Paper of Experimental Teaching Media

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Paper of Experimental Teaching Media

Name : Cindy Fildza Lubis

NIM : 4163312004
Class : Bilingual Mathematics Education 2016

I. Understanding of MATLAB
MATLAB is short for MATrix LABoratory because each data in
MATLAB uses a matrix base. MATLAB is a high-tech, closed and case sensitive
programming language in a numerical computing environment developed by
MathWorks. One of the most popular advantages is the ability to create graphics
with the best customization support. MATLAB has many tools that can help
various disciplines. This is one industry cause using MATLAB. In addition
MATLAB has many libraries that are very helpful for solving mathematical
problems such as creating function simulations, mathematical modeling and GUI
MATLAB is one of the high-performance languages that is generally used
for the purpose of technical computing. By integrating the visualization, and
programming, MATLAB creates an easy-to-use environment where
understandable mathematical notations are used to express the problems and
solutions. This language is generally used in the development of algorithms, and
computation and maths.
MATLAB application is built on the basis of MATLAB scripting
language. This common uses of this MATLAB application include the
deployment of Command Window in the form of an interactive mathematical
shell or the execution of files that consist of MATLAB code.
MATLAB features have been developed a lot, and we are more familiar
with the toolbox name. It is very important for a MATLAB user, which toolbox
supports to learn and apply the technology that is being studied. This toolbox
toolbox is a collection of MATLAB (M-files) functions that have been developed
into a MATLAB work environment to solve particular class problems. The areas
that can be solved with the current toolbox include signal processing, system
control, neural networks , fuzzy logic, wavelets, and others.
Completeness in MATLAB System As a system, MATLAB is composed
of 5 main parts:
1. Development Environment. Is a set of devices and facilities that help
you to use MATLAB functions and files. Some of these devices are a graphical
user interface (GUI). These include the MATLAB desktop and Command
Window, command history, an editor and debugger, and browsers to see help,
workspaces, files, and search paths.
2. MATLAB Mathematical Function Library. It is a collection of
computational algorithms ranging from basic functions such as: sum, sin, cos, and
complex arithmetic, to more complex functions such as inverse matrix, matrix
eigenvalues, Bessel functions, and fast Fourier transforms.
3. MATLAB Language. It is a high-level matrix / language array with
control flow statements, functions, data structures, input / output, and object-
oriented programming features. This makes it possible for us to do both things
"simple programming" to get fast results, and "programming in a larger scope" to
get results and complex applications.
4. Graphics.MATLAB has the facility to display vectors and matrices as a
graph. In it involves high-level functions (high level functions) for data
visualization of two dimensions and three-dimensional data, image processing,
animation, and presentation graphics. It also involves a low level function that
allows you to familiarize yourself with emerging graphics ranging from simple to
high level graphical user interfaces to your MATLAB application.
5. MATLAB Application Program Interface (API). Is a library that allows
programs that you have written in C and Fortran to be able to interact with
MATLAB. This involves facilities for calling routines from MATLAB (dynamic
linking), calling MATLAB as a computational engine, and for reading and writing
II. The History of MATLAB
The development of MATLAB began at the end of 1970s. The work on
MATLAB was initiated by Cleve Moler, who chaired the computer science
department at the University of New Mexico during that time. Cleve Moler
started developing MATLAB with the aim of providing his students with an
access to EISPACK and LINPACK without having any need to go for learning
Fortran. The language, however, soon became popular among a large number of
university, specifically in the field of applied mathematics, because of its high
usability in the said area. At the time of the visit that was made by Moler to
Stanford University in the 1983, Jack Little, who was an engineer, came in
contact with the MATLAB programming language. After realising the fact that
MATLAB had an impressive commercial potential, Jack Little went on for
joining hands with Steve Bangert and Moler. These three then started rewriting
MATLAB in C Language. This was also accompanied with the formation of
MathWorks in the year 1984 to further enhance the development of MATLAB.
JACKPAC is the name that was given to the rewritten libraries of MATLAB.
LAPACK was created in the year 2000. This was a new set of libraries which
were used by the newer and modified MATLAB so as to incorporate the feature
of matrix manipulation. The early uses of MATLAB were specifically made by
the practitioners as well as researchers that were associated with the field of
control engineering, which was a speciality of Jack Little. The language, because
of the high profile features, was quick to become popular in a variety of other
domains as well. The common uses of this language are now made in the field of
education, especially in the teaching of numerical analysis, and linear algebra.
Apart from that it is also deployed by the scientists who work in the area of image

III. The Use of MATLAB at University for Students

MATLAB is an interactive system whose basic data element is an array
that does not require dimensioning. This allows you to solve many
technical computing problems, especially those with matrix and vector
formulations, in a fraction of the time it would take to write a program in a
scalar noninteractive language such as C or Fortran. The use of MATLAB
for students in University :
 Math and computation
 Algorithm development
 Modeling, simulation, and prototyping
 Data analysis, exploration, and visualization
 Scientific and engineering graphics
 Application development, including Graphical User Interface

IV. References

White, E. Robert. 2004. COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS : Models,

Methods, and Analysis with MATLAB and MPI. New York:
Chapman &Hall/CRC.

Anonimous.2017.What is MATLAB?. ( Access

on September 01st, 2018 at 20:00 pm.

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