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the population development in Loreto as well as related information and services (Wikipedia,
Google, images).

Population Population Population

Name Status Census Census Census
1993-07-11 2007-10-21 2017-10-22

Loreto Region 687,282 891,732 883,510

Alto Amazonas Province 82,946 104,667 122,725

Datem del Marañón Province 30,958 49,571 48,482

Loreto Province 49,362 62,165 62,437

Mariscal Ramón Castilla Province 32,900 54,829 49,072

Maynas Province 385,415 483,458 479,866

Putumayo (← Maynas) Province 6,463 9,534 7,780

Requena Province 53,676 65,692 58,511

Ucayali Province 45,562 61,816 54,637

Peru Republic 22,639,443 27,219,264 29,381,884

Source: Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Informática, Peru (web).

Explanation: The tabulated census results are not adjusted for underenumeration. The omitted
total population of Peru is estimated to be 591,087 in 1993, 808,607 in 2007, and 1,855,501 in
2017. Area figures of provinces are computed using geospatial data.

Typical Food

the following list contains the typical dishes of the region:

Ensalada de chonta o salad palmito (the palm stem is also called pona).

Cebiche de dorado: fish based cebiche.

Inchicapi: chicken soup with peanuts, cilantro, and cassava.

Timbuche: concentrated broth made from fish and cilantro.

Cecina: dried and salted beef or pork.

Patarashca: fire roasted fish wrapped in banana leaves.

Juane: Rice seasoned with palillo, a Peruvian spice akin to turmeric, and chicken wrapped in
banana leaves.

Tacacho: a dish of mashed and kneaded green, roasted bananas with fried pork rinds. Generally, it
is combined with cecina.

Inchicucho: prepared with corn, peanuts, and aji (hot pepper).


Parque Nacional Marino Bahía de Loreto

Misión San Francisco Javier de Viggé-Biaundó

Malecón de Loreto

Santuario Della Santa Casa

Museo Pinacoteca

Reserva Nacional Allpahuayo - Mishana

Typical drinks

Masato: bebida de yuca cocida y machacada, fermentada con chancaca o azúcar.

Aguajina: refresco elaborado con la fruta del aguaje (palmera).

Chapo: preparado especialmente con plátano maduro. (Capirona).

Shibe: preparado a base de fariña (yuca fermentada y tostada)

Typical dance

La pandilla

Apu Cashi

El siritacuy
Fiesta de la anaconda de la étnia bora

El chimaychi

Importnt people

Gino Ceccarelli

Róger Alejandro Rumrrill García (Iquitos 199).

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