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Th« Late Kmbcialement In the Paelflc Bank* All DtaraaM of tlM Kjr« ut i«ii>nrf»ll|r TIIR4TKK4U R.U.E8 AT AVCTIOM.

All DtaraaM of tlM Kjr« ut i«ii>nrf»ll|r TIIR4TKK4U R.U.E8 AT AVCTIOM. 0AKK9 \ r M i riUN. WANT*.
Pa( IKic Bank, New York, March 12, 1845. treated ly l>r H t.r aad ,¦!,»¦.. No Ut I .0
lai>. Afloi f is, wmim a unburn
- « .

i luiii or araic -it alum uriii. /tOCNTKY SKAT-IN RYE. WEsmiB-UKK OOl'NTY, / 1 EoKGE COOK, AUCTIONEER -I.ARUE *ALE Of
Id jour article rrltU\o to the defalcations of our for-
mm b*«kke> per^ Jno. 13. I'rmy, you >ttt« among other
¦Ml Ilreadway. n«MNMI)HMM MM t<.i~ \
amaurosis, hltloit*! e»a»i4er»4 Ui arable. m .»»»¦.»' e-t,
UrtMctl Hi MintJ Without M Operative. <M «
lrum 10 A. V. 3V U
A Till*
.a. .»j aaa.»'»'¦. *
march h,
of it. ..Ivtrai-J T.aur,
Kj for *a!e at auction, bj ASTLION*
fba Merchant*' !¦ *o.h ¦\U|(e , uo
tb« ISth i'ay of Ma -a,
VX olllc#, rablnat and Mnr^
street. «o Hedtetdny,
household forn<iur%. m .ft, |ir. *4
if, nt !.»', « el«ok -Mo*or 4
CVok will Mil, at above, a largo end will | .»f a
Ayocnuin a r«.p*ctable wLalaaal®, wUara ha
»u laara tha buiuru, writ** » g cod aad r»aM»a
iu hi* yacht excursions ' he wa* often locnm-
facta, that tk«
. lev UK r BIIUMul.l. lWii, at 12 o'clock, biil ! oi l articular*, at the auctioawr*.
| manufa* ttirtr, cousiettug in pari of parlor uit*», In broce wttli Ma rnotbtr. 1'toa.a *<Mr«a« G. H. T., 1B1 Couit
rmttww 1* <la i f tu I'aria. >%.>. Ko. 7 Broad «treet. telle au«f hair alvth; Mi» blaek walnu* anl ensm 1W.| atrrvt. Houth Brtokl;i
(tuned by caiuer." You will permit ma to «tata
tiikt I bia company, nor on board hU
cerer wn in Iljalt'l Life (Ulwui.-IlhruiattUm In Hi »IC*"« . L-AKK A* Mil I j chamber suite*; u*ten~ioo dining tatl-»e, dinin room elm *

yarht, but upon one occasion, unit then by request of

our board uf 1'irectf r» to aiccrtain the probable coat of
the sa*ip, and for purpose* ol investigation. f
moil paiuful form*, alto scrufela. oil el»er» at».l <"..«« .»
tifi of Uiii a«ct of lk« bleed. greet 4et<ility UeatflME
taints, ki'lncys, incipient com lUipUea, Ar af« >» an- tii
RAUAMk. molKit MIRKT/.EIt. lad

«4X MIRirZEti.
i«rii>r»i»«t la ». r»- mi*, ut
bold lurniture xlu VO-, Honry
. |Co., will
l( f.owla 4it
give tlifir (leiwioal attention (.« t'i#y Ua»*doi»« for many
. sidi boards, bureau», be steads, wsahstands; e litre.
tido fetid pier l&bles, tofa", rouktrs, ©hairs, lounges, lull
an (Ik, library bookcases, swert taries, chairs atl tab]** of
lie*) chain, tibiea, book*, Ac AU», a splendid »«» rtiiu u'
n.>uk> r«, w labaa to
inilunary ..1*1.1 h'1. l.oiaat,««/«*.
at aala.w.iaaa ta a raaay or
»lt!mr aaolh or wmI: la fWljf ma
aluly cured
Ormd ftrcct. by
this grcab piiritter nrtaeipal J.-fe'- -*«.
.Ml V* « | year* p»»t) to tin- **!<.« of houMbutil furniture, at tti*

of *ilv*r and plated w are, forks, sp o»® Ac Sale | retup L VltV k'i»tao.< far haraalf. A44rwa
J. CAMPBILL, Jb., Caabier. Seventy T«e cent*
ft buttl* 'lb ¦ U mudcBc** of familie* breaking up bouaekeeptnK or re¬ tory, for cash Catalogncs un morning of tale. 7.r»"
can i« had
llud*"u itiHt. 'taiiBK what* an laHrvlaw
Ktlaraavaa aiabanyad.
M » . i 4 a «>ii I moving. The; will alao ha*« regular »nl«-n at thmr sun
Court Caltiular»ThU Day,
INimi Statu* District Couut. Noa. 60, 80, 81, 82, 10,
11. 64 12, h6, 13.
Hollowiy'a even of
wostid. or
Ointment and PHU.. \i»jr Vlre-r,
«t»'i. ta/. *11 b»
cured liy these celebrated twenty
Cee them end wliII afa
A.M .»
is I ¦».«#.

Ii4 anttMt NiMtitk
Il| . .r. Bm IjaH
...¦«. Count
tion room*. I'.i N'muu at riot, tx-lw< eu I'ine ami Cedar,
for tba convenience of Uiom who may daclre tbU medium
of tala. |
nINHY ofIf.manufacturer's
will (tall by auction,
»tnck. -Ilcnry H Leeds A Co.
Thuradiy, 1.1th, Friday, ltith
on an
" 76
"rM,; lM *.' "
I'Ki.MK Cot'RT. Oenora' Teim. Adjourned to 19th. neidhu :iin|,utnted unless the bono be .Iceteoyed Ar'M ^lik >| Q'liitu Saturday, 17tb M Mar-f<. at |UM o'oloofc each day m

MRR... salesroom*. 19 Nassau *treef, to which place the g »ods will

A rK."1IJ,.ri".N FAllir.T.
thenisaciiro tor all. Sold ablhc nianuiai I n-e. « WANT*n
Sci'KKiu: Cockt Crcuit. No*. 3107, 3631 , 3498, 3496,

li'iO. 1727.

34#:. 3490, 36:tt, '2061, 8521, 8486, 1742, 1743, 1744, 1710, lane, Now York, and 244 Straad,
gists, at 'J5 cent #, ta>, cents, ana (1 p«r put at bet.
4 a
I.ouJ.'a, and hy all 4m,
I iMHv
T)m W i .lA-a.
... N>< M*r«li*W
%r .. tnv .»»!. « ill Ik op*o»4 oaSal'ir*
. 'I >1 II Dm Arilni/ ut M iMr; Hall X
AUCTIONeaat dianinnd J.-wi-lry -KBWARU 3*
..II at auction. on Tnr-day, March 1.1. at li'ij UENCK,j
at his
be removed for conveui-uee of sale b«tnr a manufacturer *
stock of tf no ico|«t Jewelry to be all without any re*erv
The said stock consists of * groat varbty of all kind . of
J.i l* -L AiI i?*
J iV "
" rr'1 r»1'
«""*. h*« »« o»'J»»t«a
*''. r«rt.uiljr nn.laratanda
ltWi, 1762, 17i4 to 1757, 1759, k»i«iM *1
salesroom, 10 Wall >ire«t, superb diamond jewelry, consist- htfbaaluc. ha. »u" , fMlt|laa aail nan y|>« tha
SOfERiuH Cocht. N»*. 82 it»4fl, 10G6, 53, 10-59, 1073,

MM, 1082. 10*N, 424. 9'.<4. «7»1 592,IK'8,

1102, 1108,1104, 1105, 1108,1107,
974, 977, 10 »7, 1008,
1110, 1111, 1112,
« Pnlmtt'i V<i;rtiilUe Coamrtlr
conferred upmi me a iiroat Messing, It haver fired my f»oe
Letliui hn
S- a., % .«.
. mi < iioa a
V . nnl
l*r*M < irate, I >1.1 Tm*
Aaaia. «a| k« tm «r*4 illy
k li'.
it .«., i > 1 in* or

rum or arhiMiiim

ti K of n't" of bracelet, pin and earrings; crosses, cluster
staple stone rin»r* and pins, also, an e|e ant assortment
ladies' watchaii, p*-t on both sides with diamonds; alj o, other*
Jewelry, and of the latent styles, anion.; which will t»o I »un 1
the following article* A complete a*M>rtm >ut of tine "I I
single niiil double cased w ate? e«, of b
fire *old lob, puard ami ve*t clikiiu;
mak*r*. <»l%vr I*
k»*t«, i «a« II
m,it i",j <«»*..»**.¦ »
111K, 1119,1120 1122,1123, and bardii -T an eruption which had toon pr»» tauoed mee To Mac, Couper,
l.y time keeper*, independent nccouda, Ac Ac.; also. a lar«e
Itoskelli From, m, -

111&, 1114,1115,1116,1117, rable by all my phyiieiana.". Uaunah U I'olten, Cuuiaaa lai.ilt mil ...VI <¦»».« hit*
Breting and other*; dou cam*, fob, suard and v< »t watch ke \ »« nil ><u'» Kiiil or mniirc«i, or i-Mrn, la »P^bu of tok. nr
1126, 1120, 1129, 1130, 1131, 462, 306. 681. 75, 634. ti, Ohio. for miIi at CIH I. SON'S, 'Ml> Ilr.uUw iy, aud y An^ulKiln
rn»»t» ttaa
fOtofJO invoice of superb jewelry, consisting in j>%r t of gold sets, signet and finder lit v§ of sreat variet y l<*i.t n f. 'merit'
sfoue and seal Anger tins* ot every stvle, Mu !. *i< i, it
caro f ft Lf > fr«Oi il« birth. h«« u <»)»Jo« tim to ,/» * ,1,0,4
4>iUn<« m 'II «' lum.trj Iftu t o »can lor two dftya »t 22rt
druggists everywhere. stud*, slewv,- button*, bracelets, ..

Ac., being one o! the largeat aud pin*

At 7 D|lll » uMHMM ll I . llwl and earrings, *eal rinsr*, tons, scarf pias tail do.; ladiee brooches, arc age and btaee
¦Capenaeheld solicits thi Attention of hli most valuable tales of trio !. j i, of I ne late t ft vmm alt kii I nu *
.nstoroers, and th«» puUic, to a *r«at improvement just per- Rots Don't 1*1 e In thrlr Holes, Out Com* .MM. diamond, euieraM, t.» .pal, coral and plain 'rv-l.ts,
brooches and enrrmrsruby,
fec*ed in bats manufactured uj<ou an entirely new invention,
own ou the waterproof stiff, hv which
out And die by nfinn COSTA K'S eflVctnal rat, roa.-h, Ac, e 1
ri"s s match. This a »i k w*ll wor «/\ 1. nfif tn ft i>»| «cfft> 1** fnnniiv; luftl brr 0 wu AH WET
oMfc. ono
ai. improve me nt of hi*
retain* it e i-tapo much longer, an dint part.-) t(vit a perpetual
Thin invention, orntinati'nr with hiin, win be used ex-< r. V'bolesale aud retail d*j»t, Jhx |lr<ial*ay,
N. Y. None Reinine unlets signed by llEN'RV R. COSTAR.
«*)£» SVKKWARO- TIM* I iMArii'.S. MAV 'K'HOr-
hc», k*« York, Hiiclii, IU>4 <VbM«M,
A brandies, peuuinc imported
KUWAIil) 8CI1ENCK. will
Uavana i, Ac., se^ar io
by ot manufacturers, j i- wr** an icr *?t Hiif at
p« rtanity to Individual" and others to *» 4,fy ¦'» w * »"*
wt»k old AdUr-aa A li Union Pool omc«.
S'ot s *e yfcn tbefiiianulscturc ot hi- hats,snd will dve them a
f>rt i»r»'iN«o ov< r all ot.h« rn in this city. ('**11 and jud^o for Nut U t- ..My On^nent Fore* til the Whiakrra, Johu i I aaa run bf A bui iw'ltiiL Mil
tin f'lmrr »i hprioy u4 UikImiu MimIii, .. Um Z-.l ol

