Screen-Cast-O-Matic Casters Multimedia Storyboard

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Running head: STORYBOARDS 1

Jhody-Ann Neita

Oliver Norman

Nickesha Senior

Shena Faria

EDID 6508 Developing Instructional Media

Assignment 3 Section 1- Storyboards

28th November 2018

Dr. LeRoy Hill

University of the West Indies, Open Campus


Storyboards for Multimedia Project

Screen: 1 of 9

Project: Use of indefinite articles for Spanish nouns

Date: 24th November 2018

Scene Description: The 1st Scene in this lesson will appeal to the learner’s curiosity about

using indefinite articles and inform them that they will be able to use indefinite articles for

masculine and feminine Spanish nouns appropriately-This slide will be the first slide of the


Functionality/Interactivity: To capture the attention of the Learner and to inform him/her of

the objectives of the lesson through audio recording and music in presentation slide.-

Attention is captured and there will be a statement that the learner will be taught how to use

indefinite articles for masculine and feminine Spanish nouns.



Century Gothic size 88-font was used for the one greeting of the slide. The colour was

selected to contrast with the yellow background. The text “Click to hear music and narration”

is Century gothic, size 20,font



There will be an upbeat merengue instrumental at the start of this scene. This will continue

for 4 seconds and fade away to allow for speech with the introduction to the topic and



“Hola!. Today we are going to learn how to use indefinite articles with masculine and

feminine nouns in Spanish.”

sound effects.

There will be a recorded narration and music that both instructor and student can click on.

The rectangle shape with the “¡Hola!”is also introduced with a drum roll sound effect.

text attributes.


still images.

There is a purple and blue border at the top of the slide, 2 Latin American cultural images

and a blue pink and green gradient filled shape across the bottom of the slide to enhance the

visual appeal of the scene. The yellow rectangle containing the text has the Swivel animation

to add effect to this introductory slide.

Screen: 2 of 9
Project: Use of indefinite articles for Spanish nouns
Date: 24th November 2018

Scene Description: The 2nd Scene in this lesson will state the objectives explicitly in visual

and auditory(optional) words . This slide will be the 2nd slide in the presentation.

Functionality/Interactivity: To state visually and in audio(optional) on a presentation slide

the objectives of the lesson-After this lesson You will learn:

 What an indefinite article is as opposed to a definite article

 To place the appropriate indefinite article with singular Spanish masculine nouns

 To place the appropriate indefinite article with singular Spanish feminine nouns

 To place the appropriate indefinite article with plural Spanish masculine nouns

 To place the appropriate indefinite articles with plural Spanish feminine nouns


Word Art Century gothic, size 48 font was used for the introduction to the objectives and
Comic Sans MS, size 30,font was used for the list of objectives. The title has the “Grow and

Turn” animation to add effect to the slide. Each of the other points on the slide have the “Fly-

in” animation from the bottom of the slide. The font colours were selected to complement the

border colours of the slides and to be visible on the white background. The points on this

slide have a slow “Fly-in” animation to facilitate easy reading of the slide.

The narration for all the words on this slide is represented by the speaker icon on the bottom

left of the slide which the viewer can click to listen to if he/she wishes. This icon should be

clicked soon after the title lands on the screen.

There will be no music used in this scene
Sound effects.

There will be no sound effects in this scene. The only sound is the narration

text attributes.
After this lesson, you will learn:
• What an indefinite article is as opposed to a definite article.
• To place the appropriate indefinite article with singular Spanish masculine nouns
• To place the appropriate indefinite article with singular Spanish feminine nouns
• To place the appropriate indefinite article with plural Spanish masculine nouns
• To place the appropriate indefinite article with plural Spanish feminine nouns
still images.
There are Latin American cultural images added to the slide that add to the visual appeal of

the scene and hold viewer interest.

Screen: 3 of 9
Project: Use of indefinite articles for Spanish nouns

Date: 24th November 2018

Scene Description: The third scene in this lesson will address definite articles and how to

recognize most Spanish feminine and masculine singular nouns and Spanish plural

masculine and feminine nouns . This will be the 3rd slide of the lesson.


To stimulate prior learning visually and in audio(optional)- The definite article is ‘the’ in

English and is used to refer to something specific and already known by both speaker and

listener. In Spanish ‘the’ is ‘el,’ for masculine singular nouns ‘la,’ for feminine singular

nouns ‘los,’ for plural masculine nouns ‘las,’ for plural feminine. Most masculine singular

nouns in Spanish end in ‘o.’Most feminine singular nouns end in ‘a.’ Most masculine plural

nouns end in ‘os’ and ‘es.’ Most feminine plural nouns end in ‘as.’

Word Art Century gothic, size 40, font was used for the title of the slide and Comic Sans MS,

size 24 and 20, font was used for supporting text. The title has a Zoom animation to add

effect to the slide. The font colours were selected to complement the border colours of the

slides, stand out from the white background and to add visual appeal and reader friendliness.

