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Fun Size: Word List Teacher notes

As with all word lists, there are bound to be words that you think should have been Where the activity fits in
included. The list is designed as a multi-purpose resource to enable you to develop KS3 Science
your own ideas.
This word list is based on one that was
Possible Activities originally put together by Jerry Wellington.
ƒ Making students write a science fiction story using as many of the words
from the list as possible.
ƒ Trying to connect words from the list by drawing lines between words, an
interesting exercise would be to get students to compare their webs and
which words they have connected
ƒ Grouping words by subject (physics, geology, botany etc.) or topic.
ƒ Trying to work out the common roots of words, i.e. their beginnings and
endings (mono, hydr – Signs, Symbols and Systematics has a useful
section on this)
ƒ Producing short lists from the word list that could be displayed around the
classroom, for example a list of the words related to investigations might
help remind students what to include in their write-ups
ƒ Constructing tables to show words that have everyday meanings as well
as scientific ones
ƒ Use the lists as an assessment exercise where students put a mark by
each word, i.e. (A) I can spell the word, (B) I can define the word, (C) I
can use the word correctly in a sentence.
Use a puzzle-building program to create word squares or crosswords.
With the latter you could give students the solution and get them to write
the clues for the words, this could be a good homework exercise, with a
check at the start of the next lesson as they swap crosswords (you would
need to generate different ones) and try to solve each other’s. You can
find demo versions of these sorts of programmes at various websites, for

Further Reading
ƒ I found Clive Sutton’s Words, Science and Learning (Open University
Press, 1992) fascinating and although aspects of it are quite theoretical it
has a host of good ideas about helping students make sense of the
language of science.
ƒ There are obvious links to the National Literacy Strategy, the QCA document Language
for Learning in Key Stage 3 has some suggestions about how to help
students learn to use language more effectively in science.
ƒ Language through Science (published by ASE) also provides ideas on
developing pupil literacy through science, as does Language And Literacy
In Science Education (Jonathan Osborne and Jerry Wellington, Oxford
University Press, 2001).

ASE CD ROM Resources – AKA Science
base conservation electron gamma ray k
a battery consumer electrostatic gas
beta contraction element generator kidney
abdomen biased control endothermic genes kilogram
absorption biceps convection energy gestation kinetic
acceleration biomass copper environment glucose
accuracy biotechnology correlation enzyme granite l
acid boiling corrosion epidemic gravity lava
activity bond covalent epithelial lever
adaptation bronchus cracking equation
h life
bulb crude oil error limestone
aerobic crystal erupt habitat
haemoglobin line graph
air resistance
alcohol c current
evaporation halogen liquid
hazard lithosphere
alkali calcium evidence
herbivore live
alkane capillary evolution
alkene carbohydrate
d hereditary longitudinal
excretion loudness
allele carbon data exhale hibernation
homeostasis luminous
alpha carbon dioxide decompose exothermic
hormone lung
alternating carbonate density expansion
ammeter carnivore deposition extinction hydraulic
ammonia catalyst diabetes hydrocarbon m
f hypothesis
anaerobic charge dilute fats magnetic
analogue chemical diode ferns i magnification
animal chlorine dispersion fertilisation mammal
fertility igneous
annual chlorophyll displacement mammary glands
fetus immunisation
anomalous chloroplasts dissipated mass
field indicator
antagonistic chromatogram dissolve mass number
filter infection
antibiotic chromosome distillation measurement
food chain infra
artery ciliated diversity meiosis
food web inhale
asexual cilia dormant melting
force inherit
association circuit drag membrane
formula inoculation
asteroid classify dynamo menstruation
fossil insulation
atmosphere climate metamorphic
freefall insulin
atom clone e meteors
frequency intensity
atomic number coil meter
eclipse friction interpret
attract comets methane
ecosystem fuel intestine
audible component metre (length)
egested fungi invertebrate
composition microbe
electrical fuse ion
b compound microwave
electrolysis isotope
conclusion migration
bacteria electromagnet
conductor g mineral
j mitosis
A Word List For Secondary Science gamete joule mixture
model p q s tectonics vein
molecule temperature velocity
moment palisade quadrat salt testis ventilation
monohybrid parallel qualitative sample size theory ventilation
monoxide particle quantitative sandstone thermal vibration
mosses pathogen satellite thermistor villus
motor periodic table r saturated thorax virus
mucous pesticide sedimentary tissue vitamin
ph range radiation segment
mutation radioactive toxic voltage
photosynthesis seismic toxin
pitch range series
n react trachea w
pivot shale transfer
negative reactant shell wave
placenta transformer
neutral reactivity skeleton wavelength
planet transparent
neutron reduction sodium weight
pneumatic transpiration
nitrogen reflection sodium hydroxide
poles transverse
noble gases refraction solar system
polymer trial x
nucleus relay solenoid
porosity triceps
nutrient reliability solid x-rays
reliable solubility xylem
potential renewable soluble u
o reproduction
power solution ultrasound y
observation reptile solvent ultraviolet
precipitate yeast
opaque repulsion species universe
orbit resistance spectrum unsaturated
organ resistor speed upthrust z
organism resonance sperm uterus
pressure zinc
osmosis respiration stimulus
ovary reversible sustainable
producer v
oviduct ribcage symbol
ovulation risk vaccination
oxidation rotate vacuole
t variable
ozone taxonomic variation

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