:< r
*»dl auction, Wednesday,
llth Inst., ut his t-ales rooms, Iti Wall street, at
li< ««< lino witf *, br.uiduM, imj rt
11 i v w
with Jcw«-Ir>jfat Ice than eo-t i tnaniifact or** \\
ourHilvea that ever> ur Licit shall tv « id pitiiout my r r »e
to the highest Udder

\HI I El I A 1.1 K t ol Mi IV. >11 \N IV IS If ft \ situ


ftti b ft* Umi. ! r-i, .» 1 ft n I muifttrofto, or nuroo on I

irotir- elven of the advantages offered by this ..-tablidiun -nt. moustaches or hair to grow in tlx week*, and will not at mi na soger*. Ac which hate given such gen< ral satisfaction b»t»t rrn»fts4 cftn«iv< ih.t y r«f«r«nN. Ploooo call
V. ESPENSCI1EID, bat manufacturer, 118 Nassau street, or iiijurc ti e skin. $1 u bottle; sent to any part nf the (".mi Jaaunry lial, it o'atera >a thw

»M.rn.n< of in
that lay, our l«>-t ?.ale--. consisting of London Dock brandies, South ftt So. II I tiirili t li » . r-'f l, n- r'i ih ftV' f»u«, fur two
dftjr *.
ht« .eu lieekman ana Ann strectn. try. K. 0. tilt All AM, .'1*6 !< read way, baaeiasnl; iiicber, II
South Third street, rhiladclphia.
in-i ar».fm«, tLn mil Uhu CamplnM IllmMdMIl
ruswqme' "I tl.i iijurwt thru r» -«l»a«l, Mil a 'llrtw,
Side Madeira, ."-talker's Victoria nud Dull (iordou
llnnt A Co * ports, Hungarian i kuy, Muscat wines, 0
Tuesday, Mni< 1.1,
t o. H II.
day. at salesroom 19 Na««aan strati
curb tbo AVdl n and
N(. I.AI»V A<<l"T-»HED
lira 1*1),
-tn- ti\ at ! $ TO ATTENDING
A Boil Hnt la the Sign of Poverty, and If any th* p. rnoa wbo lrava .aid cart la uakaoan to tba *u- key, Ac
rom, and a latve assort tncut ol imported llavaua -e (.1 It l'» utiohun lar»«' !'.?'¦«
a al «.< v «» it r"
. ft »t r* »n mi u I' .AMU,? ?r ftituft
.ne would K«t ri"b he must never appear poor. With one ot IbmiliH, I ¦'«>, by ilrtm of authority f«ai»l la mi, o(T«r gars, No other liquors admitted* bit Koodf, jutt rcc< iv« d r* in t'lly.r'-o ftmn of lar*- andaad will |.i »
i%r (.». « ft» "if-r m ftn 1 »t r« (ijod rvl«r
SNOX'S xnajeniti ent spria? style of hatu on hi* head, nny- DUrrlea, rtwuil .( t«<> bini 'iwl u<l 1(1; 4ulUr» for Atin- ip|in ut itui it istau, lleba, htn
m(« «iMn. A4«ir*»» II 11 , II- raid olAoft.
a I
ledy wouldand. look like a gentleman, for they improve the ap- On Monday, Mirch 12, by tbu R< v Hamnel Cooke, lirutiii An 'I rf u«irii»u of tba piricn aba c>iinnuUi«l | UCTION NOTICE I) S. IIOUGII, AUCTION EBK- .
vases Id batto rtHti alt<
dtf cripti«»u. and a large assort lsri<
m a
ri asl f naa i
yw. mine, lik. charity, cover many other do foots. Call
**4 takt a ie<>k at those masterpieces of gonius in either of
I'minil Wommoi hk, of this city, to Mmutta H , ooly
duuglntrol 'lheophilua E. l;e«'«nnn, Esq of Hudson. »ai<I »Kil»n tu t»' pawl en <,«>a».rt"'a of th« 'iff.ij'ler, on
tbi < frtHriti of tin Rm-onter or INntrirt At lorn**, that
«»V Ihrtularu" uoreNerv<*d sal*is of most
r^MWood furniture aud durable and genteel (.le<aut
t"geth« r with tbre« pianos, a eoll«ctlon of oil inahoaany
c »t« tl y
do., incntH Alio, an invoice *>t
mvut «>t i»n w
an a .»'
-r \VUI .NUI \ l V WA N 'lEh AS COM I' A V ION TO A
»<;, t«.tiftiiiK »p|Xftr»n«fl Mii mftniMr*,
KM)X S dep. tf, Nos. JSd Uroadway or 128 Fulton street.
In Monday, March 12, by the R»-v. Mr.
ou luch roavirttoA li< hail apod Ihi loatiiconr of tun |*t rich and * remove dcuoratious.. To morrow (Wednesday)|iaintlius, and Venus of Canova, l)an«'imr (lirls 4 j-is r
-inni' It
r-» .| « tn
of ti. Iiiu. if ffttr A Mi
1 ft. in <r I *t 1i ft«t p*rb
Mr# Kmurjr, II ral<l uA<«.
- ..

Series, Mr. Ciiarlkh Dowmno to Mile IliRnitr K. Oakuct, luorni. y, at PM* o'clock, at house 71' Warren »lr«.«t, partly of I ¦ aova. Hereul Veaui \ i a
WMIt'i Spring Style of lata ore the Hot* win or tytrnon* tla uiiiig Uid rcaar l, but all >-Uim< not larga lot or frttb *oods Jnst n l*a
daughter aud
of Juo. W. Oakley. consi»tin< of royal Kmrliih velvet carpet, for lloor and
that take tbe lead thi« snrinir. Geut's In want of a splendid
md Uchiim I'jt will Jo themselves juatieo by calling on }>euburg Bridgeport, Ct., paper* pleae« copy.
On Sunday, March 4, at Kairmount, Westchester coun¬
prfmnLil to tin Mayor with a t'wauty day* itur luch
couiictioa, will b» il >r»nr .»¦!
»tairs. Ingrain Jo., Knglish oilcloths, silver plated *tair
rods, fOMWood parl"r mits, ehyantly npholnterod and
of rococcft tal'incts, hoxtf,
Bated night cloeka, ftrount,b'okina
v a<- « l«'
ortttoln elotkt »t
plated ware, china, uud other dcairuble go "it, ^ale with
i» u» <
. \YulNQ
h»n orworli M»«i Mivluf
ftll hh <r»i»
I'M .tftu lflt for lft4i«o
y tftwinn, <ftn m*Ko ^oolle lt f

kta at his emporium. PKRN ANOO WOOD,I Mayor. covered in ii kroou, crimson ami green aud French natiu fttiiru U i.iivl if roqtalrodT Coll
.! ii
WHITE, 212 Broadway, oorncr of Fulton. ty, by Rev. Mr. Burgbardt, Auuinn stbwart, Eiu., damask Al'», one antiouo medallion suit, heavily ca t\ d,
reserve. i>.m *
?« r i« 4»j«. oi 14A «IH
r»f»r«nn *-
Trolli la<l
>i »«*!».
of Chicago, to Miss Sarau Anna Clark, daughter of Mr. Sr,/U\ KKW AHI. I'Rut l. IV \ t ins VWM (
in gold and crinuon; Italian and statuary marble
ol all ti e nanal Jeseriptions found in w .. 1 tarnished tables,
ton TTHNKY U. LEEDS, AI7CTIONKER-M. II. l.EKOs A l.l« v*mh lit**!, in th« fftot y il«r«.
IpiInK fit) lc orHattf Juat Introduced..'Theme J. Claik, of Fairmount, Uvv W llllam I'|. li ha« dt" I frmn Ibc .Ifiv t« ..fimtol
| XI Co.. On Wedneaday,
.f "or readen iu rial of a fa?Monable hat can obtain 0110 at On Monday, February 22, at the residence of the brido'i ot, triMii.*ti«l, ai I. txl. irrd. Wr oaa I wi« lltker, htavily arved f«il 7 t>- tavc double action piai oforte,rooms;
ma io
Maroh II. at I c k % t t'»e s*l .. .#

HAI I. 'S, Mt Broadway, »1 o is tbe acknowledged leader of

taehioa in N>w Y<irk by public approbation. Corner of Lis-
father, by the Rev. A. Messier, I>. O., the
Vrall, ol Syracuse, Grand Secretary of
William H. H.
Grauil I/Oilga
ob or about 12 o'iIk k of tin aiflit of tliu itlh ol fibf ary
lad, at a |>nblle houro known Manwli Mall. «t >7<J liruail
l»y Harmon of this city, and warranted; this instrum-nt.
for leanty of en- rior and «inallty of tone, is unoouailtid
room, 19 Nas
e\ i
au *tre«-t b«> tutilu| «at- «»f Rtufl« i
pare by the celchraUd (ialbraltb, bi ing the nue.t "II*
r brouaht forward by him, c 'ii»t«tjn« of lar/»* «.»#¦
ir-ls fre
«*t t
\l«l ll.>T»i'il loi.-sa fHOTKATANT UIHI.
«Mia a »H"ai 11 .. *1 a, waafe* r >a4 Itoaar: l| a
Ifeah' t. (. ». aa «< Ja»«i a l» I « haui^.«rw'>rh aoa valt
I. U. ol 0. f ef Northern New York, to Mien *«j, and whcr.aa tl« ianl Lawla Hak. r la till at largo in ibis city Also, a very tine rosewood tagere, fini-he I
penard and Br. adway.
Vooiuks. daughter of N. Voorbees, Esq., of Somer- JHaRrikT Now. thefafora, I, t'lraaado Woil, May..r of lb« elty of
Now York, do, by virtu* of authority in nn\ IT- rar*
throusi.out >% ith plate ^lacs and marblt: French work ta
fancy reception ri.nirs, ascrutoiren. lar/e and splendid
Idee, clause
birds, do. in ^laHN shades, bird" in » roup« and sIimI- m it
ed on sprig*. fr«ni II parts «>f tt^o w rid. T# »... s i I w.t ».
'* * ' «a l.« l-.^liiy ittmmui I'd
ilrtil, kviafiiattnui
tan t.a mu at 164
A an I H
(ithln'a Spring Styles of Gentlemen's Hat* ville, N. J. ward of two hutidr«<! and fifty dullart for th« tD|»r« b< n<«iun pier in co»t|y frames; rich .tiid lace and ro reserve immediately nfter th<. sale of mar le and plat d
tad cap» ar« new ready at 214 Uroadway, opposite St. and dalivery to th« aiithnriti« aof **t I li»krr, aa a furttior catelle curtains, original oil j aintings, heavyby eminent modern |w are.
ilil.ttlaaaa mim or ahaaii.'
Paal'i Church. .um of twohundrv l and ftfty dollar*, lo b« pai in a»n of artist*; p- thic inlaid and statuary marble h> «»«». fli. in a troall (l .i. family, rmaM;
no '>>.jaatl'i ia t<>
Died, convution, on Ihu cortificato of th« RMoN<*r or IM*trt«t AI Dresden china *are. Movres prcelaln vanes, ofclocks; eo»tly
the most ct JOHN W. SOIfRRINDYKE, AUCTION EE It.. UN ITEP >ba U xll ruujl.l »b,
Cheap Rent, Important Improvements, and On Sunday ng, March 11, at eight o'clock, after
evt n torucy that auch conviction wan had upon thu Uttinoiy ol
E naive k nidi* I'arian marblu statueaand classic representa Htati't fale of marine clothintf Thi* lay, Pu«
13, at the au< tion room UOCttitro ttreet, fit 1»M4--iaf
Mai>-h al i i«aim« maaxtra, »n4 »..»M do all >ha an Id to alva aat
lafaaUoa *rrly lor t»o daya al |h« atora, 3T« Kl«ktli
rapidly at< U'lins trade enables I! AN TA to offer a to hit
.I* aatr< i s Ms snrlsg stylo of f.'iitleindn'a bats, in taste,
long and severe Ulneai, which the bore .ritU Christian tho pcrion or prr.'^n claiming -aid reward, hut all elauni
not cnientcd to the Vfxyor within twnty days alter tucb
ins, oak extenaion table, with antique oarviu/, taido
lutru, Kreneh. china and >i!vcr t- a <crvi. cs, cake baskets, quantity
«'el<»vk. a
ot Cnitcd States marine clot fiinjr, In 4' e l condi
fortitude, Mra. Makoaiot Ujlnnkit, wife of William Ben¬ tion, on account of chance of
brilliancy .feelerand dnrabillty lavorably comparing with nett, printer, ageil 36 yearn, 1 month And 'J dayg. appt«jbcii»iou oi conviction will b« di»ra«ard'Hl lorks, spoons, ivory utlery, heavy cut glassware, wines, shirts, fatigue linen Jackets. pattern*, con*i*tin£ of blankvt*.
aay 14 bat, ai 13. An eaaiLiuatlun, at 1% Canal street,
respectfully solicited. 1 ia be friends and acquaintances of the family are re-
apectfully inviteil to attend the luneral, thin afternoon,
Mayor'g Office, Kow Y^rk, March'.*, lNifl
champacuf*, Uigtleira, liquor cases, doe inter*, rosewood
and in a no Any besteads, of antique and modern styles;
Tbo attcnti««n of captain* of
volunte* r uniform companies is oalled to tho litter artirle,
as suitable for summer dr«ns and camp duty. AI«o, l.'si p«irs
\H0riJt4rti #.<¦!« yrara
mlMWWl. l.o»li«li SITUATION |Ti»at«A NTK t>. tf A
family haa
<ip>rlaar{ la that capacity. <'an ha nailj
a.imin, m a

