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Dear Student,

We are so excited that you want to have a more organized schooling

experience! Being organized will help you get better grades, be healthy
and stay sane in such a busy time of your life.
Don’t forget to still use your regular POWER JOURNAL!. Your regular
POWER JOURNAL! will include your daily chores, family calendar and
personal information.
Being organized takes time and practice so don’t get discouraged. It will
be a new adjustment at first, but it will make life a lot easier if you stay
with it. You will stop worrying about getting papers turned in on time,
studying enough to pass your classes with good grades, and worrying
about not having a good diet. Instead you will be confident and feel like
you can take anything on.
Practicing good organizational skills now will benefit you in the long
run. Having organizational skills will help you balance your career and
family life without stress. Future employers will be impressed with your
ability to manage your time.
We hope you enjoy this free download to help you be successful for a

The Declutter Bugs
How to use Your Student POWER JOURNAL!
The purpose of the Student POWER JOURNAL! is to help you stay organized and as compact as
possible. No more digging around for the right notebook and folder to go with each class. The
binder has sections for each class you are taking.

1. When you get the syllabus for your classes, place them in a page
protector in your binder so you can refer to them throughout the
2. Flip through every syllabus and school calendar and place important
dates in the calendar in your binder. This way you will know when every
paper is due, tests will be and holidays.
3. Paper or notebooks should be placed in each class section. This will
be for taking notes according to your classes. It will also keep all your
notebooks and folders compact and in order.
4. Folders with pockets are placed after each class section to put papers
you have written or need to refer to. If you prepare your history paper in
advance, you will flip open your binder and put it in the “History Class”
section of your binder so it will be there when it’s time to hand in.
5. The “Contact’s Page” is for school use only. You will have as many
pages as you do classes. Each contact page will have your professor’s
name, class name, room number as well as contact information for each
professor. There are also lines to insert study partner’s name, phone
number and email address according to each class.
What You Will Need
 3 ring binder
 Page protectors
 Page dividers
 Loose leaf paper/note books
 Pencil pouch
 Calendar (8.5x11)
 Morning Routine
 Bedtime Routine
 Contacts Page (1 for each class)
 Folder with pockets (1 for each class)
Student POWER JOURNAL! Directions

1. Place pencil pouch at the front of the binder. Insert pencils/pens,

sticky notes, etc.
2. Put all documents individually in page protectors.
3. Place all pages in binder in the following order:
1. Schedule
2. Morning Routine
3. Bedtime Routine
4. Class title page & syllabus’: Insert class title page & syllabus for
class. Repeat for all your classes.
5. Calendar
6. Contact’s Page
4. Insert labeled page dividers after each of the categories & classes to
find them more quickly.
5. Place a folder with pockets after each class syllabus for putting papers
in that are due.
6. Put a notebook or loose leaf paper after each class to use for note
Morning Routine

1. Jump out of bed and hit the floor with enthusiasm (literally)!

2. Pray- we can’t get through such rigorous days without some help.

3. Get ready from head to toe. Do a little something extra to make

yourself feel confident.

4. Check your calendar & schedule.

5. Double check to make sure you have everything in your bag.

6. Eat breakfast.

7. Pack a healthy lunch.

8. Do your Daily Chores.

Bedtime Routine

1. Do your regular hygiene routine (shower, brush teeth, floss, etc.)

2. Set out your clothes for the next day.

3. Check calendar & schedule for tomorrow.

4. Gather items needed for the next day.

5. Tidy up around the house & finish any Daily Chores you missed.

6. Relax.

7. Get to bed at a decent hour.

Class Title: ______________________
Professor: ________________________
Room #: _________________________
Professor’s Email: __________________

Study Partners

Phone #:___________________



Phone #:___________________



Phone #:___________________



Phone #:___________________

Tips for Students
1. In the morning, try to do your Daily Chores last. A clean house is nice
but school should come first.
2. Be sure to eat a healthy breakfast. Breakfast means to “break your
fast” after not eating all night. Studies show students who eat breakfast
score higher on tests and have an overall better mood. (Keep reading for
great recipes to keep you energized)
3. Listen to music in the morning and before you go to bed. When
you’re getting ready for bed, listen to classical music. “Classical music from
the baroque period causes the heart beat and pulse rate to relax to the beat of the music. As the
body becomes relaxed and alert, the mind is able to concentrate more easily.”-- Laurence

In the morning listen to something upbeat, that you enjoy, to get yourself
moving and in good spirits.
4. Don’t forget to exercise! Exercise will help you stay energized and
keep you healthy.
5. When studying, take it in intervals. Study for 30 minutes then take a
break. Repeat until you’re done.
6. Write down important dates (holiday vacation, finals, papers due, etc.)
on your calendar as soon as you get them. If you are checking your
calendar daily then you won’t miss anything important. Many professors
give you a syllabus with due dates and never say anything else to remind
you of them.
7. Dress and groom yourself in a manner that makes you feel confident.
If you feel confident about yourself you won’t be afraid to pipe up in
class and ask questions. Confidence makes you feel powerful and
capable to accomplish anything.
Healthy Breakfast & Snack Ideas
1. Smoothie:
1 container Yoplait vanilla yogurt

½ cup milk

7 strawberries


2. Green Smoothie:
½ cup water

2 cups spinach

1 ½ cups mixed berries (from Costco)

7 strawberries


(Did you know: Spinach is 42% protein!)

3. Handful of almonds: Almonds are the most nutrient dense tree nut and
are a great source of protein, vitamin E & potassium.

4. Salad in a bag: I love to buy a bunch of produce and put it in

individual baggies so when I’m on the go I can have something healthy
that is already prepared.

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