Recommendation Letter For Mr. Henry Mena January 3, 2017

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Daniel Darancou

Vice President of Design


Beijing, China

Recommendation letter for Mr. Henry Mena January 3, 2017

To whom it may concern,

It is with sincere conviction that I take this opportunity to offer my professional recommendation on
behalf of Henry Mena. It was a nice turn of events that led me to meet with Henry to discuss the
possibility of him joining my team as an electric vehicle designer and developer technician. I was very
impressed with his passion and knowledge in this expanding field. The specific technical and advanced
composition of an electric vehicle demands a very up to date background and training to become
qualified to join an organization requiring these critical skillsets. I asked Henry to look into gaining
additional training and perhaps a degree in the engineering and or materials applications sciences and
by all means come back to be part of my technical staff. Please give Henry the opportunity to study at
your institution. The world needs more and more experts in not just electric vehicle production but also
advanced mobility solutions to improve the transportation needs of the future. Feel free to contact me
with any questions relating to Mr. Mena’s good character or background. I wish him luck and fortitude in
his quest to find his calling. The right school in a big step in the right direction.


Daniel Darancou

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