at one o'clock, from her late residence, No. 30 W«*t

rosewood marble t'.jt dreasing bureaus and washatands, of blankets, ft.UUU Imeu Jacaers, huvu pants, sbttts, \c tit niRtrndad Would tak-i rhar^e of nhlldran. Can ta
Pianos..-T. Gllbrrt Hi Co. a Celebrated JEa- corner and towel stands, p.'Jl'ases, fine curledchina
hair mat atari
Haa piaaee, lloraee aters' modern improved pianos, and
tb**« ef a l»r/e aamber of other makes, jomprisin/ the
Broadway. Her remaina irill be ttken to Calvary Ceuie
tery for interment.
)\J Rtrcet, between
the 27th Fc» ra »ry *n I 4th .MucUj
one clu»ter diamond ring, one mn/ln do. Mt .liainoad
tr«t»ts, CGuntcrpfunce, »nl?t^r/l
arte, oval and ^^uaru «llt frame mirrors, Ac., A<5.
at J1 |)«(ra» Ureal, kataeaa Mmlh aad Ourt, UraoklJW
ln.|uirr >11 tha al«M, fur Mra Taylor
Uii"i aad must desira' le aaKortment in the I'nitcd states, Cloyne, county Cork, Ireland, papers please copy.
On Sunday, March U, Jamih Ma«kky, aged uU years,
.»ll t» »«. 1<J at prices wbit h d> fy competition, for <iah or sa
>hap«; one ruhy and diamond nnr aet oval »L.ipe.
one t'old pencil ea bp, with coruthaii tvt>, ihtttun/ ami No. M Warren gUect, the rcsidcucelu^
Also, ou Thursday morniug, at AM, the Contents oi
ol J. S. Uitohoock, Esq.,
»i..» oey, at tee iUflfKB t A .Mil, No
corner of
1 10 C ntre «trevtj
Franklin, at 1U)» o'clock. United StaU't salg a aynpyfT «
Uafart«*ry paper !'. reene m the city raeeiviiw ordurf fyr
aMUM er uusical mitruments of any kind, will find It to
formerly of Armagh, Ireland. opening with sprinx U'hAever will give #u h iof..rm-» *. ki
may lead to the rvevery of tho ahovc artlclot to ilr « lloyt
tCirwlr.g r.i?ue, oontaining, in parlors,
rich aud elegant rosewood suits, ro'*wuo4 and mahogany
woollen l lnuketn, liuen Jaca»ts, pantaloons, sh e^, .to.;
cusea blank« .* and 14 <!a-« * JacVet *, pants, A
n« iV IraVhTr.1*1a'al ..1I «.>'
w>rkaoM >HI,
'a- lo.l har own I
II II ran at liar a wa w-
(hear adtaatafa to call. Jjil remaina will be t'.ken tofrom
Green wood Cemetery, this So. tonrth street, will recelva tho a hot a reward centre table*, lace aud broeatclle window drJ?*ry« Bnglisa bit's sale of the r» tnain* ot a -.rocery stock; also, Also, oonsta drf. nr.
\v. .1
.. «
i*|.'iiU. a'r.-t Apply for lw« 4ay«. good
HORACE WATETt.". 333 Broadway. afiefiuxg, at tbree o'clock, hie late residence, So. tapestry, Bruteeli car|.ttmg, ruga and mats, rosewood jMt* (juallty segars; mortirn^e sale of a
Sheriff's laic of ono mirror. Also, alar<re datfuerr-oty i»«-
fiH Mulbe'i/ street- Hie friends ate resjtec'.fuUy lovlt'.-d REWARD. B0WJ5HV
tiD^a# frtHu ft drvicinr room in tl«TDKATRK._VTOI.EV,
board, mahogany do., rosewood and mahotrany chairs, cof' |uantity of secondhand HUMAN WANTS A SITDATIOM AS
¦«Meaaa.8 D. A H W. Smith * Mclo. to attend. I
Bowery Thoatro, on Krt ner cupboards, two large square lr- nch pier *lai«4os a very wft n »r iriiRir, ho» oo a to ro I# a
On Uav eTcninc, March 2% lbtf, a chm»«*d .old watoh and flue selection of mantel ornaments, original Ian (Hcapes,
l|r Maaie aid planu store el UoKAl'G WATEltrt, 333 Broad- yeareSunday,
4«eas, «aa< d tbe eqnal tcmrcraineut, can be found only at March 11, Mra. Maboarrt FlynM, ajed 01 nith key attached, double eaao, with inarriptton onchain, ftrtin* !¦»»«, or Iq 10 0 .h'ft 4i"tft«eo tu llio
lr.n«r fruit |»iecesf^A«vj a vory cvttwvod sevru octave piano-
John i Vandewater, AfCTMNEER. -E T r t-» mm in. «b« Ifton4rr I'Um coll ol Mo 6J
..y. the trade supplied ua the most reasonable terms. Her friend-, and those of her brother, Patrick McBar- aide of eaue, "From Frederic Conway to hU wife, July }
1^64." Whoever will five inch information ai miif !*n4 to ..Trie, mauC 7 aiivers, and warranted, walaut and maho¬
gany easy chairs, mahogany extension table*, rosewood and
Tl'RNERwill sell on Woducidav, Maroh II, at U)\
o'clock, at the sab s room .'VI I'iae ami Codar street a
»i< k rt »lr«ot, room 5, mcob<I floor

The ImproTrd Vlolln..The moat eaally rtn, are invited to attend her funeral, tt is afternoon, at ita recovery, to I. P. WAM»RON. Uow^ry Th. atra, or fcn K mahogany side, sofa, and faacy tables; also ingrain aad lirus* larwe assortment of household fumitnr*, r<.nsiitintr of uia 4 HENCII 01 RL WISIIF.H A SITUATION ASCIIAM-
one o'clock, from tbe residence of her aister, Mrs. iian- COX WAY, 28 Second atreel, ahall roceiva ahnvo reward reU stair carpeting, stair ro(Wt olleloike, Ao. In .hmmber*, hoirany hair oloth sofss, tete a totes, Voltaire easy chair i, a\ nntftid <r to tftke cftro of Iihll4r#a. iptoka Knnli»h
aa well ae m«st -lar musieal instrument in uue. uah O'Brien, No. 173 Ileater street. a I arse numler of single, double, and thren quarter bod rcckfrs, bookoases, marbl« top centre, side an I j i«r tabl »" II li< »l f r«f*-r' no« fr m f< riu> f Mi)t<loy««a A| |>lv 0% 1«J
¦janetket«r«d »t :UI Croadway, over Waters' moii*' store.
liolil l(1>ON, InvtuUr aud teacher of tbe improved On Monday, March 12, Fkancuco Bi.lnchj, K la the 60(1) REWARD-LOST, on SCNDAYTIIC I'.TH INiST., steads of rosewood, mahogany and walnut; also rosewood bla«-k walnut «*iten*tou tal Us. bedsteads, bur* au#, wa»!i-
stands, hair mattr bruosele earptls, Ac.
tholob | loci Estill* coro«r of M«re«r.
year of hi* ago- in &oing from tho Calvary Bnptiit tib*'roh In Twenty and mahogany bureaus, waahatands, toilet sei^, Ac.; enam
hayed vielis. The funeral will take place from his late re-i Jenco, No. third atre» t, through tho Fifth aveau*, Twentieth atre«t, elltd chamber furnituro, in suits; fin- .South American curled 'TAIII K rHOTi;>TANT YOIJNO WOMAN
The Grand Compllmrntary Concert to
l> uUssat A I ( hatmao. eomes off thi« Tuesday erenior,
139 Diviaion street, thla afternoon, at two o'clock. Ttie
frienda of the family are invited to attend, without fur
Sixth avenue, to No. 214 Weal Twenty *«.<. nd ctreet, a h«avy
gold croi§, with a gold chain attached. Wh<H)vr will re
turn the above to No 1*1 i W'cit Tweuty aeyoud atrotl, will
horse hair mattrebses, palliasses, counterpanes, blankets,
aheets, pillowcases, Ac parlor atovos, cooking ranges, diu
ing and ironinx tables; also a variety of cooking utencils,
JOSEPH IIKGF.MAN', A l'< T '< N K K U W'iil)N|>liA Y
March 14th, »t j o'cl* «.k f* M rricisoly, at the Icorner
of flrerutn aud I'acitic sir ts, Br« Vlyn. the alance of the
AMESI'EI' Wftftt*
family IM«o*o co«l
4u |«ttorol
ft ftiaoll tU>o lo
ot 1,'J atroot.

area l.fch. at th' Hr< adwaf Tabernacle, klra K. Ueors;latia ther invitation. tCfcaive the above reward. crockcry, cut glaeswarc, ivory table cutlcry, tea aud coffsu stock and fixtures of a retail grocery, gas fixtures, covered
ftaart. Mr Vat-he, Mr U. A. t'ooke and a host of vocal and On Monday. March 12, Frank, son of Perry ami Louisa j icrvltef,ontable linen, Ac., Ac. wagon, set of harness, Ac. A YOUNG WOMAN WANTS
ctjftRihorwork oo4 o«»i«i in
woaliint IroBioir,
*«» t or
iwMaaai*. talent,
aMtriaieaial also live mintarv bauds, ae., Ac. l'ick- Mapea, aged 2 years and 2 months. REWARD.^LOST ON SATl'KDAY EVENIVO Also, Kriday morning, at 10* £ A. M., at theth«rosldenee of wuuld autoll |<ri«olf fftiaily.
Nathaniel I'. Kimball, 7M lieekman str ut, all well made i ll.o houMwork
f»i «rol for ft

Ila(*ra Valla In Winter..Meade Brother*

Tbe relatives and friends are respectfully invited to
tend the funeral, this afternoon at two
re«dence of bis parents, Oolllna Hotel,o'clock, fro^ (he
foot o; Cauil
- ? / laat, in one of the llro&dway and Saooud at rent
atagi-a, an op«>ra irlaaa in a morocco caae. Apply at 47 Fifth
atreet, flrat door eaat of ^aoond avenue.
durable uiahosany and rosewood furniture contained io the
b»use, eonsiatirg of three fly and ingrain carp^tings; lino
well unholsterod and co¬
day. at 10 o'clock. 173 Cfiuham »tre<-t, the furnitart
from llroome street, a <o»»d assortment Jalso, furniture from
Cob Ik .». n f*»r lw«. 'toy* «t Il.'» Twtnly mv«bIIi ttroftt,
(tir4 floor, ot» o i» S«v«o(h »o4 l.nrL'h ftv«auo*
h*»e f. r »al» aad a vKw the at*v« ee< nary taken from all mahogauv tete a-tetea and sofa*, Ninth street, a pood assortim-nt; also from manufactory
(elat* >u wiater ran Alio, th« American I'ruresainn in ¦trett. tf»0 REWARD. LOST, ON SUNDAY AFTERNOON, RE vered in haircloth; upholstered back inaliogany chairs, a uta
rood assortment of furniture |Av. Sale positive. AH NCNUK -WASTED. A SITUATION AS WIT
Aastial'* haelml, th. trafio actress, t c. (lalleries Ireo On Sunday, March 11, of erysipelas, W,rLIlll d,w,k tween Ckarloa atreot and Si*th avenue or on one of aaid bogany audaudrosewood corner stands; large French plate pier J\ onr»o, l y o ro*po#lotl» y oo*» # l'r«i*ft(oi*i .««»» U
|t«ier>> aa>arpasse4 taken dally.
fbete .!>* Altvr U' «te.
Broadway, lour doer* Wrn, atn of Dr J. H. and E. G. R
l ie friends of the family an In-
u Va^^^ .venue railroad cara, a Urge rise gold brooch, aerpont ahat»e.
Tho Hnder, by leaving it at No. CharUa street, will receive
the above reward, ai.d the thanka of the owner.
r las*, *lab brackets;»evrral verv largo *u«* fine lir.c sagrav-
ii gs lu Costly frames, of the nativity, rroatioii, eruolttaion;
rosewood pianoforte, <»*l octars, made by ''hlok. nns, a v*ry . MB
at I
tiatoi's sale of a baki-ry. <tc u I .< -eday, M r
o'cbck, on the premises, 4l Leonard street, t»»e
in »oo4 l.iftlfu. on I baa ft #1 If *#l

