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▪Liliw Cluster 3,

holds District ▪ Cluster 3 School

Learning Action Cell Heads converged
on the conduct and to bring light on
implementation of the current isuues
the new Results about the DepED
Based Performance RPMS – PPST
Management program.
System (RPMS) on
August 30, 2018.


▪ Documentation Paper of Cluster 3 on the the counduct of RPMS-PPST Roll-out.

▪ Felicidad V. Joya

Cluster 3 teachers, run across on the many what abouts of the implementation of DepED’s RPMS-PPST, Aug. 30 at Mojon ES.

Liliw Cluster 3, sets foot on

rpms-ppst district roll out
Laarni C. Historillo

R elative to the
Memorandum, on the conduct of
Division Hence enhancing teacher quality
rank foremost in the many

Roll-Out of RPMS-PPST in the cluster
level, the holding of Cluster Roll-out
educational reform efforts toward
quality education.
RPMS was developed
through the Philippine National
Standards for Teachers (RPMS-PPST) Research Center for Teacher Quality
convene is on August 30, 2018 at Mojon (RCTQ) with support from Australian
for the Elementary School. Government through the Basic
Teachers play a crucial role in Education Sector Transformation
success of in improving the quality of the (BEST) Program.
RPMS-PPST teaching and learning process. “Let us be the best teacher
Good teachers are vital to raising we can be for our pupils.” said Mrs.
Roll-out student achievement. Theodora C. Salamat, MES Principal.
2 Why??, PPST OBjectives
Cleared and defined
Josefina V. Cagayat

T he Conduct of the RPMS-PPST Roll-out was

duly guided of the following Objectives as laid
on the DepED rationale.
▪ Enable the participants to demonstrate
understanding of the RPMS Manual for
▪ Solaica Lourdes V. Cometa
Teachers and School Head.
▪ Identify the key concepts of the manual
▪ Set out clear expectations of teachers
along well defined career stages of Mojon SH, Mrs.
professional development from beginning to Theodora C.
distinguished practice. Salamat explains
▪ Apply a uniform measure to assess teacher the rataionale of
performance, identify needs, and provide support for cunducting the
DisLAC for PPST.
professional development.

The CDM in ACTION! Laarni C. Historillo

Mojon Elementary School was assigned in the registration and opening program. Its started with
a Prayer, National Anthem, Roll Call, Energizer and Opening Remarks.
The first speaker was Mrs. Cherry C. Placente, Master Teacher I of Mojon ES discussed about the
Orientation and Setting of Expectation, followed by Mrs. Josefina V. Cagayat , Master Teacher I of Daniw ES
talked about the DepEd Vision, Misson, and Core Values she emphasized the importance of this vision,
mission and core values not only for the teachers but for also to our learners. Ma’am Remedios V. Articona,
Master Teacher II of Calumpang ES was assigned to discussed the Leveling Up the Bar of Teachers
Competence, PPST, she gave activity to the participants. The next speaker was the Principal I of Mojon ES
Ma’am Theodora C. Salamat she discussed about the Overview of the PPST Resource Package Parts of PPST
Module, she discussed and explained the topic very well for us to get easily understand the RPMS-PPST.
In the afternoon, the Roll-Out started with an energizer to arouse the interest of the participants. The first
topic to be discussed in the afternoon was the Annotations by Ma’am Frene W. Monsalud, OIC of Daniw ES
according to her discussion when we say Annotations it is a self-reflections, explanations or presentational
mark-ups attached to documents, artifacts or Means of Verification (MOV), she also discussed the Self-
Assessment Tools ( SAT) . Ma’am Laaarni C. Historillo, Teacher III of Daniw ES talked about Walkthrough of E-
SAT( Electronic- Self Assessment Tools), this E-SAT consist of three parts (1) Demographic Profile, (2)
Objectives and (3) Core Behavioral Competencies. Module 3 was discussed by Ma’am Mayrasol O.
Honrade its about Classroom Observation Tool. Classroom Observation aims to visualize classroom
practices. It must be based on a set of standards, which can assess teaching quality across a continuum
development. The last speaker was Ma’am Theodora C. Salamat she discussed Module 4 its about Portfolio
Preparation and Organization. She explained to us the necessary requirements for each objective
and KRA.

Speakers share their knowledge and expertise during the District

Roll Out of RPMS-PPST on August 30, 2018 at Mojon Elementary
School. ▪ Solaica Lourdes V. Cometa

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