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yOU X!" m 156, ROCK ISLAND, MONDAY, APBIL 25, 1892. I

Single Copies 6 Cease
Per Week 1H Ceate

N with a complimentary instruction.. It is


PLANK. aid that Forman opposed instructions for POSTAGE FOR ONE CENT.
anybody but Cleveland. Strong Efforts Making to Secure the Pas-
latest ' Ticket for the National Believes Hill Will Be Nominated. sage or the Measure.
Washington, April 25. -- a strenuous
Fall Struggle. ALBANY, April 25 Captain Howell,
editor of the Atlanta Consitution, and Mr. effort is being made by persons interested
Walsh, editor of the Augusta Chronicle, In the passage of the bill recently in-
A NEW THIRD PABTY PROPOSITION. reached Albany Friday evening and left troduced In the house by Representative
Saturday morning for Saratoga. Both of Post, of Illinois, to reduce letter postage
them are ardent Hill men. "I think, from two to onecent an ounce. A circular
Teller and Polk the Team, Provided the has been distributed broadcast, and baa
C.reat parties Reject Free Sliver, and Senator Hill will be nominated at Chi- been received by nearly every member of
That Doctrine To Be the Entire Plat- cago," said Captain Howell, "as between the present congress, stating that 104
form Call for a Silver Convention A Mr. Hill and Mr. Cleveland the former is members have promised to vote for the
Conference of the Alliance Called at the stronger throughout the south." Free bill, and urging
silver is popular at the south. members
Birmingham, Ala., June 3 Some South- to support it. The circular has been sent
ern Partisans of Hilt Notes. --
Wasn't a Cleveland-Hi- to the people in all doubtful congressional
Affair. ll
districts asking that their representatives
"Washington, April 85. Senators Teller, Washington, April 25 Rockwell, con-test- ee
be instructed to vote for the measure.
Morgan, Daniel and Sanders are said to in the Noyes-Rockwe-
election case,
Means a Loss of 32,000,000.
have taken an active part during the past decided in the house Friday, has made the In response to requests from the house
week in the secret proceedings of the na- following statement: "The allusion by committee ou post offices and post roads as
tional silver committee which has been in O'Ferrall on the floor of the house to pres- to the effect of postage. Postmaster
session in this city. Twenty states were idential politics was unkind both to Mr. General Wanamaker has answered that
represented, and it has developed that the Cleveland and Mr. Hill, and was unjusti- from the best figures and estimates iu the
meeting was of more than ordinary im- fied and uncalled for. I number among hands pf the department the reduction of
my friends on the floor of the house the postage to 1 cent would result in a re-
portance. It is stated by members of the friends of Mr. Cleveland as well as those duction of the income of the postoftice
committee that a last effort will be made of Mr. Hill, and I have always and on this year to the amount of
by the free coinage advocates at their con- every occasion taken especial pains to im- He thinks that while it may
vention, which has been called to meet in press upon members that I did not desire reasonably be expected that the stimulus
Washington on May 2, to induce one of any such question to be brought into the of lower rates would result in something
the great political parties to incorporate in case." more than a normal growth of the business,
its platform a free coinage plank. To Reapportion New York. it is not proliable that the revenue derived
Teller ami Polk ami Free Silver. from the extra business would, at the pres-
Albany, N. Y., April 35. Both branches ent time, compensate for the loss incurred
Mf affairs in that direction fail the free of the legislature meet tonight at 8:30 through a reduction of rate. The postmas-
tinge mcuwill takesteps to organize o'clock in extraordinary session, and ter general is in favor of a reduction of let-
a third party, the basis of which will be Governor Flower will send in a proclama- ter postage at the proper time, but does
the Farmer's Alliance, and all devoted ad- tion directing it to act upon the new cen not believe it has yet arrived.
vocates of free silver; that aconvention will sus, and in accordance with its findings to
be called at which Senator Teller will be reapportion the state into new senate and Looks Like Natural Cii.sednees. .'
assembly districts. It is expected that the SUAMOKIN, Pa., April 25. Charles Koon
nominated for president and Colonel Polk,
of the Alliance, for vice president, with a census complete will be printed and on ev- and another brakeman named Lutx were
ery member's desk at that time, and that shot by a boy near Hellmore colliery Sat-
platform containing but asingle plank, pro- active debate on the new districts will urday morning. Koou and his com pan ion
viding for the free and unlimited coinage begin at once.
of lioth gold and silver. Friends of Sena-
were on lop of a box car in the middle of
Might Just as Well Go Back, Then. a freight train on the Lehigh Valley rail-
tor Teller maintain that he will accept the road when they discovered two boys near

nomination upon a strictly financial plat- New Yor.K, April 25. "I have come back the track, oue of whom carried a gun. As
form, provi.led the great parties nominate to ask my people to put me in the White the car on which
men unfriendly to free coinage. the brakemen stood
House." Thus spoke Mrs. John Biddulph neared the boy he took quick aim and
Count of Political Chickens. Martin Victoria l, of fired. Both brakemen fell on top of the