Kliliih Bf'But, f -r two 4oy«

f Billki b«r boby to
»>« o» ton vmIii o I *1 Apt**/ ol l.'l fnUoolli ttrool, Boot

DtniltU', PMn«r*|ihlr and Dagnerreotypc lt(Hl ^ fttt4,nd ^

rendeuce iif W ' ^i» m Rockwell, M. I) No. fa. superior instrument; mano^any eaay chairs, in haircloth rock ftoek, hakin* ut« nsils, and lease of the bakery of (be late A OIHI. H I All KH A Mil \TI'»S A« * II AMIIKRM AID,
and nr<t<*cbate
r lit- aabeator.meala,
¦Mk mMM MML I'aratan iuau«t powder,
cardlrouin, '
51 taat Broadway this
at three o'clock, with- TUBS TRADE#, AC.
crs, do cane seat and other chair*; mahoaany French bed
steaOs, pallia-are, pillows, mattresses, blankets, sheets, pil
low ra»«e, counterpane*' also, walnut and maple do look
James U. Smith, d* eased Terras cash By order of I'cter
11 Swsmy, I'ui lie Administrator, 51 ( bamt/ers street. J\ or to »#.!.( )B tko Wft4* III# ft It I lt»liO| » >ul4 bOOO BO
i>i jftriiwn In '!. r*>n«rftl .» «<» «<>rk «» o "MBit frtftU Umily
plalitta. ticket, aiu, Bdl*o aat.n whit«\ ultramarine, out further invitation
¦Em a n U f .<! ii m. krumlnr.J .dried, plumbago, V if tin*
kit r uuMi |>«t.a*eiiini, and KraiuUted; aitrata ^
M*«h 11, In thu 75th year of her
-°w '>( the Ute Wm. Adims.
Architect wanted. a first hate draughts-
an. in an office, in thia tily, lie mu«t b »j a citizea
by birth or adoption. Addreaa boa I'ont t»fA« e.
ing elaf^rs. marble top bureaus, wa^hstands, \ also, the
crockery of atone. Frcuch china aud glassware, m great va
riety parlor, ana other stoves; silver tea set, forkt,a sp«<»ns,


ntsdiy, Mtr< II
. h |0jJ o'clock hou*«hold
t»N W K >
at M -ut'i av*u«',
lift* |< o4 tiiiy r«f. riBft lr«m b*r s* t ^Ib** I'Uba* fill ll
^o « M i-*t H ft«buii* ¦ i Ib .lilt »»fft/*4
»<i t .da all*«r rallie and prouallto aeiilr, vanilla, fig

blar, ra-t r hhifUlnf pwliM, llnri'l eifract eupaiva,

The Irienos J
"I.V the f'.milj are respectfully invited to at- Ac. l'artics washing to store their <ood« until the 1st day of Jarre and ral go«.d
tssortm* nt i(
»*«n< 'urniture
com pi isiufs sofas, ¦ >fa be Isteads, lete a tctes, drestins and A voi Mi Woman wishes a mi ation as cram
of utry 4 rrription. Tlta Ijoat M MOM,
UBU tho fun'ral. f'.om ber late residence, No, 127 West /GARDENER. -A SITUATION AS GARDENER WANT May, can be accommodated. To those wishing to purchase

r a»i» lii r ry and secretary bufikcases, marblt too

plain b*and J\ on 4 tft 4 Bft* «. bill, ftd l r ma#, *r nhftB
pafaat aaaduiaei ed by a practical married roan, without lueumbrauce. at theae sales, an assurance i* given that they may do »o faucy tables, walnut aud oak extension do card If r work »*4tftkft for* f «bil4r«B ft* #. I lb« >¦ ti M
m»!M, Jan air» and Si ) r. tt ruui, eidtr. gin, and o'.srJ. no*
On Eunday, '^arch afternoon,
at two o'clcck. lie until r«t*tii<ia pardoning in all ita pur»uit», greruh nMe, with j«erfect security, as or ery article that is warranted eentro f»r« oeo tr< m
b«r Ib«I | !* o, . 't *li« .. M»*4 r«M«
will be found perfectly round, and fully e jual to| th« deserip
TktM is rtrtnal I'ftt-Hfti* .. f« r »ale by II, alter a short bus wvere illness, tables, indow wha les. mab »gany
w parlor. and roekiux ftn !...«¦ for iwi 4«r«. ft* *<*« Kft«i l'<mu«Blti oirowt, h
UK I n:l < H H ANGER, U1 MaiJenUno. Mrs ( ATIIKRI',, GROIum. grai ery, flower and kitchen garden department*. Hh wife e*t hair mattr*^'-* and< pal
ebairs, full French bedsteads,va»f«
wi.-ne# a aitnation iu tho aame family h»a the h«!«t of tcati tloa given of it. Thcee sales are positive, as advertised. liasse*, cane hairs, clocks, aud ornament*, oil paint Iwccb B«tnu«« 11 »b4 teluir
Wllllaiu Poole.. A Kraut Ifully Rxecntotl 'J®'1'!'
>!¦ of the
tend th« jneral, Iromlamily
are respectfally invited to at¬
the reaidenceof Iter son Frmlerick
m« Lial- aa to character and
I'lta-e addreti City Ref- renee,capability,
ala * city reference.
llerald oftioe. carter, auctioneeii,
legs, ovtl and silt mirror*, mahoganyof sideboard, lounges,
Ac., together with an tndie«.s variety oinmon furalture,

Brtr t 1 1' a Ik I William I'aMa, t « th*r with tome ue*

.kt»mtf«r«ill'i Hl|Mk.«n ba |iuliltali«il in tna A1""

tt'ternoon) At one o'clock precisely.

On Monday morning, March 12. after a lingering Ul-
Gardener. -wanted, a situation, by a man
ol aoberand induatrioua habita, who parfo -tly and* r-
Auction notice.w.
TOMI.V will sail, without
o'clock, at
at 10
HU Olt
street, -nw
this, Tuesday,
a stock of
sevrral « tirpets, Ac worthy the attention of housekeeper*
and others. no
e«ok who I bur- vi
nl)00ll«>B %*> ftOftiftl
u aM
> ti 4tr lft*»-l«
-ft bin ool IMOIO4 »f
bO«t»*ftO IfftB
fO Willi I
Mi . di* '.»< " Kt-a ly on TUar»day, Country Ukrnaru McCamtin, aged U6 years, for the past 40 atanda hla luaineaa in all ita varioua department* i« fully drugs and dje*, some glassware, damaged ualli, storu fix f -ml foittily to *h« riBBtvv *»«»bo o%l#or n*w4 oiftf llo*
AaaIt » illra plaaa*
>. nd tSw-ir atdt-ra J' are a r«sp<cted citizen ot this city.
The relatives and friends ol tbe lamily are respectfully
co mix- t»nt to tako charge of a ^entleman'M place. The a<l
vcrtuer la a married man. Satisfactory city ref« renoe
tures, Ac., to close a concern.
notice. crock ery, glass andchina.
. cabinet furniture,
lass the
between Broom aad
at war r ins, No
limn I **tr*Mrt*.
* . wftii
I. to» t»*,m
f«r io9 4b|i. 1'Waoft <-oll

mi< ¦.<... >i>i< ntlara fWr 94 or 93, with
»arni*T- cnm|>l< ta. llarftn-rreitypia l,v Uo'itue*1
invited to attend the funeral, to morrow afternoon at
two o'clock, from hi* late rraicence. No. 141 Clinton
givt n. Addreaa D. F. D box 171 Llerald cfllcc, for three
aaye. Auction
J ,m. II UAKThETT, auctioneer, will sell on W< duns
Moreh 14, at ten o'clock, at lr\ 1'earl street, iu lots to
H C. K«mp will sell at
auction, a* above,
day, at li»4a o clock, at the war rooms 4^1 llr »adway. a
#>u Wedn*-s
A RKM'r<
lion to d '. 1 fttn
Afll »; I I Mj OIRI. U %NTS A «ITUA
» ohinr w*»b»«.> o t/«aiBf 09 u 4<>
kfimd itr»«',|i uinl Inali tt rajiaraa for 2io:nt<v60 street His remains will be taken to Greenwool for in- suit purchasers, f»est and *e« ond quality whito graulte c. c ; lerv beavtlml aaeortmstit of superior rosewood, mahogany, m®!! | rtvuto fftmilr,
Mate, Ac. Il*ure tantory »» Broadway terinejt. OWNER FOR A C.OLD WATCH WANTED INQUIRE
DANIEL D. IUKK.AK, Lower Police Lomt.
ciit, 0owu. blue and mulberry, bine and brown painted, and oak parlor, din lag room and chamber furniture, whioh ftotrol bonft« wc.rk
.rw-rk ftod tok« 'orvof 'Mldrwo Tt.» W»% of
4o tkoai
ib 0 or W
til f
On Sunday, March 11, Onoitae W. Baicow, son of tho yellow iron*ten«, koekisfham aud gipsey ware; i* also a large worthy of the att< atb>n of housekeen*rs, es b»
'fin 'ft |. I ooll y»f f llroftl, b«IW«OA
** B ftt f B
tM«h> Magnet root ypea, Lm|c IIh, Cor .V) assortment of glassware, rich china v%s« *. Ac N.H Also, *>aie is positive and without r«*erve,to ebiae an estate, ao I i'vfoco >nd nf'riB t. ib ll>« rror Qrti t -r
Vata. H land, ai 'l in a ultra c*", lie d with »*l*et, ami pro
ia t,tb*i a nak,, fur W canta, sad
late Robert (fames, of this city, aged i'J years, 3 montho
VfD for aoine yeara at the head of a Jewelry eatahliRh
a inr.« sale dragglsl glasswsr*, at two o eleeh l' W.
Ccuntry merehants and retailers would do well to attend.
consists o I rust wood |»arl< r
two and tbree colored saliu, d«toask. velvets an brocat !!*.. fiTSilS£t,tt
swite, teeeged in Hob
rtrrr. ,« * tin

aatd ate* to tfc. a* made *la< »b' re for tl ANSjNS",

Tbe luneral will take place this afternoon, at one m«4r?, wiahea aaituation; can em rave, repnir. "..ll, Ac Good
refnreiife. No objection to go out or New York. Addrvae tiro, suites of nufinisocd, in Diuslin, whieh will be covred to A fftoillyI0(o
. *r . f»w «..!! ooi*«« . wft«bi«f, r o i|l I
Rrav way, oi>| uaitw the M«i r.ip-tlttan ii tcl o'clock, from tbe residence of his mother, No. Ad Carmine
street. The frienda and acqntintaneea are respectfully
invited to attend.
R A Herald oltlce. Auction nothk.tiioh. rem* acctioneer
By Hell A Hush. This day, at |u>^ o'clock at the »alcN
room*, Ir7 Centre »t., will be sold a valuable variety of good
- suit t be tsst« s of purchae'rs. carved ros e od and "tk It*
tf* r< s and sideboards, b sollfnlly aarved r »*ewood ceatr-,
P«« r tnd work tables, parlor ae rttaries, bookcases an l .>»
« BOO if renwtr*'!
««l I-.' ft'.ffc ly the dor O -4 o*tv r< for
!'!*.».' oil ftt
ov«tin»o li »0'1 I* ib tK«
Tootb ctrtot*%, bo
... - -