The points in this slide have a slow “Fly-in” animation to facilitate easy reading of the slide.


There is no music in this scene

sound effects.

There will be recorded narration for the words on the slide that the viewer can click on for

access. The title is introduced with a “coin” sound effect.

text attributes.

Definite Articles

‘The’ in English.

Refer to something specific and already known by both listener and speaker

In Spanish ‘the’ means ‘el’ -for masculine singular nouns

‘la’- for feminine singular nouns

‘los’- for masculine plural nouns

‘las’- for feminine plural nouns

Most masculine singular nouns in Spanish end in ‘o’

Most feminine singular nouns in Spanish end in ‘a’

Most masculine plural nouns in Spanish end in ‘os’ or ‘es’

Most feminine plural nouns in Spanish end in ‘as.’

still images.

There are Latin American cultural images in this scene to add to visual appeal.

Screen 4 of 9

Project: Use of indefinite articles for Spanish nouns.

Date: 24th November 2018

Scene Description: The 4th scene of the lesson will address the importance of learning

indefinite articles and introduce the instructional video which would come after.

Functionality/Interactivity: To present through video recording the importance of learning

the new material as well as introduce the instructional video with the new material- Correct

use of articles is a sign of mastery of the language and exactness in thought and expression.

A brief retouch on definite articles and explanation of the main topic for the lesson, Indefinite

articles, would be presented in the Instructional video which would come after.



There will be no fonts used in this scene.

“Hola again. So, why should we learn about indefinite articles? Well, the experts say that

correct use of articles is a sign of mastery of the language and exactness in thought and

expression. I will show you my instructional video where I’ll be re-touching very briefly on

definite articles and explaining our main topic for this lesson, Indefinite articles. Hope you



No music will be used in this scene.

sound effects.

There would be no sound effects in this scene. The only sound is the recorded speech.

text attributes.

There will be no text attributes in this scene.

still images.

There will be no still images in this scene.

Screen: 5of 9
Project: Use of indefinite articles for Spanish nouns.

Date: 24th November 2018

Scene Description: The 5th scene of the lesson will address the use of definite articles for

Spanish nouns very briefly as well as the new and main topic for the lesson, Indefinite

articles for Spanish nouns. This will be the fifth scene of the lesson.

Functionality/Interactivity: To briefly stimulate prior knowledge and then present the new

material to the learner through video - Definite articles introduce specific nouns to both

listener and speaker, and mean ‘the’ in English. However, indefinite articles introduce non-

specific nouns to both listener and speaker and mean ‘a,’ ‘an’ and ‘some’ in English. In

Spanish, ‘a’ is ‘un’ in Spanish to introduce a singular masculine noun and ‘una’ to introduce

a feminine singular noun. ‘Some’ is ‘unos’ in Spanish to introduce a plural masculine noun

and ‘unas’ to introduce a plural feminine noun.


There are Powtoon title fonts in this scene. The main headings would be placed in Nexa

font size 50 and 58 and the supporting text in Nexa, size 32, 40 and 44. The font styles used

were Nexa for most of the text and Permanent Marker for a supporting word on a slide,

which had a font size of 46. The colours of the fonts used are dark blue and green to contrast

with orange, purple and pink backgrounds and fuchsia and purple to contrast with green

backgrounds. The font styles, sizes and colours were used to ensure readability and

maintenance of learner interest.

The will be background Spanish pop music for this scene.
sound effects.
The only sound heard in this scene would be the recorded narration explaining the articles

and the background music.

text attributes.

The text, which accompanies the narration, will appear in the video.

Screenshots of Video Presenting New Material with its displayed Text

still images.
There are still images of arrows to add direction to the explaining text. Speech bubbles, a star

and a think bubble would be used to add visual appeal, hold viewer interest and enhance

their experience. There are star, explosion, circular and box animated images to add visual

appeal and enhance viewer experience.

Screen:6 of 9
Project: Use of indefinite articles for Spanish nouns

Date: 24th November 2018

Scene Description: The 5th scene will guide the learner in developing understanding of how

to use the indefinite article in Spanish through examples of nouns in presentation slides.

Functionality/Interactivity: To Provide learning guidance through presentation-rosas

(roses), a plural feminine noun will be introduced with ‘unas’(some) as its indefinite article,

carro (car), a singular masculine noun, will be introduced with ‘un’(a) as its indefinite

article, chica (girl),a singular feminine noun will be introduced with ‘una’(a) as its indefinite

article, and libros (books), a plural masculine noun will be introduced with ‘unos’(some) as

its indefinite article.

Century Gothic, size 36, font was used for the title of the slide and Century Gothic, size

36, font was used for supporting text. This font style and size was used for reading clarity.

The colours were selected to complement the border colour of the slide, for reader

friendliness as well as to highlight the main aspects of the use of the indefinite article. The

title would be introduced with a “Swivel animation.”


