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Dear Illinois Lawmakers,

I am a student studying Education at Harold Washington College. I am writing to request Illinois

lawmakers to fund house bill 2977 by consolidation school districts. House Bill 2977, which
passed the Illinois House of Representatives on April 26, and mandates cursive writing in
elementary and high schools. At an unknown cost to school districts. On the Illinois (2016-2017)
Report Card under “District Finances,” Illinois school district average revenue is mainly
funded by local funding. It is slightly funded by the state, and even less funded by the federal
government. Illinois has over 800 school districts, which is placing a heavy burden on taxpayers.
Samuel Stebbins, Tax Policy: States with highest and lowest taxes ( September 27, 2018.)
Illinois comes at the 5th highest property taxes paid income at 11%. If Illinois just cut its
number of school districts in half, the state could conservatively save $3 Billion to $4 Billion in
pension cost over the next 30 years. Joe Kaiser, Illinois House Passes Cursive Writing
Mandate for Schools (April, 2017.) Illinoisans can't afford to be burden with more taxes.


Erika Gonzalez

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