larKt alar Kl aant Oa^nrrrran
r» in trad ta .173 Brualway, bat w e n Franklin and
* I.»w attMla II » v n/ an a.ldtttorial akylt(li*. h«i ta | rapired
My flesh shall slnmber in tbe ground
'lill tbe laat trumpet's joyful sound
Trade wanted-by a stout amkrican boy,
aUteen yeara of age, wh<> reaidea with hla par^nta. A
Jock and gunauiith, or tin and coppersmith pr^err^d, or auy
household and hotel furniture.2" bureaus ami bookeaees,
7"chairs and cane seat stools, looking glasses, llrussels car
pets, Ac At 11^ o'« lock, two trunka fino dry rfoods, silk ^
cretaric,-., mahogany, oak and walnot eateuilon dining tabl< .,
teautifully carved rosewood bedatvi
and flsttBSCft, eatf and fan- » sewiug
l-, tinrtaus, wasn«iaads
atrs, lotintre*. r- A


to >ti>i d » uli daapault aU «b» nay favor !ilm with a call. Sball burst tbe chains of sweet surprise, reapectable trade, f leaae call or addreaa Jamea Brady, 40 satins, and clothing. Mpleudid pledged wat* hes, Hue jewelry, cepfion cliauibe
chair*, hell .land* and I. airs. <nr»->d i.iah 'Sany and Jl . » uotloft tu do , '«*r|i .aw rk ib b .iw*il
< r 11 .! »Bh#r»ii r » nl i owiii i«
Add in lay Saviour'n image rise. Madivon a'.reet, till Thursday. fancy * oods. Ac. walnut r furnitar* togstuer with all the u«oal a« ...'»# Tbft »,... f
sortm« nt of afirst class cat net maker, (j ds parehased to go roforoBto fflton . «n »« .*« »t BBtl! ol M WoBb
A |Md PbrruoluicUt villi prove It to your On Monday, March 12. Ellen, daughter of Michael J. Brto »tr<«l third flo< r »ft . r oui
¦ova ettaar i*r.**, by 4etiaeatia« yoar character, talenta ant and Roeanna Quinn, aged 10 monthi and 17 days,
Tbe mends of the fanulr are requested to Attend tna
of twenty veara eaperionee, a aituation aa foreman and
71 By ^ BOG A RT. This day, at 10^
o'clock, at th* aue
cut of the city can be packed for *1 ippint, r can remain o
storasc until May. < ataloguts will rex»ly and th* soods HITt' ATIO* ua^hh hi
p. *a larUx.
araid 4
far mure a* nra'ely tliaa y.ur own :uotilef
II* attal) aea all the I. ilmm an an I luno
It. m -ber- ty auoalac .' what material! w« are cutnpt <«"1
funeral, from No 254 West IVnth street, this afternoon,
at one o'clock, without further invitation.
cutti r in a youth'a and children'a clothing atore or a partner
with one or two thouiand dollar* For partieulara, aidreaa
C. A., or call at a\o. 206 Bowery, er 3&7 Grand Street, where
tion rooms, corner of Frankfort and William street, wort
ga,*e sale ol household furniture, Ac mahogany sofas
Risy be ciamined on Tuc* lay, at I I Broaiway A r)rl to do «® *»*-r* rli wftjt
*ity r*foroo«#ff ro^otrod < ob lo
couches, bureaus, mahogany French bedsteads, feather bed«,
aad b« a In aevrlnp* them The ilta. Horaaa Mann re¬
mark* "I iaak upua pkreaolaay aetli<-«uide to pliil .aophy
aad *ba kaaduiaid of «»n timity tVliuavrr iu-'niin»! i
On Sunday evening, March 11, Mart Locira, daughter
of John and Rosanna Connor, aged 1 month and 7 days.
rampiee of work can be aeou.
niarble top washstwods. chairs, table*, cartels, looking
glasse*. clocks, stove*, crockery, glassware. Also, theW<effect*
of confectionery refriic«r*ter, offlc* desks, Ae incs
Stocks at auction. by j Thompson, .no j
Wall street. The nndersigi.ed havinr ornplete-l ar
rangements for thehiesale of bond* and *t .« k* »t auction. be»s A
C rrio*1* ilfai, in tb« roor
bena'aa*- r luatnatiaub; Tbe funeral will take place from the residence of Mr ,
to announce that flr»t *ale will tske il%«e n Wedn* do "horn1 r» rk t oa 1, -roo Ajfljr il *». V,of«««o
|ra* Bbr*a*i'r> m a aaMic if Ringlo tuaa. Crderatauda forcin/, bu tdln* and gra't day, at |n>^ o clock, at the auction room*, lar. e sale of rich da), the 21st instant, at the Merchants' K«eban*e at 1^*^
rnf HiM 1 lift. Ha .«*¦ Hradaay. day and . turnup. parents, Ho. 97 Sullivan street, this morning, at ten ing. Well acqauinted with gardening in all it* branch^ «. and costly dry goods, clothing, fancy goods, A o'clock Full advertisement hsieafter. settinjc forth com If. 1 ot r MiOi »tro*t
o'clock. Beit city refcrenca ran I* Mv n from hit late employer. n>i«sions aad otber ebar#es, il anv J TlfoMI'noN, eorBer
Apply at 26 Whitehall atreet, for two daya. A Rr r1 \ if w 4> wiMirs i *»iti;a
iMpoetaiit lo Hvaata rcprrt^Oor Spring Mrs Ann I'moox, widow of Edward, aged 76 yeare.
Am cki .hta i. a k, aimtionleh, wm. Hsith, all street aad Broadway. K W l.atkam A u tlon* «r lloti In o |/r| » tt« f ft *r» |1 y ta «1 *"* .0 wB«b«r fto l
stock contained in Vtfy
¦aaialanal of earpat.npa, t.ikrtetua, curtain*, aad car- Her frienda and relatives, aud those of tho family, are . this day, at o'clock, at Ifi? William str et.the
lata material#, m aua ready for ita;«ct.on, and »i.. bo
adai <1 at froaUy radurati prica*. loRL) k TAVI ')H,
inviteu to attend the funeral, to-morrow morning, at ten
o'clock, from the residence of 4ier son, Clermont avenue, WANTEB. A SITUATION AS f RAt TICAL (i AR DEN
er, by a auagle young man, who perfectly under«tao 1 *
bta huaineaa in all ita branchoa, alto th managvinent of ail futures.
said sti>r«-, damagrd by fire, consisting of
severs and tobacoo, together with counter*, show ease* an«| SIIERIFF H SALE- THIS DAY MARCH 1.1. l-v,
o'clock A M No Pearl and at stre« t 2 *'J VYa'
A I l*i
fr^Bcr 1 on to m*i for i» i loy« 01 S" IIo«ibiob4 riroBt,
Mcoftd io«r
IhmI (traat, o*-aar of Ckr;>Ua. Brooklyn. street at!<>>», ler«e sseortm^nt hats, tape
.prion, IHVWt uatoaa IKparlnifnl.-Oar
At liatavia, Genesee county, N. Y , on Friday. March
9 ibe Hon. John T. Bkjuikn, in tbe 69th year of Lis age.
kinda ofglaaa nouaea, and tho layiag out and mana/oineat of
flower anu kitchen garden*. Any genthman re iulring tho
aame will ptfaan call oa Mr Creoawood, «ommer«.-ial luaur BV C. VTATKKBUHY, AUCTIONEER..flUR RE
gular weekly sale
HavanaCI choice aud German serars,
J off S OKMER, Sh* r ff.
N. I. ftEI.Afl, lieputy flhefiiff Aftftd o* aii*tr«aa Sbo B»d« ralfto4* <ba «Br« *f b laky
from ft* Mrtb woald to wjhta# to do ' '...»»«rwork oa4
Marl of clntlia. MHimw, aad Tftiri^a fnraf r.n< 'ra''.« Mr. Hergen was formerly from Kings county, ia which be auce ofHc«, 4V Wall atreet. Beat of city reference.
I wines, brandies and oordial*, place Thursday.
takes on L* II K R 1 1 I H I / oh
w A Lsu Ml (iA HXllKf. waitinr, fti d u »k' h « r « f ran* rally »«f«l in a fritB'.o
boob IM tu Ihtoi r'root,
I* at>* read; lav luayruaa, .»brac.u( -rarytmiix t^at held si veial important offices. Murch 15 at 10^ o'clock, at our st.»re, .Im lined street. Full O Ac.. On Tuesday. March 13, at '.''g o'cloek. A M at the is li< r*arf fir tv« liyi
la a»w aa4 d».ir»M», of oar ova iatport«li»a <« <aWc- At ^airfield, Una., on Friday evening, March 9, Mar- WANTED. SEVERAL GOOD FRENCH
tore, office |l*ro/reCOMPOS!
No. &1 particulars
at the of th<by catalogue, on morning ut sale Terms, caah .onthweit corner of 1 l.irt^ second *ir»et anl Fourth av«
fenaa. TIm antkara of tki* UKpartiDaBt, Bra. lad ny 4r. A. OARaT, wile of Almon P.ofT, age^ A3 years Broadway, day, from V o'clock A. M.
to P. M. delivery. to A
a, on nue ail the right, till* an I interest of tlorati A * N <*»rr of, m
KEfl'VlTARlE rRBVfll WoWiy WHO k PEAR 4
and to the lease of said premises, together with eertain t as I
M V*B I'm. are artiala of tl.» kr-1 rUa« .a t «atr aararal Williamsburg, L. I., papers pleato copy. A GOOD PRACTICAL HOUSE PLUMBER; (iRtH'KKHY.
fixtures; altoa lot of wine*, il jiors. A A Jl njritob wftBia ft ittooti«a fta <*-w>k «nd* rataado b*r bo
iiboif porfortly, «on -aftko )«IU«i at I jaatrr Ib Oil Mo
Ikaaa <f oaata, aoata, aad paota, aad oar > '.arm aatioa
Ii la iyra ao pa>a< <>r n^ao to maaa thia * r»ry . popu
At Harritburg, Pa., on Sunday evening, March 4. of
p«i(>l*iy, Mrs. C. John, wife <>'. wtiltam Jona, WANTED. thoroughly
oiae who None dav,
retailer -J E. VAN ANTHER I',
nuderatand* hia buainca*.
l.1th, 10 o'clock, the shelves
at from
.ill Mil on
in lot* to suit AUCTftiNkER -IIAVAMA SE braurfi'a Iw ot of »t; tmUt* 1.. c«o Mi |ff#a A44root .
lai !'«».artBHWi'. of our nu- i.raa Tii» dir-i'io» *o tlra
aMaa" »»-lrn to aiaka orerjr rarartt ,p to too beat
tn tbe tah year of her age.
Hiappy *obI, thy days are below
oth« no«»d apply. Brooke Cummingi, 125