There is no speech in this slide.


No music will be used in this scene

sound effects.

There will be no sound effects.

still images.

There are images in this scene that correspond with the nouns highlighted and add visual

appeal and facilitate comprehension.

Screen: 6 of 9
Project: Use of indefinite articles for Spanish nouns

Date: 24th November 2018

Scene Description: The 6th scene will address the learner’s ability to choose the correct

indefinite article with singular feminine and masculine nouns and plural masculine and

feminine nouns on a game.

Functionality/Interactivity: To elicit the performance from the learner- choosing the

appropriate indefinite article according to the noun introduced on a game.



The Century Gothic, size 54 will be used for “un,” “unos,” “unas” and “una” on the

first slide and the Century Gothic, size 20 for the “Click the correct indefinite article.” The

font colours selected are black, blue, light blue, gray and light purple to contrast with white

backgrounds. The “Next,” “Begin” and “Back” in the arrows are Century Gothic size 18 and

can be selected to move. The directions are in Century Gothic, size 22 and all the main

headings and the rest of the supporting texts are in Century Gothic, size 40. Option texts can

just be clicked for selection. The option texts are in Century Gothic, size 18 and will be either

black or white to contrast with the orange or fushia pink arrow backgrounds. The font styles

and colours were selected for clarity in reading and reader-friendliness


There will be recorded narration of an introduction to the game as well as directions of the


There will be a simple tapping background instrumental for the introductory slide as well

as during the narration of the directions on the second slide. A “Jeopardy” instrumental will

play in the background for when the learner is figuring out the answer to each question. An

instrumental would also play at the concluding “Game Over” stage.

sound effects.
The only sound is the narration and music.
still images.
There will be still images in this scene to add to the visual appeal, maintain interest of the

learner and enhance the learning experience. The still images will be apples for a question,

the fuchsia pink arrows that guide movement through the game, as well as white boxes that

enclose the initial indefinite articles on the first slide. The rest of the images are animated,

which also enhance the learner experience and maintain interest.

Screen: 7 of 8
Project: Use of indefinite articles for Spanish nouns

Date: 24th Novemeber,2018

Scene Description: The 7th Scene will address assessment and feedback on the learner’s

performance in the game.

Functionality/Interactivity: To provide Feedback and Assessment- On choosing answers in

the game, correct or incorrect answers will be accompanied by an appropriate comment and

effect. The learner is required to mentally calculate his own points and develop an idea of his


The font size and style used for “Good job, ” in this scene will be unknown because it

is the default font size and style used by the Programme Power Point 365 for this operation.

It’s colour would be white which contrasts with the image that accompanies it to allow for

readability. A big red-filled “X” will appear when a wrong answer is chosen. There will also

negative or plus numbers in Century Gothic size 40 for clarity and readability for calculating..



There will be speech to accompany the “Good job” comment.


No music will be used during the display of feedback comments and score.

sound effects.

There would be the conventional “wrong” sound effect to accompany the ‘X’ when an

incorrect answer is chosen.

text attributes.

“Good job,” and “X”

still images.

There will be a big red “X” that appears when the answer chosen is incorret

Screen: 8 of 8
Project: Use of indefinite articles for Spanish nouns

Date: 24th November 2018

Scene Description: The 8th Scene will present an overview of the lesson in a Powtoon video.

Functionality/Interactivity: To enhance retention and transfer of new material in the

learner with a video for viewing and listening.


Trick noot, size 90 would be used for the initial “Hola!” Sniglet, size 40 would be used

for “Let us…” Mr .Bubble font, size 40 would be used for slides 2 to 6. On slides 7 and 8,

Noot size 46 would be used for main titles, Open Sans 28 for subtitles and Open Sans 22 for

examples. The texts styles and sizes were selected to add readability and reader friendliness.

There will be speech and music in the video
text attributes.
Text attributed to the narration heard would be displayed on the slide as the video progresses.

Screenshots of Overview Video with its displayed Text

still images.
There are still images in this scene which are associated with the words spoken and

displayed on the screen.

Screen 9 of 9

Project: Use of indefinite articles for Spanish nouns

Date: 24th November 2018

Scene Description: The 9th Scene will continue to address enhancement of learner

performance and retention with an activity involving creativity and real objects.


To further enhance retention and transfer in the learner- Looking around for real objects and

creating Indefinite article labels to stick on them.




In this scene Comic Sans MS, size 40 would be used for the title “Activity” and size 24

for the instructions. The purple font colour of this text would be used to contrast with the

yellow shape in which they are placed as well as reader friendliness.



There would be no speech in this scene.


No music would be used in this scene.

sound effects.

There would be no sound effects in this scene.

still images.

There are fuchsia- filled explosion shapes on the top left and bottom right of the rectangular

shape in which the text is displayed. These would be used to capture the interest of the


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