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Administrator: Bonnie Caldwell

Intern Teacher: Megan Fong

Administrator Comments:

Megan Fong has been a part of our Killarney School staff for her fall internship in our Music Program. She taught
grades K-6 in the capacity of a Music teacher. As Principal of Killarney School, I observed Megan's classroom practice
throughout her time with us. From the first time Megan met with her mentor teacher and me, we recognized she was an
exceptional music educator. She demonstrated an interest in learning and collaborating and was able to seamlessly
integrate into our staff. She took the initiative to ask questions and to also get to know students as individuals. Her
understanding of our students provided a strong foundation from which she was able to begin personalizing learning. I
focused on the growth Megan's classroom management and the development of her relationships with students during
my observations.

Megan worked hard over the term to develop classroom management skills through building relationships with
students. Megan created a culture of care and respect and fostered a climate of shared learning as an ensemble.
Students were able to take risks in their learning of music and were supported by Megan to learn from mistakes. She held
students accountable for their actions and had high expectations that they would showcase their very best when
needed. In turn, the students were able to learn in a safe environment and demonstrate high level performances to our
school community in assemblies.

Megan's understanding of the Alberta Program of Studies was evident in the design of tasks as each lesson
demonstrated intentional learning outcomes in Music. She was extremely organized and came to school each day
prepared and ready to guide students. Megan was open to feedback for learning and would seek ways to improve and
grow her classroom practice. I sometimes viewed her as a co-teacher with her mentor teacher as she and Sue were an
collaborative, effective music team mutually sharing ideas and feedback.

Megan was a consummate professional in all her interactions with others, work ethic, willingness to participate in our
professional learning opportunities, and her adaptability to whatever was needed for student success.

As a beginning teacher, Megan has the skills to ensure students have opportunities to learn and participate in a
wonderful music program and performance-based endeavours and I encourage Megan to continue to grow her capacity
as an educator and delve deeper into the work of task design and assessment and how Music knowledge can be
integrated across the curriculum.

It has been a pleasure to have Megan as part of "Team Killarney" and I have absolute confidence that she will be a valued
addition to any staff. She will always be welcome at Killarney School!

Administrator Signature Date

This page is to be returned to the UC to be included in the PS III Final Report.

U of L: PS III Final Report: (Revised: January 2018) Page 5 of 5

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