I) A (has«r*, avenne retailer deelining the entire stock of a boiiueae.
.on* lating of best irfcite iraaiWL li|kl Mae a. e, dipt, edged TCNIH MoRKELL,
(rara, Jewelry, A* On* meramg at ^-1 > assau str*«
3ij.<gg> segars, in os» sad packages o t l> t of various
o«t« to Mr* Mlfiboil, II roil fV.a 1yg torn 4oy»

akaa ¦ U*to an tun aakaklp-tli* , ualily to b« All '.by mourning days ; \\!
vv rear cctablr y oua,i man; ha had several yearea exp«.n
ant Ri'cklnsham ware, freuch tea sets and vaacs,t eut fU**s.
full assortment, Ac Also, two rase* rich tea tray* and rands; alte Jewelry, consist iar of reard anl fob nains, IE' TA III I. Y< ISO f R| h || W MAN. W»0
af-ftka I roach ftftd t>aff»»i», *Uf>ai a »ll«al B, a# otaaa AMI
aiaa>> lairly r»prea*u'*d aor> t»4, to bo r ><rf t<> Um Go. by anirels' bands attended, ence in Great Britain and the United State#. AdCreai A waiters Catalogues the day previous. earrinss, breast pins, alsootb* r fan* / articles j&xteasive
sale of foraiture, *e to morrow hiii r MaB.<tra«c. ia * roa^a UMo |rt 'ftta fo«ilf A(
ah*ar a yaiBM-nt >a |ito* i>hi and. fiird, to bo a To thy bit seed Jesus, go. B boa 117 H«*rald o»ee^ NAMII, Alt TIONKER STORE NO 310 BIOA0 | ly at ill Ifr' m« itr»^t
toaar >a priat tbaa «arm»ata of Ik a *aa.« looerif
<aa ». ha." for
nara bar*
*00., 2M, *M and WO Broa4oay
Struggle through tby latest pa^sioa,
To thy dear Redeemer « bn-ast, "ljLf ANTJE1V. TO ENGAGE A GOOD JOUR^'J YM AN
vr tarter, one thiat thoroughly anderatandaI the tHMin^an,
D|) .way .Administrator * sale of stock of a si.ip aud
steamboat Joiner, on Thursday. March l'V, l/vV», at 10 o'clock C'NKFSUHVEH
.{uors. Ac ~J
nesdty, Marshwhich
VANIfEWATLK will sell on W* I
Id, at lo't o clo « at tt. saleroom, 1 1 Matin
ffrl wftt'f fttUBBtl-'ft t 4a M^b'. ».b ambao .' »k oo l AllltniY
To his clurious great salvation, of a* her, aleady habita, and lg< nt*<el addreaa, who would to A M at No*. VI aad W Eighth street, consisting f lane, among will be found Ins old of different

i!a 1, w 'if, '. f fik iar« «»f Idraia l';**ia aail ftt No
To his everlasting rest. H. B. J. willing to go to the citv in Roc heater. Call at CI Patten tenches, clamp*, hand screw*, worked and enwerked Iwm Irands Aae old port me* sberr
w ao-i Maieire*. -Isft ¦, I !> >'lr»t ftt' oo* l.«l*. oon 1 wolff. *ai Tbirl*«Blti oWooii.
AUfBllan to t alu.l to th* Hale of ValataMc *tr«VA t, Eruealyn, from A to IU o'clock A. M., on | Tu'j<lay, kef door*, shutters, Iliads, monl iinss, jdact* aarAvav
».a Abb. t aaal. laakk. Waak *r- > laray. franklia Uth fnataat A mericau preterrtd. warons, harness, steam engine, boil-r, pulleys, banger*. p« re Jur e ebamj anae# Preach r Hals raisins. in fanct b i -

§>aa>ir<y ts, sardines, pickles, olives, an* bovses, catsup*, turn 'amy klUEVI DRE MAEER W I "IIES TO W«|RE
a»d » a*., k *tr at, a iaa t tb* aal* .>( ti.ntty a.^bl aalu
aita totaoB M oray Hill. tr>.ntia( »a Madtaoa. f .artk aad
loaaart*a avaauaa, tk.rty mlk Tbtrt* ,iati. aad Tbirty
b«lting, planing machine, saw frames and beache*.I t r/«ther
with a iar*e lot >( alear lumt-r Ac, Ae Hy
HAVII) L VfiUNOM, Administrator; I.VDIA
1. r f teas, I reserved |r-kches, nlum*. ptna applet, gates, pear*
ueiaees A<- Also an in*' i's of f* 9 r* '»* b a! >apst ae* ile *otly
d»y, n* ft 'fta 9 *. aaary a it afo* * .'*0 la
0f>4 fltt.h/ Iftdfa dr*aa*a l''»fta* B li ftl No ID
i IfctlHV. 5;d«., eaefcsScot'b ale dsmsfel on< voyage ef iu»po?*at. n
oao*i>lk alraaka. kn ba Bad* by I II LI DLHW tbi« day, ak
lta*ato'k. at 'U lonbaao Ka*baa|a Kaaty !«. tal ap
villi' puaitiraly aold Tataaa llbaral Napa aaa >4 bad at
] l'KltBOWAL..
diara aad aailnr* ia and about N«w York, antltlad
I Administratrix, of Hiram 1* Ferry, deceased. I Room sitot aceo, II joid blacking, a;tn..e |epp*r, Wolfe t
icbnappt, Bermuda arrow root
1 waiftb tlraal, ktoaaa I I't n»4 ctft Boam-ao#

Mm >kii at u.i aac'taaeaa, II * all .traot

I m-y, by fc r hu»t unl, 1'fttriok Hwre^-y iter in Aid <*n
i »n »<*»<. Jo* im* Mar |iliy; ad d aft e i* from fiftntrce county
l<> on* hundred an<l aiity kim, under the naw law, ap
pi; at ones at Uta Doanty L«ad Offlea, 76 an4 77 Naoau DI> ¦ <>|I
tuunv <ulf vrtia »ir> 4 .< *4j tfu*4 I*
til liludi; oil, Mat tin«kb l fl*< .
lif V A L«. Hit v, At'llOM'.KK 11! KM I F I' H t ,l1r* n ao4
f f . liil Oft 7 . ft V Mftf< !. j ft* II I Ml *4 Si III
Ti'PMI Wut»»N Wf'nf." A "IfTA
00 <t oalonilll arwottilriM «*r to t*li» elr* Of
Ma?»atro»a T* 0 ff rvfar«B'>« If fofilrtd
Utaltra la « lalklna VlaHlam How Vork I hi a t rk lr«hnd. H b> n Mil heArd from wm ro«i J m< *t l ) a tract. rtiKlJf ft DlXt-Y. Atlaftti #tr*#t fl'.nth lir okl/r*. » 'u/" n1 Mu., I'la fta* a ft II »l tba |<«itli*ut o r '-af of Tklaty trrt rtraot !.
MBtoa. Ma raafartlalii ia*il*4 ka aaaanaa -ir al<«k of H ftt»r iirctl. Addrt** I'ftlricfe Sweeney, KmI tba M'-r*
apa a,« aaa iaaa>l ah <fcla« aa *a laol aa*ar*d ibay «UI (nd

I>« KaM Si. L*»r«ft<.c county, New Vork. 1 M.I AS CO Mil*, At.'I'l ION P.BR W I 1,1. hCLt., ON
J Thnr><l»> Mar' li £1 ttniul » ort- «i,i itr
i'lftniteti f rilfc frint**, $tmp*» U .¦*«, »bi »roM rt»«, rtM* a*,
4f'M trm.mmr . t*|*tt rlfcbtit, t *.».!., *« mm *iifc*, Ihr |4#

ir. a. Ma aatook aatt.iy, aa» la Bad *haa»**aa, vail I any

o rlock, laa 1'**. f ti,« ooal ;wj, 23U I|4 in ttrt I ir ft'»4ift*, I' I bull .»», ftf «Tftfjr din r ;J/ '.iftft, ft! <# ftt I 4 Vii *, a ¦».«! t.i tam » ru > riir»sr ror*o woman
vorti.) *f thaar r*Mi4*rai.<>» ttailo tba dopoaitiur «f oar LKCTUHEg. nation, aoldlara and otl.ora, in
.-Hair* war ti.eth «li p**n l« pau, »!*. i'n !.*.« it J»ntk «fl| !. wH, th >ihm| r#d !...- ..f tbrt* f*»ri 'r«a mi! f\ imUiMiiIM U «v«k. Mnl»r 4a I » . » r Tlba
aMaolB*iarara 'i> » . »» I a. |aa 'a «reatt| MM 'bait unc I'rVO Kitra pa/ promptly paid. Land warrant* dwllluri £1/ it I i!W Kail Ttir' *. ntli «lr»*t. IV jr»*i* to X fcj llw CMiftUri, «Aow «*#*#, A i«tt »r >? «I i* I'laM* ml illicit >

aaaak I bt
B'aiiO aarat
aad labor,
a4<aa«a/aa af a law
it> . .» it-
ka auoalaatura a aaa> k
tartar *1LRCVNTIUt I lltKAKV ASSOCIATION -THE EAS- obtained, bought arid aold, pennon* procured land*. run CLiAlt tUMIl.t. Au< tioarar, 2<l <>r«* I ilrorl J Ml I II ftc » I) 1 ftt; k r T fatal? ifm itmt Ui»«t I hi u4 *?¦<»< i>a*aai
(a*4a I»J t.raWer Itt !-ol«»r will delieer ki~e folliwin* leo aitia pay, or balaneaa aomitig to widow* and hair* of
aba#k Ibaa vluab t> uaa laaall/. *o Oitl
ba<* a-*r
to kaallt « .» '»« at
rat arkat ly l«.o inraa
» Mfllli A tu , m. m aad *» Br ad-ay.
< l>ut 11 lull l.ecturi room, A. to t |place, m Ibe
l'.il«wi»f >.T«*r at * P, M
1 imtv, Hack It. The Merita of the <'»"».i,t nericaa
daceaoad lolled Ktataa Milura and aoldiera eollaetad,
and all kiad* of claim* againat tlia United HUlci raco
awed b/ KDWAIU) HIHSELL, Agent and Uta I'urur U.
I,1 1'liEN IC U I' U A N K I.I N, All I tOXSU IIY I'M A N K
J lla A Nii-l,ol», offir. M Sf.ta »k' -I riar furnt' r
aretioii utl** Tli* aal»**ril»«ri »Ui *.i»i t**ir f*r< ia*l at at
U'111,1 AM INVITO.
L-imLoIA firi
ft* .ftQ«<>«.
. n, Tft-Hftj.
T»U U> t
Al Tfrr.KflK IIANIHoHn
tun *t ill km Ir* i 4 i
'Mr 'II I!1.9 ».ft! I'J ",
. nil .»
. »t t,Y>
As rsui.iim
i ai>v trim
I viuko^f l»« 'I
if a n iiti.o tub pvsi«
f»» naai fia«a. la
¦ in <».« liWIr il t m» .
«ar»«r Waaroa (kraal. t»nd*nr« to ftrit elm farnitar* Ml**, .lk*'ti«* at Oh f. flW»H| M llrtt**«l« M-J n./r»r.
¦ JI/U4
") anpatliiae, nbether 'o yo . ith Ruana or Knrlnn'l' 8. Naay #7 Wall »t. >i<l*acti oflxtilllM that latent 'r**k.m up kui»k**|i*n f
tlml. t«*f V ' ¦ .».(« U» il.tHftn ir< ;«.( if u
Mo dN it «...«.« I »mev, Marrti 16. Th« I'o.lej ol tLe l»*-i Eu^lnh MloU tkfj-i# I r*ft*tl I ll'* ft-f f !...' « #»»!¦«. icrttiii, it ii* vti
I I' ix«n4 Ulj. » ii tn >ii Kiki lUfitMM
Kali) A Fitgwaa, Ikaay \
lr Aa.tfia.«.l r»»M. r*raoil»K Ihli ipriar fftmttft#* . »<! .¦?ntii/t n rt«%c*JI fHm< Bun til'*. kg »f tlx li|l«il itt(»'ltkllM| A 44iim .V V Utll'iOK
*. u ,
I- ,*.
aiau.ii, >i "I .<*#.* ai,a4a* ^a>iaia- *r«4
aad *arraKl*d
l'"*.aa por> baa a*' a« tbair aa-
kakMab»aal aaa aa*a aw HaaMi .aa aad mmm4 i-rvfivf
i by 1 »«i at H «r h a< 1 l.r K>r"li'l n to h# Crimea Tb*
Hattlea «t tbo A lana, llalakla.a, lakernu, Ac.
»i <» M .r r, Ihe Ptact ConTemnce at Vieaoa.
Bounty i* forms to be observed
by par»<.oa applying Ur llontljr I. and, nnder tbo Act <f
Warrb 34. I^V are Juat received from W*elilo*t<»n. Tboee I n If. * AAHON, AUCTIONEER i lf;*.Kr- HAI R )f
i J- wtl rj rn|4 *n 'I iilTtr vatilf* i.rli <iui at' ih .
lt.4 rftftia** t# .«!«*. 'nil *. r | *rl' f fwrb»i«r« in fill#
. .* ¦,».«!.
I *» f (fcuff V'.J :* !f«i if#, A
,f%u y o>ftrt»l« ? >g. '.Mr. ** <
AIM R' TAfll K
BO) kaad .N a A laraa a.. 01 a> .!,»., .'-a laoa aad

aarkaua. t*- a. a .« I.ta r aala at Bb«*k ball tdM aaak <f ta

I n I aim r.tea, kvaatl Meaalnl, Ac.

