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Child/Hine: Bushra.

Kaiako: Naema. Date:
September/Mahuru , 2018.
An-Nur childcare.

Asalam-o-Alaikum, kia Ora! Bushra, your last story was about how you have been keeping
the information to articulate to new experiences and how you have been taking
responsibility for your leaning. During last few weeks we have been encouraging you to
participate at mat time by asking open-ended questions about days, weather and other
topics. We also setup group activities to get you involve in group play. I noticed Bushra you
have been enjoying the company of Samera Saloomi and Thaakeira.

Today I saw you and Samira playing in the family area where you were crunched up in a
position where it was not easy to pass around you. I asked Samira if she could find open place
to play. Samira took the marble-run and came to the main room but Bushra you were not
pleased with that and stood there. I asked, “Bushra are you okay?” You nodded your head
and pointed to Samira. To further clarify the situation I asked again, “what about Samira?”
You mumbled but did not said anything. To understand your feeling and to support your
confidence to express your emotions, I said Bushra I don’t understand what you are saying
and encouraged you to take a deep breath and tell me why you were sad? You pointed to
Samira and said, “She took marble game there. I said, “Bushra I told her this place is not big
enough for a group game therefore she took ‘Marble-runner over there so they have more
space to sit together. You nodded your head again as you did not look very happy with my
explanation. I mentioned to you that if you want you can join them over there otherwise you
will miss out from the fun. I noticed you stood there for some time and watched the children
having turns with marble-run game then you looked at the marble in your hand and made
your way to join them. I noticed you followed Samira’s instructions and were waiting for
your turn and sharing among your peers.
What is happening?
Bushra your learning pathway this term is to increase your confidence to cope with changes.
Bushra! You have been gaining the confidence to express, articulate and resolve a range of
emotions. It is evident that you have been finding strategies to play with others. You have
been developing the understanding how much it is fun to play with others as a team.

We extend this learning?

Staff will keep reciprocal relation with you to participate in all learning opportunities and
gain more confidence in expressing yourself. We will encourage you to take responsibility
for your learning and finding strategies to play with other, identifying and accepting other
point of view, sharing, turn taking and developing social skills.

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