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Erika Gonzalez

Chapter one Technology Integration : A Standards-Based Approach

Eras and phases
● Pre Mechanical era- depending on real objects and face to face communication. Due to
biblical and other documents reserved for the wealth.
● Mechanical phase- the creation and use of the printing press. Storing and retrieving
information more easier from the mass reproduction.
● Electric age- audio and visual, increased opportunities for communication.
● Digital phase- tools were developed such as , word processors, digital cameras, emails,
and cell phones. Accessing technology from several resources.
Phases of computers in education
● 1977-1982 The computer as an object of study. When students have become “computer
● 1983-1990 The computer as a programming tool. The computer language logo called
● 1991-1996 The computer as a communication device and resource tool. Producing
● 1997- Present The computer as a learning and social tool. Information literacy became a
focus on Holland education technology plan.
ISTE also known as The International society for technology in education had released a set of
technology standards for (NETS-S) National Education Technology Standards for Students,
(NETS-T) National Education Technology Standards for Teachers, and (NETS-A) for
Chapter two Self- Directed Lifelong Learning
(SDL) also known as Self Directed Learning is any increasing knowledge,skill, accomplishment,
or personal development that brings his or her own methods.
The GAME plan
● Set Goals. What do you already know and want to know?
● Take Action to meet those goals. What information do I need to meet my goal?what
resources are needed and strategy?
● Monitor progress toward achieving that goal. Am I finding the right resources, or
● Evaluate whether the goals were achieved and Extend your learning to new situations.
What could I have done differently or learning strategies in the future?
Technology resume
● Having the understanding of hardware knowledge and software skills. To help potential
employees understand what you can do and if it's relevant for the job description.
Portfolio development
● Define - purpose and audience
● Design - must be appropriate, easy to find, and retrievable. Draw attention to the
audience and finding it easy to understand.
● Deliver- distribute to intended audience.
Types of portfolios
Portfolios can be used to document students progress
● Assessment portfolio - a collection of artifacts used to assess students learning.
● Employment portfolio - a persuasion of artifacts demonstrating competence in relation to
a desire position or profession.
● Professional development portfolio - collections of individual learning and reflection
growth over time.
Chapter three Supporting Students Creativity with Technology
● Building creative and critical thinking skills by promoting, supporting, modeling
innovating thinking, and inventiveness
● Most people think original, unique, or creatively. As traits that only artists are capable of.
● According to the Ken Robinson the “ process of having original ideas that have values.”
Being creative in anything such as teaching, science, or raising a family.
● Creative thinking is not a skill, because it involves different cognitive skills.
● Learning autonomy has basics requirements that students follow topics. That lead them to
subjects that are either interesting, or relevant to them.
● Technology as a tool for learning by itself will more than likely fail to hold the attention,
or interest of students. It would be more effective if students used it to pursue their
Chapter four Technology as Tutor: Promoting Student Learning using Technology-Based
● Tutor is a teaching software used to teach new content to students.
Educational games that support learning
● Skill solving.
● Skills needed for the real world.
● Performance thats define if the player is ready for the next level or challenge.
● Collecting data from the player overtime.
● Feedback that helps the player with challenges and not repeat them.
● Hints in the game that help the player level-up.
● Games are designed to appeal a wide range of people without it games would not be
WebQuest is a format that utilized lessons based on web resources.
● Motivates students into learning.
● Going step by step.
● Criteria which students will evaluate and reflect their learning.
Mindtool is a visulatin tool or building tool. That enables learners to reflect on what they know
and not copy what someone else knows.
● Visualisation tools can illustrate more complex data understanding arguments within
different domains.
● Simulations help students interact or observe manipulations.
● Digital storytelling enables learners to reflect, represent, and communicate what they
● Web conferencing tools help students interact with one another out of school or from a
long distance. It can be very useful especial with class work or projects.
Chapter five Developing technology-Enriched Learning Environment and Experience
● When using technology in big groups and have only one computer. Use it to display a
lesson on a projector so all the students can see and learn.
● When using technology in a smaller group you can pair up students to collaborate with
each other and let each student work with technology.
● Blended learning is when half the part is taught in class and the other half is in the lab.
● Before beginning a lesson make sure all the URLs are working properly at the lab,
because if you plan it at home it may not be compatible at the lab. Prepare students on the
subject they are going to learn. You can run a trial to and get feedback. Always have a
backup due to any malfunctions with technology.
Chapter six Customizing Student Activities and Learning
● Federal laws dictate how you teach some students.
● Technology can be used to help teach students from diverse backgrounds. Also with
some students that might not have a complete grasp on english.
● The concept on U.D.L began with special education with learning disabilities as its focus
But holisticaly its contracts at their core, focused both on purposefully designing, and
personalized instruction for diverse students.
● Using technology makes it easier to reach more diverse students by allowing learning
material. To be categorized by many sub categories and even making it fun. For students
and easily to interact with.

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