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• Electricity and magnetism + Making electricity work —> know the names and what
they did, know which contributions are the most important (Franklin’s
contribution isn’t as important as Maxwell)
• Telegraphs and Telephone (know how they work, why do we still use telephone but
why is the telegraph obsolete? India still uses telegraph because no power
• Light and Power (know difference between AC and DC; what are we using now?
• Electromagnetic waves (appreciation of propagation of wireless communication
based on electromagnetic waves that makes am radio, tv, radar, cellular and
wireless communication)
• Won’t ask how tv and radar work
• Electronics (vacuum tube, transistor, IC) — appreciation of how they affect our
lives. Transistor is better than Vacuum tube. What would happen if IC wasn’t
developed? What do ICs bring about? ans. everything becomes smaller, more
reliable, consumes less power and easier to mass produce so end effect is that
it’s less expensive
• Don’t worry about computers, lasers and fiber optics, WW II (in Radar), analogue
and digital (pt.II) Control systems (pt.II)
• Remember contributions of electrical engineering in medicine. EEE won’t cure you
except if you want to die. Look at the areas where EEE has contributed in
medicine —imaging, implants and replacement parts
• Know the difference between eng. and science, technicians and engineers, see
how EEE interacts with the different professions. Imagine how target
profession is affected by EEE.

Bring Bond Paper or yellow pad. write on only one side. All questions will be essay type.
Long answers do not guarantee good points. Short and concise.

2nd Half
Electricity in the home
• power system : energy from natural to electrical
• why transform power? only way to transfer energy over long distances
• Transmission towers are tall because the voltage is high
• Generation system: site specific —(ex. coal mines in the east of the US,hoover dam
from the rocky mountains) can’t just build a power plant anywhere, you need a
source of power, have to be close to water sources
• Heat vs. Water — can only use water if its moving, get more energy from steam
• largest dam in the world: 3 gorges dam in China
• Can have electricity as long as you have water
• Hydro electric plants only work if you have excess power — you can’t operate it at low
levels, it has to be full capacity
• Coal power plant is the most polluting — from burning coal
• need to use separator — on its own not enough power, and like a hot spring it smells
because of sulfur
• Better to have centrally generated energy to minimize waste of energy and
producing little over demand

• A grid works well as a power distribution system because it allows for sharing of
• In the US, maximum loads happen during summer because everyone using air
• Grid system failure: If a plant is at maximum then it disconnects from the grid, other
plant s will try to make up for it. if everyone disconnects —> system will fail and
there will be a black out (total blackout will take at least one day to recover). If
one piece of the system fails, and the pieces near it cannot handle the increased
demand in power, it will also fail.
• When there’s a black out —> stop burning fuel
• Thermal plants: need electricity to heat water , solution: use power from hydro-
• To solve the problem of blackouts, they have proposed smart grids so that when
plants see a problem they will disconnect from the grid and only serve small
• One way to reduce blackout is to increase individual power line max load —but is an
expensive investment

Transmission System
• Most important major interconnection is the Leyte-Luzon interconnect (440
megawatts) and Leyte-Cebu (200 megawatts) Leyte has a large geothermal
• Closest switchyard is near Iglesia ni Cristo (serves entire UP campus)
• Power transformer: Radiators and tanks —when you pass large amounts of power it
gets high, need to cool the transformer

• teletype —sophisticated telegraph, just type words directly and will be sent to a
teletype on the other end using a specific code
Functional Units of a compute
• Memory
• Input/ Output
• Dot matrix —unclear picture/ doesn’t look nice
• Daisy while —high quality but really slow
• Primary —more expensive
• Secondary —cheaper but has larger storage space
• ROM —keeps everything when you lose power
• RAM —when you turn off power the RAM forgets everything; but need instructions to
make it work
• Motherboard — connects the machine (layout is called a form factor)
• CPU —runs software process, brain of the computers
• RAM —sits on the motherboard and holds the data that the computer runs
• Video Card —creates the images that appear on the monitor; more video cards faster
• Power supply —supplies the power the computer needs
• Hard disk —holds info even when the power is off
• Optical drive —uses a laser to read or write CDs/DVD
• ** more memory will speed up system — with more RAM don’t need to go to hard
disk (which is slow)
• Different sockets for newer machines
• need more connectors for new CPUs so the old ones won’t work
• northbridge and southbridge
• north bridge —CPU and other faster devices
• South bridge — hard disk and other slower devices
• Don’t want to mix it up because it will be a lot slower
• Human being is the slowest part of the system
Powering up a PC
• BIOS loads operating system and looks for a boot disk (contains operating system);
need memory to execute and load
• Cannot execute OS if its in hard disk, has to be in RAM; Primary task of BIOS is to
copy OS into RAM and start OS, once OS shows up on desktop BIOS has done
its job
• BIOS performs tests to make sure that everything is working (like ENIAC looking for
busted vacuum tubes)
• BIOS retains info even if there isn’t any power
• Need BIOS in all devices (even in smartphone)

• Micro processor only understands its own instructions

• CPU only understands binary (0 and 1) — but most people have a hard time
programming in 0 and 1

2 types of software
• Operating system
• Application programs

Device Drivers
• software understands instructions however, hardware doesn’t necessarily
understand 0 and 1, device drivers translates 0 and 1 so can work with mouse,
keyboard and hard drive