auiM titkiti, II. Ivf r< utlemaD and lady, 1 1 S); (Ingle
titled (in reeele* all a«'i>uar]r a>«i»tan«e jr raluait ti|-m or
addreaaiiig It. Walerbury, S» Wall itrcct, Jauncay Court,
.acund »tjrf.
'!.) *< aaetlaa, a« (tall j *u in * «lu<k. *t lk« .* . r .<¦
i; s««». >tf«i l>*ar4* <,r .ni »..i i *i,4 ».i»*» kMml
I I l»*h <.il#l*tl>*, b fth' tftiy I f. . I * f ft* » I # Ufttrm«l
IfVMti, ftilM U4>, MM»r* II I |rtlhv* tft<J4»o/, at**'
kli IWMtlf, Ik* m»n I l».«H4«'»ka
«ll4u H»k wiai .» -I »f a*\
KH 01.1 1 It rowa AW»
fir to' a t >'k«te,
i'i real' Cm be i,tain>4 at tbc lAltxry, No. 2 *n4 a larp* HMrlMat of 4iau. a la I r . I rikf Aifil* (. f inl *>felilft mt» t%ny I »a»A Ij«l
II Aitljrl* I /».lit k la»lk, IfiA *»»f.
i itr»et, er if aojr .( the oftcrra of tbo AaauoiaMoa, without raivrra, f«r *a*k. C'M>l»(nM »r* a .r *l» I »l*t wi«, »ir* » *»..'#. y tiM*t, arm I». l» Wi.f i4ri* i
Bala of bwda fl9 Ha a. Nor ra' it
' »

raa« | Baaaar. a a 104 k* It * *« taaaia* rai aaa ka. no oat* ta

aaarn, .,a> af t*» aa. .- »« bra aa la* tr^aa.x, |t.a ra
ai l at the 4o«r m Ibe evenm. of l"Ctnro.
MoR'ION / of CommltWe.
j l.'«tare
aoldiera, ration. widowa
»< raa tu minora, aed widowa
raaolntioaary patriot*. r*aalone of »r»ry d«*^riptmn,
I f» Up r"|i. iti th>>>* aho n> ./ Imw* Mi nm .. I ih /
a f .

i< f*ilb«r villi . **fe«ril »** rtai*tt <f


luvc L*«
A* r*oi imima*
Hitnl »f
t* i <rr two rit. ami or aijp
ia fwai'i a 4fc* I.' *11*4
Ural and notarial i.nai&a«a, paaepnrta, Ac., promptly obtain fttt
Ml H1 1 *b" aalraua« »tab aii raki
K U. 1 MI'MiN, ) HiTtruv AiiTiowxrn wu.i, iki,i rill* |
a,i" I |'<I aa aaa '*». ap.ia «laaaa« t-a-i b i»a.
¦MAtoMaa aad lodiaa a«>.» .j aaaaa 4*aaaa« t aad
ed CatuBiuiioatr for tb» i**arai Stater
W I I.I.I / M orandin.
II, . <aviin( «..'!*. In 4H|-..||/ ..( Ikm h- ... 14 r .raa
tor*, lo call hi him or **«4 a4<lr- .a t tl>. >*J r**a** . U:» *.« ftt I' #«'I**A *t <».. '"fi#r ef .*»!
r>HM if . 4».tn »

t ii n(a na<ai Allfiai P 8 M t ,
Aaaab* '1 I*at
Vaa- .
tar .a* lar-adaao a.4 laar la
K»oaaa a a* .baaa*« aaBaa ...I r. a«#tbor o,tsi ib*
r ». I'lrn.'utl t. fiurcti, Brooklyn in Tliurada;
teatlM IHk laM. at 7H a clo< k, n fMrlotiatu. for the
Attorney and Notary I'alillc, No 7V Narean atrial. ». looa a* P***lhl*. Aa **rl/ *' < 'r m iir I .* la *
*l>l*i o* to aalWIpat* man, *f r I* r .* tk* (r | i' li .<
of tital.irooi, A« for ia|r* lu Apr. Tl.« . >.t*at .*
.I It* Ml**
..I 1 14
.. »» f#*t m
. .r
lb* rl*L i*l ?
ill* 1U *|jt-f i&4 ift' i «ftj-
friftl* *lf ' f«. ^IM f t' m « 'fttjf
»u i
||M| 4 K >¦ < IIMAN » 4*.T< 4 «|T> ATIoH A* fOBTBK
T »V4 '.»./ n.M I* i>« ma it A (Jri.k*
.¦.i >..i
M lanai)

( > .
,a wt |-' r .'«*..
. . th-
aa4 Mapa oitb »a aal
loaai ¦ -at aaal aalr aakaaa 11
akt. .r- a A" .''lbaa.,4 o-tb .« <Br t ...» afBar«iai
i»» .*> I the In watnai 'rUo< I for Uirll. Tlceete lift lenta
.» a eaa? he ke t.1 the aealna «f ibe church, M at tlie
l Bounty
to b«
i.and acenty, or tiie veteran corps
1*12, of the ait» Now York.. The pronto
tlia charily fond
lb* corpa, IJM \um
. r*i** of lunar**, aa4 th* ai« '*«iip *f katla* a*p*ftfliM»4
p.ri< n* toatt«a4 to tb* tfillaiuff irraai >«. i> « I *a '
l«I |.'t«lt <*. fi|M . llftlli I t ftb't I#»ft4
li 1 'M I# t»h .» ftf ftft II ( * Uftfttr -*i iUt« * Iiitft'1 '

aa afpartai |1 , la a* « » . *,hr *t«aaol»aa *i b

* tide, l or doura l«low Bookman. OBi > boura
airaat. a< nth kii< t ial*. r*n4*ri a «oia|i,*n i nil tk* *^- 1* r. ,
an -.l»»m*4 fa»«r RtrM«*ri ar- ta»,t- I t> all *t tt-«
. 4 II -f M' *lt f* ». ft '!#« -hftftt* f- f f<ft#tt»«
llutl rt|t|H| li III* Mm tin* t* 9%iplf tK*M**l * *. il |*f
a <1 WAI tr.H
..'1 »..
I.; 4 H4« wiTOoi!' «.,, i.
nii.4i tu kamiM |*r'»Ml, ia4 II *1 .» -b«av.T
I, »' kfc All ikllulwi . >11 4«*4lf* fr,. .M,l%4'
.**.)< .> aO,.a aad b»»auf«.i Bt ». a I boa bail «l 'aa T"» INTRi.Mi TORT I.E' IT RE To TUB THIRD Irou -A* to 4 I* M »nu*l ¦>!.. roon.a an-! I. ,n.|-.Ml.*t .»» a. mIk . r|« l* «i*ry *r* . li»l Mi .* ! t f C' .' fc' t*» tl 4. I
and pr »*»* J »r** ii. tl.e Men .j .lilau Uedw el Colltg", will be 4eil (ol U RAYMOND, >*«.».. -
M a RiiOU faa r Raaao#. kd» At lalaaf. ' r» i.
hf Pr»f J II IKIK.ND, at ll..t»uie Uall. «- Ea.t Major A. DAI.I.Y Jr ,
A* J Uaa L. W kVlEMAN ) *' lh* ««*»'
J for tf,* arrariprm* fit aa4 4i»j Uy if a '!/*. *W"-k .1 t ii
ar» ua*<inall*4 >Imi h«r» an-t ».*-»¦>. . §. < .. ir< . *
li n .§. ' ift- l»- . n»#m tbi«»<kftl>ri Mil# 1*4
i i^.i«> <

» ».«¦* fy;
T» M*. Wall. .
. -iH
A '.<? »«¦'/ i,7a»
Ir i4>if U4ai*% ijliUAaUi 4a 4 *l«H- *ta tir«l« t.m
l.r I»«jr a ) d>i4>; oroaia*. tlbmet., at 1% o'eluek. *M*4 lo ri»* *ilt*f**ti«a l« »,..«¦* ni'ii **4 M' r r m
r .. «¦ f meiiaai refuraa, and tbe Mhln ."riuralir, are it m a » .
?, i an wtu. 9eu. on *
la Ik*
*r>tnl *n4 r*«voBalkl* .*rtia*» m .« ..*ti aai r*r
LAND AOEVC Y, ZV B |iAi D W # V *! W#4n,iwisyt M l* h i «»n I, 14 WUMlnrwi iji !r»rii . i4</»«
» ui i* auoad
. I.aad warrawta for aoldura, anion, arti^ra, elorka,
teamawra, Ac obtaiaa l, kounbl aold and looatod. llUn< ia
>.w V- rk 'Ity it lit okl;a JORCIII IIK'i K H t M *.*
licaw, '*?)tr»l Ml,* raam*. Vlll*»<>>«7
Bro«kly». Braaklya, Mar k it v.*.
-ri'r. I' »|
tlft r«t <.«. I tr f *1
'**.ilf fcrftifc f i** '?'!.««
ftftl lil'fcfti ft» fir« |4 «f
i# »" ft# r «iif i*4 «tUf

A <"MltTI«iT MAW UTtU 14 1UK0, WA*m

tVa> *.¦ t -a
JBa'fMM m founcAt. patMtl title* pnrckeaod. OIBee h'lara from 1 A M. till DC M . Iftlf* ».*!#* n4« »*4 m*k» il»* # r s*»wu'> I VI im«i"» .. wiii.r ia k ,.u .. .1 ». »aa
«at la bar «<a fraaa la JAM ES K A JOHN V SIR oW, Attorney* at Law, offlce fuft* nit *## »- »*iilHi 4 ».#' -* ¦» ftm Ul| III Hltlfl't r; ffll'l'll ,t< " Ku'lf 'f#»frrlua M«
m aaa an akaatf I IB 4a af VMMMK'*
I fa
DEMOCRATIC REf'L'BIJCAS 'iLNE No. 2S, up itair< /«ro « t.twir, auction f er, hi >m.i,* h> . I »f t .* . .
fr*fc.'ft i^4 *ll|#* l<«4H«l4* 'ftr«*ftl «f 14* llHI flallWl t III U« llflllll ;w4H k«<
A r'fn ar laoatklf if -ble *JT mrlH, a TI,or*4i> Bir#k II, »l l'» **!*«» * H «*.#»!? % p 4rt«»,ft| ul lift*# hi j 1 1- . A* i f 4 ii'iii
otli bo h*l I at the t r or>ma, '413mtetln*
Itfttftt* Ml 1*4 I* M # in »a 4'|«i -i A* 4 k« -aaa
, '
' a<a ''e- ir^aaeir, ? IM 'altr* itwk of »t«r« No Zll f>. 'I *».» < ..**«¦ ltf*fti* t tft^»«<rf t|»f . pij ftftl «tA«r *ftrj«»t* in >4 i rrilum 1 1 4 a .>.<>« aaa i n u umI
H-aMf Hai.iH, latin |i at;u., clock RPIRITUAl.UM. NlacUtatli ar.-l Tw*atl*lh itr*-it com */ »» -at .« .41 t)*ll l!i*Uft Hif f* A A TlriMftAftf II J& til ii m<4 41 *9> llr I .. r HIVI ». T vilflA iu«l A A*
Jv aavRiao,
JA.Mt.-4 i'ARKCR. Cbajmao.
>! k* ii.-l jiolrj -*- Iwjn
Jmi ia«« .%!. i
Irrnir tub. Bal* to M roat.»»i4 uai.i t.. iat i i * .
lit II ||#**« h**«l|<l4 ftfl.' Ill A* <m.« i u
tarxatl «»iK«re», } '**r*tarioa.

Mao* i-.f I'T HATE^aad l-Af'T. t!i* t «at clairvoyant aol4.

*0 aad UalwlBa ak m pat aaa* loaa '.iaaa aaloa. Ibt .i.dJ/
if at baraaaao.
pt> .irtaa* In thla **aatry. kleeead i.y thaaaiida fat h*r
aluort ntracalena earra of e»ery dlaoax, rapaolally EHIER, MACCAR"--
UMT 4«U ?'Ul HI#. Arntr»o
ma* or bbapa' t a mi a*d ri*r i ¦*
iltlMi ikkM t* .Hiift I i'IWM, lll.a-fc.

