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They say it's from “B to D” it's
From Birth to death BUT what's between “B” and “D” ? it is a “C
So what is C? it is a choice.
Our life is metter of choices, life well and it will never go wrong.

Life is Gift, I treasure it
The word of god said; In the scripture Genesis 2:7 said; Then the Lord God formed man from
the dust of the ground and breath into his nose. Thus man becomes a living being.
You were made by God and for God and until you understand that, life will never make
It is only in God that we descover our origin, our identity, our meaning, our purpose our
significate and our destiny.

One of the goals of our lives is to fear God and Obey him. Keeping our eyes on our future
home in heaven and knowing him intimately. We enjoy God by following his purpose for our
The BIBLE said In philippians 3:9-10 Paul says that he wants nothing more than to know
Christ and be found in him” to have his righteousness and to live by faith him

“LIFE” Is meant to live happily. My purpose of life may different from yours, and your
purpose will be different from others. There have been a large number of answer to this
questions about life from different cultural and ideological backgrounds.
LIFE” Is not for a purpose, but there are purpose for “LIFE
I Believe that I'm here for a reason
And my purpose is Greater than my challenge!
We are not given a Good life or a bad life.
We are given a life, it's up to us to make it good or bad.
So this is choice that we must choose
Choose the Lord Jesus Christ so that we can live the real Life, and understand life itself.
The BIBLE says that JESUS is the way the truth and the life.
Without JESUS in our life,
Life is nothing.

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