Cold boot vs. Reboot

• Cold Boot -restart computer from scratch
• Reboot - gone through power test

Biggest user of supercomputer is US — physics simulate nuclear explosions, can’t test in

the atmosphere. Need to have starting data
Mainframe —use in banks
Server —

Communication Systems
Fidelity —there can be distortion in the channel you are using
Simplex — radio (one direction only)
Equalizer —need it because imperfect response in audio system; ideal response is linear
sound wave —correct distortion by manipulating sound switches

Accuracy is easier to achieve than fidelity

Biggest user of A-D to D-A is mobile communication system


How Cellphones Work

• Control channel — a special frequency that the phone and base station use to talk to
one another about things like call set up and channel changing
• Control channel is overhead for managing the system
• Get transferred from cell tower to cell tower (happens seamlessly)

Shift to digital communication

• Want frequency to be far apart so that there’s no interference (done with the
analogue system)
• First word —access method; second word “division” —splits cells
• FDMA —puts each call
• Can compress signal using digital coding so that it can fit in a time slot (used in GSM
• CDMA —primarily an american system with a unique code to recombine chunks but
need to know which sound signals came first. Know which one came first using a
time stamp for each chunk. Get a time stamp using an independent clock (not in
your cellphone but in the person you’re talking to) use GPS. All the chunks of
code will have a unique code and a time stamp so when they’re recombined
know which ones come first. One’s you know the order then you can convert it
back to analogue. Most complicated but the best because it makes use of the
whole spectrum. No limitation of time slots.
Frequency Division Multiple Access
• Simple concept and implementation used in the analogue cellphone
• Time division give time slots
Code Division Multiple Access
• All users are assigned a unique code
• No limitations due to frequency reuse
• Reason why it is the basis for new technology: more information and access to more
• Means no sim card
• Home Location Register —contains all permanent subscriber information including
their service profile, location information, and activity status

Evolution of Mobile communication

Mobile Communication- Not limited by requirements for LAN; easier to set up and
requires less to set up. Usually don’t put up towers
E-commerce- Tremendous increase in US and China
Deregulation - helps create better communication systems (PLDT — bad
communication because no competition) —deregulation came up during the time of

Modems and DSL

• MODEM —used to send digital data over a phone line. The sending modem
modulates the data into a signal that is compatible with the phone line
• Shannon’s law
• Usually the ISP has a direct digital line tot he telephone company
• Theoretically we could transmit 64 kbps but A-D at the central office is non-linear and
1 bit is lost every 6th sample (indicates that something is still going on and
connection should be cut in the local exchange)
• How it works: It transmits a tone for 0 and a tone for 1
• Nobody uses old models anymore because they are very slow
• Most of the time people now use DSL which can transfer 1.5 mbps or higher
• Data rates are much higher than the regular voice channel
• Also uses telephone wires
• Maximum distance is still 5 km
• PROS: can use your phone for voice calls and surf the net at the same time, download
up to 27 times faster than a 56k modem and doesn’t require wiring
• CONS: works better when you are closer to the provider’s central office, slow
uploading data (because designed a long time ago and only few people use it),
not available everywhere and expensive
• HOW DSL WORKS: Copper wires have lot of room for carrying more than phone
conversions > DSL exploits this extra capacity to carry info on the wire without
disturbing the line’s ability to carry conversations > the entire plan is based on
matching particular frequencies to tasks
• reasons why there is no interference is that DSL sends digital rather than analog data
• Phone and TV DSL < Phone DSL because If there’s a disruption in the wires then the
signal will not reach you
Wireless LAN
• communicate using standard network protocols without wires

The Internet/ Introduction to Computer Networks

• Computer networks are communication networks in which end instruments are
• goal of manufacturers is to make all applications connected to the internet
• communication links make up the internet
• best sample of peer to peer
• packet vs landline switching
• if connectionless > more reliable
• hierarchical network that uses packet switching that doesn’t need a dedicated
network (different from circuit switching—landline telephone needs dedicated
telephone bandwidth) - system looks for easiest way to get to the target

Root name servers

• more in the US because they set up the internet for military operations
• arpa: name of the initial organization that gave funding to the project (defense

Domain Name System

• Local name server —each ISP, company has local default name server
• to find the ip address have to look at the DNS

Simplest example of a control system is a refrigerator

• Industrial Robots —robot arm
• Domestic robot —vacuum cleaner
What makes up a robot?
• power
• Sensors
• Motors and Drive Controls
• Controller
• Low level and high level program

More robots today because of the presence of more low cost processors

Robots vs Humans
• Untiring nature
• Predictable
• Precise
• Reliable
• Can work in hostile environments
• React

• Robots use some mapping scheme; military robots are not autonomous (controlled
by soldier) while vacuum robot is autonomous
• Kiva systems —delivery robots for inventory operations (restocking)

Renewable Energy
• Understand how power goes through generation > distribution.
• Why do we still rely on non-renewable resources? lack government resolution for
energy conservation
• What does BIOS? what does the OS do? why do we need vis for operating systems?
Communication systems
• how does the mobile system work?
• how do you connect mobile> landline and vice versa
• what makes the mobile system work
• understand what cellular systems mean? need layers
• Implements same tech in mobile telephone (cells, roaming etc.)
• understand importance of base stations
• advantage of cellular system over old large central power transmitter
Computer Networks
• know difference between pocket and circuit switching
• internet
• understand the use of domain name system. Why do we need it?
• Understand the use of ___scheme. how its adopted by certain users (military,
undersea submersible, why are some autonomous?e.g. soccer playing robots,
mars rover)

• Emphasis is on how systems work

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