Oaalf Tra <lullla|a par 1 ard UKafltok V * h

!1t»T Omi E *OTfC KM. u.otd nial
or no
ladla* .Oatiafaetor asaiaiaati
pay. Ottco No lo Hpilar atract, tb*B"w»ry.
-.a/iaau, (*RCH
I il .at Hour A7 I>-r iifwi
4.jr, 10 <i**k. k*a4**ai. Ir a i*f-i twliir kt «*,
r .»<.».
It. *
I i,*T
»/#.. 'f i ift
I1* THAN «i*P|<*9f THInf OH
V»r|. ii*tuf .HU4 hi
TH* f'HfT »u ii4 |i
?4 A- M-i a»4 I'rM'i1

.' 'At ?
; infill'
»l «*ii«iaiil
nl-fi'i 4i'
» III (U4»
Bat aarp*ta aad aaa I* a* I .r ia|ni kr .aaa r<T OP? ir ¦ NOTK E < IIAVOR HP llor R -THE .

itritim..t l.ta OOAV.

l.ip*. rl4iar .*441.*, tr**4i'» m,<i .,*, r # "iiuft #| i 4ri#l I' 9 far I' *!*? * If MM 4 A t" i
will r«»wi»« »lait«ra, thia ai.d »i *ry da J jnuk
.a t k ait<i<«tke fca»«, »ia -1 aia-'.<ia at«aai«ra irlll, ota rmiTUALiurrfN* and .
*.*: ** »i i lit" ll> -lariiAi'in ' f '.!*».«. 4i« aa »V-
«p,ta aa 4 aa aar tan f*r apdai.Att .«raaa aarpak. ¦at

41**, HfWi l*ka«««, *llf* *||. ikall.l * ai* »

* li .t ft All |*f» ...r*«l«< *.»4 l«ft r»f K.*^<raiftll»4 4a 1 . t » lirr A44»*«4 t f 4 at <»».! * .
Klktl Ahunmf* a, a B»«ary at I ifUi M ale? <i* !.' «l .> at .» I' M
1'A.V V P'lVLlI, Peataaator. i har«l Ifoara 12 A M
waak, 3 at Him u4 fork*, (al'al < r4 yrunf f~ H« iU*ft Ak; ift' . m»t . r**|« »*| ».- <fiu «tj| Mn III!
IIU4.4 ii«
4 4 |
.X) llroadwair.Uapo
at 4 7 to i F. M. A^mlaaioat
>> cant< R.. I'arUa* at
H A CARIfcR **' »*f .*i»»4 i> *r i A 9» *r *4»ir r<»r% if
To Rafart of . raabary, t«akaao aatl UIm> S,ton lad at thai/ Hafdatca. alao N
alralaa at har r»m' ii i««#» I# I* A Ci T rvoMit ft*, Mi*' -.a f A'#«A* IITFaTIos *4HT«&-I1 A I II
PLlYIMICtKM. priaaia A I
vara a af aa >f t|.
aaita so aaaait a«
Vj Ian pi*a*f'ft».ACCTtOBBBa-OBBTBBI rt'R<H
ofT,OI«foi|9.| roii^ttfdiiitfAift
-Ml' f . '..V«4 / » »ia. naall
¦aaak* a aOa laniaaai.a ay tba u*a .MM ataxia
t aaaa
ML t » |N«i -I Aftn PI A VINO I ARDV- rERV
lRI O «*y .By part.ealar odi.l ,u a >p<«ial r-*o t'
A* T ¦* 4*> iMk *t
N II H | ''
I 4 *1*11 trip «.». iir* i irt Ml ronTAf^f^o .. C < ' .
I I. .« .1 Ml, nAr»«4. .

tar tba * aatrr P» aa « . >t Hi* .t»r iin.i I Ift4 P*9\ wtu, #«|4 I,, |ifiMi«/ <a(i(*4, 14 MiMl.. 4.1. it
paakar* r r*i« k*i «M ia-4. <Hk all the fari .». .tb-r ual latloa aMMMoarty *4cpt«4 at a iat« ina*tii* of a«T*ral *1 *a«tloa. a* IM lalir* f«r*Mv<
hi i . m
»»4 tin I ft«li_ ttllft f l «<^9|ft M.ft II fitif«M|
,A ,1 1 ,»*#*.*. fl"44l ^ * .

plttjk A KI I I' T I ayanan I « I', .f .t?«t >e

. I *«ti a
1 «. |>
ard< aadekr'A* HtKT l i.ii ku *Jrad citucra of Vaw V Mlaa m*A ERA Nf K1 mtiai »l »oi*«i*4 |.aa»f4 r*« la
*' u<
*. a
1 Im» f I
vl Mi
ri« !*'».« ftt* ».#. * <ituvi*< ififtH
p*****! »i«»r i*p*o»f AMKAlCAM AH'»t'T I* VRAM
Oaao Do* flaalf Uft -%l> fur a Motor aa* ad . I .» Ml* t* ika Ira 4* ar. 4 Hii hi am at . boar iUiio, Hi. 1 JAY will pi** °ar ra eircla on W -la"la/ <-roaln/
f **w<.«4 | irtor faraitara. ta* i» rr«*-k f< **¦ .*. !»#'. It ft# f ** I *.
Al/ H#*t« *«*..' >i« tftftftl .
fi <(0 MA*
t »*»
Tka latt af Vaadr^a b ti i.a« I. *a aat far*, a J. « 4,ai4ad lari im f ittaet. <|^Ma tba Aeter H M»rcb 14, IMA whirl. »ill'» tb» «at lima *h< wil[ad4r»"»
fol lie m! Iv III Una 'i'f prl«» la bar daaar? f* for Ea
la" *i.rt»i*» *a4 r-r»>»«* » r.» h *! *<.>
kl«ni>4 »l*'k **4 maatil miawili, (ill
' . i . u j" Hi f Hi* 14i Km fmi *ti«<t fttiii h
|# iftl ...
¦ ,
i . n .f* i'iii i«.m i m>n.«a V»
' »»
rwi «¦ \
Maat IB| , *mt ra a tba "aatki f tba lk*k taak. T\.«
'. . iiiiiAii
|B a rr*ai .pparaaalty top a para,a af aoaail at aaa a ta aaaara I'M K A HTM. ropo. Tickata af »dwiia«|oo, Jt a/a To ha1 -f -
pa.atia^*, tap**<ry *a4 tkr** plf .mifftt il.fa.IIMi. 4 (I II I III In. I'M! Il4
»l » r' i- ii ¦* ** m l«'<4 » tiltMf ia4»l|, lac
I'ARTNIIX.C A liRITT AN, M» Ii«.a4way. **rr*lair., Ii.I'-im mni- *aki*.<i -.#.-*..« r«.« it* ti | wion rittiMr TVS fTV inftr A i i ill. tl» i ,m
kaallky reakoaoaoot <baa>M'ry tU ta.a'l'.a .aakal mil It Wf »**tra, pt«r aa4 »»'» tai n i .*» ¦*» far li Wtfus tft#t«l SSW. **>ftMMJlltf ft V^| T* * , r M4I .».'.' * Hi 444lttM II .nHlfl»» mi S|
¦aala. oiit aa«ar> ' tr a t a< la M ay |t« M ar a jf|t ART* -H>R liKit.l.VAI. M " D P. RN I'Al.VT '.4*f t.U f.«M« »«« ri .iuui Ii*f 4ft^l*#rft-»4 hS**H, Iml'li

At ply aa- lai fy ta T1IK M I i.l'l t K, V. ait*r«, r«m*i*tta« *f r***aa*4 a* I aa.r»f k«r a,. r I. .iriia I. I .><! asMMta Mi
Mot af »r-ai ta« ta laaaly a. ra* I ia(* * ««ald ail the att«Bil/<n at aaaUnra i a*T
. > .
ia*nii Hp .a**it**4i rw*i*< ail Kik-iuf f 1*4 Itiifi, i*4 rtftttfi it* -i«4 «HA ftitf »*»*« ' t I
iVA* a ' .a i> |a- br adaay « Ul Waal Mata atb atreal, »rU » 1 »h' e cr
joal |.ic-. ir»«. If A neneaa tad Ea/i,.b ii. **. i«p*rt*t Amp ¦altrw* nIIum uti .*< m i «i
Boat Aaraatk aaaao* a'''*** . h" » *e lariti iaje at reaa-.i.ahia ori«««i antu
. hxk or- ? ». r^eciatta. I j W K«ia«r K Uiraear, C
itr*«t Tk» niaaiar* of tba ahoaa *r.tpa »r* haraky ra
klaa t«il.,t wli. gilt fraai. Uakiat r ***.. >a«r*t*
* .*'*...
oft^ov iftiftAf .?¦mil* im catmi ram I .
' « MMA*
D C<K>« »4 .Tr,.

li Dtaiai ma farailar* uimxn lia.*» t*lt« 4i iiiii liai ,p .alt*
* 11 .
< Mtli'i Hair aod \%IUo«irra lolMltoMp, IU i:i| W HA. m|i ' nialrr Inn Ala-
.1 i I i* aaaat«d to attaa4 iha rafilar atoathjy Ba«tin« to to Ual4 in
re ||,. «. «e. Aina»,,»old t.a takl>«. BtlMtaat «fa. ipnw ...> .'¦..n « .»». in* i.ll <i>a #..« Inn, At a*4 ta
Md r art It kr atlaatita paid ta aboap '.*/ rtartiaf aod I aiat <a« »f ike Naiitujr k» u »|. r ,»»- *r<.» a (irtra'e ¦.Lit, 1 aaaday aT*ai*r Marak L3, iv-'. By cr4*r, »!,* n r*ikir*. iImi, im k iy <!*.* a*4 *. ** **r* >.* I rM . «.»(. '# apiM .ftjr. I I Kiiul III A|fi; HU4IM

draaaiaa tba bkar «kat.a«a.a raaka. kr BiLI a' . lie.', a 'a K »r i Mill EN A R
RRI'S, Md UraMvsy. EM, A R A. RoBlkTS. CoaMMcdAat. trap*. .!»« pl**a4 Ui *a4 «tt >,< .» M>.« flM .¦«'» Mil »*"" . K»«l I ihmi <r*m 1 1 it
akraat B4 Itbarty iafak.'M aa<a-at Uf >ra*<< lei ii. ii a of Aaalia; «r OooUa Jo*n T. Toai, tacrrtary am. . ..*.». ulnt
imii fork*. Ia41*a, Itarp Uttl* taii.rp liVM* faraitir*. , c , ,, » i .. 3 T bm *»f
kba ba.r. taotaaiBaaaaa aya far a tloak *p bpava.
W 1v>
l hk VrKERA.Vf I V ltlX, Oft TtB VlfiofiP It. CaiilttM *a Ik am«i *f Mia "' » i. ' .
«4 »»
/ 'OACMU* A -»ANT«I>. A «I.i Alio*. »T
P0 Wlp and li.apm.rba tolakralof
aaa jfartnry tor ..**. VapaM, b*% ia of laa« ka u frMl
aa(f**k»(> .14
atW^ra^He, oM
aa? h «..«!< f IU
out C*lu aid aaa^ai n«o, «r aa;
FKlOKfl T1.o*» whe rwMtaad forty ar»* of land tra m» »n«t
U*d to 1*0 a rraa mora, arid tboaa tkaraanl ai(bty
it" ar» a«UU»d to aifhty a> r»a ¦at*. a»l rai obUia
/» 0 tlOBTON Af'TION (PR
AI f.R * 1 II
*lltk *!...*. »lll **ll ». H iIimIi; *t l«N I -.a
at Uft Oi*»b .¦'I *».*.*. tk* «*al. 1-w* *a4 laUrn *4 a
' t
I l' #T All
.# r«* im*. tf /.*
l l|
If | * , «ti

Tt . ft4!l»r» f'« T*l
«.« t
* « ' * U II *»'»»
4 >. ukaii
kwfi »( I knakaa
I III 11*4' ..
rViaii a44«.ii A "» II U4 1*7 ll'nii Am. fat In li|it

»' llat atily n mluli lk« UN
k riM >i4 i.i 4 u».

brabta, Af ,a af taa^ad at 27 MaadM laoo, aaraor af thiol .a ». ear of beat . a* at tao .Id t urio-.ty that r wa rraat* af tb* »»..«. V T. KXTDl, M Wall *.>,;.». < .*«4*l>i l» -. »*..» ' . ' .
vknk .«> ka >> *y" t H<»iAa4 s«
4ra* it«ri. amtia« *4 4r*n **4 'ivi irt»»« at*. Hit «. r.4 ?»«*..>' * r1* k«,«
¦aaaaa » treat U ,ba,a. Itavara af Bread war pnaaa
* ttuw, n ibin jm*.
»>.», »»» tmln; m * n»-uii *f »¦ *<*§ *tr*at, b*a»n»at. N* cA*/|« vteWiat iu'.J wanaaU

>r«kir) up, |b*M|', *M Mi III lafttl |U M*ui I H Mm <m»4 '» » >¦ 1^1 1 M> 4 k*44
. . »r»
of M%4
mrj tl. In kliidilVuUiiiBUUiici

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