of children are high achievers
provide good parenting with warmth, then teachers provide good training.
What parents can do at home:

 academic achievement of the child, which is however realistic for children.

 Instill a sense of optimism to them that they can achieve it.
 Talk and play with children, to improve communication skills.
 Berceritalah about the events going on, what's happening in the environment. When it
comes to your daily routine, explain what you are doing and why. Encourage children
to ask for your answer, or it could also help him to answer it himself.
 Watch what they like to do, like a hobby of drawing, painting, or using figures. Help
them develop a more intense it is, and find out how they can participate in the
competition in the neighborhood or at the city level.
 Take children to places where they can learn new things, such as musical
performances, museum or art gallery.
 Find a family member who can be a mentor to help children develop their talents.



According to some experts the aptitude test can be explained as follows:

1. FS Freeman: Aptitude tests are tests designed to measure the potential ability of a person in
a specific type of activity and within a limited range (1976).
2. RS Chouhan: Aptitude tests can be defined as a test that measures the ability of a person's
potential in an activity of a special kind, and in a limited range (1979).
3. KI Fudyartanta: Talent Test is a standardized test designed to measure the ability of a
special special (stand) on a person (called talents). Aptitude tests have distandar herein can be
used to diagnose someone Traffic in certain fields.

From the opinions of the above, it can be concluded that the aptitude test is a test that
measures achievement or capacity that can be achieved in the future somebody. By knowing
one's faculties, the educational process can be directed to the appropriate fields, so it will be
easier to achieve results. The purpose of the aptitude test are:
1. To measure the talent or ability that may have developed or are still hidden and not used.
2. Can help one to understand something that may or may not be successful doing.
To find out the talent of a child certainly can be done using aptitude tests. Some are
already known, among others:
1. Talent Test DAT (diffrential Aptitude Test)
Differential Aptitude Test (DAT), developed in 1947 by prominent G. Bennett, HG
Seashore, AG Wesman of America with memandukan scientific procedures and the
standardization of procedures to uncover the ability (ability) of men and women in the junior
class IX students up to grade students XII SMA / SMK for the purposes of educational
guidance and career guidance. This test is also used in educational counseling and career
counseling for teens who have graduated from the school and the screening workforce. This
test is also designed to meet the needs of counselors to help provide guidance and counseling
services and for psychologists in helping clients. This test can be measured through various
aspects of one's abilities, namely:
a. Verbal skills (English)
b. Numeracy (Mathematics)
c. abstract thinking
d. relationship space
e. mechanical ability
f. Speed and Accuracy
Once students understand the talents he has based profile measurement results
aptitude tests distinction given to the students, then directly to war as information that is
meaningful and accurate to the students, especially in helping them take the types of
decisions that has to linkage with the election program (majors) in SMA choose further study
after graduation, as well as careers that need to be considered for the future brighter.
For schools, the suspension aptitude tests this distinction would be meaningful,
especially to help students determine which one is suitable to be placed in programs or
certain extracurricular activities.
2. Talent Test GATB (General Apility Test Bateray)
The General Aptitude Test Battery (GATB) was developed in 1940 by the united state
employment service to meet the needs of tests that can be used for many purposes. This test is
the result of research conducted several years of worker characteristics and test development.
This aptitude tests include:
a. verbal ability
b. mastery numbers
c. mastery of space
d. Pegamatan form
e. Handwriting recognition and
f. motor coordination
GATB test results useful in a variety of things to help koselor (tutor) in delivering
assistance to clients, mainly for:
a. Understanding of the client's self deeper in relation to the strengths and weaknesses of his
b. Determine where the client is located, associated with their talents, in dealing with other
people in the workforce.
c. Determining potential clients for the post of special talent.
d. Determining potential client talents to classify positions.
e. Determining the client's potential talent in education and specific training.

3.1 Conclusion
Talent is the ability of a person to acquire knowledge or skills that are general or
special. However, talent must also be accompanied by exercises to achieve a skill,
knowledge, and skills.
The talents of the child include linguistic talent, musical talent, talent logical -
mathematical, spatial aptitude, talent kinesthetic, interpersonal aptitude and talent
intrapersonal. Traits - traits of gifted children in a case are happy to do that, concentrating,
curiosity was great, have a greater ability on the field.
Some things to consider to develop the talent of the children, namely attention,
motivation, support, knowledge, training, awards, facilities, environmental, cooperation, a
good example

3.2 Sugesstion
Here are some suggestions to authors convey to the readers in general, especially to
prospective teachers include:
1. Teachers are not doing system pendididikan pattern uniformity because it is less effective in
developing the child's talents given talents of each child is different.
2. Always build relationships between teachers and parents to monitor the development of the

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