A gentleman familiar with the move- American fame. Mrs. Martin, her sister car. Koon was shot in one eve ami M
ment figures that Teller and Polk would Lady Cook, formerly Tennie Claflin, and wound is considered fatal. Lutz wns shot
certainly lie able to carry the states of John Biddulph Martin, the London mill- in the shoulder and side, hut is not dan-
Georgia, Alabama, North Carolina. South ionaire banker, arrived Friday on the gerously wounded. The bovs were ar
Carolina, Colorado, Nevada, Montana, Ne- steamship Trave from Bremen. rested.
braska, Kansas, Washington, and Idaho;
have anxqual show with other candidates Harrison Ahead in Ohio. Death of an Ancient Negress.
in Illimjfs, Missouri, Minnesota, Arkansas, Colimbcs, O., April 25. George K. Crawfordsville, Ind., April 25. Cas-
and Tejtfts. and if unable to secure election Nash and Cyrus Huling were Saturday sandra Ketcham, a negress, and one of the


direct, that they could at least throw the elected delegates to the national Repub- centenarians in this section of the state,
choice of a president into the house of rep- lican convention at Minneapolis. Nash is
resentatives, where it is claimed the free died in Crawfordsville Saturday at tho
coinage candidate would be almost certain in favor of renominating Harrison, while age of 104 years. The deceased was born
of elect ion. Huling is classed as an a slave in Maryland, and was brought to
A Free Coinage Call. man. The Harrison men claim Indiana by the father of General Can by,
forty county delegations out of fifty-si- x who was killed in the Modoc war. She
The national silver committee's call for that have been chosen. was nurset o Geueral Canby, and possessed
a convention contains the standard free a highly prized sword which her young
Eilver arguments and predictions, and Iowa Democrats for Boies.
says: "His understanding must be de- master wore while a West Point student

Des Moines, la., April 85. and presented to her.
fective who does not know that the de- county convention Saturday Atthirty-tw- the Polk
monetization of silver increased the money delegates were Miners and Operators Agree.
standard of the United States and of the selected to the state con-
BRAZIL, Ind., 'April 25. The block coal
world, and his conscience must be seared vention and instructed for Boies. mResolu- miners of this district Saturday selected a
who would attempt to justify it. tions were adopted declaring tariff-refor-
There may be those who are tired of the the paramount issue and commending committee to to meet the operators' com-
silver question, but the question of gold Colonel L. M. Martin, of this city, as mittee aud the two got together later and

Underselling monometalisru are too threatening to

permit the cause of silver to be smothered,
and to abandon it is to give over to ulti-
mate slavery the toilers of the land. No, week
the silver question will not down. It is an
How the Vote Was Divided.
Washington, April 25. In the vote last
on retaining Rockwell in his seat
there were thirty-nin- e
reached an agreement as to a scale. The
scale of 70 cents a ton for digging coal of
the standard thickness and payment for
low coal upon the same basis as was ia
force during last year was agreed, upon,

issue paramount to all others." Democrats voted an exact duplicate of last year's scale.
with the solid Republican phalanx of fifty President Comisky and Secretary Ken-
to give the seat to Noyes. All the Inde- nedy were in attendance.

pendents voted the same way, the Rock- 'A
Executive Committees ofSlxteen States to well vote being entirely Democratic. Took Two Pops at Each Other.
Hold a Council. Brussels, April 25. A duel was fought
Washington, April L5. The Post pub- Selected a Harrison Delegation. Saturday afternoon between Edward Fox
lishes the following Alliance circular ad- Memphis, April 25. The Republicans of and Hallett Alsop Borrowe, in the hollows
dressed to "Dear Sir and Brother," which the Tenth congressional district held a of the sand dunes, on the Belgian coast,
after enlarging on the importance of con- convention here, and selected a Harrison near Nieupor Bains, a few miles from

ox Everything
Oa-ten- d.

cert of action and declaring that the delegation to attend the state conven- Two rounds were fired, and Bor-row- e's

nation is too big to hold a national con- tion for the selection of delegates to Min-
bullet scrap ed Cox's trousers just
vention unless at an expense too great to below the vest. The two men Bad a falling
be borne with convenience, says: "It has, Political Points. out over a scandal in which Borrowe was
Democrat of Fremont county, la., In- one principal and Mrs. Drayton, a member
therefore, been decided by the national of New York's "400," the other, both how-
president and national executive board structed for Boies.
Cincinnati Republicans did not in- ever denying anything wrong.
that the president and executive commit-
tees of the states having like differences to struct, but selected Blaine delegates. The Theosophists In Conference.
meet and be called together in council, Harrison delegates were elected at Re-
Watch Hand-bill- s for ,at Birmingham, Ala., on Tues- publican conventions in Winnebago.Mani-towo- c,
day the d day of May, 1893. Walworth, La Crosse and
s. Jeffer-countie-
Chicago, April 25. The American sec-
tion of the International Society of The-
osophists at its annual convention at the
Important Without a Parallel.
The president and members of the exec- Republican? at Buffalo selected oneHar-so- n Palmer house yesterday declined to ac-ce-

utive committees of the following state and one delegate to the

n the resignation nf t'olnnel IT S3 ri
Alliances have been invited to attend: Minneapolis convention. cott as president of the organisation, and
Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, North Rochelle, Ills., elected eighteen dele- intimated its aesire that He continue in

SPECIAL SALE Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Georgia, gates to the Ogle county convention fa-
Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, vorable to Joel M. Longenecker for gov-
Arkansas, Missouri, Kentucky, Oklahoma ernor.
and Tennessee. The importance of this A call has been issued by prominent col-
that position for life. If he insisted ou re-
tiring then W. Q. Judge, of New York,
was indorsed for nresirlnnt Than
about 100 delegates in attendance, many
meeting and of having every one of these ored men at Chicago and elsewhere for a ui mem women.
states fully represented is without a par- national conference of colored Republicans
allel. Let no ordinary cause prevent your at Chicago June 4 next to consider the po- Foond Her Guilty Enoogh to Hang.
coming, but should you find it utterly im- sition of the negro relative to southern Kaksas City, April 25. After being out
possible for you to come have your com- legislation and methods of justice. Among sixteen hours the jury found Amanda s Um-ble-

mittee to select a proxy for you. the signers are John G. Jones, Perry Car-so- n guilty of murder in the first degree.

Saturday, April 23,

And Dead Secret.
an-th- and Colonel James Lewis (of Lou- This means that she will bang. Umbles
"It is understood that this meeting will isiana). is a black woman who last May, on ac-
be strictly secret with none present but THE WEEKLY CROP BULLETIN. count of a lover, met Eftie Jackson on the
those invited or their properly accredited street and attacked her with a knife, chop-
proxies; that it is called by C. W. Macune, Weather and Prospects In Four of the ping the woman almost in pieces, till she
as chairman of the national executive Western States. fell dead on the sidewalk.
board,' acting under the advice and ap- Washington, April 25. The following
proval of the president and executive is the weekly crop bulletin issued by the
board, and that no one is to be apprised weather bureau for the week ended April
of the sieeting before it convenes. You 22 for the sections mentioned below: Illi- .

are requested to at once notify Brother

Macune, 241 North Capitol street, if you nois normal;
Temperature and sunshine below
rainfall normal in extreme north- PJiffDON US
PROMOTERS OF LOW PRICES will be present or who will be your proxy.
Let us in conclusion appeal to you by all ern portion, elsewhere above and well dis-
that you love in this cause, be present.". tributed; general condition injurious to
crops; oat seeding partially completed;
For referrmg to a subject so anosnaL bat
It may linos i Interest for some to knew
Returns from Louisiana. plowing for corn in northern counties; in
New Orleans, April 25. The complete other counties work at a standstill, with
returns of the recent election are now in. large acreage of oats and wheat, and es-
Makes no difference how low anyone's prices Foster received 70,176 and McEnery 40,006. pecially in southern portion, still under
The two Republican candidates received: water. Michigan Temperature and rain-
Leonard, 29,062, and Breaux, 12,012. fall below and sunshine normal; wheat
Tau-nehi- ll,

are, THE LONDON always goes them one lower. the Labor candidate,received 8,479. doing finely in most southern counties
Foster's plurality is 30,170. The small vote and oats being sown; all crops will thrive
given to Breaux, the administration Re- well with warmer weather; fruit prospects
publican candidate, is explained to be due good on all sides.
to the better element of the negroes vot-
ing for Foster as the
It Wisconsin and Iowa.
Wisconsin Freezing temperature every
y repre-

WE LEAD-NEV- ER FOLLOW. sentative, they understanding that Presi- night has lowered the condition of winter
dent Harrison desired them to do so. Fos- grains; vegetation stationary and suffer-
ter has a majority of one in the senate and ing from cold: needing general and ground
is five short of a majority in the house. in good condition. Iowa Temperature
Is sold for half the arlre of the otner
kinds. 14 MILD, we say if Inequality
below average; rainfall above average and was not wnat It should be, of course It
Palmer Holds a Conference. excessive in localities; heavy snow iu would not sell at aU.
Washington, April 23. It is stated that northern portiou Wednesday; farm work

Senator Palmer last week held a conference at a standstill, but with favorable weather
with the Illinois delegation in the house seeding will be completed aud plovviug for
to put his position before them; that he corn begun next week.
The Millionaire
told them he was a Cleveland man, and Baking Powder Companies say doUmbsi
did not want to antagonise Cleveland, but A Big Record of Immigrants. of their exorbitant prices, but talk euo--
many Illinois Democratic conventions had New Yoke, April 25. During the past tinually of ctietatrel analysis. Ax.
instructed for him, and he wanted to know

&AJ & RICE. the feeling of the representatives as to week

matter. He would be Derfectlv satisfied landed
Tear so
16,24'J immigrants were l.inded nt
what the state convention should do In the this port. This any
is the largest nuinlw.
one week dunu w,
Let the scientists lead the sctennsta, sot
let practical women try Climax, and
Judge tor themselves.


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